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Everything posted by Fuskie

  1. For LynLyn: 11:00 BBT: Jillian, Emmett and Peter are in the HOH room. Talking about Alec would cut Topaz over Jillian earlier in the game. 11:11PM BBT Talla enters the HOH room with Emmett, Jillian, and Peter and to eavesdrop starts singing, BB tells her to stop. 11:23PM BBT Andrew, Talla and Emmett are in the Hot tub. Talla tells the guys that she went the HOH eavesdrop on Jillian & Peter. 11:35PM BBT Jillian joins the hot tub with Andrew, Talla and Emmett. 11:44PM BBT Jillan tells them she thinks BB will hold more physical & cooler competitions, now that there are less people 11:47PM BBT Talla says they need to think about a potential double eviction this week (which is true) 11:50PM BBT Andrew changes the subject and start talking about what they would when they get home. He will go home, close the door, shut the blinds and lay naked in is room because there are no cameras. 11:52PM BBT Jillian says she would run naked down her neighborhood. (and she was worried about how her snogging with Emmett would look for a teacher).
  2. 7:40pm BBT - It appears Peter removed himself from the chopping block (not a surprise), so even if he can't/won't eat, he should be in a party mood. Not so much Topaz who is facing eviction Thursday as the replacement nom. Talla, on the other hand, and Andrew are happy their kissing up to Jillian kept them safe. The dinner has overflowed into a BY party and we have SotH again. When they come back, how drunk do you think Talla will be?
  3. 3:00pm BBT - Andrew continues to push voting out Alec. Peter heads to HT area fully clothed, pursued by Talla. Alec working out alone in BY. Emmett agreeing with Andrew, perhaps just to shut him up. Talla returns to the BY because Peter just laid down. Talla is tired of everyone just laying around. Talla now sweeping the KT. Topaz still laying on the KT couch. Andrew tells Emmett he did his part - he got Gary out, implying that Jillian has to do her part in getting Alec out. He throws out a reminder of Alec's $10k. 3:06pm BBT - SotH
  4. 2:50pm BBT - Talla has trapped Topaz in the KT. Andrew up in HoH talking to Emmett about scenarios and Tom. If they vote out Alec, what happens if Topaz wins HoH? BB tells Topaz to fix her mic. Emmett holding off Andrew who is being Emmett's best friend and painting Alec as the bigger threat. Remember, Alec's coming after her as well. Emmett says Alec is working hard to convince Jillian what she heard about him was a mistake. Andrew repeats the accusations against Alec, says Alec is all about self-preservation but is fake. Alec came up to him last night and said hey, I really like you. That's great, I really like cheese.
  5. 2:40pm BBT - Talla crashes HoH looking for shoe polish as they are snogging in bed. Talla has dropped off Mr. Jones along with the extra chair and the color photo of Tom in the SR. Talla says goodbye and please increase the limit to the credit card. Brief SotH. Talla outside to tell Andrew and Topaz. Jillian in the HoH WA while Emmett remains in bed listening to the iPod. Alec moving around some of the exercise equipment. Alec says Mr. Jones likes him more than Talla and they get into a faux shouting match. Alec throws the exercise ball at Talla. Alec is in from the HT sunbathing.
  6. 2:30pm BBT - Talla still talking. Emmett & Jillian still in HoH. Andrew still sunning by the HT. Alec still in DR. Alec out of DR. A new target for Mr. Jones. Alec talks about getting a workout in. Talla asks where is everyone? If Mr. Jones could talk, he would say, hiding! Emmett and Jillian talking, there are 3 more HoHs. Talla is teaching Mr. Jones how to do situps. I have never been more grateful for SotH as Talla hasn't stopped talking for 30+ minutes.
  7. 2:21pm BBT - Andrew moving towels from the washer to the dryer. There's a huge pile on the AstroTurf. Talla and Jones now in the LR where Peter is laying on the couch, suffering Talla's monologue. Andrew drops something out by the HT. He's putting cushions out. Now he's laying down in the one sliver of sun. Peter is in a zone, hopefully he's found his happy place. Even BB isn't forcing him to wake up.
