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Sunday, July 11, 2021 Big Brother 23 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 23 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/forum/289-big-brother-usa-season-23-discussion/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB23-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Chess Parlor (CP)
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Reef Bedroom (RBR)
Sea Glass Bedroom (SBR)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Yacht Club Bedroom (YBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:06AM BBT

Xavier, Sarah Beth and Alyssa are talking in the HNR. Alyssa says she told Derek X that if he uses it on her she will be loyal to him 100%



12:36AM BBT

Tiffany and Kyland are talking in the bathroom

Ky- I don't think that like...and uh, Travis.... and if you told everyone your target was Christian; and (Ky is whispering and brushing his teeht at the same time, so very difficult to understand him) I told Derek do whatever you want with the veto, so like if he...I was checking my mic...so if he says that and uh...the...the...the...oh, and that makes sense...so it's like

Tiff- so let me get this straight. Derek think that if he uses the veto on you, Frenchie will put up Sarah Beth

Ky- no, just a girl, but Travis is pushing that

Tiff- who would be the target, the alternate or

Ky- oh, yeah...Alyssa

Tiff-that does matter, you gotta finish the story

Ky- Frenchie was saying that it will cut down my target because he and Alyssa

Tiff- I gotta know what Derek believes

Ky- he is basically saying he is leaving it open to saying I want to put up a girl, but Travis is saying I don't know if that's true, but assuming it is true, I want to push that girl to be Sarah Beth

Tiff- okay because if I had power of veto and you told me to use this power of veto, it would have to make sense, like how does it benefit you...I was just trying to make sure

Ky says he is trying to talk to Frenchie

Tiff- if he feels comfortable and Derek feels comfortable, no campaigning

Ky- everyone is saying he is absolutely going to, but as much as I can possibly believe him, I actually do based on the conversation (with Derek)

Tiff- okay

Ky- and I like...there is...you know like...this is something I'm not sure about. I feel like Whitney and Brent if asked by Derek who would he rather work with it would be me over Travis  

Tiff- people are already willing to sacrifice Travis; why keep a person here if that would be the only person here working with Derek in the long run; those two would be on an island themselves; because he would be building trust with his group and Frenchie 

Ky- but early with what you were saying...worrying about Frenchie's group tying up with Brent's group

Tiff- Whitney's group

Ky- the things that are being cooked up are better than that; like in multiple ways; we can be sure of that

Tiff- okay; got it! *sighs  I just don't want to be on that block

Ky- no, no

Tiff- but you are 100% sure

Ky- I am sure...I am giving you the 100%

Ky- Had you talked about cooking in the boat room

Tiff- the boat room? 

Ky- no 

Tiff- it's been a long time

Ky- you know because you are obligated to (can't hear deets)

Tiff- oh NO...my friend's

Kyland- Well, I hadn't...and wasn't..and I like....

Tiff- oh no, I'm not cooking...I'm not cooking. I let everybody else do that. I see how they got their kitchen put together. I'll do the dishes. Never. Never  (they are discussing Cookout chatter)

Tiff- I was just making sure that I wasn't the only one to know not to be cooking with grease. I bake my shit. That's what I call it. We can grill. We can grill.

Ky laughs

*Feeds cut to WBRB


When feeds return Alyssa, Brent and Derek have joined them in the bathroom area


Derek is telling Tiff he lived in Louisiana until 3rd grade but he lives in Maryland

Tiff- today is Saturday

Derek- well I live in Maryland so it's southern

Tiff- is it?

Derek- no..(laughs) I was trying to base my answer on your response

Tiff laughs

If you had believed me I wasn't going to back down


[The code talk for the Cookout Alliance is hilarious y'all.  -MamaLong] image.png.c1ee6a52a304769bba48fa891f9abb4e.png


In the Reef Bedroom, Travis and Claire are talking about student debt and how neither of them had expected their parents to pay for college




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1:20AM BBT

Frenchie is talking with Claire and Travis in the LR saying that multiple people were trying to run his HoH like it was their HoH

Frenchie- like this is my game you're talking about, but when you got multiple people putting your back against the wall. But my original target was Brent so I am glad we had that conversation and then I heard Christian was coming after me so I swapped it. Made my week easy because I was like, I can't give him that opportunity. I went in there and read the cards and was like 18...I started stressing, and I was like


Sarge- Azah, please do no obstruct your microphone

*Feeds cut to WBRB (likely for warning about production talk)




2:29AM BBT

The feeds return from WBRB to Whitney and Frenchie in the Seaglass Bedroom on cams 1/2. The lights are out in the Reef Room on 3/4.

