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Wednesday July 6, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


I'm in dire need of late night updaters. Because many of us are on the east coast, midnight comes at 9PM BBT.  Newbies are always welcome, no invitation required,  just please start posting!

Thank you!


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Da and James talking in safari room.   
Da asking him if Frank promised him a final 2 deal.  She's telling james that frank has been promising final 2 deals with everyone.  She then tells him she wants to try and get him (frank) out next week.

James tells her he was starting to think that last week.

D: he's rubbing the women the wrong way and everyones getting tired of it.   He's different than I thought he was.  He told paulie about the 8

They are talking about how frank and corey told paulie about the 8 pack.  and how hes trowing the vets under the bus. he's playing very selfish.

(missing some of the dialogue tho)

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1:30a  D  talking to james about how next week they have 5 votes to get him out.  her only concern is really michelle but it doesnt matter

james saying it has to be a back door cause it will rattle the game.  

Da saying if we are a team why is he throwing us under the bus,  he's talked to Natalie like 5 times today. She is not okay with that.  she expected it from a newbie or someone from the 8 pack but not the core 4.  She wanted to run it by James first since he's so level headed.


James:  "but this week we are getting victor out right?  she says yes.  

james says after frank is out are we still a team or is it everyone for themselves and she says its just herself, James and Nicole.

Da thinks he's gonna try and take bridgette all the way to the end.


James says they have to do something while they have strength in numbers that frank is a beast in competitions he's pretty good.  if they swing they have to follow through.




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1:50  James to Da
Maybe we should wait until he gets out Tiffany then we can go after him.  so first Tiffany then him.  She tells him okay.

Da says he's trying to keep his hands clean and let others do his dirty work.

James promises not to say anything to frank.

nicole joins them and da says to her that she was talking to james about getting frank out.

Nicole thinks frank is telling lies.   and that frank is trying to get james to go after paulie or cory and that if it fails it looks like james is the bad guy.

James says maybe we should go to talk to cory and tell him whats up.

James told frank that cory doesn't want to throw an hoh competition.   nicole is upset that he said that but understands cause his loyalty was to frank because he didnt have all this information.


now they are talking about taking bridgette out first but that could piss of frank so they don't want to piss him off. 


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2:20  in the bathroom while nicole was rubbig her eye tiffany is letting her paranoia get to her.  She tells nicole that she feels like everytime she comes into a room nicole will leave.  nicole says its just coincidental. 


nicole went to go eat salad.  tiffany just sitting in the bathroom  Z biting her nails  D and Michelle brushing teeth.

michelle moves onto drawing on eye brows, nicole is back folding what looks like towels. 

some chit chat about going to sleep


camera 3 

paul is telling how Tiffany is acting odd  she was telling him earlier there is a power in the house and its shady and people are dishonest.  he says he felt very uncomfortable

paulie has asked him to clarify that she used the words Power in the house.  and shady. .Z walks in and conversation changed to berries and they are upset are that the not have nots are eating their berries.

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9:00AM BBT All is quiet in the house as the HGs are still snug in their beds.
10:08AM BBT  The only sounds heard in the BB house are the snores of the HGs.  They are all still asleep.
10:40AM BBT  Frank wakes up to go to WC.  then washes his hands & goes back to bed.
10:46AM BBT  Corey wakes up & does ADLs.
10:51AM BBT  Corey is still the only one awake.  He is now in the KT rummaging through the fridge getting things together for breakfast.  He decided on making eggs.


I am done with the LFU shift.  It was a slow morning today.

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11:02AM BBT Corey in the KT eating some breakfast. All other HG on feeds are sleeping.


11:12AM BBT Corey and Paulie in HOH talking. Paulie says he went to Frank on day 2 and told him he wanted to work with him. Paulie says Zak told him everything about Frank. Corey says that Nicole told him that Frank went to everyone for the F4 deal. Paulie wants to see if it is true.


11:15AM BBT Paulie tells Corey that he told Zak that getting Frank out soon is not an option. He says Bronte, Bridgette and Natalie have to go first. He says he wanted a chance to cover themselves and talk to Frank. He wants to see if Zak is trying to create a wedge with the guys.


11:21AM BBT Paulie and Corey talking about exactly who Frank has spoken to and what he has actually said. Paulie is trying to figure out what info is BS. Paulie says that he doesn't think that he and Corey have to worry for the next few weeks.


11:25AM BBT Paulie says that although the girls want Frank gone, he needs to keep their focus away from him. He said it's in their best interest if he doesn't go yet. They need to get Bronte, Natalie and Bridgette out first.

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02:28 PM BBT In the LR, James, Victor, and Paul are sitting on the couch talking about television and movies. In the WA, Zakiyah is helping Michelle with her eyebrows. 

