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Thursday, July 8, 2021 Big Brother 23 Live Feed Updates

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7:01 PM BBT Feeds come back and we hear cheering from all the houseguests. They finally get the backyard. Frenchie and Azah are in the Hammock talking. General chatter going on right now. Cam 1 and 2 focused on FOTH.

7:14 PM BBT Tiffany Brittany Dereck F and Frenchie are in the longue chairs outback talking. Frenchie tells them they are going to be cruising this week. Dereck then leaves and says he is going to put on his swimsuit. Brittany asks them if the hot tub is warm or cold.


7:25 PM BBT Tiffany and Brittany sitting on the edge of the pool while the others in the pool talking. Kyland Travis and Derick X all talking and playing some pool.


7:32 BBT Frenchie Xavier and Whitney are talking by the Hammock. Azah and Derick F are in the kitchen talking about dinner. All cams change to the kitchen talk.

7:38 PM BBT Xavier and Kyland are out on the Hammock talking about last season and how nobody heard each other side. BB comes over the PA and says "you are not allowed to production". Xavier and Kyland and Sarah talk about society and they all talk about how they hate talking about politics.

7:45 PM BBT Azah and Derrick F are talking about Travis they both agree he is smart but needs to go, He is good this week. Derrick says he is the one we got to keep him thinking we are working with him. Azah says she doesn't want to keep him too long

 7:54 PM BBT most of the houseguests are outside doing handstands and pushups. while they are showing off their skills they talk about the astroturf in the backyard. General chatter going on

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8:42pm Big Brother Time



House guests are scattered in the back yard, Frenchie and Britini are playing billiards, Derek F, Sarah, Brent, and Alyssa are on the outdoor patio set.


There is general chatter, Sarah mentions they might be getting a neighbor this year, she has noticed that the upper deck area has a closed off section. They are joined by Christian and Hanna as well as Xavier.


They are talking about a competition today, something to do with speed, but the cameras move to the billiards game before we get much information.


Camera moves again to Azah and Derek X with Travis in the hammock area. Travis is talking about Hawaii and the surf. General chatter.


Derek F has joined Britini and Frenchie at the billiards table, Frenchie tells them he is bad at the game and leaves them to play.


Camera moves again to the group in the hammock area, Travis is wondering how things will change in the house, he says he is finding it hard to visualize things becoming confrontational. Azah tells them that she has seen it happen on other seasons, and she thinks it can change dramatically.


Kyland goes into the storage room and finds wine. He brings the wine outside, but the have nots are informed they are not allowed to indulge. House guests start showing up like ants to a picnic, and soon a dozen are circled on the patio. The rest of the house guests show up and glasses are passed around. Frenchie takes charge of the wine bottle and begins pouring for the group. Have nots are given water in their glasses to the group can make a toast. Azah struggles but manages to open the second bottle. Azah leads the toast, “Cheers to a wonderful group of people..great summer...BB23” A loud hurrah and everyone sips the wine each person was allotted.


Sarah and Kyland have wandered away from the group and are talking about working together in the game. Sarah is very interested and complements him, and agrees they should work together.


In the bedroom Tiffany and and Claire are talking about “her”, at one point they get very quiet

while Tiffany listens to a voice in another room. Tiffany identifies the person as Britini. A few seconds later Claire identifies Travis as one of the people who will be playing in the POV, but she mumbles the first name, but Tiffany mentions Brent.


Cameras move to the hammock with Sarah and Kyland. Sarah says “he is my team mate...i want to keep him around.” Kyland says “he is my team mate, and I'd like to keep him, but later...”


Hannah joins Kyland and Sarah at the hammock. Conversation stops, but Kyland tells Hannah he needs to check in with Frenchie just to be sure. He also mentions Christian, whether or not it will be a girl and a guy.



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7:57PM BBT Poker Chip Parlor  Kyland/Alyssa/Christian

Ky: last night I felt good. Today I felt good and everyone I have talked to felt good. I was like, with the competition, I just want to play, but I feel good..and then like (sorry, but Kyland talks in circles a lot...difficult to transcribe his conversation) When you guys (pointing to Christian) knew it was you two I was like, okay, but if you pick one guy one girl, there's only 4 guys left 

Alyssa: Ohhh

Ky: and if he has to pick, like

Christian: well, your odds aren't looking right based on what you are saying

Ky: right, so he wants to be fair and says the only thing I have to go off of is this

Christian: he play with his heart. 

Ky: right

Christian: it's obvious he is a sensitive guy

Ky: and it could be because of that (the competition) it changed (it being nominations)

Christian: I'm hoping to figure out if me winning this changed anything because if it did

Alyssa: no, I don't think so

Christian: why would it change, unless my...outcome didn't matter, wouldn't change anything. So if his opinions, if who he targets now is all of the sudden well it was this person, but now...randomly then I'll know he was actually gunning for me

Alyssa: I don't think he was

Ky: you guys were talking downstairs before the comp

Christian: yeah, I asked him if I was good

Ky: how was that?

