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Friday, July 30, 2021 Big Brother 23 Live Feed Updates

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Hannah- It is what it is

Christian- Yeah but it sucks (he mentions her puppy dog eyes make it even harder)

Alyssa assures Hannah that she would never go home against Whitney "no one in this house wants you gone."

Hannah worries that Brit would take Whitney down if she wins veto.

Alyssa says there is no way Brit would do that because she knows it would be Azah going up in her place.

Hannah says she feels the Jokers are going after the Kings no matter what because they were the only team telling her they "would go guns ablazing and put two up." (2 Kings)

Alyssa- The team or just Big D

Hannah corrects and says it was Big D and she doesn't want to implicate Britni and Azah

Hannah says the only thing that worries her is the veto. Alyssa suggests he pick Derek X. Hannah isn't sure he would go for it though, because he is worried about winning competitions making him a mark.


Hannah- if I get houseguest choice, should I choose X or Sarah Beth

Alyssa- you don't want to pick me? (ha ha)

Hannah- sorry, I mean X, Alyssa or Sarah Beth


Hannah says they can figure it out later "Let me first go see my beautiful face on that wall."

Hannah leaves

Christian says that went better than he thought. He feels bad and really wants Hannah to stay and make it to jury over Big D. Alyssa agrees "he takes things too personal."

Christian wonders if he should o more one-on-ones just for appearances or work on his speech


3:00PM BBT

Alyssa suggests X help him with the speech

They kiss a few times and Alyssa leaves


3:02PM BBT

Azah is next for a one-on-one. 

Christian- okay; I don't know what I'm doing

Azah- and I can't help you

Christian- you want to know if it's you; it's not! The Jokers deserve a break, for sure. Its' been three weeks.

Azah- I appreciate that a lot! I am completely happy to have more conversations with you or whatever. To be honest, you would have seemed like someone that would have been a good target for me, but she has her attention elsewhere.

Azah tells Christian that she is going to be greedy...says she wants to host veto. Chris says he will ask Alyssa and then X, but she will be the next in line if they don't want to or can't because they are playing in veto.


3:06PM BBT 

Big D is having his one-on-one with Christian in the HoHR now. Christian tells him that the Jokers are not going up. Big D says he shouldn't be questioning anything between them but he was surprised that he asked what the team would have done if they won HoH. Christian says he asked everyone that.

Big D- the Jokers cannot win...even when we get close. We can't win physical. We can't win nothing. No matter what, everyone is gonna bullshit you. No matter what they say, they are coming after you. You know better. You're not dumb. You have got to look at it like, do you want to get out a big target or...Derek, I like Derek but he is good at comps. Whitney is good at social games. At the end of the day, everyone is an individual. For me, I don't think you should play any backdoor bullshit. Put up the two you want out. Do what is best ofr your game.

*camera switches to the bathroom


3:11PM BBT

In the bathroom, Alyssa, Hannah and Baby D are talking about being constipated. Hannah says she has tried everything, even Imodium.

Baby D- Bro! Imodium makes you STOP pooping.

Hannah- Whaaat!?!


*camera switches back to HoHR where Big D is on repeat; same; restate; repeat; same; and again.


Big D- all I got is social; I'm a good time. 

Big D keeps repeating that there will be a lot of girls in jury, if they aren't careful, and a guy won't win.

Big D- Hannah makes me nervous. Do I think she need to go now? That's on you. When we go to individual, we are outnumbered. When the women come together they already know. You got 8 women versus....5. 


[Ahem! This is exactly what has happened, year after year with the Bro Code. Just saying!  -MamaLong]


Big D- I'm leaving it at that. I know you got to talk to other people.

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Big D adds "If at some point, we don't chop off a woman....you know. Be smart. You know what t he truth is. I don't give two shits. I'll pull the whole fucking house together and be like are all of you gonna admit you were coming for Christian." Big D leaves.


3:21PM BBT

Christian goes out and asks if there is anyone else wanting a one-on-one. Britini goes up for her one-on-one.

Christian- I am stressed.

Brit- Tell me why you are stressed.

Chris-I got to get my hands bloody.

Brit- I'm looking forward to it. Actually, I don't think it's gonna be too bad.

Christian tells Britni she's good and Jokers aren't going up.

