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Favorite after week 1?

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YEP DANIELLE IS STILL MY FAVORITE!!!!! That plan of hers getting the HOH to disagree was brilliant ..I know I didnt think of it. It would have work but she said a little too much to Allison by saying that Allison should be the one to tell Janelle...which made Alllison suspicious but ran with the idea anyway and told everyone...that Danielle came up with this idea... Well anyway you know the story>>>


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Hey Spark,

that's what I've been thinking about. I really can't stand Ali because she is such a lowlife turd, but then again, I think she's less of a threat than Dani.

What Ali has going for her= her ability to rouse emotional uproar. A trait that would make me dislike her in real life, also btw. I could never be friendly with anyone like that, I'm very particular about who/what behavior I allow in my space.

What Dani has going for her= she's smart, creative, and articulate. If she made it to final two she could get the votes if she stays true to herself and doesn't stoop to mudslinging.

I missed her confrontation with CG. I need to find that and have a good look at how she handled it.

I think I'd be really torn if I was unfortunate enough to be a houseguest.

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I know what you mean Luna.... I want to see that conversation she had with CG too..If anyone has it can they post the recording... Does CG really know I to play the game???? If you are going to lie you continue the lie and dont get caught..He say some bs about Dani and Kaysar shopping and that was a deal breaker to him and as far as he sees it the deal is off.

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My favorite is Janelle, but I'd have to say at this point Jase is a very close second. And as much as I can't stand Dr.Will, I still find myself intrigued by him....he makes me wonder what his game plan really is

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I like Will, Jase, Marcellas and Nakomis. Will and Marcellas are the only ones I enjoyed from their original season, so Nakomis and Jase are surprising me. On the flip side, I liked Erika during her season and I can't stand her this year. The only ones I truly dislike are Ali and Janelle. Howie is just disgusting but he's a 13 year old so I'll let it slide.:)

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