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Thursday, July 9 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you!

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#BB17 1208 AM BBT All houseguest in the kitchen eating enchiladas with the exception of Audrey.  Not much chatting going on as they are feeding themselves. 


#BB17 1213 AM BBT Houseguest are still sitting around dining room table eating and just general chit chat.  Ex have nots talking about how nice a hot shower is going to feel and sleeping in a real bed.   


#BB17 1225 AM BBT Steve was in washroom talking to Austin about his chapped hands, and Austin told him to stop doing dishes.. or ask for gloves.  Rest of the houseguests are still in kitchen area about how full they are. 


#BB17 1235 AM BBT Discussion about how and when they change the table size.   Audrey and Da Vonne whispering about how Da Vonne has this and that next week they need to act like they are enemies, not being mean to each other but stay away from each other. Da Vonne is packing her bags.


#BB17   1240 AM BBT Audrey and Da Vonne talking about who they can trust. Da Vonne says she can only trust Audrey.  Audrey talking about how the others came to her and told her they were going to keep her this week.  They keep getting interrupted as others keep coming through the room.  They are talking about how Shelli doesn’t trust Audrey.


#BB17  1252 AM BBT Da Vonne tells Vanessa that she has the votes and she knows who the power is  and wants to know if Vanessa is still good and she tells Da Vonne she needs to to what is best for her game.  Vanessa asks who her votes are and Da Vonne will only give is Liz


#BB17 110 AM BBT Jackie made cookies for the rest of the house .. they are staring them down waiting for them to cool.  Audrey and Austin talking about how there will be a rush for the showers tomorrow. And talking about what the HOH contest will be tomorrow and hoping it isn’t a lot of obstacles.



#BB17 115 BBT House guest in kitchen eating again.. they are eating warm cookies and general chit chat.


#BB17 120 AM BBT Austin and Clay in bathroom area talking game.  HOH competition will be a crap shoot, Clay says they both would do better in physical comps, but this game is not physical and they have cave man memory. Clay gets called to diary room and DaVonne is trying to get Austin’s vote.  She tells him she only needs one more vote to say and Austin is oh really..

#BB17 129 AM BBT Vanessa in shower tells Liz that she needs to talk to her later.  Jeff and Meg and Austin talking in Hammock room  about Aubrey pushing for votes against Meg, Jeff and Austin have told her that she has her vote.  They are rehashing Audrey conversation with Meg last night.  Austin says playing this game right now is like another dimension. Conversation is finished abruptly due to Jeff farting

#BB17  140 AM BBT Clay and Steven in HOHR, talking about hoh  competition tomorrow, and Steve is in the shower, and is complaisant about his drying off.   


#BB17 202 AM BBT   TWIN ALERT   Liz and Vanessa talking and checking votes.  Vanessa asks “is it true” and liz hesitates for a minute and Vanessa swears she wont tell if it is true.  She needs to know if her sister will join them, Vanessa keeps telling Liz she is okay if it is true.  Liz says I need to tell you something.  “its true” , Liz says she hasn’t told anyone yet, and covers her face and says she is going to cry.  Vanessa tells her she needs to know when you are switching, and that someone said something about a birthmark on your back.  Liz says to Vanessa that she is Julia. 

#BB17 213 AM BBT Vanessa and Julie continue talking about the differences the twins have and asks how long they have to make it to, Julie says week 5 and Vanessa says that she will help them get to week 5.  Julia says she has been here since Monday, Vanessa tells her that Liz says the word pawned a lot and she needs to start saying it more also.  Julia says she is scared and doesn’t know how to convince ppl that she is liz.  Vanessa says she will help her but she has to be loyal to her.  Julia tells her that Liz and her have known since day one they could trust her and Austin but that is it and that is why they don’t talk to much to others. 

#BB17 222 AM BBT Vanessa ask Julia if there are only 2 of them not 3.   Julia confirms only 2 and that she wants to tell Austin, and asks if Austin knows, Vanessa says no he doesn’t.  Vanessa says that Austin needs to stop talking to Jeff as he cant be trusted, and will attempt to stab Austin in the back.  Julia tell Vanessa that she loves her and this is good to be talking about this.  Vanessa tells Julia that her and Liz’s boobs are different and they talk different, but she did a better job today than yesterday.  Julia talks about how Da Vonne took her sunglasses so she could get a better look at her and stared at her face so she knew Da Vonne knew. She is not sure how she can get out of this as she thinks the whole house knows.


#BB17 230 am BBT Vanessa tells Julia they need an Alliance with Shelly, Clay, Austin, Julia, Liz and Vanessa and if they can make it to week 5 then they will have the numbers.  She tells Julia not to wear a bikini and she tells her she has a dry sense of humor.  Liz is more bubbly and playful and that she needs to eat more you are skinner than Liz is She needs to not eat and you need to eat and drink protein shakes.  Vanessa says Shelli is very observant and they need to tell her, Julia says they are like sorority sisters and she trusts her.  Vanessa starts to tell Julia that Jason has been spying on the diary door when ever she goes in but cant finish as some one walks in


#BB17 245 AM BBT Vanessa and Julia keep getting the giggles making it hard to hear what they are actually saying.  Julia says she is so relieved to have told her. Vanessa tells her she is doing a good job and to just keep going the same way .. Very hard to hear as the other house guests are being very loud in back ground

#BB17 300 AM BBT Julia gives Vanessa permission to talk to Shelli and Clay what is going on with twin twist. They agree to be in a 6 person alliance with Vanessa, Shelli, Clay, Austin, Julia and Liz.  They agree to help the twins to figure things out and to help take the focus off them .. They also have confirmed that Da Vonne and Audrey are working together again.  

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03:30 AM BBT Vanessa tells Shelli and Clay the thinner sister is planning on stuffing herself tomorrow in an effort to put on some weight.  They discuss how to mimic the mole on the back of the neck that one sister has that the other doesn’t.  Clay tells Shelli needs to keep hanging out with Becky.  Shelli said she did and she even hangs out with Jackie and genuinely enjoys it.


03:32 AM BBT Liz up and heads through the KT towards the WC.  There are several other HGs in the KT.  Jeff, Becky and Jackie.  They agree now is not the time to bring Liz up to the HOH.  Liz out of the WC and washes her hands.


03:35 AM BBT Liz heads back to the darkened bedrooms while the three continue snack in the KT.  Liz back to bed.  Austin asks if anyone is awake.  Liz tells him that Jeff, Jackie and Becky are up still.  Everyone else is asleep.


03:38 AM BBT Clay heads down to get a bowl of cereal.  Jeff tells Clay about a nasty conversation James had earlier.  Clay says one day his daughter will want to watch this and she’ll have to see this stuff.  Up in the HOH Vanessa and Shelli continue to chat.  Liz/Julia don’t talk game to many people because they’re afraid of tripping up.  They latched onto Austin and Vanessa just because of association.


