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Monday, August 29, 2022 - Big Brother 24 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 24 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/topic/143552-general-bb-discussion/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB24-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Tiki Bar across from the HoH Room (TB)
Car theme bedroom (CBR)
Space age theme bedroom (SBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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9-10am BBT Feeds on Kyle solo in by playing pool by himself. He goes inside and talks briefly to Alyssa. She asks how he slept he says not so good. Kyle talks to Terrance as he walks through the Kitchen area and asks where he worked out today. Terrance answers the bikes

Terrance goes to hoh to talk to Turner. They say they are still good. Terrance does not hold anything against Turner. Turner briefly mentions Kyle outing their final 2 but feeds cut to backyard. Kyle is on the bike and Taylor is sunbathing. Bob asks them to lower awnings. Taylor starts, Britt comes over. Kyle tries to help but they tell them they're ok that he can go back to the bike.

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10AM BBT Alyssa goes up to see Turner. Shortly after Turner is called to the DR. 


10:33AM In backyard Alyssa and Britt are on the couches. Alyssa asks what Britt is thinking about. Britt says what to say in her plea in veto ceremony. Alyssa says yesterday was her mom's bday and she's sure she is watching the feeds. She wants her mom to know she's ok. Britt agrees, says she told her mom that the hardest part would be seeing her sad.

Monte and Kyle working out in weight area.

Terrance comes over says he could use a meditation.


Michael joins Terrance and Alyssa. They are reminiscing about their week in the by. A helicopter goes over, they think they are checking on them and also did so last week.

They hear a dog bark and then feeds cut to WBRB

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10:50am BBT Kyle is cleaning the LR mirrors. Turner and Terrance are resting on the BY couch. Michael/Alyssa are cleaning up the movie favors from last night. 


11:00am BBT Monte is done with his workout and is sitting next across from Terrance on the BY couch, contemplating whatever. Michael/Alyssa are cleaning the KT. Taylor is in the WA. Kyle just took a shower. Taylor laughs at how fast he was.


11:07am BBT Alyssa is in BY w/ Monte/Terrance in the BY. She's never ridden a bike. Terrance offers to teach her. You've never ridden a bike, Monte asks? How about an exercise bike. Yeah, but she's terrible with balance. Kyle/Taylor general talk in the WA durng ADLs.


11:13am BBT Taylor joins the BY HG and Alyssa talks more about her inability to ride. Her parents stopped trying to teach her when she would cry after falling and hurting herself. FotH. Time for the Veto Meeting.

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12:10pm BBT Feeds return. Kyle/Terrance playing pool in the BY. Turner is still zonked on the couch (maybe I should call him Zonker). 


12:18pm BBT In the KY, Monte/Alyssa talk about their favorite breakfasts. Kyle comes in to peel some fruit. Tayor joins Zonker (Turner) on the BY couches. FotH.

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12:36pm Monte and Terrance are discussing Kyle and whether or not to keep him in the game. Terrance is thinking maybe it would help Kyle and his mindset to keep him so he can learn and grow. Monte isn’t against it but states Taylor would be. They are talking about Veto meeting and he was glad that it was a straight forward meeting and there was no bashing. Monte thinks Kyle was ready for that 

12:40 Kyle and Alyssa talking about him going home and Alyssa winning HOH and jokingly says what if the letter you get was from me instead of anyone else ..and they laugh about it. 

12:48 Michael is on a floatie in the pool, talking to Brittany who is standing poolside lifeguard style talking about her soreness and wondering what to eat, thinking it is time to get creative with lunch, she is saying she really hasn’t been eating the last few days ..and we get WBRB

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12:22pm BBT Monte meets w/Terrence in the CBR. Terrance wonders if sending Kyle out is fair to him, he hasn't been given the opportunity to stay and grow and progress his thought process and change the stigma in him instead of us throwing him to the wolves.

12:24pm BBT Terrance says the problem is he's up against Taylor. That was a weired move on Mike to use the Veto on Britt. You could see that coming a mile away, Monte says. Yeah, but considering the climate... And Britt not facing eviction on eviction night, Monte adds.

12:26pm BBT Monte asks how you feel about trusting Kyle after this week? Would he put the two of us up? Monte is big on actions. Words mean nothing, Terrance says, he tells his kids he's deaf - they have to show him. Monte says a valid point but he's a strong competitor.

12:28pm BBT Kyle/Alyssa in the Loft while Terrance/Monte continue talking in the CBR. Alyssa cannot believe Kyle was a boy scout. From 12 to 17, he says, maybe 16. Why didn't you start at 5? That's a Cub Scout. Were you a Cub Scout? Yes. 

12:34pm BBT He doesn't remember when he started, maybe around 8. Alyssa asks him what he did in scouts. Camping, activity adventures like horseback riding and hiking to water falls, etc. In the CBR, Terrance says they have a long time to think it over.

12:35pm BBT Monte says Kyle was very emotional at the Veto mtg, he expected to be bashed but we're still showing him love. We aren't going to ostracize him, Terrance says. Maybe we can keep it in the game where he stands. He needs to learn before he leaves.

12:37pm BBT Terrance says he can't dance around his truth, he knows his truth. Upstairs, Kyle is telling Alyssa she'd be good at memory comps and spin comps. Monte says he just can't deny it, he needs some therapy. 

12:39pm BBT Kyle jokes he goes home this week and Alyssa wins HoH, will BB give her a letter from him? He'l writer her a poem. He says the first time he felt her muscles, he knew she could beat his *ss. He was impressed. She says she's lost all strength now. 

