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I just read over at Jokers that the 6 All Stars that didn't make it in are still sequestered...

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The fans here at Morty's fine establishment always come up with better ideas for Big Brother than the producers! Oh how I wish they would listen and make this the best BB season ever with twists & turns on a constant basis. That would be so great if there was the possibility of one or more of those 6 coming in the house or having some sort of influence - Howie's head would spontaneously combust :o

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I can't imagine that the unchosen 6 are supposed to be the jury at the end of the show, for the simple reason that I don't think they could sequester them for 3 whole months just to vote at the end of the show. Its one thing when towards the end, people go into the sequestered jury house. But July-September is a really long time to be taken away from your real life (Jobs, house, family) without even being on the show. I kind of doubt they'd agree to that. The houseguests that ARE in the show are bored to death and they're at least playing the game. :lol:

I think its like others have said.. that some of them will end up back in the house before long. Or, maybe they'll be sequestered and used for some vote towards the beginning. But surely not at the end.

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Just read an update of Cowboy at Jokers and it said he was going home tomorrow. That he had been locked up with the others that didn't make it into the house. Here is what he had to say:

Thank you all for your luv and support I am glad I have fans like you all. By not going in the house I am sad but glad. As of tomorrow like April said I will be coming home. I am glad I don't have to be away from my beatiful wife and alsome son. God has a purpose for my life, do I know what it is, no not really. I have been lock up with the other players that did not make it, and we have bonded and share our feelings, We all wanted to go in that house but again it is going to be a summer of blood sheding and at least I can say it want me mine. Till next time all is good. thank you.


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God has a purpose for my life, do I know what it is, no not really. ~ cowboy

lmao :lol::lol: where is the rolling smilie when you need it! i seriously hear him trying to pronounce every word correctly, but still, it sounds retarded.


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Thing is, America (or Canada...or whever you have a computer) already chose the people they wanted to see in the house. As far as I can see, it is almost pointless to use the 'Audience Rejects' as pawns for another three months. They had thier chance, it was proved no one liked them, and now they can go home.

Then again, BB is strange and always manages to make a dull siuation even duller....

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