03:43 AM BBT Vanessa says Liz knows that last night’s podcast was set up to trip her up and she didn’t want to do it but she has to.  Vanessa said the roots of their hair is different and that’s what she noticed.  Liz started wearing socks today.  Shelli agrees that was smart.  Down in the KT Becky is saying how Audrey follows Shelli and Clay around and wants their approval.  Clay agrees.


03:50 AM BBT Vanessa and Shelli continues to talk in the HOH rehashing how frustrated they are with Audrey and the fact that they can’t trust them.  Vanessa says if she wins HOH she will backdoor Audrey because with her being on the block too long is dangerous.  Shelli agrees but points out that the backdoor doesn’t always work especially if the veto is not used.  Vanessa says you have convince the person to use it.  The KT party is breaking up.  In the WA Clay tells Jackie that he thinks Audrey has to go this week.  Jackie agrees.  Jackie says she should have went this week but the cards fell the way they fell.


03:54 AM BBT Shelli checks the spy screen and worries where Clay went.  Shelli says he gets too excited sometimes and says the wrong things to the wrong people.  Clay keeps pushing that Audrey needs to go.  Jackie agrees and says she’s had her chance to stay this week so next week is the week.  Jackie heads out of the KT and Clay heads into the WC.


03:58 AM BBT Clay heads up to the HOH.  Clay says he fell on the stairs.  Shelli asks if he tried to talk to Liz.  He said no.  Vanessa asked if anyone asked where she was.  He said no.  Clay has a cut on his ankle, crying out.  Shelli and Vanessa tells him to suck it up and rub dirt in it and move on.


04:00 AM BBT Shelli and Clay continue to talk in the HOH.  Audrey was talking to Shelli today and asked if Vanessa had to talk to Austin yet about reopening up Sleeper Cell.  Shelli didn’t know.  Audrey didn’t think she did.  Audrey then asked if Clay did.  Shelli again didn’t know.  Audrey thought it was weird that Clay and Vanessa hadn’t talked to him yet about opening Sleeper Cell again.  Shelli blew her off because she was trying to take a nap and said that it was a weird day because of the Meg thing, but then kept the information in the back of her mind.  By including her in the Sleeper Cell thing again she’ll calm down again and feel comfortable again.  The three agree.  They also agree that if they do feed her any information it has to be fake.  Ultimately whoever wins HOH and decides to go after Audrey, Audrey will then have those days to out everyone or blow up alliances.


04:04 AM BBT The plan is to get Austin on the plan that Sleeper Cell is awakened and he has to be made aware that they don’t trust Audrey.  They want to be together when Liz tells Austin about being a twin and then they will make a name and have a 6 person team.  When they ultimately loose Audrey if they make it to week 5 they’ll gain Liz’s sister comes in.  Vanessa will wake up Liz and Austin and pull them upstairs when the wake up music plays.  Shelli worries Audrey will slink up in the AM.  Vanessa will send Liz in.  Vanessa will give them five minutes before coming up with Austin.  They check the spy screen and make sure the KT is clear.  Vanessa loves them both and is ready to kill it.  Vanessa says she’s ready to play the game strong and as a real alliance.


04:08 AM BBT Meanwhile the other feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


04:10 AM BBT Vanessa heads down into the KT and Clay and Shelli celebrate saying what an amazing way to end the HOH.  They have to keep Liz in the house.  Vanessa heads down into the WA and lays on the lounger, staring at the floor quietly.


04:11 AM BBT Clay says they have to make sure Austin is not with Audrey.  Shelli agrees but Clay put some doubt in Austin and she’s afraid that may bite them.  Clay agrees but he doesn’t think Austin would burn him.  Shelli fears that Austin may take the information that they don’t trust Audrey to her and if she survives the week she will go after the two of them.  Clay sees where she is coming from but he still don’t think he would.  Shelli says he’s too trusting.  This game is a salesman’s game.


04:14 AM BBT Shelli tells a story that she was in the WA doing her hair and Johnny walks in and says “Hey, is there anyone in here?” pointing to the WC.  She said no and he stood there for a moment looking at her.  She turned and looked at him like he had something to say.  He told her that Da’vonne said she knows how has the Last Laugh and then he said he had to use the bathroom.  Meanwhile Audrey was in the KT and slowly slinked down the hall and had a seat behind her and they had girl talk.  Shelli swears that Audrey could see her talking to someone but wasn’t sure who so she came and sat in the WA until whoever was in the WC came out just to see who she was talking to.  Audrey tries to be sly.


04:19 AM BBT Shelli doesn’t trust Jeff.  Johnny is close with Jeff so they need to be careful with what they say about Jeff to Johnny.  Shelli thinks Jeff has something with Audrey.  Meanwhile over in the WA Vanessa gets up off the lounger and adjusts her mic pack before heading into the WC.


04:22 AM BBT Vanessa out of the WC and washes her hands before heading into the KT.  Up in the HOH Clay and Shelli remove their mics and sets them on the nightstands before cuddling up  for the night.  Vanessa heads into the darkened bedrooms.  Everyone appears to be sleeping.  Vanessa crawls into her bed.  Johnny (her bed mate) wakes up and grabs his mic pack, fiddling with it before putting it back down on the nightstand.


04:25 AM BBT Jason wakes up and says something.  Da’vonne sits up and mumbles “Hmm?” twice before rolling back over and going to bed.  Up in the HOH Shelli and Clay run scenarios for who should win HOH next.  Clay asks if Shelli knows what would make today even better before climbing on top of her and bouncing a bit.  Shelli grunts and says too much excitement has already happened today and they should save it for another day while giggling.


04:32 AM BBT Clay and Shelli appear to have fallen asleep.  Meanwhile elsewhere in the house we continue to have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


04:45 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


05:00 AM BBT All four feeds display sleeping HGs.


05:15 AM BBT Jason is up to get a drink and uses the WC.  He washes his hands before heading back to bed.


05:25 AM BBT James is up to get a drink before heading back to bed.


05:45 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display sleeping HGs.


06:04 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display sleeping HGs in darkened rooms.


06:51 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display sleeping HGs.


07:21 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


08:12 AM BBT All four feeds continue to show horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  Occasionally someone can be heard shifting or mumbling, but the house remains otherwise quiet.

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8:50 AM BBT  Austin is awake going to the bathroom.


9:02  AM BBT Fishes are back .


9:09 AM BBT Julia is talking to Shelli and Clay in the HOH .


9:12 AM BBT Shelli is so excited that Julia told her in the HOH.


9:21 AM BBT Julia telling Shelli  and Clay about that she and her sister voted and the fishes are back. HOH.