  8. 2:13pm BBT - Jillian says that he (presumably Peter and Alec) have agreed to throw HoH to Emmett. Talla invades HoH, says Jones wants to know who they would like to see gone, Alec or Topaz? Talla says Topaz is OK with the trivia stuff but not at the physical. Jillian went to the SR. Talla suggests letting Alec thinks he's going. Topaz could turn around and win HoH. Talla can't believe she's saying that. She says Andrew and Emmett could both take out Alec in a physical comp. Peter talking food with Jillian. Emmett says Topaz is going up, they can figure out the rest later.
  9. 2:06pm BBT - Peter is brushing his teeth in the WA, Andrew in the shower. They can't escape as Talla brings Mr. Jones in. Emmett and Jillian wondering why anyone would want them in a F4 with them. Finally an intelligent question from them. Emmett says they can beat anyone in an endurance comp or mental comp. Talla talks about the party tonight, presumably won by Alec's secret task. Talla threatens to have another Talking with Talla show tonight. Peter escaped the WA but Andrew trapped in the shower. Talla says Mr. Jones is having too much fun. So are we, Mr. Jones, so are we.
  10. 12:15pm BBT - Topaz confronts Jillian about going back on her word and putting her on the block. Jillian says it's the only logical thing she can do to ensure Alec is voted out. She says Topaz could have won Veto and saved both herself and Alec. Topaz says Andrew will vote to keep Alec and send her home. Jillian says that won't happen, that Alec threatened that whomever of him, Peter or Topaz isn't evicted will be coming after her (one could argue that Alec was talking about jury votes but either way it was a threat). Topaz says not true, she wasn't coming after Jillian. 12:45pm BBT - BB orders all the HG to the LR immediately and then SotH. 1:45pm BBT - Feeds returned a few minutes ago. Emmett tells Jillian he supports her if she chooses to nominate Topaz and vote her out instead of Alec. Peter and Alec talking in the KT about promising Jillian & Emmett F5. Andrew comes in and they are talking about a sushi dinner tonight. The PoV meeting has not taken place yet - they expect the dinner afterward. Andrew says he thought Alec had a task when he saw Alec cleaning everywhere. He did have a task to sporadically clean up. Not sure if this had anything to do with Tom but Andrew is hinting at it, or just his suspicion of it. 2:00pm BBT - Talking with Talla - She interviews Mr. Jones, talking to the Curious George monkey that was Tom's. Jillian and Emmett in HoH talking game in between snogs. Talla tells Mr. Jones "he's coming tonight". Topaz is pacing quietly in the KT. Peter sitting at the KT counter and doing his quiet observation thing. Alec was called into the DR. Topaz lays down on the KT couch - expect the buzzer any time now, unless Talla's incessant talking to herself keeps her awake. Peter gets up and walks away. Talla says he can't leave, he's the audience. He says he bought his ticket, he can do what he wants.
  11. 4:03pm BBT - I know you are tired of seeing SotH, but I've got some exciting news for you. I have a source within BBCA Production who has turned me on to a secret link for live feeds that are provided to Slice TV executive management to keep them in the loop on their huge BB investment. The source doesn't agree with all the SotH and is allowing me to view it on the condition I keep the link secret. Otherwise, it could be traced back to her and shut down, and she could be fired. So even though we are on SotH, Morty's TV will exclusively provide you with live feed updates on what you aren't seeing. 4:10pm BBT - This is so cool. Watching the PoV Ceremony live. The noms are on the stools and Andre is standing in front of the memory wall. Topaz says she doesn't expect Emmett to use the Veto on her but promises safety next week if she wins HoH. Gary says he expects he will use the Veto on him if he knows what's good for him. It's half tongue-in-cheek, half threatening. Andrew says he hears what both are saying but has to do what is best for him at this point of the game and is NOT going to use the Veto. Wow. 4:19pm BBT - BB held the HG in the LR a little bit to make sure they caught reaction shots before letting them go. Gary is not happy and tries to talk to Andrew but Andrew walks away, says he has to use the WC. Andrew pulls Gary aside and says don't worry about it. I promised you, you're safe. The pawn just went home, Gary says, it can happen again! 