It appears Derek X is asleep while they talk.

Frenchie is saying he didn't want to sleep in the HoH room alone.

Whitney- that's something I didn't think about, like what is like being up there when everyone is is talking game Frenchie- while eveyone is building bonds and relationships, I was up there by myself

Whitney- I think people that have relationships with you....I think Big D would have slept up there with you

Frenchie- I don't want everyone here to think I'm just game. I've talked game for like 15 weeks

Whitney tells him he is almost done "just one more thing tomorrow and that's it)

Frenchie- yeah but then y'all until Thursday

Whitney- but you don't have anymore duties. You can relax.

Whitney whispers "youre doing a great job"

Frenchie: huh  (she repeats)

Whitney- I'm sure America don't think that. I'm sure they're like 'man, how many targets are you gonna have week one?...on WEEK ONE!' 

[oh, stop your moaning Frenchie; let's not forget Cody's season 19 HoH reign  -MamaLong]  

Whitney- we are all new at this

Frenchie- it's a learning experience


Whitney moans that it's "too freaking hot" in the room


*Feeds cut to WBRB


Some pranking is going on


2:44AM BBT

Frenchie is talking about getting Big D with shaving cream  "I had him...the camera woke him up. He was wiping it all over....he said it's lotion right; I said no it's shaving cream...I need a towel; wipe that off

Whitney, Derek X and Tiffany are cracking up




They are collectively trying to clean up Big D

Tiff- he said 'I feel sticky'

Whitney- he is gonna be pissed

Frenchie- let me go wipe it off

Whitney- if we want success y'all we should go to the Have Not Room...I think Alyssa will be good with it

Tiff suggest X because he has been asleep since 9

Whitney- I have to pee; y'all go and have fun

Tiff- oh no, we got to wait for you

Frenchie- if these people evict me

They all head up to the HNR

Frenchie (to the cam) you might want to follow us

Whitney- I feel Alyssa will  be the least pissed

Frenchie- if these people get mad and evict me 

Tiff- we need a towel...she just need to wipe her hands



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Tiff has shaving cream in her hand at the ready. Frenchie wants to get Alyssa, Tiff wants to get X. Whitney tried to chicken out but then agreed to go with them. Tiff says they need to get the dominant hand.


They sneak into the Have Not Room (job well done; almost no noise at all)

In the dark they try to figure out where everyone is sleeping. Frenchie looks at the camera almost as if he is looking for them to tell him. The cam zooms in on Sarah Beth. Tiff and Frenchie squat down near Sarah Beth and motion for Whitney to come in. Frenchie hesitates.



Frenchie has a whole can of shaving cream at the ready

Frenchie starts holding back laughter. He's gonna blow it. They can't see anything. Sarah Beth actually stirs a bit and her arms come out from under the covers to to over her head. He stars patting down the bed. Tiff gives him a string of some sort (maybe to move her arm with???) They move toward the bed that Alyssa and X are in. Frenchie is holding back laughter again but it's audible. He is going to wake them up. He is too loud.

Frenchie can't see. He asks the girls to open the door and let light in.

Frenchie puts shaving cream near the foot of the bed. Alyssa rises up and looks around. They scurry out of the room. Mission abandoned. Once in the hallway Frenchie says he kept missing so they are gonna wake up and just see it all around.

Whitney- did someone wake up

Frenchie- Alyssa

Whitney- I feel like you can't go to sleep until you get someone


They head downstairs and Frenchie asks the girls to open the door to the Reef Bedroom.