9:33 AM BBT   Austin  is now finding out  from Vanessa .

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9:25am BBT: Shelli is going over scenarios with Julia trying to figure out when she was Liz. Shelli said she knew once they talked about working for their mom in her business.. Liz said she only works in spare time and her sister works more.

9:30am BBT: Julia is telling Clay and Shelli she will be switching today and it will be quick. Julia asks Clay and Shelley if they realize that she switched after the first live-eviction


Shelli. And Clay are talking to Julie about painting a design on her nails because all the other housemates have been talking about putting something on her nails to tell the difference between the two twins

9:32pm BBT: Clay and shell are asking Julia if she has any cuts or anything and they noticed something on her ankle and then she says I guess I'm just going to have to wear socks for the next couple of weeks they mention that Julie also has a small freckle on your face and then talking about liz using cover up and having Julia put a slight dot w makeup on

9:34am BBT: they keep showing fish in between every other sentence

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9:03am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB might be waking the HG to start preparing for tonight's Live Eviction.

 9:05am BBT: Shelli gets Julia and goes to the HOh rm and tells her HI i am Shelli it is nice to meet you and we get FOTH.

 9:08am BBT:m Julia tells Shelli that she knew Monday that DA was suspicious cause she wanted to see my eyes. Shelli says let me tell you  what i seen one day when you was sitting here the other day on the edge. Julia says yeah that was Liz i have been here since Monday. Shelli says well i noticed the other day when she was sitting on the edge that she was different. Is her face a little rounder? Julia says yes. Clay says i noticed the face also .

 9:12am BBT: Julia says i have not trusted DA since day one and i told Liz in the DR  that and then i Came in and DA asked what my name was in the Podcast and she was like i do not remember cause Liz and I did not  talk about that.

9:14am BBT: Julia said i had to tell someone cause when i would come out of the DR everyone was sitting in the LVR just staring at me so i knew. Vanessa comes in and says that Austin went to the bathroom then went back to bed so i will get him up  after i go to the bathroom. Vanessa tells Shelli to get Julia up to speed on what people know. Shelli says they look at your boobs and stuff and Julia says i know i can not wear a bathing suit anymore and i will wear baggy clothes now. clay says  yeah you need to  gain more and Liz needs to lose more.

 9:17am BBT: Shelli ask Julia  who works for their mom her or Liz and Julia says we both do.  Clay says how long till you both can come in and Julia says  5 evictions. Clay says  we just got to be careful with Liz when she comes back in and  fill her in. and we get FOTH.

 9:21am BBT: Julia tells Shelli that  her and Liz will be switching sometimes today. Julia ask did you guys notice that we switched last week live  at the first live eviction. Shelli says noooo.

9:24am BBT: Clay and Shelli telling Julia  that maybe she can polish a design on her nails and I can send the nail polish to  the DR with you but how long do you have in there and we get a brief FOTH. We come back to Clay asking if she has a cut on her foot and she says yeah I do Shelli says damn that is bad. Julia says i will wear socks then. Shelli says wear a higher shirt too cause they are looking at everything.

 9:28am BBT: Shelli tells Julia that anything specific the other HG are talking about we will come and tell you about. Julia says i know that DA is leaving tonight . Clay says  always try to be with me Shelli or Vanessa so we can try to stop some of this. Shelli says try not to make it to noticeable since you have been hanging out with Austin alot just start hanging out with me cause i love you guys. Julia hugs Shelli then leaves the HOh rm  as BB tells the Hg that it is time to get up for the day.

9:31am BBT: Julia gets in bed with Austin and whispers to him, He then gets up and goes to the bathroom to talk to Vanessa and says what is going on? Vanessa says i have tried talking to you for 3 days now. I kept saying we need to talk. Vanessa says have you talked to Liz cause she is a twin. Austin says really she told you? Vanessa says yes and she needs alot of protection cause the others are on to her.

 9: 36am BBT: Shelli goes downstairs to change batteries. Austin is walking in the WA. Vanessa comes out of the WC and tells Austin that Jeff is gunning for you and Austin says he is Gunning for me? Vanessa says yeah. Vanessa says  if we want to protect Liz then we have to keep this quiet. Austin says they have switched already? Vanessa says Julia has been with us for 3 days and Austin laughs.Vanessa says they are all watching her when she goes to the Dr so i will tell you everything but when i say we need to talk  make it happen.

9:38am BBT: Vanessa tells Austin that Liz is scared cause she spend 30 minutes in the DR yesterday crying cause she knows everyone knows. Vanessa says i had Julia to go straight to Shelli this morning. Austin says Shelli knows? Vanessa says yeah we are going to try to help her. Vanessa  says  Jason is the one that is watching her alot and they all told me not to tell you cause they did not want you to know, But we have to help her.

 9:47am BBT: Vanessa still talking to Austin in the WA repeating herself alot and telling Austin that Julia and Liz will switch places today and Austin says really? Vanessa says yeah and he laughs.

 9:53am BBt: Austin in the HOh rm talking to Shelli and Clay about Liz and Julia and how they will protect her. Clay says just be subtle about it and do not make it obvious. Austin says there is a difference since i think about it now. I was like why does she look so different the last couple of day and i just thought she was loosing weight.  Austin ask who figured it out? Clay says DA and Jason.

9:56am BBt: Shelli tells Austin that when Liz/Julia go talking to other people then we need to go up and join the conversation. Austin says are we going for Audrey this week and Clay says yeah but we have to make sure we keep her close and in the loop and make her feel like she is tight with us. 

9:57am BBt: Shelli says that they think James and Audrey are together and that the fight between DA and Audrey yesterday was fake. Austin says if Liz had gone up this week she would have gone home. Shelli says yeah it was lucky Steve won that POV so i put up Meg and made that side of the house choose a side now.

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 10:02am BBT: James and Jeff in the KT making breakfast. In the HOh rm Austin, Shelli and Clay talking about they need to win HOh and then one of them to win the POV this week to get Audrey out. Clay ask Austin if he is close with Becky and he says yeah she is finally talking to me. Clay says good we can use her help too i mean not in the alliance but you know what i mean. Austin says yeah i am trying to get in good with Jackie too and we get FOTH.

10:11am BBT:Austin leaves the hoh rm . Clay says we have to get in a rm with like Jeff or somebody. Shelli says yeah and Jackie said it would be good if us 4 were the have nots.  Clay says yeah. Shelli tells clay that Jason says he will back door Audrey and if he wins HOh he will  get her out but we can not let Jason win HOH cause he will go after Liz.

10:13am BBT: Austin in the KT watching Jeff and James cook. Audrey goes to HOh rm to talk to Clay and shelli and says Da told me lastnight that everyone thinks she has the power and  after her blow up yesterday she thinks everyone wants her out but she says she has the votes and wanted mine but she would not tell me who has the power.