Brit- I just want to make sure that you think this move is what's best for your game

Chris- I do. I know that more people are lying and saying they wouldn't put me up if they did win; but I know there is one person who has been lying to more people than just me. Not just to my face but she is willing to lie to others to save her spot. I can't tell you who my target is, but I think you know.

Brit- I think I do

Chris- It should be unanimous or pretty close. But there is veto, so I am nervous about that of course.


Brit tells Chris that she will always keep it real with him and doesn't believe him winning veto will hurt him in the game (comp beast) "it will just mean you have full control of the week."

Christian tells Brit he now has his mind made up and just wants to get it over with.

Brit- just know, if you have to win it (veto, it's not going to hurt you (put bigger target on him)

Christian says he worries that people are just going to see him like 'work with him until he can't win' so he needs a shield in the house for that

Birt- who would you say is your shield

Christian- maybe Derek X just because he won two vetoes

Brit- okay, but can I be honest with you?

Chris- yeah

Brit- your shields are social threats not physical...someone who keeps going week after week after week. That's more dangerous.


Chris- everything you're saying is reaffirming

Brit tells him that if she wins HoH, she will likely call him up and just vent and tell him all her thoughts "if you need anything, just know I've got you on lock. That's never been a question."

Chris- this conversation has made me feel better about it

They hug and Brit gets up to leave "you're doing great." Christian thanks Britni and she leaves.


3:47PM BBT

Now Christian meets with Claire in the HoHR.

Christian tells her he isn't allowed to say who the nominees are, but he thinks she knows. He says that he has made his mind up, and he does believe it's the same as her target. Claire says that's good. Christian expresses his concern over what to say in his speech. She says people are always upset over the speeches, "keep it short."



Claire shares a theory that this next week could be a double

Christian- a double?

Claire- having a 5th Wildcard comp feels awkward; it's a potential theory


Christian says his target won't be hard to take out and no one will be upset.


[It is possible that Hannah has convinced Christian to make the target Whitney after their conversation and reminder that teams are ending soon.  -MamaLong]


Christian shares with Claire that he is worried he has been giving too much information. SHe reminds to make sure that if he is giving information, he is always getting information, too. "HoH is a fantastic time to get information."

Christian- yeah, and this person has been saying my name a lot

Christian says Ky is the last for him to meet with one-on-one with. (He is forgetting about Tiff.) Claire leaves and Christian makes a pit stop in the loo before his next meeting.


3:58PM BBT

Christian is now meeting with TIffany in the HoHR

Christian tells Tiffany he feels a lot better but now has an actual target but he is not supposed to say who.

Tiff- that's okay

Christian- It's the two we talked about, but target wise, it's the one with blonder hair  [LOL! -ML]

Tiffany gives him a huge pepoe talk and tells him to see himself at the end and use his HoH to get him where he wants to be, "you're doing great."

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4:04PM BBT

Tiffany says that Whitney made a comment about her one-on-one being only two minutes, so she is going to get out of there and keep it fair. She leaves


Christian is looking for Ky for their one-on-one, "Ky is the last now. I don't know where he is." Christian collapses on the parlor couch.

Big D- you did good


4:07PM BBT

Christian wakes up Alyssa in the parlor to meet with her again

Alyssa- how did it go?

CHristian- it went well, there is just one thing I want to run by you first. Whitney, there is something I want to say. When I talked with Whitney she asked me if there was a possibility would she go up and I told her I had a lot of conversations I had to have but she shouldn't be worried. I had to blatantly lie to her.

Alyssa- okay


Christian asks Alyssa her opinion for the nomination speech.

Alyssa  cuddles up with Christian -"why don't you just say...  oh fuck" (she sees Ky coming)

Kyland comes in and Alyssa leaves

Christian- oh, you're the last one


4:09PM BBT

Christian meets with Ky and tells him Whit and Hannah are the nominees with Hannah the pawn and Whitney going home.

Ky- makes sense

Christian- she is my biggest threat; She has said a woman needs to win; I have heard from multiple sources that she has said I'm going up.

Christian says his talk with Derek was that his play was blatantly coming for the Aces, but he supports it for the Royal FLush

Ky- good

Ky asks about hte replacement nom if Whitney wins.

