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Sheila, Chelsia, Josh and Ryan in the bedroom talking. They say Adam is still in the DR and Sheila wonders what they ask in there, Josh answers that they ask if you're excited, who do you want to put up, etc. Sheila is surprised they ask all that so soon. Josh says that Adam said he wants to talk to everyone individually on an appt. basis, everyone has a time slot to come and plead their case to him, they can only talk about why they shouldn't be put up and not talk about why other people should be put up. Sheila says,


9:11 pm BBT: Josh, Sharon and James leave the HoH room and head down to the red room. Josh says he knows he's going up on the block that Adam basically said it already. Adam told him, "you know you're the only one that hasn't been on the block." Josh thinks it will be him and Chelsia... possible James.

Now they're strategizing about how they can get Adam to put Josh and Ryan up... tell Adam that if he wants to not make any waves and have no one be mad at him. Then he needs to put Josh and someone from their side. They prefer Sheila but, they know that won't happen so, since Ryan is in the "middle" put him up against Josh.

9:15 pm BBT: James says he'll talk to Adam later and see what he's feeling. When Josh leaves the room, Sharon asks James if he thinks Ryan will do that (put 1 from each side up) James says, he'll put 2 from our side up.

9:18 pm BBT: Everyone comes out of the HoH. Adam goes to the pink room to get his stuff... James and Natalie help him carry it up.

9:20 pm BBT: Natalie stays in the HoH with Adam. She says I don't know what's best for you but, I think it should be Josh and Chelsia. Adam says or James. She says sure, yeah... but, if Josh/Chelsia go up neither of them are athletic and then one of us will probably win PoV. Then if we want to BD James we can.


9:23 pm BBT: Adam says he's going to do "interviewing" them and so, he's setting up the interview table. Sheila comes in and wants to talk about Ryan. Natalie is confirming with her that Ryan is with them and not with J/J/C/S. Sheila says that "they" are trying to turn Ryan against them but, it's not going to work because Ryan has already told Natalie that he's sticking with her.


Josh and Ryan are in the bathroom. Josh tells Ryan he's having a nervous breakdown and Ryan tells him he's all right. Ryan tells Josh to try and make a deal with Adam. Ryan tells Josh he doesn't want to listen to names he just wants to listen to what people have to say. Josh tells Ryan he wants to push for Sheila to go on the block.

9:35PM: Josh, Sharon, Chelsia and James are n the bedroom. They were bitching about Sheila being happy and they're trying to work out if they can get Adam to nominate her. Chelsia explains what Sheila did on the second HoH competition to Adam (being annoyed she was paired with him). Josh is telling them that they need to get Adam to put Sheila up as a pawn and Sharon is saying they need to pitch that to Adam. (They


9:33 pm BBT: Adam is telling Nat and Adam that James is a threat. They both agree. Ryan starts bashing James. He says, you know I was going to forgive and forget since he saved me but, ya know... but, now because (pause) he lied to me face about Jen being the one to come back, fuck him. [CeCiMom ed: We all know what that pause was about... you were going to forgive James until Adam won the HoH. LMAO]

Adam talks about Chelsia and how she's a straight up bitch. I knew all along she wasn't going to vote for Matty to stay.

Ryan is definitely pushing for James to go up. Natalie is pushing for Josh.

One of them says to put them both up so that if one wins the PoV then they can't save each other from the block.


Chelsia is now kicking herself for putting people up in the HoH competition like she did, she wishes she had put Adam and Natalie. She said the worst thing that happened was Natalie putting Sharon and Chelsia up together.

They really are conspiring to see how they can talk Adam into nominating one of them and someone from the other side. They thinksthey'll have a better chance at getting Adam to put Sheila up. They also know that the other four are up in the HOH room talking. Josh suggests telling Adam that the house is split and Chelsia advises against it as they don't want Adam to think they don't have his back.


9:40 pm BBT: Adam seems to be getting antsy with all the conversation. [CeCiMom ed: Seems he's regretting putting himself in this posittion... he really wants to lie low for a bit longer, imo.]

Natalie is talking about not being "Nice Natty" anymore, she's "Naughty Nasty Natty!!!"

Ryan is now telling Adam not to even hold these "meetings." He doesn't have to he says. Natalie says DON'T agree to any deals or promises. Just listen to them and have them tell him what they'll do for him... That's it.

Adam is putting a jacket on, getting ready to go out for a smoke? Nope. Takes it off... guess he has to wait for LD to be off.

Adam just said that he thinks Jimmy has to go.


Chelsia is bitching abut the reaction Sheila had to Adam winning. She says she wanted to say, "Fuck you cunt, you didn't win it!" They rehasing Americas vote and James says that Ryan was pissed that Jen wasn't "America's Pet" and "James lied to me."

Chelsia is going over how they should approach Adam, Sharon is chewing her face and Josh is thinking of all the stuff he can remind Adam of and Chelsia chimes in and says, "Tell him to show his balls because Sheila doesn't think he has any." James says, "He's not going to worry about it."

They're all just very worried about what's going to happen because they know that if two of them go up, they don't have the choice about who to send home.


11:47 pm BBT: Natalie is laughing about Josh going out first. She says, see... the good will always outlast the bad. Adam says they all thought Chelsia was going to win it. *laughing* Natalie says, oh they all think you're weak and can't win.

11:52 pm BBT: Adam says he can't stand Sheila. Nat says, I know but we need her this week for her vote.