Frenchie releases shaving gel all over Kyland's foot 

He goes to the other said of the bed and does more. Kyland wakes up


They all laugh

Frenchie- I got you

Ky- you did

Frenchie gives him hugs






3:30AM BBT

Whitney and Frenchie are the last one's awake in the Seaglass Bedroom chatting about working with Christian because he's a good competitor

Whitney says they are gonna wake them up early for photos

Frenchie- you're just scared I'm gonna get you

Whitney- if you do I'm gonna fuck you up

They settle in their beds and say goodnight


3:35AM BBT

The house lights go out and the BB House is now dark


[It's PapaLong's birthday, so I will be unavailable most of the day.  -MamaLong]

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11:22AM BBT

The photo shoot is over. The feeds returned to the HGs having access to the backyard.



Whitney, Hannah, Ky and Derek X are playing chess in the backyard.

Xavier, Frenchie, Alyssa, Christian and Big D are talking in the HoHR.


11:43AM BBT  Feeds cut to WBRB


Feeds returned...

In the HoHR, Frenchie is leading Alyssa to believe that Travis is going up in place of Ky and Travis will be going home. 

Frenchie- I told him I don't want any animosity outside of the house. He is bummed, but he knows.

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Flashback to 1:46AM

[BB blacked out a big chunk of a group hang in the LR immediately prior, then this happened to maybe explain why ~ BBLurkerPlus]

1:46AM Qhitney walks into the WA with Claire, then goes into the toilet. While she's in there, Claire looks troubled while glancing at the cameras in the room and whispers into her mic "Um, very weird....she doesn't believe in Sandy Hook...don't know about that one."

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3:34PM BBT

In the LR Big D, Sarah Beth, Claire and Azah are discussing former seasons of Big Brother. Alyssa has been running her fingers across Xavier's arm for a good while now. He appears to have fallen asleep on the couch.



Hannah walks through and they begin discussing Cody and Jessica and how unfair it was for Paul to get weeks of safety in that season.


Big D Asks Alyssa what her type of guy is. She says she likes all guys and that Ky and Xavier are most like the guys she dates. Bret yells "Nooo...say me" (earlier Alyssa said her mom is 5" and dad is 5'6" so she dates tall guys "I want to give my kids a chance" 

[I like Alyssa more and more each day. She's direct and really funny.  - MamaLong]


Big D says he likes dad bods, not guys like Travis and Christian.


Sarah Beth says that her gf, Shelley, is Puerto Rican with ringlet hair; short and curvy. "I've always been a sucker for brown eyes." She says Shelley has bright eyes, but they are very pretty.




Brent says he like blond hair and blue eyes. "My ex was blond with green eyes."

Big D asks Claire what she goes for.

Claire- like in guys?

Big D- yeah

Claire- well I am bi so I

Big D- What? Am I late to the party?

Claire- you might be...I don't know how to announce stuff like that

Big D- well Sarah Beth was just like "I'm bi" (didn't hold back revealing that aspect of herself)...so you're an ally

Claire- yeah...I am so not picky. I am really in to people that are in to me. I mean I am so tall.

Big D- so you don't have anything that makes you melt

Claire- I feel like I like someone who is really confident



3:57PM BBT

Travis and Derek are lifting weights in the backyard. Whitney wants to try lifting. Travis says it's about 170 pounds. Whitney says she lifts weights a lot.

She tries but can barely lift the bar at all.




Hannah is talking with Xavier in the bathroom. It sounds like an interview with her firing question after question.


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7:27PM BBT  Backyard  All HGs

Brent has lost a pool challenge with Sarah Beth so his punishment is that he has to put ten grapes in his mouth and profess his love to Christian


Christian- I want you on your knees






Brent- Christian, ever since the first moment I saw you and I looked into your eyes, crystal blue eyes, I knew it was love at first sight. I want to take this moment and say there is nothing else I would rather do than have you for the rest of my life. I just want you to know that every night with you, my cheeks will look like this. Will you be my Big Brother showmance? 


Christian pretends to lean in for a kiss

Brent- he said yes! He said yes!


All the HGs cheer and clap.







Derek X had to eat some disgusting concoction that involved pickle juice.