Chris says Azah but he isn't sure if Azah would go over Hannah.

Ky says that he has had a weird up and down with Britini, "what I don't love, is that I don't love that Britini is putting...is trying to protect Whitney. I don't love it."

Ky says that Britini tried to divert him away from Whitney.

Kyland tells Christian that a method he uses is to consider who tells him what they say when he is not around. It builds trust. "Anyone who is not telling me that, I would question."

Christian- okay, so you are saying that Azah is more trustworthy because she said that


[Azah was honest with CHristian and told him that she has a solid reason for putting him up. Ky is trying to point out that her revealing what she says about Christian both to his face and around the house is a good thing.]


Ky says that he does not trust Britini, "she will keep her team under her finger and go after people that beat her."

Christian says that maybe Britini tells you what you want to hear

Ky- yes, that's it

Kyland mentions the double and what might that look like

Christian- if the double is next week, I'm screwed


4:19PM BBT

Sarge- Christian, please go to the DIary Room downstairs

Christian- oh no


Ky leaves and Alyssa pops in to chat before the ceremony over the nomination speech

They work through saying: we are all aware that if me Alyssa or SB did not win this HoH, two of the Kings would be on the block this week. At the end of the day I have to do what is best for us moving forward and that would be going after a team that would come after us. You both have an opportunity to earn safety, and I wish you both luck. It's nothing personal. It's all  game.


Christian- That's very good...thank you!

They kiss and he leaves.


4:23PM BBT

Feeds move to RCHS for the nomination ceremony

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5:45PM BBT

Hannah is handling this just fine.

Christian- me and Hannah spoke and there is no way that she is going to think Hannah is the target

Xavier- Whitney knows she is the target

Christian suggests pretending there is a backdoor plan for Big D

Xavier doesn't think she would believe that plan.


5:53PM BBT

Hannah and Whitney are talking in the YBR. Whitney says she is okay. She will just home and see her kids. Hannah tells her not to just roll over and die like Frenchie. Hannah suggests they just lay low.

Whitney- WHere is Derek

Hannah- probably upstairs. He is taking this harder than we are.

Whitney- poor Derek


5:55PM BBT

Whitney goes in search of Derek (Baby D) and finds him in the bathroom on the loungers with Azah. \

Baby D- What's up Whit

Whitney- Hannah said you were playing chess alone, so I thought I better check on you

He gets up and hugs her. "How are you."

Whit- I'm okay. I mean I left a business and my kids at home, so. 

Derek- you may not go

Whitney- well, if I do

They go to the sea glass bedroom

Whitney- Did you know

Baby D tells her he thinks it's a backdoor plan because the speech made it clear that our team is a threat and I'm the only one that won comps

Whitney- that's true

Baby D- how are you feeling

Whitney- it's just frustrating because just a few days ago we were talking about working together

Baby D- it's almost like someone was just throwing our names out there; threw us under the bus

Baby D says he hopes they can win veto. Whitney points out that it could only save one of them.


6:02PM BBT

Whitney tells Baby D she needs to workout and get rid of some adrenalin

Whitney- tell me right now: did you orchestrate this plan

Baby D- I did not orchestrate this plan

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8:40pm Big Brother Time

Recap::  Claire won the Wild Card competition, I don't have all the details in real time but house guests are saying she is safe until jury.
              Nominations have been made, Christian has put Whitney and Hannah on the block this week.

So we begin 8:42pm Big Brother Time

House guests are in the living room talking about the cartoon, Rocky and Bullwinkle.  Sarah Beth is snacking on an apple, she says she isn't really hungry.

Azah says she is fine as a Have Not, they mention slop pancakes, but say they can't use flour. Big D seems the most stressed, but even so, he is handling this very well.

Other house guests are eating and sliding a hot sauce bottle to each other, catching and sliding it back.

Christian says he is drowning his in hot sauce, although normally he would use ketchup. (I can't tell for sure what they are eating, but I know I don't want any. :)--Grannysue).