4:25pm BBT - Andrew and Talla are in HoH talking about the Veto ceremony. Topaz is out in the BY with Gary. Alec and Emmett are tossing the football. Gary gets called into the DR. Andrew comes out and Peter tells him he did the right thing and Gary will get over it. He jokes he knows he would have gone up instead if the Veto had been used. At least Gary got to see the movie last night so the week won't be a total loss. 4:29pm BBT - Emmett says this would never have happened had Gary not used his PoV Player Power. He was going to win Veto and save Gary to force Andrew to nominate nominate Talla, but then Gary went and replace him with Tala and blew it all up. Peter says Gary has got to go next week. He can't be controlled. Emmett agrees, but if the HoH comes down to makeup or fashion again, they are screwed. Talk turns to the best clubs to find hot chicks. 4:34pm BBT - Gary is out of the DR and goes into the BR. Talla asks if he's all right and Gary says no, Andrew is a piece of Sh*t, can't be trusted. If she isn't voted out this week, she's going to win HoH and nominate Andrew and Alec. Talla asks if there's anything he needs and is told no, he just wants to be left alone. Talla leaves and Gary lays down with the pillow over her head, crying. Peter is called to the DR. 4:38pm BBT - All feeds in the BY, everyone but Andrew, Talla, Gary and Peter in the BY. Peter comes out and tells Talla she's wanted in the DR. She's upstairs so he shouts up to HoH. General chit-chat in the BY, no one talking game at the moment. Emmett and Alec talk about working out this afternoon. They were waiting until after the PoV ceremony. 4:40pm BBT - Andrew and Talla come downstairs and start playing air hockey - they think this Thursday the HoH comp will have to do with air hockey and Talla has to practice since Andrew can't play. Seems they have formed The Loner's Alliance. 4:43pm BBT - Gary heads leaves the BR, muttering under his breath. Can't hear what he's saying. He looks out through the KT window and sees who is out there. He turns around and goes up the stairs to the HoH. He knocks but there's no answer - Andrew is outside in the BY. Gary enters HoH - it's not locked. He's looking around for something and finds it under the covers. It looks like a stuffed animal, a dog. 4:46pm BBT - Gary stuffs the dog under his shirt. Everyone else is still downstairs in the BY. He comes downstairs and checks the BY again - Everyone's still there. He goes to the BR and looks for something in the storage bin at the edge of someone's bed. He finds it and heads back to the LR then to the KT and is rummaging through the cabinets in the KT. 4:49pm BBT - The HG are either working out playing air hockey or in the pool. Gary crosses the BY and heads to the HT on the other side. He's carrying something, a cooking pot. He stops at the bottom of the steps and looks back. No one notices. He climbs the steps to the HT deck, and pulls the dog out from under her shirt and puts it into the pot. BB stays Stop That. 4:50pm BBT - OMG, Gary has a cigarette lighter and she's setting the dog on fire! BB says harshly, I SAID STOP THAT! The other HG stop what they are doing at BB's tone. The dog is on fire and BB says Gary, put it out NOW. All feeds switch to the BY. Where's Gary, Topaz asks? He went for a smoke, Talla says. He doesn't smoke, says Jillian. Gary, go to the DR immediately, BB commands. 4:51pm BBT - Oh no! It looks like my source has cut off the feed or they've been caught. I'll keep an eye on the stream to see if they come back. Holy cow! Check out this screen shot I grabbed before I lost feeds!
  12. 12:02am BBT – Jillian and Emmett are in the KT. Emmett tells someone that just because he can’t sleep in there doesn’t mean he isn’t coming in. Sounds like Emmett is a HN. Emmett fills a water bottle while Jillian washes a frying pan. Well, places it in the sink anyway. She eats a cookie. Emmett takes one too. Maybe it’s a slop cookie. Have as many as you want, Jillian says. 12:03am BBT – Gary is face down on the HN round bed, Alec standing next to it. And I said who’s the target, Alec says, Topaz? What am I going to say? She hasn’t looked at me in 2 days. She says oh, don’t worry, you’re not going to go up on the block if I get HoH. WTF does that mean? Gary rolls over and says you’re going to turn your back on her because you’re having a rough patch? She’s not looking at me or talking to me, I’ve tried to talk to her 3 times today. So you’re just giving up on her? She gave up on me! 12:04am BBT – I can’t even look at you right now, Gary says. What choice do I have, asks Alec? I pushed, there was nothing I could do. Alec mumbles something. So you’ve just given up, says Gary. What can I do, asks Alec? She hasn’t given up on you, says