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Is it always the people on the losing side of things

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I remember popping in here last year and the Cappy fans saying the same thing.

Sometimes I wonder if these people are back this year and out for revenge against the Sovs. Personally I don't care for most of them but I do think they keep the game interesting. I think between James, Janelle, Maggie and Kaysar they provided some of the more memorable moments in the shows history.

I liked the tension between those groups and I think if Jen had a brain, her and April might have walked off with the whole thing. April and Jenn and were so far off of everybodies radar and could have turned the screws that season. That would have made the possibility of James and Ivette as another secret alliance.

There was a lot going on in that season that I had know idea about. I didnt know Howie cut a deal with Maggie to go after the stronger players. I think it was the producers who put the live show that wound up setting the tone for the viewers.

I think alot of that is playing into the fragmentation of the Sov's this season as well. The little things left out last year are playing into this year.

I do think people like Cappy made the show interesting and set the tone for this season. I think the concern of people looking bad is not the fault of the players but the producers. They know the viewers voted these guys in and don't want to set anyone off. If one person is put in a bad light they risk the possibiity of upsetting the audience.

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The ONLY person I hated and wanted to see lose was Ali....she's gone now and I STILL think this season is boring and SUCKS.

They are too conscious of the cameras and of how they act. I'm also SICK of Boogie and Will plugging their businesses on camera and saying the people watching suck.

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They are too conscious of the cameras and of how they act. I'm also SICK of Boogie and Will plugging their businesses on camera and saying the people watching suck.

I agree with you on that.

I am sick of Will's elitest attitude. It's really annoying and it rubs me the wrong way.

In past seasons there have been discussions about how they are portrayed. The firendship spend nearly three weeks talking about this last year. It's not exclusive to these folks.

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Two HOH's into the season and last week people were throwing tantrums on this board saying the season sucks because the season sixers were winning everything. If they win another one this week I'm not coming on here without my helmet and flak jacket-----

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