Big D and Tiffany have gone to one of the bedrooms.
Tiffany is talking to Big D about her opinion about something someone has said.  “He” thinks Big D is not afraid to step up and say what needs to be said, doing things that need done.  (Tiffany identifies “He” as Xavier).
She says Xavier is more of an information gatherer, he keeps it close. She says Xavier is more of a killer.  Maybe the terms Xavier used about Josh (prior house guest) were not flattering, but Tiffany says Josh wasn't afraid to say what needed to be said, the way he grabbed the first safety and told the others he didn't trust them....

Tiffany says Xavier's energy is just different. She tells Big D not take things so personally and allow them to upset him.  She says he doesn't have to feel that he has to defend himself, she believes that Xavier looks at Big D as a brother.  She tells Big D when Xavier says things to him that bother him, he should tell him in private.  

Big D says it was said in front of other people, that bothered him because of perception. Big D says he isn't mad at Xavier, he just doesn't want to be compared to a former house guest in front of other house guests. He doesn't want a label. 

Tiffany agrees that Xavier labeled Big D, and it is not cool to do that, she encourages Big D to lay it rest privately.  She tells him to just mention that he didn't like the label given in front of others

Big D says he might just let it go.

Tiffany says when they came through the door they became family, they will fight and make up.

Sarah Beth comes into the room, talk continues, she lays on her bed and Tiffany and Big D go to another bedroom to let her rest.

Big D says he grew up in the “hood”, with a single parent, and he is defensive.

(I can tell you a secret my dears, Big D just fibbed....He is the son of Joe Frazier, one of the greatest boxing champions in the world. Derek did not grow up in the hood, if I remember right, he was in a military school, not in the home of a single parent.  Derek is also a known weight lifter, so don't let his bigness fool you, he could probably throw a house across the street.-Grannysue)

Tiffany continues to give Big D good advice.

Christian and Alyssa are lying on the sofa in the living room.
Christian, “I want to to stay in my room tonight.”
Alyssa,” nuh uh.  Not a good idea.”
Christian, “Not a bad idea....Did you shower today?”

The plan is: Alyssa goes to use the HOH shower, but disappears until morning, where she is “taking a morning shower” so people will think she just went up there. 

Christian says she should spend two nights up there, she is in a good position with her room.  (She is sleeping in a room with Xavier the only other person there, he says he won't tell...)

Britini is listening to the whole conversation as she moves around the room, Azah is lying on the couch as if she is asleep, but I see her peeking every once in a while.

Tiffany has returned to the living room on her way to the dining room.

Britini is looking pretty sad, she hears the whole conversation and is actually looking down at them.

Camera moves to Tiffany and Hannah in the kitchen. She says the meal is chicken and rice (maybe green pepper).

Britini has approached Christian and Alyssa, she sits down right beside them and starts talking to them about costumes.

Alyssa is a little full of herself, she says Big Brother would want her to wear the costume if it were a swimsuit. She says this to Britini three times after Britini expresses and interest in hosting the veto.  Britini's face is frozen in place as she walks away.
(oh my, children, never do that to another young lady, remember that I would not be very proud of you for even this low key body shaming--Grannysue) 

Big D comes in, they are beginning the auditions.

9:18pm Big Brother Time

Big D is yelling at house guests to come, Xavier says tardiness will be factored in to the decisions.

The sofa is filling up, Tiffany is practicing.

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6:05pm BBT SB asks Christian why he changed his target, or more correctly who? Christian says it was after talking to Big D and the Queens. SB says of course Hannah says she won't go after them (the Kings). She will do what he wants, but she really wants Hannah out.

6:07pm BBT SB says the Queens and Jokers will vote to evict Whit. She doesn't think they'll get another chance to get Hannah before Jury, though. She tells Alyssa a female needs to (finally) win HoH. If it's endurance, she boasts, she'll win it. (It will be, so we'll see).

6:08pm BBT Whit and Hannah think Brent is laughing at their being nom after his eviction. DF says Brent couldn't have been saved. He was rude to women and got on everyone's nerves. Christian tells Alyssa that Kings win when they need to.

6:10pm BBT X says SB should talk to Hannah for the Kings. SB says she doesn't talk game with Hannah. She's been waiting for Hannah to come to her for two weeks (I cannot stand it when HG say that - who is so self-important that they cannot break the ice themselves?)

6:12pm BBT X tells Christian & Allyssa to go vor the Veto. Christian doesn't want to win. SB says she'll go for it. X and SB leave HoH and Alyssa tells Christian she thinks they and SB are at the bottom of the Royal Flush alliance. 

