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March 20 - Live Feed Updates

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2:35 PM BBT: Nominations have NOT been made. Natalie Shelia and Adam discussing bra sizes in the BY. shelia says "if you have to put me up then put me up." They keep talking about the future nominations. They say they all would have been screwed if Chelsea had won. Adam says he would have been fine. Shelia says "Dont kid yourself, TRUST ME" i didnt even realize Sharon was there. They start general chit chat about food.

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Feeds are back. James and Chelsia are nominated

James and Chelsia are in the kitchen as we come back laughing and carrying on making fun of Matt and being loud and obnoxious. Ryan is with him.

Meanwhile... Adam, Sheila and Natalie are in the HoH. Adam asks if Sheila liked his speech and she told him it was a little mean. Chelsia refused to hug Sheila saying she didn't want to be fake. They're watching them on the spy screen.

Josh and Sharon are nowhere to be seen

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james Chel Josh She Ryan are all in the kitchen. Josh and Chelsia are joking with the others and told them about the mustache incident and was told he was not alowed to taint the mouthwash. They are all having a good laugh. Surprising considering they are on the block.

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5:03 PM BBT: FotH, I think this is BB telling them that its a LD because setting up for Veto tomorrow (Hgs said this earlier...)

5:04 PM BBT: Okay I was wrong, feeds come back and now they are going inside for LD.

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6:42PM BBT I just tuned in and feeds 1 and 2 were on the HOH room. Feed 1 is zooming in on various pictures. Feed 2 shows Adam asleep and snoring like a buzzsaw. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Sheila in the sauna room. Now Feeds 1 and 2 are on the GPs but you can still hear Adam sawing away (and I thought I snored loud).

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Ok too funny.... the feeds are still on the GP who is sleeping (645 bbt) but the audio is Adam (??) snoring. The camera is zooming in and out.... (***methinks the crew has realized what most of us realized weeks ago...the guinea pigs are more interesting than the humans in the house... and we'd MUCH rather watch the GPs and the crew's idea of humor than Sheila on feeds 3 and 4 alone... i'm thinking more of us are tuned in to the pigs than her....).

The crew WAS messing with us... the GP woke and went for water and the snoring audio stopped....

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651 BBT. James and Chelsea on the bed looking at each other. Chel "you burn easy" (sun). Silence... (***I think i'll check to see if the GPs are on the other feeds)....

James: you alright?

Chels: yup

James: no offense. but i dont want anothert goodbye message from you.

<<face touches...tender moment>

Chels: you tickle.

james: this is a serious moment.

D'oh! They're whispering but I can't tell what they are saying...they're talking about someone (Sheila perhaps??) and all I heard was something about sweatpants.

Staring at each other. Chelsea is manipulating her thumb in jame's nose (ewww!!***). Whispering about Nat now?? Talking about Nat being outside. Talking about fan clubs. Talking about her being jealous? James "i'd love to personally take her (nat) out next week" Chels: me too... talking about BD'ing her chels "put up a pawn then nat".

It sounds like they're mocking adam's speech now "i put you two up cuz you are strong"

Now they're talking about ryan (?) "he sleeps so funny."

More staring at each other...talking about going around the world...giggling....buying stuff with winnings etc... (good spirits for someone on the block)....

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7:28 BBT

Natalie and Sheila in the BR talkin about james, saying the DR told him to stop with the nasty comments about masterbation. she said they called him out on it when we were picking names (for pov)

nat is putting on make up getting ready


josh comes in BR and says "here we go" sheila said "yep, get ready"

then we get flames

*must be about time for POV

*not sure but i think there were told comp is tonight

ok back from flames, james chel and josh getting ready

sheila in there too and i think i heard sharon as well

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