Gary. It feels like she has. No she hasn’t! She said she gave up on personal but not the alliance. All you had to do was vote what Topaz said. Jillian comes in and asks where Topaz is. Gary says she’s talking to Andrew. Can you just say goodnight to her? I’m going to go to bed. OK, sleep good. She gives him a hug. Goodnight, Alec, oh, you’re in the same room. Alec is not a HN, but Gary is. 12:05am BBT – I just think it sucks, Gary says. You didn’t turn your back on <unintelligible>. Topaz did. I asked her 3 times today why we’re not talking. Are you just not talking to me or are you not talking to anyone? An hour later I see her in the bathroom. Gary says she’s upset at you, she’s not allowed to be upset at you? First of all, says Alec. It was started from you, Gary says. What was started from me? All you had to do was vote Andrew (I think) out. Did you forget that? I told Topaz… What are you forgetting, Gary says (he’s being very patronizing). Take some responsibility! 12:06am BBT – She looks you in the eyes and tells you something, Alec says… Go back to when Topaz was HoH, Gary says, and she said she wanted Andrew gone and all you had to do was vote for him to leave. Andrew told me he was going for Emmett & Jillian. He was taking out big dogs. Now he’s flipped it. You just should have done what Topaz thought you would do, Gary says. You know what that means, Alec persists, during the ceremony he did not look scared one bit. Emmett and Jillian must have something on him. Are you playing me, Alec? I told you exactly what he told me. 12:07am BBT – Gary says I signed up for something with you, Peter and Topaz and it scares me that you are this easily ready to drop Topaz. That makes me think you could easily do the same with me. WTF can I do, Alec says. You can do a lot of things, Gary says, I don’t even want to talk to you about game, I don’t even know if I can trust you. Gary, I tried to push for Emmett and Jillian. Gary says I can make sure Emmett does not play in the Veto. No, you can’t do that, Alec says, it says Player Pick. It said everybody, Gary says. 12:08am BBT – If you can tell me that Topaz hasn’t given up on me… She hasn’t, Gary says, only emotionally and that’s something a BF is going to have to figure out how to get back. But the alliance, the game that we’re in, she hasn’t given up. Can you understand… Lost Signal. So here is what we think we know. Andrew was one of Topaz's nominations and Alec apparently didn't vote him out or support his eviction and it has ripped apart the showmance they were both faking. And now Andrew is HoH and Topaz is scared. Oh the drama! By process of elimination, Emmett and Jillian were in the KT, Andrew is said to be talking to Topaz, Gary and Alec were in the HNR and Talla walked in. Gary mentioned still an alliance with Peter. So that leaves AJ on the outs but we'll have to wait until Sunday night to be sure.
  13. With another 48hrs until the Eviction Episode, let's kill some time with our second Morty's TV Big Brother Canada Poll. http://mortystv.com/fb Fuskie Who notes you can vote once per day...
  14. 1:52am BBT - Suzette has some sort of nightmare and is talking in her sleep. She wakes up Gary who calms her and they go back to sleep. Someone else is breathing deep in their sleep. A minute later, Gary asks if Talla is up. She is. Gary says let's go out. Suzette had a really bad nightmare. Talla wakes up AJ so they can get up. 1:56pm BBT - Suzette dreamed she woke up and was looking at Gary but he wasn't saying anything and had no legs. Suzette and Talla are in the WA with AJ. She didn't realize she was talking in her sleep. Talla says sleeping immediately after a big meal contributes to talking in your sleep. AJ brushes his teeth. Suzette throught she was awake in her dream and there were dead people in her dream. She apologizes for waking them up. Talla says no apologize needed. AJ said he is not surprised he woke so easily since they went to bed so early. AJ wonders how many hours it's been (less than 2). 