6:17pm BBT Christian and Alyssa want to form a new 5-person alliance with SB, Claire and Tiff. Christian tries to figure out who will benefit from an all-female jury (since the first three evicted HG were guys). He wants Hannah in the jury. Alyssa agrees.


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9:35pm Big Brother Time

Azah and Hannah were selected in the auditions.  They will replace Brent.

Tiffany is acting up, security has to come get her (Christian), he drags her off while she says there has been a mistake.  She insists on doing her audition.

Derek X and Kyland go to the front of the room, insisting they are going to re-do their auditon.

(This was fun to watch, some of these house guests have very very good singing voices.  Azah and Britini both have surprising vocals.--Grannysue)

Derek X and Kyland are being allowed to do whatever that is they have been doing during commercial breaks (there are no commercial breaks)

The Big Blue Couch is beginning.  9:40pm
More coverage after their show is over.

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6:20pm BBT Alyssa tells Christian that Azah & Whit are the HG most likely to vote emotionally. Whit is riding a bike in the gym. Hannah asks Big D to lead a game Hollywood Mafia. He jokes she is campaigning. Brit and SB are playing chess in the LR. DX quizes Tiff on Days.

6:28pm BBT Claire comes up to HoH and Christian & Alyssa pitch their F4 Alliance (F5 with SB). X tells Hannah the house flipped and is targeting Whit again. Azah says they have to win Veto to protect the Cookout. (Azah needs to win it or she could be the replacement!)

6:48pm BBT X advises Christian how to talk to Whit. Tiff tells Claire that Ky and X don't want Christian to be on the jury. X & Alyssa are working out in the gym. Whit tells Christian that he, Alyssa & X are her favorite HG outside her team. She & SB are not close though.

6:53pm BBT Whit denies saying she would nom X & Christian or Alyssa & SB. She says she told Ky she would nom SB and someone from another team (not a King). She doesn't even talk with the Jokers. Christian says he believes her - a lot of HG pushed this story against her.

7:05pm BBT Brit & SB are working on a new BBC song w/Brit in the HNR. Christian thinks X would be OK w/Ky being first cut from the RF (I don't think so!). Tiff tries to pin Claire down on what she would do as HoH in a DE. Claire says her only option would be Azah & Brit.

7:22pm BBT Claire tells Tiff that she (Tiff) has too many social connections to take a big shot. Ky leads SB through her daily workout. Brit whispers to DF that the Aces threw them (Jokers) under the bus. Whit tells DF that Ky has: Azah, DX, SB and Queens, all the teams.

7:48pm BBT SB tells Big D that Claire could get a job writing theme songs for the Big Blue Couch. Azah says Claire dropped out. They tell Clair she should 
audition. Azah didn't think so many would be interested when she suggested it. Ky & DX practice their song in the SR.

7:51pm BBT It's time for BBC theme song auditions. SB reminds Judge Alyssa they are on the same team. Big D (the other judge) says SB won't even kiss up to him. She'll charm him during the performance. 

8:00pm BBT In the Coral BR, Hannah tells Tiff that Christian doesn't make his own decisions - this was a Kings nom. Hannah and Azah are rehearsing their song in the YBR. She says she has to win something in the house. Azah says they have this. (I think Hannah meant Veto).

8:08pm BBT Alone in the HNR, Tiff tells feeders she's on her 15th alliance and doesn't know what to call it. She wants to work with Christian but isn't sure about Alyssa. Tiff goes downstairs where Big D directs her through improve situations. 

8:19pm BBT Big D and Tiff think BB will go back to only 2 or 3 Black people because they are too much. Azah thinks ratings dropped after Frenchie left. Big D says he would turn off BB because it was all white people. He says there are a lot of personalities this season.

8:27pm BBT Big D wonders if some HG have a bigger personality in the DR and are more reserved in the House. X says Tiff is the same in the house as she is in the DR (how would he know?). Azah says Ky & DX are really rehearsing hard in the SR (for the Big Blue Couch Song).

8:35pm Big D says Nicole Franzel should have had her shit called out but no one did. X says Big D has "Josh" energy. He denies it, saying Josh was childish. Ky asks SB how her arms, head and heart are feeling? She says her arms & head are fine, but her heart is broken.