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02:31 PM BBT Paul mentions he saw The Conjuring 2 before coming to BB and hated it. Paul then says, "American's don't make good horror films". 


02:34 PM BBT Nicole goes upstairs and sits on the sky bridge couch by herself. 


02:37 PM BBT Back in the WA, Zakiyah has finished with Michelle eyebrows. Zakiyah says she is afraid to put up one of the Powerpuff Girls (Bronte, Natalie, Bridgette) next week. Some game-talk but it's difficult to tell which person they are talking about since they are only using 'he' and 'she' pronouns and mic audio is terrible. BB tells Zakiyah to stop obstructing her microphone. Zakiyah then says, "I'm about to wash my ass". 


02:45 PM BBT Back up on the sky bridge, Corey comes and sits with Nicole. Nicole mentions something about Frank and feeds go WBRB. Feeds back. Nicole says Da'Vonne needs to go home too. [Whoever is in charge of the microphones today needs to be fired] Nicole says she doesn't trust Da'Vonne because she is trying to send them home. Nicole thinks Da'Vonne would put her up as Roadkill. Nicole says Da'Vonne seemed 'standoffish' today. 


02:49 PM BBT Down in the Have-Not Room, James is talking to Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne starts to cry as James talks to her. 





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02:55 PM BBT (Continued convo in Have-Not Room) James says he doesn't understand why he keeps getting cut out of everything. Da'Vonne says she thinks it is nothing personal and that is something that she could try and find out why. James says he has been honest with everything and doesn't understand why people can't trust him. James says he thinks that they (Nicole and Frank among others) think he is a threat. James says they need to get the group back together. James says if they get rid of Corey, Nicole will come back to the group. James say, "There are so many options we could do, we just got to be sneaky". James mentions that keeping Victor might be a good idea, but then Da'Vonne says that everyone just wants him to go. Da'Vonne says they can only hope that Victor can come back into the house so he can target Paulie. Da'Vonne tells James that other HGs do not get it, that they are only her for "showmances and social media followers". Da'Vonne is still wiping tears for her face. Da'Vonne says the goal now is to get rid of Frank. James says he doesn't think Nicole would try and come after him. Zakiyah walks into the room. James mentions missing his daughter. Zakiyah hugs Da'Vonne and James.


03:04 PM BBT In the Safari Room, Natalie and Bronte are speculating that there might be more HGs as siblings with pass BB HGs. Bronte says they might have something if they make it to 5 evictions like the TwinTwist from BB17. They say they need to win the next HoH. James walks into the room and closes the door. They say Team Unicorn needs to win the next HoH. WBRB. 


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2:55PM BBT James and Da in the HN room. She is telling James that Zak told her Paulie wants a group of Paulie, Nicole, Corey, Day and Zak. She is worried Zak is BSing her. James says he has no idea why he keeps getting cut out. He says he has been honest to everyone.


3:01PM BBT Da and James talk about getting their group back. Da says that she and Zak are not good at comps. She can not figure out why you would want to HG that are not at good at comps in the group. Da says this is not what they are here for. Da says that she and James have a kid and this is what they are there for. James says everyone has their own reason for being there and having a kid is not the only good reason.


3:06PM BBT James talking to the feeders. He says the game is getting crazy. Alliances are splitting. Frank is doing his own thing and Nicole is running crazy with Corey.


3:19PM BBT Vic and Bridgette in the KT. They are talking about fairy tales and the meaning behind them.

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3:21PM BBT James and Nicole talking about if they should be trusting certain people. Nicole says she doesn't know. They agree they trust Da. James says that he thought that the vets could stick together but he guesses not.


3:30PM BBT In the HOH Corey, Bronte, and Frank talking about stores they shop. They talk about Trader Joes and how good the foods they have are. Tiffany is curled up in the HOH bed.

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 5:07PM BBT In the KT HG are starting to make dinner. On the HOH landing, Paul and Bronte talk about Paul's pets and general chit chat.


5:10PM BBT Paul and Bronte talking on the landing. Paul telling her that he knows they are still sitting ducks. He know they value Bronte and himself over the rest but he doesn't trust them.


5:19PM BBT Nicole on the landing whispering to herself. Can not make out what she is saying. Vic in the KT bowling with Corey and James.


5:24PM BBT Michelle and Tiffany in the HOH bed. Michelle says Frank told her that he would like to see Michelle, and Zak with him. Tiffany laughs. She says that she is so glad everyone is seeing through his crap. They talk about James playing hard right now. Tiffany says James is playing way to hard and pissing people off.