10:22am BBT: Clay and Shelli laying quietly in the HOh bed. Jeff, washing his dishes and Austin making breakfast while James is eating.

10:29am BBT: Da is telling Vanessa that someone can cancel votes out tonight so Meg is not going to stay and Vanessa says ok tell whoever has the power to tell me.Vanessa is holding her head and tells DA give me a reason to do it just give me a reason and Da says she is good with everyone in this house. Vanessa says put yourself in my position. Da says i am nervous like i told you . Vanessa says who ever has the power i do not want to vote as she puts her hand in the air and laughs.

10:41am BBT: Most hg up doing ADL's and making breakfast and we get FOTH

 10:42am BBT: DA is in the shower. Most Hg in the KT making breakfast and eating just general talk going on.

10:54am BBT: After a brief FOTH we now have Jeff's reels.

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1:19pm BBt: Shelli is taking her things out of the HOh rm. DA is in the WA doing her makeup and Jeff is laying with a cold rag ON HIS HEAD SAYING HE NEEDS TO THROW UP AND WE GO BACK TO JEFFS REELS.

1:22pm BBT: Clay is sitting in the WA scratching and picking his nose. DA is  using a flat iron on her hair. Jeff is still laying in the WA with a cold rag on his head. Austin in the KT walking around, John is getting a snack as Becky is looking for the Advil.

1:25pm BBT: BB calls DA to the DR and she says of course. She heads to the DR. Austin is in the comic br stretching.

 1:52pm BBT: Feeds come on and Jeff is getting out of bed saying It hurts then we go back to Jeff's Reels.

1:54pm BBT: Feeds come back to Jason and Shelli talking in the bedroom just general talk. Meg is getting clothes to wear. In the Wa Da is still doing ADL's John and Vanessa are laying in bed sleeping in the comic rm. In the purple rm Jason and Austin talking  about voting Meg to stay and meg laughs.

 1:56pm BBT: Meg says honestly if i do leave i will feel fine about it cause that means that every person in this house  has lied to me. Jason says that is the BB game.

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2:01 PM BBT Vanessa & John are taking a nap in the CBR. Meg is looking for her vest in the OBR. Jason says, they definitely have a saboteur. He asks why they would take her most worn piece of clothing. Jason says, maybe someone walked away with it with a pile of sweatshirts yesterday (referring to Steve). He says, "I told you that sh** looked crazy." Meg keeps looking through drawers to find her vest. Jason tells Da'Vonne not to put her shoes on the chair. Da'Vonne says, "I'm sorry grandma Roy." Meg fines her vest. Jason tries it on. He says, there's no way to button it up. Da'Vonne is trying to fit all of her stuff in her suitcase. Jason asks if she wants him to sit on it? He goes over there to help her.


2:04 PM BBT James asks Da'Vonne how she was able to get her suitcase on the airplane. Jason says, she didn't have to take a plane, that's the benefit. Da'Vonne thanks Jason for helping her. The camera view switches to the KT. Austin & Shelli are talking to a male HG, but the camera view wasn't on there when they said who it was. Becky walks through with a towel wrapped around her.


2:08 PM BBT Austin tells Shelli, he thinks he's that jealous, because he wants a showmance, & Austin is an attractive guy. He says, he believes he wants him out, & he probably only thinks with his private parts. Shelli says, maybe. Steve walks through the KT telling them what he's doing. Austin says, he promised to work with him & Clay, at least until jury. Austin says, he's too trusting. Shelli says, at least you're in a good group. She says, her & Clay are trustworthy.


2:10 PM BBT Austin & Shelli talk about the Halibut fish. Austin says, it needs to get cooked & used today. Shelli wonders why BB gives them so much, & says, it is good. Austin says, it's a pain to cook, because it smells up the whole house. Steve walks in the KT, & says, he's a little nervous about a competition like this that comes down to luck. Becky walks back in. Shelli & asks her what shoes she's going to wear. Becky says, she'll probably wear the shoes she wore to the BB Prom. Austin says, you may not want to be in heels. He says, if it was anything restricting, BB would tell you to wear athletic wear, so he doesn't think it is. Becky & Shelli walk out of the KT. Audrey walks by the KT.


2:14 PM BBT Austin opens the refrigerator and says, "You guys are good man, you guys are f***ing good." He closes the refrigerator, goes back by the stove, where he's cooking the halibut, washes his hands, & throws away some garbage. We see FOTH.


2:15 PM BBT The above camera view is now on the KT. Da'Vonne walks through, heading to the WA, while Austin is still cooking. In the OBR, Audrey is getting in her bed to lay down, where James is napping. Vanessa walks through holding clothes. Meg in lying on the pull-out couch. Jason is putting earrings on his shirt to wear tonight. BB tells Meg, please put on your microphone. Da'Vonne comes back, & is putting more of her in her black BB bag. She is getting ready to throw some things away. Jason asks why her lotion in a boy? He says, it's like Spanish class where the table is a boy & something else is a girl. Meg says, she didn't like Spanish class. Jason says, he didn't either. He says, he should have taken Portuguese, because everyone around him was speaking it.


2:19 PM BBT Meg asks Jason where he got the stuff to put on his shirts? He says, he gets them at thrift stores & vintage shops. He says, he uses Cardigan clips, & they are for old ladies to hold on their Cardigan's. He says, he bought extra earring backs to hold them on better. He says, he has dangling earrings, but doesn't think he can wear them on his shirt, or they will hang down to his nipples. Da'Vonne says, her granny has always been right about her friends. Jason says, his was also.


2:21 PM BBT Jason says, trust no one that your granny doesn't like. Da'Vonne says, that goes for ex-boyfriends also. She says, she found out why she didn't like him later on. Da'Vonne says, her granny believed Jason was her boyfriend. She tells Jason that her granny passed away last in May. She tells Jason that her granny cried a lot, & was happy that she was pregnant with her daughter, & applying for the BB show. She says, she thinks her granny new, & that's why she was crying. She says, she got a call on her way to work, & they told her it was really bad this time. She says, everyone didn't want to tell her because she was pregnant. She says, she lost it, & started bleeding. She says, she ended up in the hospital & almost lost Cadence.


2:24 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, when the coroner showed up, they were a man short, & her mom had to carry her own mom out of the house while she was dead. She says, she died in her sleep. She says, she wanted to see her, & now she can't get that image out of her head. She says, it's stuck there, & she wishes the last memory she had, was when she told her granny about being pregnant. She says, she loved her granny, & that was her cookbook. She says, she loved her fried chicken. John comes in the OBR to get Da'Vonne. She is going to use Nair on his back. Meg says, Shelli, I didn't even know you were there. (Because she's by the mirror next to the HNR door). Shelli says, good thing you weren't talking about me. Meg laughs, & readjusts herself in on the pull-out bed.