7:40PM BBT

Now it's Azah's punishment and she has to be Brent. She changes into clothes to match Brent's shirtless look as best as possible

Brent- this is a family show

Azah says she needs weights and does some benchpresses

The HGs all shout to her that she has to go look at herself in the mirror

Then Azah starts doing the flight attendant directions with her fingers




Next Azah assigns a punishment to Travis and it's time for a full makeover. Whitney and Hannah take him in the house to start the transformation.



Hannah introduces transformed Travis as Travilla. He is wearing Claire's shoes and they are a perfect fit.





Now they all enter the house for a nomination ceremony.

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image.thumb.png.bec9de2be84b54a7028cd7290d2bc004.pngThey realize Kyland is in the DR and decide they have to wait for him.

8:05PM BBT

Production has released Kyland from DR

Tiffany now reenacts the nomination ceremony dressed as Frenchie with full accent. (excellent job)



Apparently she does too good of a job because the feeds cut to WBRB and return to...


Tiff (as Frenchie)- this concludes the nomination ceremony

The HGs all cheer and tell Tiffany she nailed it.

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4:00 - 5:00PM BBT: Most HGs are in the backyard laying by the pool, Swimming or working out, Britini and Derek X are in the Yacht Club bedroom talking about his Veto win and how he had a celebration dance when he won. Derek X moves to the livingroom with Xavier and Kyland just talking general talk when Frenchie jumps out from behind the chair and scares Derek X. 

5:00 - 6:00PM BBT: Christian told Derek F that Frenchie had offered him a Final Two deal. Christian said he told Frenchie yes but didn't mean it He says that only Derek F. is his final two Derek F agrees to this also and Christian says no one else knows about this so do not say anything. A lot of general talk around the house and around the pool. 

6:00 - 7:00PM BBT: :Alyssa and Brent in the hammock talking about Derek X and how he told Frenchie that he talked to Derek X. and told him to use the Veto and get Frenchie trust back and let Travis go on the block. AT the POOL Azah and Sarah are sitting by the pool with Xavier, Xavier sees Kyland coming to jump in the pool and moves and lets Azah and Sarah get splashed. HGs are all getting ready to play Pool table truth or dare. They all pick a number ball and if it gets hit in they give that person with that number a truth or dare, Sarah is up and gets Frenchie number and has Frenchie wear the floating flamingo the rest of the night.

7:00 - 8:00PM BBT: Pool table truth or dare continues as HGs are dressing up as each other and acting like each other, Just general talk, laughing and screaming going on.

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8:25PM BBT

Tiffany and Hannah are talking in the Reef Bedroom about how they are getting to know the HGs better and it makes it hard to want to see any of them leave.


Hannah says she vibed with certain HGs right away because they remind her of how. She mentioned: Tiff, X, Kyland, Azah, Alyssa and Derek.


Tiff says that she loves Derek X so much. They both agree that SB (many of the HGs call Sarah Beth 'SB') Whitney and Claire. Tiff says she really loves Claire. Tiff says she is social but reserved and doesn't typically open up much, yet she can be open with the right people. "If I open up with someone, it means I am really comfortable with them."  Hannah says she feel like everyone in the house is goofy, and she likes that. Hannah says it's hard for her to open up with people.


Tiff- they picked a great group of people.



[This really is a tight group of HGs this year, and I agree they are easy to like (so far)  -MamaLong]




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8 pm Big Brother Time

House guests are sitting around the dining table getting ready for a “re-inactment” of the nomination ceremony.  Tiffany is playing the part of the HOH with a horrible southern accent.

Everyone keeps stopping her and making her do parts of it over.

(we hear giggling and snorting)

She “nominates” Alyssa and Kyland and tells them the “dream” story Frenchie used.  The room is in hysterics. When she is finished everyone claps and laughs.

General consensus is that she needs to be nominated for an Emmy. (I agree)

Frenchie is a very good sport, laughing with all the others.

Earlier the girls have made Christian up and dressed him in a tiny blue dress with heels.  He has been dancing and stomping around in those heels for nearly a half hour now.

We get a few minutes of bubbles.

Have nots receive pickles to supplement their slop diet.  Big conversation around which one to try first and the Have Nots are surrounding the jars. (Reminds me of my children many many years ago when the cookies came out of the oven, arms and elbows and little faces with a look of pure wonder on their faces.--Grannysue)

Other house guests are talking about the treats in the pantry, ice cream, frozen cookie dough, and frozen pizzas.  Pizza seems to be the winner with the men, they are sorting through them in the kitchen freezer. 