2:00am BBT - Talla asked what time it is. How would I know, AJ asks? It's time to stop asking me what time it is. They decide to go into the LR to find out if it's dark or dawn and it's dark. AJ looks outside and says the sun is up. The go into the BY thinking it is morning but realize it's dark when they go out to the HT. Talla guesses it's 3 or 4am. She's off by a couple hours. As long as they are outside, they might as well have a smoke. They decide to have a snack first and head back to the KT. AJ says he'll never get back to bed. 2:05am BBT - Talla asks if anyone else is up (meaning on the feeds, and the answer is yes). AJ says someone will answer in DR. Suzette said she will remember her nightmare. She dreamt she went to a movie theater with the guys and the went to a concession and the guy said her cousin Johnny was there and Peter looked tired, her cousin looked like a ghost and then lunged at her and she was freaking out, and her other cousin Alec was there and it was so creepy. Just a dream, Talla says. 2:07am BBT - Then I thought I woke up and saw Gary doing his hair and he had no legs. Talla asked if when she screamed out and Talla spoke to her (it was Talla, not Gary) did you still think you were in a dream? No, says Suzette. AJ said you also moaned too. Talla said you asked Gary if he was feeling better. That's because I thought he was right there, Suzette says. AJ is eating cereal. AJ says he mumbles in his sleep. Talla still wishes she knew how much sleep they've had. AJ said Talla went to sleep 45m before him and he went an hour before lights out. 2:10am -- AJ thinks it's 4 or 5am and Talla had a full nights sleep. Suzette said when the lights dimmed, they were the only 4 in bed (with Peter). It was the champagne they think. They were in character the whole fake date. Peter was good too, lived up to his role. Talla says they didn't eat that much either. She loves crab but has never eaten lobster like that. Talla said someone told her not to eat a lobster brain because it has venom in it and she has never eaten full lobster since. Even the waiters, matre' d, the entertainment were good. They discuss where the best lobster and crab meat is. 2:15am - Suzette laughs, that lobster had fight right to the end of their life. The lobsters were named Larry and Lorenzo. Suzette said they really changed bright red. AJ said all the did was boil them. Talla said they made a screaming sound. AJ said they were dying! Talla talks about being a Vegas Showgirl for New Years at a casino and she talks about a lobster crab cake that wasn't deep fried but so good. OMG, she says, I was thinking of green onion cakes, not crab cakes! They move from deep fried food to deep fried food. 2:17am BBT - AJ took a girlfriend to Outback Steak House and had a Bloomin' Onion and the girl was a heath food nut and dumped him shortly after. We get SotH. 2:21BBT - Feeds return and the threesome are on the couch next to the KT. They talk about the steak and salad from the dinner tonight. It was medallion steak. AJ puts his bowl on the counter. Suzette yawns and wants to think happy thoughts and fall back asleep. Think about Pineapple, says Talla. AJ told a story about spending 2 weeks in Vegas with a woman in Vegas he hasn't seen since Vegas. Not sure if she was the health food nut spoken of earlier. Talla goes for a smoke. Suzette loves the lighting at night. AJ says he woke up when Suzette screamed. No one else woke up. 2:25am BBT - Waking up in the middle of the night and going back to sleep messes her up and she sleeps through her morning alarm (Suzette's nightmare is going to cause me to do the same). AJ says not turning the phone to silent overnight is a pet peeve. Talla, AJ and Suzette are now outside in the smoking hall. Well, I see AJ and hear Talla. Maybe Suzette stayed inside. Only AJ, Talla and Liza have blackberries. They discuss what time it might be again and they are looping the conversation. 2:30am BBT - Apparently the HG thought there would be a party for all the HG after the dinner that was prepared for the two daters and there wasn't, so some HG were sore and drank the champagne. They discussed Gary's power to replace a PoV player, but it's not a Diamond Power of Veto, which would have been huge. Gary can play for Veto if not picked. AJ and Talla return to to house where Suzette is waiting. Talla teases, are you sleep walking? They head back to the BR. AJ says this dream will be better than your last one. Talla wonders if this is a shared dream. 2:35am BBT - AJ and Suzette head back to the BR, they whisper goodnight and crawl back under their respective sheets. Talla stopped by the WC first, then heads to the BR and climbs back in. Seems like tonight's, or this morning's, drama is over and the HG are all once again down for the count.
  15. 11:00pm BBT - The HG have had plenty of alcohol tonight and are feeling pretty loose. Andrew wants to be funny on TV but shouldn't quit his day job. The party splits up. Gary, Suzette, Talla and Topaz are in the HT, Peter and Emmett tossing a ball in the KT. Alec and AJ and Andrew are still out in the BY by the buffet table. Alec must have a tapeworm because he's still eating. There's still beer left and Andrew opens a new one.