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5:29PM BBT Natalie talking to Bronte in the SR. She says she wants to win HOH and she isn't scared. Says that she grew up in a 1 bedroom apartment with her mom and sister and didn't have money. So she wants to put up people who do not need the money. Paul whose parents have a mansion and Corey who is out partying every week and doesn't need the money.


5:32PM BBT Tiffany eating some of the HOH snacks in bed. Michelle and she are watching the HOH TV. They are making remarks about Frank and how squirming he is on the TV. Tiffany says that he can't pull anything over on her anymore. He is a fake. Michelle heads down to the KT to make cookies.


5:33PM BBT In the KT, Michelle snacks on crackers and tells Paul to tell Frank what she said upstairs. Paul tells Frank that "Brody" the fake boyfriend that Michelle created on FB may make an appearance tomorrow.


5:42PM BBT Tiffany has joined the guys in the HOH. She sais that Frank won't let anyone be alone in a room for more then 5 minutes. She says that he is now playing really offensively. She says she was never going to put him up. Paulie agrees and says now this. Tiffany tells him that Frank has called Zak and Da "sluts". Paulie says he didn't hear that.

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5:52PM BBT Paulie telling Tiffany and Corey that Zak told him last night that Frank told her they were expendable. In the KT Nicole, Nat and Bronte talk about Victor going home. Natalie says she can't wait to make her speech tonight. (Not sure what speech)



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5:58PM BBT Frank, James and Paul in the SR. Frank says he is not worried about Tiffany. He says that the person going out is done for tomorrow night. Paul says he knows that they want to give Zak an HOH for her birthday. He says in the event that his team wins, they want to give it to Zak for her birthday.


6:05PM BBT In the HOH Paulie and Tiffany discussing scenarios. Paulie says if his team wins HOH this week, he can give it to Michelle. He says Frank doesn't want the HOH.


6:11PM BBT Natalie and Corey in the WA. Natalie telling him that Vic has been mean from day one. Natalie says that tomorrow is going to be a great day and she is going to throw a party (referring to Vic leaving). She says that Vic acts like a 2 year old. She says that Vic asks her why she leaves stuff in the KT. She says that she is the one that cooks and cleans all the time. She says that he is so rude all of the time.


6:13PM BBT James and Frank in the Safari Lounge. James tells Frank that he feels that the 8pack is splitting into other alliances. Frank says he understands the feeling James is talking about. He says he feels good about the 4 they have. He says he feels good about Michelle and Zak and Corey.


6:26PM BBT James, Bridgette and Natalie in the BR. Talking about Bridgette rubbing Michelle the wrong way. Bridgette doesn't know what she did wrong and wants the team to be cohesive. Natalie says that she doesn't care anymore. She plans to stay in bed until tomorrow. She says Vic called her a weirdo today.

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6:40PM BBT All 4 feeds on Natalie and James. James asks if she is mad at him. She says no - she is upset at Victor. She says she has had to pretend to be nice to him and that he has hurt her feelings.


6:48PM BBT James and Natalie talking. She tells him that she only observes people. Says that she knew Jozea was going home for quite some time before elimination.


 6:51PM BBT Natalie tells James that she plays stupid a lot. Says she is very smart except for math. She doesn't do math well. Says that she has been on her own forever.



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6:59 PM BBT In the UKBR, James tells Natalie that he's trying to feel Frank out. Natalie's pink bra strap is twisted on her right side. They are laying down in bed chatting. Natalie says she talks personal with a lot of people, because she's naturally a nice person. She says she has to go to the bathroom, but she's scared to go. James tells her to go. She says she doesn't want Frank to be mean to her. James asks Natalie how her mom is? Natalie says she is so nice, & she doesn't have a bad bone in her body. She says that her mom stays friends with her ex-boyfriends, because she feels bad for them & not her. Natalie says her mom is in her 50's & has a boyfriend. Natalie tells James that she hopes he wins America's Favorite again this year. He says that would be an honor, but if there is someone in there that is deserving, they need to get it to. James says America knows & see through all the bullcrap. He says they watch the live feeds & shows. He says they know who's being sneaky. He says they will vote for who they think deserves it.

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7:04 PM BBT Natalie tells James that she definitely wants to make it to jury. James asks her if she wants HOH this week? She says she feels that no one wants it this week. James says he would take it. Natalie says she would like to get it. She says she didn't come in this game to play soft. James asks her if she's hard? She says she's in the middle, she's medium. James tells Natalie that he would walk her to the bathroom. Natalie says, o.k., let's go. They leave the UKBR. They go to the WA. Natalie says that everyone is upstairs except them. Natalie goes in the WC. James says he swears he is not going to listen. Frank, Michelle & Nicole are in the Safari Room. We see FOTH briefly.