8:39pm BBT SB clarifies to Ky that her heart is broken because Ky has been mean to her. She takes a bite of an apple & says it's sour. Ky says he'll eat it. She's just going to eat the apple - she doesn't like to eat before a performance. Ky says she shouldn't be nervous.

8:46pm BBT Big D is still fuming over being compared to Josh by X. 


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10:13pm Big Brother Time

The Big Blue Couch show has ended.

Britini is pacing, she says she can't sit right now. She says she has had a 'spaz” attack.  (I think it is gut pain).

House guests are planning to play London Mafia.

They decide to play with just a few people, looks like 6 people are missing in the living room.
Christian, Alyssa, Azah, Big D, Whitney, Tiffany, and Kyland are in the living room area.

10:58pm Big Brother Time
The Mafia game has ended.

House guests are reviewing the game.

Big D is telling the other he loves the Have Not room.  He says when he moves it sounds like an elephant in the room. (Big D has said he is refusing to give production what they want this week (complaining about the room) Instead he is over complimenting the room.

11:02pm Big Brother Time
Short Bubble break

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9:09pm BBT C/A cuddle in the LR talking to Brit. It's crazy, Alyssa says, that Claire has secured her position in the jury already (maybe she won safety for 2 weeks?). Christian tells Alyssa she smells good all the time. That's a great compliment, she coos.

9:15pm BBT Ky and DX are told to stop rehearsing - it is time for the Big Blue Couch Theme Song auditions. Big D announces they will premier the winning song after the auditions on the next episode of Big Blue Couch. 

9:18pm They are doing the auditions Idol style X is Randy Jackson, Alyssa is Paula Abdul, and Big D is Simon Cowell (they haven't watched AI in a while). KY and DX are the last to the LR and Paula (Alyssa) docks them for tardiness. 

9:21pm BBT Tiff is the first to audition. Her name is Tippy Toes, she's from Motown and she's never heard of Big Blue Couch. She performs an R&B song. She tells the judges they can keep their criticism to themselves.

9:24pm BBT DX & Ky, from Kalamazoo, are next. Ky is Billy Bob & DX has a country accent. They perform their song & Ky says let them know if they need to do it again. Hannah & Azah are next; they are the Brigades & are fans of Big Blue Couch. Hannah was even a guest once.

9:28pm BBT SB and Brit are next and they screech like teen fans of the show. SB says she's a superfan on Reddit; Brit is on the Twitter.  They deliver a show-tune performance.

9:31pm BBT While the contestants hold hands in anticipation, the judges retire to the SR to deliberate. They come out to deliver criticisms. Ky & X are the first to be eliminated (they worked so hard!). Tiff is eliminated next and security has to remove her from the LR.

9:35pm BBT It's down to Hannah & Azah and SB and Brit. Anlyssa announces Hannah & Azah are the winners of the new Big Blue Couch theme song! It's time for the Big Blue Couch show with Javier (X) as the guest. But Azah isn't there so there's no new theme song.

9:40pm BBT The Big Blue Couch is absurd silliness (how do they keep these soap opera story lines straight!). At the end, Azah and Hannah are able to perform their winning theme song. Tiff thinks they may have done that storyline before.

10:20pm BBT Brit lays down on the couch to rest her feet. Ky sits down next and she says she'll rest her gross feet on him (Thanks so much!). Big D starts a game of London Mafia. 

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11:03pm Big Brother Time

Cameras remain on the house guests in the living room, but we are getting intermittent Bubbles.

In the lavatory Tiffany is brushing her teeth at the sink while Kyland brushes his on the lounge. Derek X and Hannah are also in the room, but no conversation other that a few one word comments.
Claire joins the group, she is also silent.

In the living room it is just general chat.

Tiffany comes in to say goodnight.

11:29pm Big Brother Time

Whitney is talking to Alyssa about being nominated.  She says she knows she will probably go home this week if she doesn't win veto.

She is telling Alyssa that Kyland has connections to someone on every team, she believes he has started that conversation.

Whitney denies saying she has not said “those things” about the Kings.

Alyssa says Christian believes that if someone comes after him, Whitney is the one that has the best chance of actually succeeding in that.

