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Any Chance?

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i think so. maybe as america choice

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Not seeing Monica make it in is my biggest disappointment. She really deserved a spot in that house. I hope CBS plans some type of surprise for those who didn't make it, but I can't imagine what it would be.

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I wondered if they would use who didnt get in at the end of the show to help vote who wins. That could actually be cool. The houseguest not know either until then. Plus the others who didnt make it would get to see all the live feeds and everything...so I think it could be an interesting twist.

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Did you all hear Julie say to expect the unexpected, and that DNA applies this year as well...I wonder if Diane would try to play the game with her twin.? WHy the drastic change in her appearance, black hair...and she was awful quiet on the show last night...am wondering who could be playing with a possible twin or a family member is going to go in maybe?

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Didn't I read somewhere (or maybe an interview/preview) that other former house guests would play a part in this season? I thought (or assumed) others outside the 20 would be back for challenges and such. Could be interesting!

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