  16. 8:30pm BBT - Topez is up in HoH to change into a suit. Gary goes up to get her and it turns into bashing the other HG. The party was won by AJ in a secret task by getting the other HG to play a game they didn't want to play. 8:45pm BBT - Gary bases Alec for acting big and bad and bashing Tom & Liza now that they're gone. Gary says Alec and AJ are both 2-faced and sneaky. He hates everyone in the house but Topaz, including Talla. Topaz is mad Alec compared her to Chima. They also accuse Alec of cheating in PoV by helping Emmett again. 9:00pm BBT - Gary is drunk and he and Topaz leave HOH for the WA, crying he would go crazy if he didn't have Topaz. She tries to quiet him down. Everyone else is in the BY. 9:45pm BBT - Talla, Andrew & Topaz rehash comments made by Suzette they thought were awkward. Apparently she described herself as a martyr. Jillian joins on the trashing. They are convinced she is Canada's player. Suzette, Peter, Alec and Emmett are in the HG.
  17. 1:03PM BBT: The guys outside talking baseball while working out. Gary and Suzette are really having a b***h fest in the KT while Gary cooks. 1:06PM BBT: Suzette says they should hook her and her family up with a trip to Disney or something for the emotional distress for her being on the block 3 times. 1:13PM BBT: Suzette says that Emmett asked her if she was ok being like that (her weight). She says inner beauty is better. She gets that being healthy and fit is ok but there are people out there watching that are struggling with their appearance and they don't realize that. Gary says "I eat what I want and I live my life. I make sure I put fruits and vegetables in my body but I don't spend every minute counting calories. 1:21PM BBT: Gary tells Suzette he asked Alec if he could Suzette his vote. and Alec told him that could make him a target. Suzette says "Omg he said that? You're gonna be a target anyway, unless you're working with them." Gary says "Omg no!" 1:23PM BBT: Andrew comes in for water Suzette tells him there's pizza there if they want some. He says "No thanks, I gonna eat healthy and maybe jump in the pool again." Suzette calls AJ a 'Pawn' Star. Gary asks if she just came up with that. He says he said that in the DR a few days ago. Not much talk in the BY just a lot of moaning and groaning from the weight lifting. 1:31PM BBT: Talla was napping on the BY couch and the alarm sounds to wake her up. She moves around for a second and then drifts back to sleep so they sound the alarm again and she sits up and gives the camera dirty looks and says I'm up. 2:54PM BBT: AJ an Talla in the KT. AJ tells her he is envious of her past and future relationships because of her lap dance. He tells her to "stop looking so pretty." Now he is making fun of her for ruining another chicken as she is butter it before putting on spices and cooking it. 2:57PM BBT: Emmett and Alec working out. They believe they are safe for the next couple of weeks no matter who wins. Alec says she a little worried of Topaz. She is getting a little close to Talla. If she did win he would just push for Talla. He says shes not gonna win it. Not that she doesn't want to, just she can't. 3:02PM BBT: In the KT we're having "Talking With Talla" AJ tells Talla that he thinks there will be no relationship for Topaz and Alec after the show. Topaz comes in and Talla says "clean yourself up and join us, just kidding." Topaz says "Don't forget we're cooking tonight cause Alec and I are going on a date." AJ tells her she's gonna be a trophy wife. She says "No, I'm gonna marry for love". 3:13PM BBT: Andrew and Emmett in the hot tub. they talk about Gary for a second and we get SotH. 5:06PM BBT - Coming up on 3hrs of SotH. Which to you think we have had more of, time of SotH or time Topaz has been asleep (both in minutes)? The closest guess without going over wins. 8:00pm - Feeds back. Looks like the HG have been enjoying a BBQ party with all the fixings. 8:15pm BBT - Emmett says this food puts me into a coma. I want to go to sleep. All the HG sitting on either side of a long picnic table with red/white checkered plastic table cover. They have fresh buns, hotdogs and hamburgers, lettuce, tomato, condiments, and alcohol. Emmett and Alec now tossing ball across the pool. They now have a poll net too. Gary is the only one sitting next to Suzette. Peter joins the pool crew and they start tossing a nerf football.
  18. 10:26pm BBT - SotH. Possibly start of the long awaited PoV comp. Fingers crossed!