2:33 PM BBT In the WA, Da'Vonne is applying Nair to John's back. Steve, Vanessa & Jason are watching. Vanessa asks if that will just take hair off? Da'Vonne says, yes. Vanessa asks how long that takes? Da'Vonne says, about 5 minutes. Da'Vonne asks her if she uses Nair on her who ha, so she doesn't get razor bumps? Vanessa says, she actually has very thin hair. Steve looks at the bottle of Nair. Da'Vonne tells him to be careful, & not touch his face. She says, if you do, your eyebrows will be gone. Da'Vonne asks John if the Nair is burning his back? John says, no, it's not burning. Da'Vonne says, good, good. She says, just let it sit, & let her know if it starts burning. John asks what happens if it starts burning? Da'Vonne says, you take it off. He says, o.k.


2:31 PM BBT Steve asks if the hair just wipes off? Da'Vonne says, yes, watch, I'm going to wipe it off. John says, he's going to be a wolverine. Vanessa says, he kind of look like a guy from wolverine. John says, back hair, there's no excuse for that. Vanessa says, she'll believe it when she sees it. She says, she can't believe the stuff actually works, she always thought it was a gimmick.


2:33 PM BBT Jason tells Steve that Ian used it on his armpits. He asks if it makes less hair grow back, or if you have to do it less often than shaving? Da'Vonne says, it's temporary, but you will do this less often than shaving. Shelli walks in the WA, & listens to them talk. She tells them she's wearing leggins & a tank top tonight. Da'Vonne asks how long they've been in the WA? Vanessa says, about 5 minutes. Da'Vonne asks if it's been about 5 minutes since she stopped? Da'Vonne wets a towel, & starts to wipe John's hair off his back. Clay walks in, & says, what is that, the hair removal? Vanessa watches in amazement, & says, what, what. Jason says, that's amazing. Clay walks out, Shelli walks in, & says, "Oh my God, oh my God." John says, "That is smooth, oh yeah." Jason says, smooth as a baby's butt. John says, it looks amazing.


2:38 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, John in conceded. She tells John to get in the shower as soon as Jason gets out, otherwise it's going to burn. Da'Vonne says, John's conceded, again. John tells Jason, he wonders how long it will last. Jason says, he's not sure, & that was wild. John says, "I'm hairy, dude." He says, he can grow a beard. John says, that's ridiculous, as he keeps looking at his back in the bathroom mirrors. Da'vonne comes back to the WA. John says, he can't believe it's just gone, & there was no cutting involved. Shelli & Clay are now in the WA as well. Jason is out of the hot shower, & John is in, starting the water. Clay sits on the couch next to Da'Vonne. Shelli is coming her hair, using a mirror above the couch. Jason says, he couldn't have a TV in his room until he was 13. He says, it was a big TV, with a built in VHS player. Da'Vonne says, she still has a TV with the built-in VHS player with a built-in CD player. Jason says, next it will be a built in Blue-Ray Player with something else, like a Green-Ray Player.


2:43 PM BBT Jason says, lava lamps were cool back in the day, but he's not sure if he would be at a lamp store today looking for one. He talks about having a party at his house with drinking & dancing all night, so he wouldn't have to pay to go to the club. Clay says something smells. Da'Vonne says, it's probably the Nair, because it stinks. John says, they should make it strawberry flavored. Jason asks, the nail polish or the Nair? John says, both. Shelli says, strawberry flavored or scented? Jason says, strawberry flavored nail polish wouldn't be bad. He says, Jessica Simpson has cute sunglasses. Jason says, Shelli owns a pair. Clay says, no, Shelli owned a pair, & he owns a pair now.


2:46 PM BBT Clay says, at the live eviction he may ask his parents to send him clothes, after he casts his votes.


2:47 PM BBT BB says, "Jason, are you wearing someone else's microphone?" Jason looks, & says, "Yes, I'm wearing John's." He jokingly says, he wants to be John since he has a hairless back now. Steve walks in the WA, & tells Shelli, she has some nice sunglasses. She thanks him, & says, they don't stay on your head. Audrey is now sitting on the couch, & says, they are good no-make-up sunglasses. Shelli asks Audrey if they fit her good? Audrey says, yes, because she has a big head. John leaves the WA. Steve says, John's back was very hairy. Jason says, for blonde hair, it was very hairy. Steve asks if people with blonde hair aren't as hairy? Jason says, you just can't see it as much.


2:53 PM BBT Clay, has changed into shorts, & is at the sink, next to Jason. Shelli is now taking a shower in the hot side of the shower, because she's already locked out of the HOH. Vanessa is looking through things on the couch. Audrey is eating, while sitting on the couch. Austin comes in. Clay is using the trimmer on his face. Austin walks out of the WA.


2:57 PM BBT Steve gets called to the DR. Vanessa walks in the CBR. She says, hi there, to Steve. He tells her he was napping in her bed. We see FOTH. When feeds come back, Steve is not in the CBR. Vanessa is in her bed, she takes a bite of what she's eating, lays down, covers her face with her turquoise hat, & finishes chewing her food. You can hear Meg in the next room talking to Jason, but can't make out what they are saying.


2:59 PM BBT The camera view changes to the OBR. Jason says, he doesn't know if he wants to just put on a random shirt. Meg says, they can have soda now. Jason walks out of the OBR to check the time. He comes back, & tells Meg, it's 2:59 PM BBT. Meg says, thank you. She says, she feels like a princess. Jason goes to the LR, where Austin is stretching. Austin tells Jason that he has something going on with his posture, & he has a pelvic tilt. Jason says, what? Austin says, he can correct it though. We see FOTH.


3:02 PM BBT Feeds come back. Jason asks Austin what kind of fish is used in fish n' chips? Austin says, probably Cod fish. Jason says, it's a white fish. Austin says, "Shitty Cod fish." Jason says, there's the biggest stream of ants he's ever seen. He says, someone left eggs on the counter. He says, there is an Army of ants. Jason says, they are going into moldy bread, & they can throw it away. He says, it's rancid. He says, people need to throw their eggs away. Da'Vonne doesn't want to touch anything, because she's cooking. Jason gets the Raid to spray everything. Da'Vonne tells him throw a bowl & spoon away. Da'Vonne says, sorry BB. She says, the ants are scattering. She says, that's why they restock the food. Jason says, vile. Da'Vonne says, the cheese is not melting, & asks what kind of cheese it is. Jason says, there's one lone survivor. He says, I just killed your whole entire clan, & tells the ant to go to bed. He says, he will kill any insect that crosses him path. He says, he won't hurt any animals. He says, "Day 22, Jason massacres some ants." He tries to remember a name of a song, & we see FOTH.