Whitney says she understands being nominated, but she wants them to know “I never said those things”.  Whitney denies that she would go after the Kings. She says she knew something was off because Alyssa was standoffish with her, and if she goes home, she will see her kids.  Whitney says Tiffany is the only person that has talked to her since she was nominated.

Alyssa understands that, she says.  “Imagine how it feels when 15 people do that.”

Whitney says when she talked to Derek X, it felt awkward, she says he has not approached her all day, but if he were on the block, she would comfort him.

Whitney goes to one of the beds and lays against Xavier.  She tells him she needs a hug.  She tells Xavier people act differently, she can feel it. Xavier cuddles her for a minute, then tells her goodnight and goes to his own room and bed.  He says he will not give them what they want.

Whitney, “See you at 2 am.”
Xavier, “um hum”
Whitney, 'okay, cool.” smiles.

11:38pm Big Brother Time

Alyssa has gone to her room and bed, Xavier is there.

Alyssa asks Xavier how he feels about her sleeping in the HOH.
Xavier tells her she needs to get a good rest for the competition.
Alyssa tells him they would just sleep, the bed is comfy.  She says Christian will give her a back scratch.

Alyssa tells Xavier she did not say “that stuff about us.”, she said she wanted to work with us. Alyssa says she might be telling the truth.
Xavier agrees she might be.
They both know it might be because she is on the block.

Alyssa says she told Whitney it was Christian's HOH, Alyssa repeats her conversation with Whitney. Alyssa adds that Christian had a reason to not put a man on the block.  Alyssa says they have heard the comment that you want a girl to win, and that is why you are on the block.  Alyssa says Christian chose you, and Hannah because he eliminated people on teams he didn't want to nominate.

Alyssa says she feels bad because Whitney felt Alyssa was odd with her.

Xavier says Christian has made it clear who the target is, now they just need to compete, no more waffling around. (It is in Christian's best interest that Whitney leaves, Hannah is on the outer edge of the Cookout).

They are talking about finding valid reason to go to the HOH,

Xavier tells Christian to go to the HOH,”take a shower”, 10 minutes later Alyssa should just go upstairs. Xavier says they need to be careful.

Alyssa says “if they have proof it's not a joke.”

Christian is not taking the seriously at all, he continues to push for Alyssa to sleep in the HOH several nights.

Xavier says after the veto the HOH just enjoys the room.

Alyssa says she will take clothes up to the HOH room and act like she is showering. The guys tell her to actually take a shower in the morning.

They continue to plot.
Alyssa is going to the Have Not room after someone said Big D wants to see her.
Xavier is happy to have the room to himself.

In the Have Not room Big D is talking to Azah. He says Alyssa said she heard that Big D was snapping a fan in front of his face. He was saying he was going to go after “those B**chs”

Alyssa comes upstairs, Big D takes her to the chess room.

Big D says he was just cracking up and giving Whitney attention. He said he told Christian and Alyssa about it after it happened,  Big D is stressed.

Alyssa asks him if he thinks she believes it, he says “No”.

Alyssa says she was targeted day three, she knows how rumors hurt.
Big D says he is not going to showboat, he says that instead of focusing on this week they are making plans for next week.

12:03AM SATURDAY MORNING Big Brother Time

Alyssa continues to talk Big D down, she tells him that if Whitney doesn't win veto she is going home on a unanimous vote. She tells him to calm down, don't blow up. She tells him to look at it as having ammunition. Alyssa says he needs to worry people around her, those are the people that will go after you.

Big D says if he has a conversation with Christian and Alyssa and had to make a nomination he would tell them he was putting up a member of the Kings and ask them who that should be.

Alyssa says he was straight up with her, she will be straight up with him.

Big D says if he is HOH next week, he will want to know who started the rumor that he was targeting Christian and Alyssa.  Alyssa says if that happens she will tell him who it was. He says someone is trying to keep the heat off themselves and use his personality against him.

Big D reminds her that he warned her about the showmance thing and he is worried about the person that started the rumor going around repeating.

(Alyssa is firmly planting paranoia by not telling Big D who started the rumor.)