12:40pm BBT Alyssa says she needs a good kitchen for cooking videos. $750K would buy her a good kitchen. She doesn't think that's in the cards for her. Terrance/Monte part in the CBR. Kyle, holding tissues, is excited to see the JH and have his own room.

12:42pm BBT Monte is doing laundry. Michael is laying on the pool shark. Turner/Alyssa are quiet in the loft. Britt gets out of the DR and heads outside to check on everyone. Turner is called to the DR. Britt heads inside for lunch. Terrance is preparing food as well.

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12:50 Kitchen with Brittany in fridge looking for food while Terrance is cooking what looks to be grilled ham and cheese and he tells Kyle, who just came downstairs, he is going to add grape jelly to it ( eww no) 


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6 minutes ago, Witch67 said:

12:50 Kitchen with Brittany in fridge looking for food while Terrance is cooking what looks to be grilled ham and cheese and he tells Kyle, who just came downstairs, he is going to add grape jelly to it ( eww no) 


TURNER not kyle

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12:55pm BBT Alyssa heads downstairs. Kyle thanks her for coming up. Monte/Britt talk about Kyle getting some therapy after the show. He gets up to ride the pool ducky. Alyssa is still in the KT. She smiles at the camera - it's good. Michael still riding the pool shark.

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1:26 Terrance in cars bedroom talking out loud about missing your support system. Stating he is trying to be progressive in his thinking and navigate change looking at the memory wall and everyone who is left. He starts naming them, knowing they left for many different game play, but at the end of the day someone else’s thinking agenda was being met.  He quickly changes topic and hopes everyone’s weekend was good and he can not wait to see his wife and family and friends. He is just sharing he thinks it’s weird how many different emotions you are going thru, and he said I just know without question he needs to see his wife. He says it’s at a point that the fun has been sucked out of it,he was enjoying the experience as what it was and now it is just whew …. 


1:32pm Terrance continue his monologue about being 47 years old and growing up on the south side of Chicago Morgan park Beverly area and being segregated. He knew driving thru. Retain neighborhoods that would be more convenient, would be risky.you didn’t go anywhere y yourself going thru that area..you just knew. And he says there are still 

arts of Chicago where. You.just.know… 

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1:04pm BBT Britt/Monte/Michael in the BY wonder if they got the boring HG out first like past seasons. Britt doesn't think so. Maybe they're the boring people, Michael says. Britt thinks they are a pretty self-aware group. Alyssa is snoring in the SBR. 

1:10pm BBT Britt/Monte/Michael general talk about BB budgets and whih new comps this season might be brought back. Terrance is laying down in the CBR. He's trying to be progressive but just doesn't know, he wants to change the narrative, do something different.

1:17pm BBT Terrance says he may just be too optimistic. Terrance says he's never experienced racism at work and you have every single melting pot on that boat. If they are, they keep it to themselves. They got it down pat. 

1:21pm BBT Terrance says his target is 230lbs. He's now at 255lbs and making progress. He feels he's been vocal about how he feels in situations, it is what it is. You have to leave the whole game on the table. Just one of them days.

1:23pm BBT There's a point where you just miss your true support system, Terrance muses, you try to see past lies and navigate change. Look at the Mem Wall. The evicted are Nicole/Daniel/Jasmine/Joseph/Indy. They were all evicted because someone's agenda wasn't met.

1:29pm BBT Terrance says he was enjoying the experience for what it was but now it's like the joy is sucked out of it. He can't wait to see his wife in 4 weeks. He has to push himself not to do what he has to do. 

1:30pm BBT Being 47, growing up on the south side of Chicago, it definitely was segregated. There was a percentage of Black people that lived on one side of Western, but on the other side, it was a different situation, you were taking a risk. You had better go around.

1:31pm BBT There are still parts of Chicago, Terrance says, where you just know you're going to get pulled over. Things you just know. He says he needs a tatoo cover-up when he gets home.

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4:07 PM BBT Britt and Alyssa are in the inside gym area. Rehashing who has left and that they played to hard. But then Britt says something about Alyssa's break up. Alyssa says yes. She had a life before she came in the game and had a special person. And that she made the decision to just say the hell with it and this became her reality really quickly. Britt assures Alyssa that she knows really strongly that she is going to find the perfect person for her (Alyssa).

Britt says she doesn't agree with the things Alyssa's mom has said to Alyssa about her being in the game (worries for her). Alyssa names her special person "Mike" that she left at home. Britt says she has grown a lot and that her parents don't have an accurate picture of Britt at 32. She hopes they learn something by watching her (Britt) on tv. 

Britt says she is happy to be out of the group mentality (of the LO alliance).


4:14 Britt is calling everyone who wants to come to a guided meditation session.

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5:03 BBT in the bathroom area Terrance and Alyssa are whispering. Terrance tells Alyssa that Britt asked if Alyssa knew about the LO before coming into the house. Terrance says he told Britt he doesn't think so. Alyssa thanks him. They whisper that they want to get together with Turner and Monte later to discuss. T says Monte shot down his idea from earlier (to keep Kyle maybe? not sure)

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6:21 PM BBT Taylor and Monte in golf br. Whispering Monte tells Taylor that he doesn't trust Terrance. Taylor says she already knows he wants to save Kyle - Terrance told Britt. She says Terrance won't tell her the truth about what happened with Joseph. Taylor says they're going to loose Kyle and then she, Michael, Monte or Britt will win hoh. They say they won't go after Turner because he did the right thing. Taylor says final four.

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