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6 didn't make it in.

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Having them as the jury would be horrible. We don't want to leave the decision up to people like Dana, Ivette, and Cowboy. Having one come in as america's choice would be o.k.. I would like to see Bunky in the house. I don't really see them having america's choice to see who comes back because we allready had one america's choice. I don't see what it could be though.

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I had heard rumors that of the 6 houseguests who did not make it into the house, all had been seen chatting on their websites or whatever except for Bunky.

Well......so much for that theory.Bunky is on Housecalls all this week as a special guest host.

So, I guess none of the 6 will be making it into the house :unsure:

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if they did make it in. they would have been on the block and gone the next week

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Ivette writes for the Revenge of the HouseGuests blog. If they were going to give those six a chance to come back into the house, it seems that they would keep them all in sequester (that's what they've done every other time).

In addition, I doubt Ivette opted out of sequestor but agreed to do the Revenge blog. That wouldn't make sense to me.

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