  19. 8:05pm BBT - Talla confronting Alec about noms. She is worried if PoV is used by Gary. Why would he support Suzette when she is all alone in the game? Alec explains why he nominated Suzette and what he told her afterward. What she calls people speaking poison, he considers gaming. AJ tells Talla that they are not going to separate this week - everyone is getting along. Separate game and friendship, like playing monopoly, fight on the game board but be friends off. Talla is loud and animated, mostly with AJ. 8:10pm BBT - Alec says Suzette doesn't know how to be sneaky. Alec and Talla reveal to AJ that it was emmet's plan to put up Aneal against AJ after Canada saved Suzette. Talla says Tom made Suzette think they were all against her. AJ defending Tom, saying that's what Tom had to do to protect him. Alec said he thought it would be Topaz as the replacement nom. Topaz enters, saying it was so loud up here, she thought everyone was up here. Alec said he told Suzette that he likes everyone else in the house, had stronger relationships with them, trusts them. AJ says if you are not gunning for anyone, you're gunning for everyone.
  20. 5:30pm BBT - AJ told Andrew that he threw the PoV comp during the double elimination episode. Before the competition, he gave the order to Emmett. Talla said the F word after she was eliminated from the HoH comp during the double elimination and Arisa didn't say anything. That's how they new they weren't live. (See, even the HG see through the deception) 6:15pm BBT - Gary and Alec are in the HoH talking about Suzette and Talla while Topaz is in the HoH WA. Gary doesn't trust Talla but Alec says they can't evict more than one HG at a time. Gary says if he makes it this week, he's on the jury. Alec says he's already on the jury, everyone in the room (Gary, Topaz) is on the jury, he promises. Alec tells Gary that Topaz didn't want him nom. Alec says Suzette can't win BB, so why keep her from her kids by letting her get to the jury? 6:30pm BBT - Talla and Jillian up in HoH, saying Suzette was just 40 seconds behind Alec in the HoH comp yesterday. Jillian was only 17 seconds behind (it was a timed maze comp). Topaz took over 9 minutes (suspicious!). Talla was so confused she cursed the camera man. She thinks she had the itinerary right but then got confused and panicked or she could have beaten Peter (who took around 4m and admitted to Alec he stood around for the last couple to throw it). 6:45pm BBT - BB calling HGs into DR. While they are waiting for PoV (more SotH ahead), some are going to take a nap. Topaz remarks to Suzette they've been building a long time. In HoH, they think the comp will involve water or some kind of liquid. In the KT, Gary & Emmett play puckball. Peter, Jillian, Alec and Talla are in the LR not talking. Peter is called to the DR. He might be hosting so it may be starting soon. 7:00pm BBT - No PoV yet. Talla worries if Gary wins PoV and saves Suzette, she will be the replacement (I think that goes for if anyone uses PoV). In the BR, Gary, Alec, Andrew, Jillian talk burping and farting. Jillian can't stop burping since she got off slop. The convo wakes up a sleeping Suzette. Emmett and Jillian tell Gary hes' too young to get a dog (didn't know there was a minimum age to love a puppy). 7:05pm BBT - Talk in BR turns to the BB USA How Bad Do You Want It comp and burning the clothes off your back. Gary wants a lux comp. Andrew reminds him that "someone" just won $100k, but Gary says it doesn't count, that was in the HoH comp. He really wants a dog and if he nags about it enough, he'll get one (you-re an adult - just go out and buy one). Jillian and Emmett say it's a lot of work to care for a dog. Gary says he'd keep the dog at his mom's place (I bet she would have something to say about that). 7:15pm BBT - There are 6 guys and 4 girls left in the game. Gary says the girls are dropping fast and he'll have to change to the other side and bring "Zoey" back to even things up. In WA, Alec, Topaz and AJ tease Talla about her dating life. AJ jokes he'll date her outside the house. AJ says people have templates for what they look for, but when she finds the right guy, he won't fit in any template. AJ admits to 4 serious relationships. 7:30pm BBT - AJ pays for online dating sites. Jillian tried one but never met anyone. AJ goes on a sales pitch for online dating. Jillian only responded to 2 people - many of the guys had bad grammar. One was a RCMP but wasn't attracted to him, though they are friends now. The other was a pharmaceutical rep, but by the time she responded, he had given up on the service. AJ teases that the guy is probably kicking himself right now.