Whitney explains the oven, “and then you have to press....”start”. (Sadly Frenchie actually seemed to need that explanation...roflm*o)
Bubbles appear, possibly for a quick, this is how you use the oven lesson....

Feeds return to Tiffany and Hannah are in one of the bedrooms, Tiffany is telling Hannah about a long conversation she had with other house guests this week. She says today around the pool house guests shared their dreams with each other.  Tiffany says things like that are making it hard to look at them as people they want to leave.

The two of them share the names of people they like very much, Hannah says it takes her a long time to warm up, but this week has been a time she could share things and she feels like that sharing is helping her gain friendships with the other people in the house.

Tiffany says she doesn't share  much about her life, but today it happened and it was unexpected. She says she is social, but not really open and being in the house has allowed her to talk about those things she would normally not talk about
. Tiffany also tells Hannah that when she opens up it is not strategy, it is authentic because they are in a group of strangers. Hannah inserts, “and we're being watched by millions.”

The two young women agree that the new friendships forming are what will make the game so difficult.

Bubbles....but just for a few seconds

When feeds return Tiffany is telling Hannah that this experience is allowing her to see things about people, their culture, family and lives that she would otherwise never even know.  She also believes that the Big Brother cast this season will be blessed with success after the show has ended.  (She tells Hannah that she has watched every season—I am not sure that is common knowledge in the house)

oh for Pete's sake—Bubbles

Feeds return for a few seconds, Tiffany and Hannah are still talking about the house and how it feels to be responsible for decisions that end a players game.


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8:05pm BBT: Tiffany reenacting Frenchie's NOMINATIONS AS Part of her dare in the game. Hg sitting around the table laughing.

8:25pm BBT: Tiffany and Hannah in the RBR talking about how much they love Derek X and how much they like Claire but she does not feels comfortable, Hannah says she is the same way, They then talk about how they really like everyone in the house as there is a good group of people in the house this year.

8:40pm BBT: Tiffany and Hannah still talking about what kind of person Tiffany is and we get WBRB.

8:56pm BBT: Frenchie saying he might tell Derek X not to use the POV as he talks to Alyssa and Brent, They use the chess pieces and try to figure out votes.

8:59pm BBT: Frenchie going over each HG and tells Alyssa if she stays on the block she has guaranteed 8 votes to stay here 100%. She ask are you sure and he assures her she will stay. In the BY Britini , Travis and Derek X. are playing a game of pool.


9:05pm BBT: Frenchie talking to Derek X. about not using the POV and how he wants to keep them working together a secret. Derek X. leaves and Travis comes up and he ask if Noms stay the same who do you keep? Travis says i want to do whatever you want done, Frenchie says i do not know i am torn, Travis says so you want my opinion and Frenchie says yes, Travis says let me get back to you on that, Xavier is next and says he is asking everyone the same thing.

9:16pm BBT: Frenchie has talked to Hannah now and she really doesn't know she wants to think about it if Travis goes up who would she vote out Travis or Alyssa? She says she will let him know. She leaves and Kyland comes up and Frenchie ask him you come off the block who you vote out Travis or Alyssa? Kyland is  talking in circles and not giving answers and acting like he is confused about what Frenchie is asking and we get WBRB.

9:25pm BBT: Kyland says he will vote Travis and Frenchie starts talking about himself and he knows he will be going on the block at some point and how he could have rolled the dice to be safe 2 week. Frenchie just keeps repeating himself. Most HG in the BY talking general talk and playing pool.

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8:41pm Big Brother Time

A conversation between Alyssa, Brent and Frenchie.

Alyssa is asking if she should say names when Derek X asks her about possible replacement nominees.  She wonders if she should just ask dumb.

Brent tells her she has all the female votes.

Brent tells both of them that whoever is put up next week they have the numbers to keep their person safe.

Frenchie mentions a back door, but Brent says they have the votes, regardless.

