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Don't They Vote For Eviction On The Live Show?


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I am completely confused.. Apparently all the houseguests voted today on who they wanted out. But I always thought voting was live on Thursdays.

The way I remember it from past seasons, on Thursday night at 8pm EST we get FotH for the live show. The houseguests all sit around in the living room and Julie Chen comes on the monitor and interviews everyone. Then one by one, she calls them into the diary room to cast their vote for eviction. After everyone is done, she comes on the monitor and does her "With a vote of 9-1.. (Houseguest), you have been evicted." The the houseguest picks up their bags, says goodbye to everyone, and walks out for the final interview.

Apparently this year, they are voting today? Does that mean tomorrow they all have to put on the same outfit they wore today for the diary room voting, and pretend its live? This makes NO sense to me.. please explain?

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This happens sometimes, but most of the time they do the votes on Wednesday... It's always been this way as far as I can remember...

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Really, Yana? I always thought I even remembered seeing Julie call each houseguest one by one to the diary room, and it clearly shows them get up from the couch, walk to the diary room.. and then come back.

Maybe that whole thing is faked on Thursdays? Maybe for taping, they get up and walk into the diary room.. wait 2 minutes while CBS replays their vote from today, then walks back?

Not to mention that despite the warnings from producers, it looks to me like people are discussing their vote already. So that means Alison and Danielle already know who won, a full day before eviction? :huh:

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I don't think everyone knows about the votes... They might before the end of the day though... It's like Nodoubt says though, live votes start around 7 left in the house...

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If Julie says that it will be a Live Vote and Eviction, then she will call them individually into the DR to vote during the show. Otherwise, they vote on Wednesday and are supposed to keep their vote secret from the other HGs. This week, Julie just said it would be a Live Eviction.

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I thought they voted live, tomorrow night. But from some of the posts I've read it seems like they've already voted. Are people just predicting who the house guests will vote for or have they already voted?

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They Vote the day before in secret in the Diary room(DR) where they film it That is why they keep getting yelled at to not discuss what they say in the DR. So they dont know the reults and they will unviel the reults live.

Once it gets down to a few people they may take the votes live but I dunno I know they have done the please go to the DR and cast yoru vote now in past but was only a few peopel voting then. or may of just been show.

Probally a tie breaker vote is done live and the start of the HoH contest is live if its an endurance HoH.

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You pretty much have it right.... they all vote on the DR on Wednesday, and the live show on Thursday reveals the results of the vote and that person is evicted... then Julie hosts a live HOH comp(or the beginning of an endurance comp)...

Until... a point in the season when the votes are cast live on Thursday's show, because there are few enough HGs left for them to all walk to/from the DR on the show....

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