James comes in HoH.


Josh is saying, "If he was smart, he would keep the house happy." (Half of them anyway)

Shiela can be heard and they all stop talking. Sharon grabs her bible and makes out she's reading. Josh jumps in bed. He's sleeping with Chelsia and Sharon with James.

Feeds change to Natalie in the kitchen looking at Matts picture.

(Darn CeCi, I want your feed :lol: )

Natalie staring at Matts picture alone. Sheila comes out but isn't shown on the feed.


Natalie just realized she is the only survivor of "the sexy six" and is talking to Chelsia and Sheila. Chelsia is talking about a double eviction and thinks someone could come back in the house. She knows if there is a double someone has to come back.

Chelsia is saying she feels bad that it was Alex and he didn


Now they're just talking about how bad they feel for Alex. Natalie tells them that she feels responsible for Matt


11:53 pm BBT: James is pleading his case. He just doesn't want to be on the block. He doesn't care who's on the block as long as it's not him. Adam says, he's got to do what's best for him. James agrees. He says to do what he needs to do. Just don't back door him. He even suggests that if he puts a Josh and Sheila up and he'll vote Josh out... he'd do that.

James leaves HoH. Ryan immediately says, put him (James) up. Now Ryan takes his meeting time to get Adam to put up James; he's strong, out for vengeance and that includes you Adam. Ryan says he wouldn't put Josh up... but, back door him if he needs to after PoV.

He says, we need to do what they did to us... Taking James is like taking our Matty.

Adam says, Ryan? You swear, shake hands, that you'll never put me up on the block. Ryan shakes his hand and says we're boys. Ryan says the final 3 will be you, me and Natalie. Adam is worried cause next week Ryan or Natalie have to win HoH next week or he's screwed. Ryan says that Sharon will come over to us later if we need her. She's a good girl.

Ryan tells him he's a little peeved at Sheila because she swore to him that she'd vote for him but, he's cool with everyone else because he understands why they did it.


Late night food competition. Josh speculated that they're going to have to eat disgusting foods to win food for the house for the day. It's a formal wear competition.


10:04 PM BBT: The Hgs just got news that there is a midnight food competition. They think that itll be a nice table where each person competes for their day for food. (1 person for each day with Adam as the house.) They were told to dress up for the competition. Natalie is dressing very nice and the rest are saying more casual. Josh is sharing clothes with James.


10:05 pm BBT: Adam and Ryan come down from HoH and the kitchen gang informs them that they're going to play a game with food. But, it's all going to be gross shit and Adam will be the host.

10:06 pm BBT: Ryan comes in BR where James is... he asks if they're okay with each other. Ryan says yes. James says we'll protect each other in the game, right. Ryan says yes. They shake hands. Ryan says he doesn't know what Adam is going to do but, he knows he wouldn't BD James cause he has enough respect for him.


10:10 PM BBT: JOsh and Adam in the Hoh talking strategy. Josh tells Adam that he shouldnt put him up because he wouldnt put him up, even though Josh is the obvious choice. Josh says he is a target over him and the girls would go after him before Adam. Josh tells Adam to not tell that he is putting James up, but make it a dramatic surprise.

10:12 PM BBT: FotH


10:30 pm BBT: Sheila was running her mouth about how she always takes the blame for other peoples actions in the house. James says don't give yourself so much credit Sheila. She says, I wasn't even talking about you james.

James turns to Natalie and tells her the reason he evicted Matt was for game play. In his eyes, keeping him might have saved him 1 week but, then he would have had 2 after him instead of 1. Natalie says, well... you might want to be nice

James because you may need my vote this week and you're not getting it. Not that I know what's going to happen but, I have a pretty good idea.

James leaves the BR.


James and Chelsia are making out/talking in the SR. She says, "This fucking suck." James had something to take out to the kitchen and Chelsia hides is because "I don't care to shit my brains out every fucking day." Something about Natalie cooking something.


10:42 pm BBT: James and Chelsia go to the SR. He says he's going to talk to him (Adam) tonight and see if he can keep himself off the block. Chelsia says this sucks.

They start to have a heavy make-out session. James tells her her lips taste awesome tonight.


10:40PM BBT: Tag team for the storage room. Sheila, Ryan and Natalie are in there. Natalie is recounting her fight with James. Ryan leaves and Sheila and Natalie are talking about what went on tonight. They look for what food they can take to the kitchen.

Sheila goes out and in comes Josh. He gets the award for sucking up tonight. He


11:00PM BBT: James, Chelsia, Josh and Sharon are in the bedroom. Josh is explaining that Natalie said that if anyone wins the veto and uses it, who ever is left over goes up out of the four of them. ... silence...


Sheila and Natalie are talking about Chelsia and James and Josh comes out. Natalie tells Josh things about James and what she has said to Chelsia, he goes back to the BR and tells James, Chelsia and Sharon and Adam is in there. James is telling Adam that Natalie said he's going on the block and Natalie isn't going to give him her vote. [it's all about who can gain control of Adam tonight] Chelsia is brushing the lint off Adam


Adam has been called to the DR. Chelsia, James, Sharon and Josh are speculating what the comp/mystery thing is. Sharon is doing that very annoying whispering crap! I wish I could read lips cause my feed is on her.

We have FotH that was VERY short lived. I'm assuming that BB is going to wait for BBAD to go off before they cut the feeds.

Adam is out of the DR.


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