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Everything posted by Anne

  1. I think Janelle and Ashlea are partners. The way they are talking right now and about the veto, makes me think they are partners
  2. I really only caught that part because I was in the kitchen getting me something to drink. The other part I caught was Beau doing some modeling moves...LOL Sorry Ranster
  3. LOL I said something similar about Ashlea, like good grief crying already
  4. It was a commerical that aired right after CSI started. It said it was the previews for the next show
  5. Preview ad for next week: Janelle says so you two know each other, dang they already know of a pair and where the secret bedroom is based on the previews for next week I would have love to see them finding the bedroom live
  6. Yep...LOL plus he kind of reminds me of Drew a little bit...LOL I like Kaysar too,
  7. Add James to my do not like list...LOL That makes Howie, Janelle, and James...LOL Fav so far, Michael, Eric, and April
  8. LOL I already don't like Howie and Janelle...LOL that's record for 16 mins and they are already getting on my nerves...LOL
  9. Now Sarah or someone pretending to be Sarah has a blog up http://sarahhrejsa.blogspot.com/ If this is real where are the other Houseguests besides Michael's blogs at? LOL
  10. I wonder if the bombings in London are going to affect the premiere and as result push back the live feeds. You know they are going to have news on this all day and maybe specials on it tonight during prime time. Sending my Prayers for those affected in London.
  11. According to this the blurb I found it starts right after the East coast airing of the premiere LOS ANGELES and SEATTLE, July 6 /PRNewswire/ -- CBS and RealNetworks
  12. My feeds are frozen also, I visited a couple of message boards and it seems everybody's is. So I bet CBS has stopped them until after show tomorrow.
  13. Ah there you are Laggie, glad you are safe and got your lights back. The local BR news said that ya'll got hammered down there, like I said above we didn't get anything except it was nice and cool this morning but that didn't last long. Again glad you are safe, and here's hoping Dennis doesn't come here, even though I don't wish it on anybody else either.
  14. Hey thanks guy, Here in Baton Rouge it wasn't too bad, it just missed us but down Laggie's way in the New Orleans area is where it hit, they had 60 mph wind gust around there. They had some power outage and such. Hopefully they will get their power back soon, and Laggie will be on here later and all the other Gulf Coast residents too. Now Dennis he's the one I'm worried about, no telling where he will go and how strong he will be once he gets there.
  15. Ok everybody or also everybody just walk by the tank to go sit in the living room, Beau looks like he has a black jacket and white shirt on and is very animated, looks like he talks with his hands a lot. By the way the house is bright again. Another guy had a jersey on with the numbers I think 45 on it.
  16. Yep it's from last year, two or three days after BB5 ended.
  17. Hey Laggie, I just realized your right down I-10 (The "Red Stick") from me, nice to see a fellow Louisianan.
  18. LOL is a dead dog or sleeping dog...LOL Or could be a dead horse LOL
  19. Next time I need a good floral arrangement or nice centerpiece for the table, I'm going to come talk to you Laggie, you seems to know your Martha Stewart type stuff
  20. With all respect Anne, this was not a DREAM of Miss Henry's. She was videotaped for Girls Gone Wild drunk kissing her female roomate, met a Photographer at the same time, did some NC-17 nudes and was contacted by a casting agent via an internet site to try out for BB5 mostly because she had a twin, but when they didnt look enough alike, they chose diane because she was a bitch!. If you idolize the backstabbing, manipulating winch, then get her "Dream Story " straight! OK, I PROMISE I will not go off like that again! I am so ready for Thursday so once and for all, these BB5 media whores will be HASBEENS! For me.. case closed. Sorry Ranster, my mother hen is coming out...LOL I know what her dream story is thank you very much, she wants to be a sucessful actress, and there's nothing wrong with that. And yes I admire Diane, she played the game like it was supposed to be played, but I admired her for alot of things that doesn't have to with the game. And yes I also admire because she's a bitch because I am one too....LOL. You don't have to like her or anything about her, but if you going to say something like she tooted her on own by giving her fans an update about what she doing ie the Early show, then I going to dispute that. Ok Ranster and Yana, that's it I'm done with my mother hen side right now, I can't promise it won't rear it's head again, or who I will be defending...LOL But I have a whole new crop of Houseguests to choose from...LOL
  21. She posted an update today, that said if this is the wrong time blamed the CBS publicists, LOL, She stated that publicist told her that it would be on around 8:13 tomorrow. She didn't state what time zone that was. Now whether that happens or not, is entirely up to the network, not Diane. I wasn't going to post it on any other boards that I was on, due to reactions from the last date change. I figure it was best to let sleeping dogs lie...LOL By the way 24 7, at least she's chasing her dream, she's brave enough to give it a shot whether it happens or not, I applaud her for that. She didn't toot her horn as you say, she was updating her fans on her board, like she does at least once a month sometimes more frequently about what's happening in her life. I was going to comment some more but I just leave it alone now out of respect for Ranster, Yana and the other mods.
  22. I guess Diane was right, it will be tomorrow not the today like the Early show website says. Hmmmmmmm. If you would like to voice your displeasure with the date being push back yet once again, Email CBS here's their email address: EarlyShow@CBS.com
  23. They may but i bet they will try to keep it a secret from us too. LOL I would like to see more of the little things to see if they are clues to what else is in store for the houseguest. Like I think I saw an art piece with four figures interlocking hands, I wonder if that means that more than just the actual pairs know each other or are somewhat related (in what they do or where they are from) to each other. Because several houseguests have some sort of attachment to Florida, even some of the ones that say they are from somewhere's else. So I hope they shows so clues like that.
  24. Oh I'm sure they will, those evil CBS producers, never letting us have any fun...LOL Now they they dimmed the lights in house so we can't really see all the fun the new houseguests are having in house tonight, but I still see movement....LOL I swear everytime I think I see people, it reminds me of that movie with the little kid that says "I see dead people"...LOL



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