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To me the difference between Alison and Janelle is their attitude. Janelle is a great competitor but makes it look easy and seems like she is having fun. Like it just comes to her naturally. Alison seems bitter. She looks and acts to competitive. She doesn't seem like she is having fun. If Alison stays, and I hope she doesn't, I look forward to Janelle beating her in every competition!

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And it's looking as though Diane may make the same mistake as Alison. Her wanting to be "responsible" for Janelle's eviction is going to get her in trouble if she keeps making those references and Janelle hears it. Look at poor Ali! (well, maybe not poor Ali)

Also, could comeone clue me into just why Nakomis is stupid enough to trust Diane again? Diane betrayed her their season.

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what gets me is that Alison hasn't shown her one bit of respect. She was plotting Janelle's exit, Janelle found out, not only nominated her, but beat her in the Veto that Alison claimed she would destroy Janelle in, and then kept her on the block. And yet Alison acts as though she did nothing to deserve being nominated!

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