3:07 PM BBT Feeds come back. Jason says, this whole bowl needs to go in the trash. He says, in his normal life he would just wash it, & it would be fine. From the KT, Jason tells Austin, who's still in the LR, that he's murdering ants. Jason finds another one that's still alive. Audrey walks in the KT, & then runs out. Jason says, now there's carcasses of ants everywhere. Austin makes a disgusting noise. Jason asks Austin if would rather have the live ants, or just the carcasses. Da'Vonne is singing, Jason the exterminator. John is still walking around without a shirt. Da'Vonne tells him he needs to get a shit on. Steve walks by the KT towards the WA, & then stops by the glass table in the KT on his way back through. Da'Vonne asks Jason if he likes pepper jack cheese? He tastes it & likes it. Da'Vonne says, she was supposed to make him some garlic bread.


3:11 PM BBT Jason tells Da'Vonne that his dad is a good cook. He says, his mom worked, so his dad taught him to cook. They continue to talk about food they like to cook. John walks in the KT, & stands by the refrigerator eating. Back in the WA, Clay is in the hot side of the shower. Audrey is curling her hair by the sink. Shelli has her hair in a towel, & is using a mirror above the couches to put her make-up on. Liz is putting on her make-up while sitting on the couch using a mirror. We see FOTH. Then we see Jeff Schroeder's highlight reels. Then, back to FOTH, & back to highlight reels again.

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7:20PM BBT: Feeds are on Meg, Steve, Jason, and Jeff are talking about the HoH competition In the bedroom is Liz and Shelli and Austin and James. Everyone is just chilling out.

7:25PM BBT: Meg is now unpacking Shelli and Clay are looking in the freezer for food, Salmon is all there is and pork chops. soup, and rice. 

7:31PM BBT: Austin and Audrey are talking, Austin is saying that side of the house is losing someone they are dishonest, I don't care. doesn't matter what happens with veto either. One of them is going. Audrey is talking about Shelli she says she is the boss, Clay's a push over.

7:40PM BBT: Audrey is talking to Jeff, and Shelli in the Bathroom, Audrey says Shelli talks in her sleep.

Austin and Vanessa are talking in the Cavanna room while the rest of the house is in the bathroom. Just general talking no game talk in the bathroom.

7:50PM BBT: Meg,Jeff, and Jason are talking about who Austin may put up. Jason doesn't want to go up. OK Jeff is talking to Jason about how to date a girl, Like pretend like I am Jackie put your arm around me. Steve is in there too. 

7:55PM BBT: Jeff is now in with Shelli and Vanessa they are trying out different color shirts on Jeff, first blue, no more yellow, Audrey is in there too. Shelli is telling a story are Clay and Jeff and the shower overflowing in the HoH. OH she's talking about a dream she had. 

8:00PM BBT: James and Steve are talking James is eating pizza. They are talking about if they will ever know who won the last laugh, James says only if we get drunk and someone says something that knows. 

8:05PM BBT: Meg is now still unpacking Steve is in the Storage room getting something. Now Meg and Jason come in, get some cheese for pizza. Meg doesn't like pepperoni on her pizza. Ill pick it off. Shelli, Jackie and Austin ar in the bathroom they are just talking, about what pictures Austin may get.

8:05PM BBT: Jackie says she is craving oranges and peanut butter. Is that weird?(yes, that's weird).

now talking about Da'Vonne getting to see her daughter, and how she didn't hug anyone on the way out tonight.

8:10PM BBT: Becky is also in the bedroom with Shelli in Jackie, who says that Da'Vonne tried to get her vote, Becky says she didn't even asked me. That's sad. you think it was random that your vote didn't count. Asked Jackie. Becky No FotH.   

8:15PM BBT: Feeds are back after a short FotH, The girls are still talking in the bedroom. Shelli, Becky, and Jackie. Jeff, and Liz are in the same bed talking about being a have not. the girls are just sitting there talking like new week new problems, Austin walks in. talks about the DR and we get the fish.

8:20PM BBT: not much is happening Jeff asked Liz how she sleeps, The girls are still in the wash room just talking no game talk. Jeff is saying that he didn't like Da'Vonne's exit speech. Because it was personal. Liz says she knew she was leaving so it was like her last word. Liz says she saw people outside. First peoples she seen since coming into the house. 

8:25PM BBT: Most of the HGs are now in the kitchen, making food. They are just talking no game talk. oh they are looking in the Refug, there's gross food in there, the last have not food. Food from two weeks ago?? Gross throw that out. 

8:31PM BBT: Jason asked like do you really want me to save this slop? NO people have been getting sick lately, so we need to throw out all this old food. James says people have been eating weird things. Like peanut butter and  jelly and milk. Meg says that's like so normal. 

8:35PM BBT: Jason is called to the DR. Johnny and Audrey are in the Canvanna room talking about Cooking Johnny says he doesn't do much cooking. He cooks like chicken. Audrey says she hates cooking. She eats like a lot of cereal and sandwiches. She hates doing dishes. Audrey says that she missed a wedding. Her friend is mormon so talk turns to that.

8:40PM BBT: The HGs are eating and talking. The talk as been very general talk. James is in the DR now. Austin is eating. Someone dried out the cookies. Now talking about different kinds of cookies Oreo cookies and cream. Now talk turns to superbowl. And left shark and right shark. They are talking about the guest this week for the BB take over.

8:45PM BBT: Vanessa and Austin talking Austin is saying I'm worried about the Shelli Clay thing Vanessa yes.

They are talking about Shelli, Shelli comes in to use the restroom. now talk turns to the HoH competition. Shelli is out of the restroom washing her hands at the sink. Now Austin is talking about what he wants to get. Shelli walks out. Austin is saying that Audrey told him that Clay was upset. Now talking about Jason. 

8:50PM BBT: Austin is saying Jason is a bigger target. whose your number one Vanessa, Jeff Austin yeah he keeps saying we got your back and he doesn't. Austin is saying if Jeff goes then Jackie will be stuck. and if Meg goes, Austin is saying there are some throw job's Johnnymac throw it had to be. They did a number on him. Vanessa is talking about backdoor Jason now. She goes to the toilet.

8:55PM BBT: Vanessa says if possible she wants to keep the HoH. Austin says yeah I can be like I didn't see this coming. Austin says I can keep playing like I'm his best buddy and keep the pod cast going. Austin they are going to want me to be HoH cause they think I will do what they want. Austin is saying that Jeff maybe coming after him next. I'll work on him, Vanessa wants to go after Shelli. she thinks it's going to get crazy. Austin says I'm sick of their lies. 