Brent says that Kyland is playing the sweet game, all the girls like him. He says his team will vote with him.  He feels that Claire is neutral, but if they keep Travis he will be a future problem.

Frenchie worries how people at home will feel about Travis leaving, but Brent insists that Travis could become a problem for them later.

Frenchie tells them he trusts Christian, but Xavier is playing a very good game, but when they ask him to say more, he says that Xavier being in their alliance is a good thing.

Brent and Alyssa tell Frenchie he has done no real damage, and that America will appreciate a big player going home on week one.  They tell him to continue to use the “fish story” in order to avoid Christian getting paranoid.

Frenchie tells them that Derek X has no choice but to use the veto, but he needs to go before he gets too solid in the house.  They need to aim for Derek, but an option would be Kyland.

Frenchie uses the chess pieces to demonstrate the votes this week. According to his calculations The vote would be 8-6 in Alyssa's favor. They re-work the numbers again.

Frenchie sends Alyssa away and Brent to find Derek X.

Brent and Alyssa meet in the bedroom, Brent tells her that Frenchie is constantly changing his mind, and that all this will spook the alliance they are building. Brent names six people in the house that Frenchie has decided to to go after, then changed his mind repeatedly.

Cameras move back to Frenchie and Derek X.

Frenchie is asking Derek X if Kyland has mentioned going after him (Frenchie). Derek X says not.  When Frenchie asks, Derek X says he will vote to keep Kyland.

Derek X tells Frenchie that Kyland is not happy about how the HOH is being handled, that too many fires are being started.  Frenchie sends Derek X for Travis.

Frenchie asks Travis who he would vote to keep in the event the nominations stay the same. Travis tries to evade, but ends up saying he would keep Kyland.

Travis sends Travis to get Xavier.  He asks Xavier who he would keep if the nominations stay the same.  Xavier tells Frenchie that Alyssa is on his team, he would vote to keep her.

I hear Xavier off camera mumble, “Sorry Frenchie”.

Frenchie sends for Hannah. When she comes up he directs her to sit in the chair of his choosing. He asks Hannah the question, she tells him that she will vote to keep Kyland. Frenchie asks her to send someone else up. Before she goes she asks him who he would like Derek X to use the veto on, and Frenchie says Alyssa. Hannah tells him Derek X would more than likely use the veto on Kyland.

They begin stroking each other's egos for a few minutes. Then Frenchie abruptly sends Hannah off to talk to Kyland. Kyland tells Frenchie he would vote with the alliance, but Kyland answers with “if the alliance is real, why do you have an issue on how to vote?”. He points at one of the chess pieces but does not say a name. (Kyland is the first person speaking to Frenchie that has questioned the question).

Frenchie asks Travis if he can talk Derek X into not using the veto. Travis says he can do it, and he doesn't really need  a reason given but he will do that. Frenchie explains that if Kyland comes off the block he thinks....

Bubbles...we get Bubbles....

9:44pm Big Brother Time

Feeds return to the back yard.

Derek X is carrying Tiffany around the yard, she is laughing. Derek X is teasing her about something she did. Derek X tells Tiffany that Frenchie wants him to use the veto.

Tiffany tells him that he (Derek X) has connections in the house that have nothing to do with Frenchie and the HOH.  Derek says he doesn't feel those connections any more and Tiffany agrees he may have lost that this week.

Tiffany and Derek X are laughing, she tells him no one is ever laughing when they are talking game. Both of them run to the washer to join in the laundry fun with Kyland. Tiffany says this is a fancy washing machine, hers opens at the top. They check with Whitney to see if adding hers as well is okay and it is.

Tiffany and Derek X return to the patio seats. Tiffany asks Derek X about the tone of the house, if no one has approached him after winning the veto. They continue to laugh in the middle of the conversation to throw the others in the yard off.

Derek feels like he is starting regain favor and recognizes it, although no one has asked him to join a group.

Tiffany tells him she would like to see a few one week deals or a 'until the jury deal”. She says deals like that keep people from going back on their word, but those are comforting deals to be made.  Derek X seems to agree with her idea, she tells him the game is not about being HOH.
Tiffany, “The game is to be Bold, not to be Told.”