Christian: when we spoke prior he said don't stress just go in and kick some ass; and I was like, that's what I'm gonna do; he was rooting for it

Ky: good, right

Christian: and I think, I mean as far as what I'm hearing, I think whoever he nominates is most likely no backdoor option

Ky: yeah

Christian: I think who is up is up

Ky: he seems so straight up

Christian: if he has the option to pick a veto player, he picks me...but does he want me to keep the noms the same or not? I don't know. He wants to talk tonight so I'll see

Ky: I can't imagine

Alyssa: what if he did? What if he won it and said I need you to...I think people are definitely lying about how much of the show they watch because I watched it when I was little and stopped and the n started watching again, and I was even scared to say that. There's people saying, "oh, I started watching right before I left" Hannah is  a super fan

Ky: she knows everything. Hannah is a super fan

Alyssa: like, I thought I was a super fan, but for me, I watch a season and I kinda forget who was on it and whatever

Ky: I came in the opposite; like every time they asked, I was like yeah

Xavier walks in asking about Frenchie

Alyssa; he is still in the DR but you can use his bathroom, he won't mind

Xavier sits down

Alyssa: I can use his bathroom, right?

Christian: yeah, yeah

Alyssa; see I watched the early ones but I was even afraid to say that, I was like damn, nobody has even watched this show

(the audio cuts for a minute)

Alyssa: he even came to me when I was sick and asked me if I was worried about being nominated and I told no, that I just get like this and it was all just hitting me that I was here 

Christian: well, Frenchie, he is a solid dude; he doesn't let the cat out of the bag, it seems like

Xavier: yeah, yeah

Alyssa: no because when he was talking with me he's been saying I'm safe and stuff and then he doesn't say names

Xavier: which he shouldn't

Christian: I think he's played it very well; as far as a week one HoH, he is playing it perfect

They all agree with Christian

Alyssa: I thought it was gonna be me but then Sarah Beth was safe and I was safe; because if I was HoH I would go with a guy and a girl from the losing team so we were so worried, but we did a whole, like we flipped that

Kyland: whose names? whose names?

Alyssa: I haven't heard any names

Christian: I just want to see because Frenchie is not calling out any names so I want to see if it was like Frenchie was thinking this person but then it changed his mind; I'm like, who the fuck is he picking. I mean the only thing that makes sense is to pick a guy and girl from 4th place but the 4th place guys are safe

Ky: I haven't talked to Derek yet

Alyssa: he seemed worried: Derek X

Christian begins getting paranoid and Alyssa tells him to stop twisting words

Alyssa: damn, I'm not saying anything to you

Xavier: well my percentage just went up but it's natural, it has nothing to do with you

Kyland says he is going to talk to the people he hasn't talked to yet

Alyssa: I am worried to talk game with people but like how do you without it seeming sketch

Christian: you talk with your team first

Ky: I don't feel worried talking to you guys

Alyssa: we should talk more

Azah joins the group and Christian tells her she looks good in the powder blue. Azah says she hopes production doesn't take it away because it's her favorite. Alyssa comments that they took her hoodie that says "something like don't listen to your anxiety or something...it was my favorite hoodie"

Ky tells her they (production) just have to find out if it's artwork somewhere because he had two shirts taken and asked

Christian: oh, hey...whoever goes in DR gotta ask 'Where Are the Protein Shakers?'

Ky: trust me, I made a list

Alyssa: don't we get things back in like a week

Ky: yeah, they told me in like a week (confiscated clothing)



Alyssa begins messing with a game/puzzle and comments that it's making her mad. The guys tell her it's supposed to be hard. They all begin trying to solve the puzzle

9:11PM BBT Frenchie is talking with Brent in the HoHR. He tells him that everything he said to him was reiterated by other people

Frenchie: I'm just being honest with you

Brent: absolutely

Frenchie: I was pulling one on ones and someone asked me what I think about you and they told me everything I told you in that chair was said that you said the night before..

Brent is getting nervous "the only one I talked to was Big D"

Frenchie: no, in a good way...that you were staying back and stuff, didn't want to pressure me and all. After we talked I had arespect for you but then when he said that you said all the same stuff my respect grew ten fold

Brent: because it's true...and I poured my heart out to Big D out there

Frenchie: everything you told me in the chair was exactly what you told me the night before, so I was like man I respect him...everything you told me, he told me. I think he thinks he is finessing me, and he's not.

Brent: Big D?

Frenchie: no Christian 

Brent: he thinks he is so slick. Our plan could have blown up in our face because he won that wild card

Frenchie: I need you to win HoH and we can do this again! I need you to win. We can do this. You have to win HoH

Brent says he will



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9:29PM BBT

Travis and Derek X enter the SR to talk game. They comment that they can't talk to long

Derek: I talked to him

Travis: do you read his genuineness at all because I've talked to two people that send me...on us, like sketch me out.

Derek: who?

Travis: Like Whitney tried to pitch you an me

Derek: you said you tried? Okay, run me down...I feel like this entire room is not safe...

Travis: God (he is worried someone will walk in) pretend I'm handing you a banana or something. So yeah, really quickly. I go to the HoH room and Frenchie sees me; I saw on the cameras Whitney and she comes up and feeds me some bullshit saying (in a girl voice) 'we haven't talked much, come out of the HoH room and let's go talk'

Derek: she was trying to get you out of the HoH

Travis: yeah, she was trying to get me out of the HoH Room adn then people flooded the HoH Room

Derek: shut up

Travis: fucker

Derek: girls or guys

Travis: mostly guys...it was like Christian

Derek: Christian?

Travis: then after my pool game, Frenchie came out and I think it was mostly an act


Frenchie walks into the SR breaking up the conversation and asks to speak with Derek

Derek leaves with Frenchie and Travis is now in SR alone


Travis: nuts, we're getting played

Travis exits the SR

Derek X and Frenchie head to the HoHR





9:32   WBRB bubbles on all cams


On the landing, Alyssa and Brent are playing foosball and joking about how people will sign them up for endorsements because of their play. Big D and Christian are whispering in the Poker Parlor trying to figure out nominations.



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