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Sunday, July 8th

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I thought I'd start for today. :animated_bouncy:

So far, they are playing golf, drinking and swearing a lot. And on the couch they are flattering Joe and telling him he can make "serious money" as a storyteller. He replies that he always did the storytime readings at Barnes and Noble, where he worked.

Edited to add: Note to self. Be sure to tell son not to try to become an engineer as he had dreamed, but instead be a storyteller, as they obviously make the big bucks.

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I was bored out of my skull until this evening, when all of these "secret" alliances started popping up! I hadn't heard one single person talk alliance until that moment. I was beginning to think that BB was hiding all of the alliance talk, or maybe they were all complete idiots and they weren't going to have any. :cheshire:

Does anyone else feel that they will stick a fork in their eye if you hear the phrase, "You do what you gotta do" one more time?

Someone just said they were going to stay up all night long. Please, NO! I would say I don't believe it, but at least one or two of them have done it before!!

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Anyone notice how they zoomed into Nick's picture (on the wall) on the feeds? Maybe that happens often it just seemed peculiar.

And just awhile ago while Daniele was on the screen it seemed like there was a see through tag or pendant hanging in the air... Strange... I wonder if BB is hinting at something.

Anyone else notice?

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I noticed that. I have no clue what the tag thing was though, it was weird, it could mean nothing though.
Glad someone else saw it. :) Thought maybe I was watching the feeds for too long lol. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of it, or something else happens :)


Okay now I heard a heart beat in the background, all been on Cam 1.. It's cool.. :animated_scratchchin:

The camera also has stayed focused on Daniele, and partly her dad...

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Ya now for like wow 430 her so 330 there ... but anyway it seems to me lots of talk and stuff is going on rihght now,,, i think everone is up but i cant understand what all the stuff is about... I was missed most of it today??

i think i will go to bed .. getting groggy...

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I'm insane, obviously. I haven't slept yet and it is 8 a.m. here.

It's okay to talk about spoilers here, because it is the live feed discussion thread. So, no one should read it unless they want to talk about the feeds, and spoilers. :animated_bouncy:

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So J-Blow is a storyteller. Well, isn't that special?!

That's just peachy keen!

Will you please tell me a story, J-Blow? - The one about how your ass got kicked out of the BB house

really early in the game?!!

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i finally stayed up late enough last night to watch ShowToo

and what did i get for my lack of sleep....amber, talking without taking a breath, the downturned corners of her mouth constantly in motion...she's trashy and constantly reminding herself and anyone around her of how many people in the house love her and the many reasons why they do.....i cant wait till next week when everyone uses that information to get her out

i was soooo thankful when they turned to camera to kail and zack when kail had the enlightenment :animated_shocking: that pershaps they should be getting amber out this week

all that happened in 30minutes, at 1230 i fell asleep zzzzzzzz

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