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Houseguest Tattoos

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I'm becoming interested in the houseguests' tattoos. I can't tell what all of them are, so I thought it would be nice to list them if you see them.

Nick has a tattoo on his right shoulder and upper arm. I can't tell what it is--it looks like a black ink pattern of some sort.

Zach has a tattoo on his back right shoulder. It looks like a stylized dolphin to me.

Amber looks like she has a tattoo on her back, on her upper spinal column, but I can't tell what it is.

Eric has a tattoo of the sun (just the black outline) on his back shoulder.

Any others?

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As if reading my mind (that's a scary thought), Dick just motioned toward Zach, and said "He designed that himself! That's pretty cool, huh? If I designed my own, it would look like a five year old drew a stick person." So, I think he was talking about the tattoo on Zach's back.

Speaking of Dick's tattoos...where to begin......

I think that's a Native American design on the front right arm. I think on the left there is an eagle of some sort, but I'm not sure.

Also, he has that sewn-up heart with the nails through it, above his heart.

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i think i will get a tattoo on my whole body.. a nice shade of tan. that way, i will never have to worry about getting a tan, or how white i am...

i wonder how long it would take to get that tattoo.. :animated_scratchchin:

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Ok, here's how I got there...

If you want to put something on something else and get full coverage, that something else has to be bigger than the something or it would not fit...

It would go over, not on!!!!


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