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Big Brutha Luva Podcast - All Episodes


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Hey all,

We recorded our first BB8 podcast :singer: for the season and posted it to our website! We wanted to get all the technical glitches out so that come July 5 we'll hit the ground running.

I ran it by Jem and she said it was all cool to mention Morty's (which i did) and gave you guys props for making the BB experience all the better for everybody. We had fun doing it and hope you guys like it.

Feedback :phone1: is encouraged.

(...i think...)


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okay, i am being dead seious here. i am currently listening to this podcast and i must say these two women have the sexiest voices ever. im not gay or anything i am just shocked listening to this. im i crazy or did u guys think this too?

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i am currently listening to this podcast and i must say these two women have the sexiest voices ever.

Oh. my. goodness. I am too flattered...

My reaction to your post: :wub:

Babe's, when I read it to her: :giggle:

...thx you guys!


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mimi I have what are the beginnings of a very nice logo for you. I will PM the 1st drafts to you in a few minutes so we can begin tweaking them to perfection :grin2:

p.s... I just listened to the podcast. Very good job :notworthy: I really liked it.

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Mimi I want to once again tell you how much I enjoyed the podcast... I just listened to it again and you guys do a great job with it... You are a very welcome addition to Morty's...

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Thx guys. (...your emoti-guys are hysterical!!)

This is a perfect segueway to to say that I'm VERY glad Dumblonde has lots o'time on her hands because I want to give her a giantasaurus round of applause :clap: :clap: :clap: for :

making my morty's avatar :hurray:

and, our big brutha luva itunes logo :lousings:

and, our brand new weblog banner :pleased:

You've certainly outdone yourself! Thx again DB!

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hey y'all...

I'm not going to do this all season long but since we are sitting...and waiting...and waiting... for our BB to start, I thought I'd toss it out there that we did post our 2nd episode! (...by popular demand. hehe)

Hope you enjoy it.

I'm happy to report that Morty's DID win our poll! Thx you guys for your support. I'm so...proud.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well....... since Jem was so kind as to pin this thread, I may as well let y'all know that episode 3 is posted today. You can snag it off our website or subscribe from iTunes.

We've gotten a great response and lots and lots of downloads. I'd like to thank all of the MORTY'S community for their (...hey, I'm a Morty's too...!) support and goodwill!


mimi :singer:

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