Tiffany advises him not to acted timid or scared, he needs to not disappear, she tells him she doesn't talk about deep things in the house but she is using him for that.

Tiffany asks him about the paring talk in the pool and how it related to people. Derek X tells her that he was surprised that people didn't really know other people.

They continue to laugh and smile while the talk is serious

Tiffany is still laughing about thinking the straw in the competition was a hockey stick.  Travis joins them and he tells her that unfortunately, he did know that. 

Tiffany and Derek X make an incredibly smooth transition from game talk/laughing to goofing around.  Derek X says he is going to bed but Travis asks him to talk privately.

Tiffany decides to join them at the hot tub for a foot dip. Kyland is already there, and Tiffany makes a joke about her 21 year old body.  They question Travis's eating habits, he tells them they are the same at home, and he will be 30 on the 13th.

General chatter at the hot tub.

Camera 3 shows Frenchie, Sara Beth, and Claire.

Frenchie tells them that “??” called Tiffany a “b***ch”, so he called him and her up together and they squashed it.  But before name caller's ID is made clear we get.........


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10:15pm Big Brother Time

Feeds have returned.

Alyssa is talking to Derek X and Xavier comes in with a go pro, Derek X takes him on a tour of the HOH Room and the Chess Room. 

Returning to Frenchie with Sarah Beth and Claire.

Frenchie is complaining that people who only watch the show will not know why his targets have constantly changed.  The girls tell him he will come out of it okay. Frenchie tells the two girls that people have been asking why he did not put them (Sarah Beth and Claire).

Sarah Beth tells him they understand he must have gotten bad information and that is why Alyssa was put on the block.  They believe someone told Frenchie that Alyssa was coming after him with Christian. He does not tell them that did not happen.(on his diary room session tonight he said he was doing it to eliminate a showmance).  

Sarah Beth says she will be very angry if Derek X doesn't use the veto, Frenchie says he will be mad as well.  (Frenchie has sent Travis to ask Derek X NOT to use the veto just a bit ago)

Frenchie continues his apology to the girls, telling them that they have to “break that up”, he says “I set the tone for this summer.”, and continues to over-explain his reasoning. Frenchie tells them that if someone has a problem with him he would want to know.

Frenchie continues to woo the girls...

Xavier comes into the room with the go pro and records Sarah Beth. He asks her to do some voice action, she says “ummm.”  Xavier says “oh no my GPS is not working.”  Sarah Beth says, “Recalculating”. AND it was perfect!!!  Frenchie says the diary room should call them in and let them do it.

Frenchie goes to the back yard to tell the others....

Everyone loves it.

Frenchie is so excited he wants to redo it......He grabs Sarah Beth and a chair.
Tiffany plays “the boat” (diary room).

Xavier records it on the go pro.

It goes very well.


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10:42pm Big Brother Time

Go pro posing continues at the hot tub with Derek X behind the go pro.

Frenchie goes into the bedroom where Tiffany is curled up in her bed.  She tells him she is fine, just tired. He sits on the edge of the bed.

Frenchie tells here it is tough to tell who is telling the truth and who is not. He says he has no idea about what will happen next week with HOH.  Tiffany tells him he will not play but the other team members will.

When Frenchie says he should have rolled the dice, but Tiffany tells him what he did was fine because two weeks would have targeted them.

Tiffany says she is interested in “going for it” in the HOH competition, but she is reluctant to speak for the others on her team.

Frenchie lays on the bed with her (appropriately) and tells her that he would like to improve their communication and asks her what he can do to make that happen.  He thinks the team works very well together, the chemistry is there. 


11:00pm Big Brother Time

Frenchie is asking Tiffany and Sarah Beth who they would vote for if Derek X uses the veto and Travis is nominated.  They tell him they would vote Travis out and keep Alyssa.  In the event Kyland is on the block they say they will vote out Kyland.  Frenchie tells them that he has heard Kyland would be voted out.

The three of them say that if they win HOH it will be an easy week because they can get rid of “him” (Derek X).
Frenchie promises to communicate more.