Big D says he told someone in the house that if he won HOH he would put up one person from the Kings and Whitney. Then later Whitney came up to him to clarify they were good, later Hannah did the same thing.  (Big D told Tiffany. I watched him do it. However he may have said that to someone else later and I missed it.)

The two of them continue the conversation, but it has become repetitive for the most part.

12:13 am Big Brother Time

Alyssa continues to talk to Big D.

(In my opinion this is what happened, it was the plan for team meetings.  Christian called the Aces to the HOH room first.  They were followed by the Jokers.  Christian must have completed the plan by telling the Jokers that the Aces were talking about them.  This could be the story they used, or it could be true. --Grannysue)

Bubbles shows up.
Other cameras show sleeping house guests.

I think this is the time when old ladies have to find their pillows.  Goodnight dears-hugs from Grannysue.

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11:04pm BBT X and Whit cuddle on the couch. Big D continues mocking the HNR, says he should go to bed early, he loves that bed so much. He hopes he gets one for home. Or they can drag this one through horse shit and send it to him.

11:06pm BBT Ky, DX, Tiff, Hannah & Claire are all in the WA performing evening ADLs. Tiff tells everyone goodnight. Big D won't take his clothes into the HNR because it's dirty. Azah took some of hers up. Big D wants the BY to open so he can work out (dude, you got a gym!)

11:23pm BBT Alyssa explains to Whit what other HG told Christian resulting in her nomination. Azah enters so they talk about how comfortable the beds are. Alyssa tells Whit Christian didn't want a guy up. Whit wants a girl to win. Alyssa says that bothers the guys.

11:29pm BBT Whit tells Alyssa if she doesn't win Veto, she knows she's going home. Whit says Ky has a connection to all four teams. She is trying to paint Ky as a bigger threat. Alyssa says it is Christian's choice. Whit says Tiff is the only HG who will talk to her.

11:37pm BBT Azah and Brit head up to the HNR for bed. Big D doesn't want to go. Alyssa repeats her convo with Whit to him. Whit and X are sharing a bed. A minute later, he gets up and says he'll see her around 2am. 

11:41pm BBT Alyssa asks X whether she should go upstairs (to the HoH room to be with Christian). Tiff says who cares? X says you need sleep in case you play Veto. Alyssa says she would get good sleep upstairs. Alyssa says Christian hasn't settled on who to evict yet.

11:45pm BBT Hannah is drinking tea alone in the LR. Christian returns from the DR & X tells him & Alyssa they need to stick to a single target. They agree. Alyssa updates on Whit pushing Ky as a replacement nom and says she has a point - Ky has a connection on each team.

11:50pm BBT Big D has gone to the HNR. He says he's being tested - his fan is broken. Azah says noms are locked, what are you upset about? Big D says next week he'll be the target. He says Whit is going to use stuff he told her about targeting the Kings against him.

12:09am BBT Alyssa tells Big D in the Parlor that someone told her he was going to nom her and Christian. He says he'll put whomever said that on the block. He says Claire, Hannah and DX will nominate him. She and Christian are not a shield for him. Alyssa says not Kings.

12:20am BBT Big D finally lays down in the HNR and the bed groans. Alyssa goes into HoH & tells Christian she set Big D up by saying she would only tell him who is targeting him if he wins HoH so he can nominate them. Christian thinks it's a great plan.

12:25am BBT Alyssa tells Christian Big D is very concerned about other HG talking about his possible Kings noms. Christian says she is so smart. He pulls the covers over them. Lights out everywhere except HNR. Big D continues fuming to Azah.


12:30am BBT Big D is now obsessing to Azah over what Alyssa told him about "someone" telling her and Christian about his potential Kings noms. He notes Alyssa said it was a "she" but not Whit. They try to read between the lines of Christian's nom speech.


12:35am BBT In the HNR, Big D says SB will go for HoH, so will Ky & Tiff. He says Hannah has a big mouth & could have talked to Alyssa. If Jokers don't win HoH next, they are going have to work hard to paint other targets. Azah says they have to get through Veto first.


12:51am BBT All three Have Nots are in their beds with the lights on. Christian lightly caresses Alyssa's forearm as she sleeps with her arm across his breast, her hand resting on his neck. The lights go out in the HNR. Christian's hand drops. All HG are dreaming of Veto.

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