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Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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7:30PM BBT KC won the power of veto. Tyler or Angela is going home [probably Angela - BBLurkerPlus]


9:06PM BBT JC and  KC are strategizing in the HoH and JC gets called to DR.


9:17PM BBT In BBR Angela is saying to Ty there have been red flags indicating it will be a bitter jury and she will not win if she stays. She says people will be jealous because they say she drives a Range Rover, etc.  Ty promises to make the jury not hate her if he goes to jury. Angela says if she goes to Jury she will lie and take all the blame for everything bad to make Ty seem like an angel. Ty says she doesn't have to lie. [Ha! - BBLurkerPlus]





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BB Time 9:11pm


The feeds have returned and Kaycee seems to have a huge decision to make. She is in the HOH room listening to music, every once in a while we see her sigh.


JC has been called to the DR he is wearing the red HOH robe that seems to have been made just for him.


Tyler and Angela are cooing in the beds in the blue bedroom. Their conversation is about the game they have played.


(Before the video came on we could hear them talking, it seemed like Angela was letting Tyler know it is okay if she is sent home.


Nothing is mentioned about an HOH basket at this point, that could be why JC was called to the DR.


Angela tells Tyler she cannot be mad at him, he mumbles something and she says no. She wants to know if they are going to tell the others about their romance, Tyler worries about Kaycee's reaction. Tyler says maybe if he goes he will tell it right before he goes out.


They continue to coo.




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9:00PM BBT We have audio only. Tyler and Angela are counting who has what votes.


9:03PM BBT Angela is calling every jury member a child and that they will be bitter. Angela tells him he has better odds. (we still only have audio)


9:07PM BBT Angela and Tyler are snuggling in bed. She is teasing him that she manipulated him into falling in love with him. They are playing the "I'm right no I'm right" game going back on forth about the jury. In the HOH JC and Kaycee talking. Kaycee says they are F3 in BB20.


9:10PM BBT Tyler confesses to Angela that he is a BB superfan. He asks her if she is angry. She says yes because he lied to her. He says he just kind of forgot. They are back to flirting and all is forgiven. Kaycee listening to music in the HOH room.


9:20PM BBT TYler tells Angela that just before he walks out he will kiss her and act like it was an accident. Angela says so we don't tell them (about the shomance). Tyler says he will tell them in his speech.


9:27PM BBT Tyler tells Angela that he has already won. They kiss.

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BB Time 9:32pm


Tyler and Angela are still cooing.


Tyler tells Angela he has secrets he cannot tell her, she encourages him to tell anyway.


She sees a rainbow wristband on his wrist, and says “Does this have anything to do with it?
Tyler: NO, I hate you,”


They hug and giggle.


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9:32PM BBT She asks Tyler about more secrets. He says he won't tell her that he likes surprises. He says he will tell her when he is walking out the door. She says she is freaking out. She asks him if it is about her birth control. He won't tell her and she keeps guessing.


9:45PM BBT Kaycee still listening to music. Angela goes into the KT and announces 20 minutes until they can go to bed. Angela tells Tyler that they should go hang out with their friends one more night.


9:49PM BBT Tyler and Angela are in the HOH with Kaycee. They are enjoying some snacks. Kaycee tells them they won most of the comps and she loves them. Angela asks when they should tell JC about the L6 alliance. Kaycee says maybe the finale.


9:50PM BBT They talk about how they have won so many comps. Tyler says we accidently let one slip by and it was important.



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10:00PM BBT: JC and Kaycee are chatting in the KT. JC is rambling about tomorrow and Kaycee eventually says, "I don't know what the h*ll you're saying." Angela and Tyler are in the HOHR. 

10:02PM BBT: BB takes us on a little tour of both the fish tank and tapes of last season for a few minutes. Kaycee is called to the DR, JC is sitting in the KT, staring off into space. 

10:11PM BBT: Angela and Tyler leave the HOHR for 'tea time' downstairs. Tyler leaves the room first, Angela grabs a few of their water glasses and says "thanks for holding the door sweetheart," to an empty room as she leaves. 

10:20PM BBT: General chatting in the KT between JC, Angela, and Tyler. Kaycee is in the DR. The HGs in the KT keep singing and BB keeps telling them to stop. JC tells BB to "shut up."

10:34PM BBT: Angela leaves the KT to put make up on for the DR. JC and Tyler are in the KT, JC asks Tyler how he feels. Tyler says, "ok." 

10:48PM BBT: Tyler and JC are in the HOHR talking about BB fans. Angela is in the BBR, staring off into space. Tyler doesn't believe that JC has told him the truth the entire game. JC promises he told Tyler everything "straight up."

10:53PM BBT: JC gives Tyler advice on how to pitch to Kaycee to vote Angela out. JC says Tyler is welcome to use his name to try to convince her to keep Tyler. JC says the last few weeks have been "h*ll" for him.

10:57PM BBT: Tyler tells JC not to "pitch too much" for him to stay because it'll have the opposite effect on Kaycee. JC asks what Angela is saying. Tyler says Angela isn't going to pitch to Kaycee, that she's just going to let her pick. 

10:58PM BBT: JC asks if Angela "feels hurt." Tyler says yes, but Angela is good at "keeping things in." JC says he's completely ruined her "top three" plans. 

11:02PM BBT: JC says Angela is only in the house because of him. JC says he's been protecting Angela this entire time. Tyler says he was never going to put up Angela when he was HOH, JC switches the conversation to Scottie's HOH and all of the things he's done for Tyler. 

11:03PM BBT: JC continues to remind Tyler off all the things he's done for him and how he's kept Tyler safe this entire game. He talks about the last several weeks and how he's saved Tyler.

11:07PM BBT: JC says this is all stressful and he's going to be in the top two. Tyler tells JC to stop stressing and not to worry. JC says he wants to leave with at least $50,000. 

11:16PM BBT: Tyler leaves the HOHR and goes to the KT. JC watches him on the feeds. Angela is still alone in the BBR. Tyler joins Angela a few minutes later. 

11:30PM BBT: Tyler tells Angela that JC says Kaycee told him that her vote is 50/50 on who to keep and who to send home. Angela hopes Tyler doesn't have to hear her GBM. 

11:41PM BBT: Angela says she's usually pretty good at knowing when people are lying or not, but she never caught on to any of Tyler's lies, like how he told people he had only watched BB16. Angela teases Tyler.

11:51PM BBT: Kaycee is out of the DR. Angela goes to the DR. Kaycee walks into the BBR to talk to Tyler. Kaycee says this "sucks," but it's a "f*****g game."

11:55PM BBT: Tyler asks Kaycee if she knows what she's going to say. Kaycee says JC tries to give his input and that JC thinks he can beat "Tyler in a mental" game. Kaycee tells Tyler that JC thinks he has Tyler "in his pocket." 

11:59PM BBT: Kaycee talks about her GBM and BB cuts the feeds. Kaycee and Tyler agree to keep JC comfortable, even though they won't be taking him to final two. 


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