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Austin's HOH Letter: Dear Austin, Never thought you'd make it here today. Good job on your HOH victory. Please try to stay as long as possible, because we are all thinking about renting out your room. And, try to win some money, you're going to need it. Ely (his brother) has been training Jordan, and he's up to an 80 lb. max on his bench. We are all following your work out routines, and taking good care of your gymnastics rings. Toby & Clyde (his little doggies) miss your big scratches, & party time isn't the same without you. Seriously, you are doing a great job, & we are all proud of you. Stay positive, & know we are all supporting you. Micky (his sister) is coming home soon. Jen sends her love, & misses you very much. Hang in there. Much love from all of us. XOXOXO


Vanessa's HOH Letter: My beautiful baby that I miss so much, I'd like to start by saying how proud I am of you. It's been a lot harder than I thought not being able to talk to you. Family misses you incredibly. Bear & Maverick (the dogs) are always laying down in front of the door always wondering when mom's getting back. They miss you soo much. Bear keeps on putting your face on my hand as I'm writing this. Um, so needy. (Bear is the 120 lb. Mastiff). Also, baby, I want you to remember whenever you are feeling down, Bear, Maverick & I are sending you lots of love & kisses. Can't wait to kiss you, & hold you in my arms. You're soo beautiful. Stay strong my princess. Love, Mel, Bear & Maverick. P.S. Your family & friends all say hi & they love you.

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9:02 PM BBT  Vanessa, Austin, and Liz still in the Wash Area.  Vanessa notes that they are one-third of the way through.  Austin is impressed…that’s better than he thought he would do.  They start talking about the competition and their strategies.  Vanessa was just trying for the middle in the first round, but for the second round she aimed for the 52.  Austin notes that 52 was the high score, but he still won because they were all tied for second place. 


9:05 PM BBT Jason, Jackie and Steve are in the KT.  Jason and Jackie are examining all the pictures and noticing wrinkles…Steve is the only one who doesn’t have wrinkles.  Jackie asking Jason to let her know when the twins switch.  He’s going to shout “she’s here!!!” 


9:10 PM BBT  Vanessa chuckling that Liz didn’t know where to go after she took her turn in the first round.  Laughing about it, Liz says “I’m blonde. Love me!”  Vanessa points out that they couldn’t see what was on the monitor, so how was Liz supposed to know?


9:15 PM BBT  Vanessa and Austin are called to the diary room...everyone is excited for them and are anxious to see the HOH room.


9:31 PM BBT All the HGs are checking out the new HOH Room.  Checking out pictures.  There is a picture of Austin’s sister Allison.  Austin notes that they gave him alcohol.  Everyone is crowing around and checking out what they got.  Vanessa is already reading her letter.   They all settle down while Austin reads his letter.


9:34 PM BBT Austin is happy with his letter.  Next Vanessa reads hers…very emotional, trying not to cry.


9:35 PM BBT Vanessa shows off her pictures and everyone checks it out.  Lots of excitement in the room.  Liz is re-reading one of the letters.  Clay and James are reclining and hanging back while Meg, Liz,  Jason  and Jackie check out what they got.  A few of the HGs start to head out. 


9:40 PM BBT  Vanessa talking about “Bear” and how big he is.  The picture doesn’t show how big he is. 


9:42 PM BBT Vanessa is excited about salted caramel ice cream.  She lets people know that she is happy to share her stuff.   She says “we could drink” but everyone says that’s hers. Vanessa says it’s no fun to get drunk by yourself. 


9:43 PM BBT  HGs in the HOHR are talking about the albums that Vanessa got.  They talk about Clay Aiken and what he is up to now.  They recall that he was runner up on American Idol.


9:45 PM BBT  Vanessa is very happy and says she doesn’t know what to do with herself.  Lots of chatter.  Jeff notes that Austin may be the first to use the HOH bathtub.  Austin says he may get hammered tonight.  Jeff and Austin confirm that there will be a podcast tonight… they say it will be a short one from the HOHR.  Jason liked the ladies’ podcast because they were organized.    


9:47 PM BBT Vanessa suggests that Shelli and Becky should an encore on their podcast every couple of days.  Becky is talking about doing a take-off on the Bachelorette, but they are not allowed to use the same format exactly.   They note that they always have crazy dates on the Bachelorette… Meg wondering why they can’t go for a walk or go to the zoo!


9:49 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa checking out the stuff in the other HOHR. Vanessa reads the instructions for the laundry.  Vanessa notices she got nail polish.  Austin says it sucks that this room is only used for one night.  Vanessa keeps saying that she is so happy!  Vanessa offers help with his music selections.


9:52 PM BBT Jackie is called to the DR.  Austin and Vanessa still going through goodies.  Austin picks out something to eat.  Vanessa asks him if he’s super happy?  She is so happy to hear from home and to get that encouragement and reinforcement.   Austin heads downstairs. 


9:55 PM BBT  Most HGs still hanging out in the HOHR.  Jeff and James speculating about the timing for the BotB.  Jeff thinks it may be tonight.  James starts to agree but then remembers that the night-time BotB was because of 4th of July.  Liz still enthusing with Vanessa over pictures.  Becky listening to music.  Steve sitting on the couch just hanging out.  Jeff heads out.  Steve gives Vanessa a hug and notes that Vanessa has been on a cloud since HOH.  Vanessa apologizes for going on and on about being SO happy!


10:00 PM BBT Jason is showing Vanessa how to use the remote in the HOHR. 


10:05 PM BBT Jackie and James whispering to Shelli and Clay in the Wash Area.   Jeff has just left, and Shelli whispers to Jackie that Jeff is acting weird.  Jackie says she didn’t notice.  James says that it’s going to be interesting.  Becky comes in to use the WC and they stop whispering.  They start speculating about the timing of nominations, BotB and PoV.


10:06 PM BBT  Meg and Jeff hiding under the covers in the Grey Bedroom speculating on what the nominations would be.  Meg thinks that “he” [Austin] would make too many enemies if he put Jeff up.  Meg tells Jeff that everyone thinks that Jeff is “sketch”… he doesn’t understand why.  He questions that she says “everyone” and she tells him that she’s heard many comments.  He asks why and she suggests it’s just because he has a strong personality and is always joking around.  He asks if it’s people inside or outside their group and Meg says it’s people outside, so Jeff doesn’t care about that.  Meg is worried about Shelli, but isn’t sure.  Meg says that Jason is worried.   Jason comes in.  He complains that Audrey is parked in Vanessa’s HOHR.   


10:10 PM BBT In the HOHR, Audrey tells Vanessa that she has ONE concern: Clay.  Audrey thinks that he is more loyal to the “other” group…Jeff and others.  Vanessa asks who is in the group and Audrey says that the group is Jeff, Jackie, Becky, James, Jason, Meg.   Audrey thinks that Becky is stringing along and keeping John and Steve on the side.  Audrey says that Jeff made a weird comment after they came inside and both Jeff and Clay were rooting for James when it came down to the tie-breaker.  Audrey thought Clay looked concerned, but Vanessa is skeptical of that.   Audrey says that Clay is not worried, but the group is.  Vanessa already knows what she is going to do, but she is open to hearing from others. 


