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Brian And Friends = Four Horseman?

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dan made alliance first

but obvious male alliance like these never work

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I don't think Memphis is in with Brian. It was Dan, Ollie and then he made alliance with Jerry. But, all this happened in the 1st 24 hours... so, who knows how it's changed by now. I agree with some of you that say we'll have to wait for the live feeds tonight to see what's really going on.

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what I saw was Brian saying how he thought Dan was smart from the git, so he approached Dan and they connected, then Brian also said could they bring Ollie in, so that happenend, then when Brian and Jerry were in the HOH he brought Jerry in, and also stated he would want to keep Dan off the block which would have been an immeadiate red flag for me if I was Jerry.

oh and I think Steven got in there somehow, but do not think Memphis is a prt of it.

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Amen to that, Endure! There are enough BB fans in the house this time to have caught on to his "strategy." I think it was Libra or one of the girls who compared him to Dr. Will telling everyone how to vote, promising safety, etc.

As for the topic, Four Horsemen??? More like four horse's asses!

I don't think Memphis was in the original alliance. I thought it was Brian, Dan, Ollie, and Jerry (an older, smarter CB - you know, the one that really didn't fit in but had to be in the alliance because of timing. etc).

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dan made alliance first

but obvious male alliance like these never work

The only one that has ever really worked is Mikey Boogie and Dr. Will. That's what these two tired to do I think and they failed I do like Brian though I think he is a good player he just way overplayed himself.

O and I suppose Adam and Ryan, but that only worked out of dumb luck!!!! :animated_rotfl:

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