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It's Heaven in the BB House

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This is an All-Stars and I think CBS forgot this. They don't deserve all these privilages. There should be no washer and dryer, no big fridge, not more than one comfy bed, there should be half of a shower not three!

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yeah, remember in the good old days someone got stuck with a cot? And that wasn't even the worst, I think the floor was a last choice (or am I dreaming this up?).

either way, I hope it's pb and j, or whatever, real soon. That always ticks off the HGs, which is fun for us.

but you hit the nail on the head, they are all STARS, at least they all think so, so I doubt any of them would sign up without knowing the details, and none of them likely would agree to sleeping on a cot. That's like being in last place for them, and all these folks came back to redeem themselves, and get first place in anything and everything.


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might as well give em cable tv .

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Yep, this paradise will only last for so long I'm sure. I bet the comps are grosser than ever and they'd wish they would have thought twice about coming in. They're "all stars" now, surely there will be times where when they're called to prove themselves as such and really show what they're made of. Fear Factor'ish I'm sure!

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