Frenchie finds Derek X, but he is lured outside. Hannah is hiding under a blanket in the yard.  She jumps up and screams at him. Frenchie screams (like a girl).  He tries to play it off with the tough guy, but no one buys what he is selling.  They are proud that they scared him so bad.

Frenchie says he knew something was up but thought it was near the hammock.

Sarah Beth is telling Kyland that she believes Derek X is using the veto. She also tells him that Frenchie also asked her who she would keep if the veto is not used. Sarah Beth tells Kyland she lied to Frenchie, that she has no intention of sending Kyland home.

Derek X goes into the room with Claire.  The two of them check how easy it is to hear through the door.  Claire tells him you can hear 100%, even when Derek X was speaking low.

Derek X asks Claire if she misses New York and she says “yes”...”i don't miss it at all.”

Claire tells Frenchie that the doors are not solid enough to hide voices. They talk about the size of the beds and the temperature of the rooms. Derek X confirms that he will use the veto. Frenchie tells them that Travis knows he is being nominated, but he doesn't know what the numbers will be.

Derek X says he feels okay talking to Travis at this point then, since Travis knows what is going to happen. Derek X tells Frenchie that if Travis goes home this week there will be no real harm done.

Frenchie continues to woo Derek X and Claire.

Christian and Whitney are cuddling on the hammock.  They are talking about showmances, Christian says Hannah is too smart to get involved in a showmance.  They agree that Brent and Alyssa might become a couple in the house, Whitney says they are compatible.

The two of them become quiet, trying to listen to a conversation nearby. For about 10 seconds, then they start talking again.

They are talking about the game, but no strategy, just generalities.

Travis is telling Derek X that Frenchie has changed his mind and wants the nominations to be the same.  He tells Derek X that Frenchie thinks the three of them would be targets. Although Travis is telling the truth, it sounds like he is not. Derek X tells him Frenchie has not told him that, in fact he just told him to use the veto.  Derek X tells Travis that Frenchie just told him a few minutes ago to use it and mentions speaking to Frenchie about it.  They talk about the votes if Travis is up, and Derek X tells him it doesn't look good on the votes.
Derek X decides to go talk to Frenchie, and the two of them decide to ago talk to Frenchie together.

They decide that they will not tell Frenchie that Derek X is aware that Travis was sent to ask. Derek thinks he should go in first then pull Travis into the room. 

Travis says he had a long conversation with Frenchie today on a personal level and thinks that may have changed Frenchie's mind.

Derek X is wondering why Frenchie would do this, and why he didn't want his name in the request. Travis says maybe it is because information like that could blow up Frenchie's game. Travis says Frenchie has the opinion that Kyland would be evicted.

Again Derek X questions why Frenchie would do this, wonders if this a way Frenchie is hedging bets in event Travis stays. Then he can blame Derek X for using the veto, even though Travis asked him not to use the veto. Derek X says he needs to do what his team expects. Derek X clarifies that Frenchie made the request tonight and Travis confirms it.

Travis says if they both go to Frenchie together they will back him into a corner because he can't use this later for damage control. Travis thinks Frenchie will twist it unless they go in together.

Derek X wonders if this is some sort of a test for him.

Travis asks if he should approach Frenchie, Derek X wonders why he would flip. Travis says that Frenchie may not want his name on it because he wants to maintain neutrality.  Travis tells Derek X that this could be the reason Frenchie sent him to do it himself.

Travis is worried that f they don't approach Frenchie in the right way it could blow it up for him.

Derek X tells Travis that Frenchie confirmed to him (Derek X) that Travis knew he was going up. Travis tells him that is true.

Brent comes into the room and camera changes to the Have Not room, then back to the conversation.

Travis tells Derek X that when he told Frenchie he could get the veto to be put aside, Frenchie told Travis that is exactly what he wanted.
Travis also tells Derek X that other people supposedly told Frenchie they wanted Travis put up.

Derek X asks why Frenchie would do that, because if other people wanted Travis up they would be mad.

Travis says it may be that Frenchie wants to hide his involvement.  Derek X says if that is the case all the blood would fall on him (Derek X). His next question is why can't someone else go on the block.

Derek X jokes that Travis is a millionaire anyway, so he plans to ask for a job next week anyway.
Both of them laugh about that.


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