10:15 PM BBT Audrey mentions another “weird thing.”  Before the eviction ceremony James told Audrey that he was concerned that if Audrey won HOH because it seemed like Audrey might be coming for him.  She joked that “you’re not going to put me up are you?” and James said no…she would be okay for another week because they had bigger fish to fry.  Audrey went to ask Clay and thought that Clay was pretending that Clay and Jeff weren’t together.  Vanessa is still skeptical that Clay is not loyal. 


10:17 PM BBT Austin has joined Vanessa and Audrey in HOHR. Vanessa points out that it was a big show of faith when they put up Meg instead of Liz.  Austin wondering how his name came up that he and Jason were somehow trying to flip the house.  Meg was worried.  Audrey says it might be because Audrey told Meg what Liz told her…she told Audrey that Liz was thinking of keeping Da’.  Audrey thinks that Meg might have assumed that Austin was on board with Liz and also vote to keep Da’. 


10:21 PM BBT Audrey asks Vanessa if she has advice.  Vanessa says Audrey should just be friendly.  People are scared of Audrey, so she needs to make an effort to not give any impression of being strategic.  She reassures Audrey that she is safe this week.  Audrey thinks it will die down with Da’ out.  Vanessa suggests that Audrey play dumb and just be fun-loving and not talk game at all.  Positive energy.  Austin comes in and Audrey asks him for advice for her this week.  Vanessa tells Austin what she has already said, and Austin also reassures Audrey that she has nothing to worry about.  If anything, just let people talk to her and she can share info.  They set up a “sleeper cell” signal for Audrey to let them know when she has something to tell them.  Vanessa warns Audrey that there may be conversations about backdooring.  Vanessa and Austin will let others assume that it will be Audrey being backdoored, so Audrey should ignore anything she hears about that.  Audrey will be safe.  Vanessa is happy to let people make assumptions and doesn’t feel the need to correct them if it’s to her advantage.  Austin agrees.


10:27 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin plan for Austin to be de-throned because he is better at comps.  Vanessa is sure that no one knows where she stands and that they don’t even know she is working with Clay and Shelli.  Austin is wondering about where Jackie is at.  Audrey thinks that Jackie only has connections with “little people” and that she has no connection with Shelli and Clay. 


10:31 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa use Gummi Bears to lay out their strategy.  Two gummy bears for Liz [with Julia].  They see the house in 5 quadrants plus one in the middle.  The good guys [Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia]…Shelli and Clay….John, Steve, and Becky… Jeff and Jackie… and finally Jason, James, and Meg.  Austin notes that Jeff, Jackie, Jason, James and Meg could be a fivesome.  Audrey is in the middle.  Austin says this season is crazy!


10:34 PM BBT Vanessa starts laying it out:  “these are the three floater people [can’t see which gummy bears she is referring to] and the reason these are good to keep around is that [another group] is good at comps and Becky is the only one [so the floater group must be John, Steve, and Becky].  They are interrupted as Liz enters the room.  It’s Liz, not Julia. They start talking about the differences between the twins, but they hear someone coming.  Clay comes in and hugs Liz and starts letting them know what others have noticed about Liz and Julia’s differences.  They make plans for hiding the things that others are noticing.  Clay is hanging out with them in order to find out what they are talking about. 


10:39 PM BBT Jeff and Jackie talking to James and Shelli in the WA.  Jeff whispering about Audrey being plan A …and Steve is plan B because he’s so secretive. Jeff saying that should be the house agenda.  James feels that Steve talks to him like he is trying to make James feel dumb. 


10:40 PM BBT Jeff and James compare Steve to Derrick and Ian.  Shelli talks about a silver necklace with an angel on it.  She relays that “she” [not sure who] thinks Steve is using the necklace as fake collateral.  Jeff says they might have to play dirty this week to move on their agenda.  James says they should go all together so that none of them become a target.


10:50 PM BBT Austin and Liz talking together in HOHR.  Austin can’t believe he isn’t the one who noticed that there were two of them.  Liz sharing some of the frustrations of trying to switch out….having to pay attention to nail polish and everything.  Austin pledges to help them as much as he can.  He tells Liz about the HOH competition. 


10:55 PM BBT In the HOHR, Liz telling Austin more differences.  Julia has a fake tooth in front, and Liz has a “chopped off” finger and stitches.  In the WA, Clay and Shelli are whispering…Clay is trying to fill Shelli in on the twin differences he heard about.  Shelli asks him whether Audrey is in on the twin thing.  Clay isn’t sure.  Shelli wants to go up and see Liz herself. 


10:57 PM BBT In the colourful BR, Jackie telling James that she spends a lot of time with girlfriends.  Meanwhile, in HOHR, Shelli is hugging Liz.  They are all excited… Shelli says “so I met your sister” and they laugh.  Liz is so grateful for their help.  Shelli notices a difference in their voice…Julia’s voice is deeper, and she has a birthmark on her back.  Liz has longer toenails and Julia has a small mark on her foot that Liz doesn’t have.  Liz is afraid to go down because she knows everyone will be looking for the differences.  When she came in she ran for HOHR.  Liz says that in the DR Julia was upset and wanted to give up because everyone is on to them.  Vanessa comes in with spray tan to create a birthmark on Liz’s back. 


11:00 PM BBT  Jeff and Jackie talking in the SR.  Jackie feels like she is a problem for Jeff in the house.  Jeff is avoiding her, but Jackie thinks that makes it seem like they are trying to hard if they don’t talk at all.  Jeff thinks the other HGs are crazy enough that they think Jeff and Jackie are plotting if they talk at all.  He feels it’s him that is getting thrown under the bus, not Jackie, and Jeff is tired of it.  Jeff and Jackie both say they have no idea what Vanessa is thinking.  Jeff feels he has to be on top of his A game.  Jeff thinks that Clay and Shelli will be targeted because they are a duo, and he wants to avoid being targeted because of people thinking he is with Jackie.  Jackie disagrees because it means they only talk when they are talking game.  Jackie thinks Jeff is getting weird.   Jeff said he heard some stuff that is making him worry.  Jeff was told by Meg that Vanessa went up to Meg to tell her that Vanessa was voting to keep Meg, but that Meg should check where Jeff’s head is at.  Jeff also says that Steve says that he sees through Jeff and Jackie….that they know each other better than they are letting on.  Jeff thinks he is a target because he gets along with everyone, and he thinks Jackie will not be targeted.  They were freaked out because of the way Da’ called them out [both their votes, along with Becky’s, were cancelled out by the Last Laugh twist]

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