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Liz Nolan (Week 5) + Twin Twist sister Julia - Nominated by Jackie, BotB winner, Saved


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I can't wait til the next twin switch because Liz is gonna be pissed off, and since she is the more outgoing twin, I expect to see some drama.

Since Liz said that the timing of the switches is totally random, I'm wondering who will be playing in BOB and Veto comps???

I think that Julia was the twin that nominated Jackie, but Liz is the twin who's gonna get nominated by Jackie. The Dark Moon alliance apparently doesn't include the twins in it as members - but as targets! Ouch! ( So much for the Shelli & Vanessa "HGs Protection Program" - nobody makes it out alive.)

The new 8 man alliance assumes that Julia, the weaker twin, will be playing in the BOB ensuring that Clay & Becky will win the comp and have safety for the week. However, they are underestimating Julia. Being nominated might be the motivation she needs to amp up her game. Or it might be Liz playing in the BOB.

And finally, when she hears that her Showmancer, Mr. Austin has been plotting & planning Julia's eviction so that he can have Liz all to himself, I believe that Liz is gonna lose her cool. I see a big blow up of Austin's game coming from Vanessa & Liz.

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Julia is in on the backdoor Austin plan. Vanessa told her that Austin wanted her out. Julia told Vanessa about the hinky Audrey vote. Vanessa told Shelli that Austin wanted to pin it on Clay.

Austin's fate is sealed unless he gets picked to play HOH and wins

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Julia is in on the back foot Austin plan. Vanessa told her that Austin waned her out. Julia told Vanessa about the hinky Audrey vote. Vanessa told Shelli that Austin wanted to pin it on Clay.

Austin's fate is sealed unless he gets picked to play HOH and wins

If Austin gets picked to play in veto he will be extremely motivated to win that comp to save his woman. Austin thinks he's starring in a romantic comedy with Liz.

This would be a good time for a luxury or prize veto comp.

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Sorry for all the dang typos in my posts. My iPhone is changing my words and I am not catching it. uggg


Would Austin shave his head for the twins?  tee hee 

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Sorry for all the dang typos in my posts. My iPhone is changing my words and I am not catching it. uggg


Would Austin shave his head for the twins?  tee hee

Probably not. But I would love to see Austin in the classic BB unitard, or some ridiculous costume.

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Today the twins made their switch right before the BOB comp. So Julia is out & Liz is back in the game. It's unfortunate that Vanessa didn't get an opportunity to debrief Liz before the comp. When Liz came out Austin was right there and he began filling her head with so many lies & half truths that I'm sure she's totally confused about what the hell is going on.

Austin is throwing Jason & Steve under the bus big time. However he did admit to casting the "hinky vote" for Audrey. Then Austin throws Julia under the bus for playing chess with Steve. Then he says that Jason doesn't like Julia and wants her out, when in fact that idea was 100% Austin's because he approached Jason with it first. Austin also told Liz that he offered to go up in her place, but TBH I think that's not true.

I'm really looking forward to BBAD tonight, I hope they get some booze and loosen up. There's a good possibility for some drama this weekend.

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I'm sure Austin is in hog heaven with Liz being spared. Can't wait to see Clay, the loser.


I had hopes she would pull out the win and realize how bad this play is ... Keep Austin and take out another big target from the other side while you have a chance like Jason.  Great for the twins to get in the game now though everyone will be so surprised!!! :)

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At this point in the game Liz needs to get out from under Austin's Protective Plan and start talking to some of the other HG's. Liz has no idea that Austin is being targeted for the back door. And that among at least 8 remaining HGs that Austin is public enemy #1. Liz can relax and enjoy the week because she won the BOB singlehandedly and her sister, Julia is entering the game next week.

Congrats to Liz & Julia !!!!!!!Hopefully Julia can play a better game now that she can be herself instead of pretending to be Liz. good Luck to the twins.

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I would have thought that Julia told Liz that Austin is the target when they did their switch. 


We will find out....

Julia told either Shellie or Vanessa that she wanted Vanessa to fill Liz is on what's going on. Personally I don't think that Julia wanted to be the one to tell Liz about Austin's betrayal.

i really wish that Liz had a chance to talk to Vanessa before the BOB comp.

I really dislike Austin and the fact that he is filling Liz's head with lies & half truths. She is gonna be so confused.

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Liz should never had lead Austin on in the first place. He does not seem like the type that you can let down easy. Austin seems to be borderline delusional when it comes to Liz.

Being stuck in the BB house with him is bad enough, now she's gonna be stuck with him in the jury too, not unless one of them makes it to the end. Julia is gonna be upset when she comes back and he's still there.

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I must be the only one that likes Jackie. LOL I think she's been playing a quiet observational game, and i don't think she's as dumb or vapid as she appears. Although, in her recent HOH visit w/ Vanessa, I wished she'd shut up and take off. It seemed Vanessa was so over talking to her, and it seemed like she was thinking that she was more in Vanessa's loop than she will ever be.....that might have been her game though too...

To stay on the topic of Liz though... I don't even like her that much, but I want to see her move on w/out the creepy Austin chains. Maybe it's a justice for Amber drive though. LOL

To see a coveted woman move on while the creep that's chasing her hits the bricks. :)

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I think it would be better for Liz's game if Austin got backdoored. She won the BOB singlehandedly and successfully secured her sister's entry into the game. She doesn't need Austin to save and/or protect her or her sister anymore.

Since Liz was totally unaware that Austin had a huge target on his back, I can kinda understand why she would initially defend him. However, now that she has a bit more info about Austin, I have to wonder if she still wants to keep him in the game???? And spend the rest of the summer with him in the jury house????

Liz told Austin that she didn't want to kiss him on camera weeks ago, but just the other night he kissed her anyway. She did not reciprocate by kissing him back, she pulled away and called him "annoying". The next day, Austin bragged to Clay about his kiss with Liz, and told Clay that Liz liked it and was into him. Liz told some of the girls that she was "repulsed" by Austin, she only likes him as a friend.

When Julia enters the game next week I hope that she aligns with Steve, Johnny Mac & either Becky or Jackie to take out Austin the creeper. This is Big Brother - not some dating show - nobody should care about Austin's love life.

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