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7:07 PM BBT Frank says that Paul is worried for no reason. They are talking about a girl in the house, but they are talking so low, that you can't hear who it is. Nicole says that she can not talk to that girl at all, because she doesn't know what's she's thinking. She says when she goes up to her, she doesn't know what to say. Frank says that when he goes in the room, she either leaves or goes to sleep. Nicole says he doesn't want to say anything to her at all. The three of them go to the KT. Michelle talks about the script. We see FOTH.

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7:11 PM BBT Tiffany is in the KT with Frank, Michelle & Nicole. Michelle & Nicole compliment Tiffany's bandana. She says that it was sent to her. Michelle asks her family to send her clothes. We see FOTH briefly. Frank wants to eat healthy tonight for the live show tomorrow. Michelle is reading directions on the back of the cookie dough. She asks if they want chewy or crispy? Frank says, chewy. She says it will be 8 - 10 minutes. Nicole says the KT table is pretty tall for her. Frank says it is.

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7:14 PM BBT Nicole says that Girl Scout cookies have new names now, from what they used to be called. Nicole, Michelle & Tiffany were all in Girl Scouts. Tiffany says she sold cookies in France. In the UKBR, Frank goes in to talk to James & Natalie. He says that Victor is upstairs. He tells them that they are putting cookies on the cookie sheet right now. Natalie tells Frank she's hiding out until tomorrow. Frank tells her that she has to get ready for her good bye speech. She says it's going to be a legend. We see FOTH.


Frank asks if Da'Vonne & Zakiyah are asleep? Natalie says, maybe, in the HNBR. Frank tells her she doesn't know anything, & he slams the door as he leaves the UKBR. Natalie says the cameras are legit on them. James tells them to go away. We see FOTH again.

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7:18 PM BBT Cookie baking is still going on in the KT. Corey sits down at the KT table. Nicole says she likes to make frozen cake balls. Michelle says that Corey is going to have mud butt on Sunday. Michelle wants to do a cookie dough challenge. She throws up some cookie dough & it lands in her mouth. Frank says the live feeders are going to start counting how many times they take a crap. Nicole tells Corey that he has really nice skin. Nicole asks him if that's how he looked when he came in the house? Corey says, no. Corey says that everyone tells him he looks weird in pictures. Frank says he's very vain. Michelle tells Frank that he doesn't look the same as his pictures. He tells Frank that she followed him on SnapChat, but he never put any stories up. He says he doesn't do that. She says he never added her. Michelle says the cookies will be done at 7:31 PM BBT. Nicole tells her to set the timer. Michelle runs away from the KT, & walks back. She says they need to make an obstacle course. Frank says that oven door is not staying shut. He takes one tray of the cookies out of the oven. They are going to cook one at a time. Nicole says she likes unsweet tea, because it's better for you. Nicole says that cookies are going to get flat because they were already in the oven. Frank tells Nicole not to open the oven. He says it needs to be warm & cozy. Frank tells them where everyone in the house is. Corey says that Natalie is getting some from James. Frank says that James is not that lucky. Corey says that Michelle says she's not sexually attracted to anyone in the house. She says they are all like her brothers. Nicole is looking for a spatula. Bronte goes in the KT. Nicole says she likes undercooked cookies. Michelle tells Frank they are chewy. Nicole says she always made the Subway cookies undercooked, & she got told by her manager she had to finish cooking them.

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7:28 PM BBT Bronte & Paul go in the SR. She says she wants an apple with peanut butter, but the apple is rotten. Paul says that Zakiyah keeps eating all the cough drops. Bronte says she always has one in her mouth. Paul says, it's annoying. Bronte tells him to tell her to knock it off. They both leave the SR. Back in the UKBR, Natalie tells James that Paul told her that Bronte & her are targets because they are physical competitors. James says he doesn't think that's 100% accurate. Natalie says that in Bronte's speech she said that she is a physical competitor. Natalie feels that she can't work out in front of anyone. James tells her that she should just work out. Natalie tells James that she doesn't know why she's telling James so much today. James says it's because she likes him as a friend, & she trusts him. James tells her that he's not going to tell anyone what she says, & he's not going to lie to her about it.

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7:32 PM BBT James & Natalie both say that today is an uncomfortable day for both of them. Natalie is itchy. She tells James that she wants to know if there are more siblings in the house this year. Natalie says that Paulie does look like Cody. She says that Tiffany doesn't really look like anyone. Natalie says she's definitely going to watch the show. She says she wasn't going to, but now she is. James tells her that she should definitely watch it. Natalie says the cameras are zooming in on them. She tells America that they are very good friends. James says, they like each other. Natalie says they are very good friends. James says he feels like the camera is humming. He tells Natalie that they can go upstairs if they want. She laughs. She has her arms behind her head & tells James that she can wax her armpits today because they are very hairy.

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