  21. 12:05am BBT - In the BR, Gary, Suzette, Alec and Peter discuss how a double eviction works. In HN, AJ and Talla discuss how Gary messed up (with the fake task). Jillian is brushing teeth in the WA. The lights in the BR are dimmed as BB gently pushes the HG to bed. 12:15am BBT - BR talking about BB USA HG. New camera angle in HN shows Jillian lying on the cot. BR talk turns to how to execute a task, you have to come up with a good story that ensures everyone does what they need to do.. AJ says the best way to be successful in life is to learn from others who are successful. AJ leaves HN, says goodnight. SotH. 12:20am BBT - In BR, talk turns to the 4 who have not yet been on slop. AJ says he would volunteer. Alec in KT. Talla complaining to Jillian about slop - says I can't eat my words, I can't eat anything. They list all the things that have gone wrong this past week, forgetting to list why they are HN. But at least they aren't nom. Talk turns to the Air Canada sports bar. Suzette says maybe she'll get a job at a real radio station, she does contract work for CBC. Jillian says GN and leaves HN. Emmett & Top tossing football in BY. Gary in pool playing with his balls and noodles. The pool toys.
  22. 9:15pm BBT - Suzette tells Gary and Tom her husband work s for Newalta (http://www.newalta.com/). Tom talks about fire fighting in the oil fields and dealing with flammable liquids. Tom leaves. Gary tells Suzette he told Tom to lay low. Suzette worries what if he does stay and Gary says he's got to go. Suzette worries that Tom and Emmett in the HT were up to something. Gary assures her Emmett is trustable and was just being civil. 9:30pm BBT - Alec and Topaz in HoH discussing strategies if Liza won HoH, implying that Topaz is on board with evicting Tom, despite her feelings about Liza. 9:45pm BBT - Gary unsuccessfully tries to sneak into his HoH room. Tom & Liza are on the BY patio. They appear to be alone based on the two shot camera feed. 10:15pm BBT - Quiet night in the BB House compared to last night. Emmett & Jillian chilling on the HN cot, Talla napping on the round bed. AJ sitting with Tom on BY patio. Gary & Topaz eating (again) pizza. 10:18pm BBT - Gary bursts into the HN and shouts PARTY IN THE HoH Room! He nearly drags them out of bed. Andrew already heading up there.
  23. 5:30pm BBT - Alec, Emmett, Peter now in HT. Andrew talking to Liza by pool. It's hard to hear what the guys are saying but it sounds like they are making post-Tom plans for Trico, the former Quattro less Tom. They are talking damage control easier with Liza staying than Tom staying. So they haven't decided who they are going to vote out. Alec says he earned Gary's trust by not using the Veto. They think that also brings Suzette. They want to make sure that whomever wins HoH will be sympathetic to their desire to see either Tom or Liza evicted, whomever doesn't go out Thurs. Peter and Alec are working to convince Emmett that Tom has to go. He's said he would come after them, Alec specifically. They can use Emmett voting out Tom to convince others that there never was a Quattro alliance. They are going to throw Tom under the bus, saying that Tom thought there was an alliance but it was one-sided, Tom feeding them info but they were just leading him on. There is a difference between not liking and not trusting, Alec says, and I trust Gary. Emmett says if you are honest with Gary, he'll be honest with you. Alec says Gary sticks with a plan. If we waiver, he won't trust us. They think they also have Andrew's vote. Emmett says he has Jillian's because she has no one else in the house. Inside the house, the girls have turned once side of the DT chairs to point to the LR and are all sitting in them as if waiting for a show. The HT boys say that Liza won't have anybody if she stays. The chair girls are Topaz, Suzette, Talla and Liza. Ah, Gary has the HoH camera so it's photo time.
  24. 12:15pm BBT - Alec tells Suzette and Topaz that Tom tried to bully him into using the Veto yesterday. He is making nice to Tom's face but he is dead set at throwing his once alliance-mate out the door. 12:30pm BBT - Tom lobby's Emmett that everyone should vote personally and not as a group. Apparently he thinks he has a better chance staying in the game if alliances didn't vote as a block. I think he's completely misreading the game. He thinks he has Talla's vote because their both from Edmonton. 12:45pm BBT - BB sounds the alarm because Topaz is sleeping. Repeat this update frequently. She complains she's not sleeping, she's just laying low. I think she is playing the other HG just as hard as Liza is accused of doing. 2:15pm BBT - Tom complains to Liza that the other HG are immature and inconsiderate (Ring Ring. Who is it? Hey pot, this is kettle here. Guess what, your black! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!). He then says he NEEDS to win this game. To the person who has to LOSE this game in order for him to win. Tom continues to whine about how he will leave with his pride and morals if evicted, that Peter is spineless because he's friendly to everyone. Liza says it keeps him in the game. (Hey Tom, anything clicking here?) 2:30pm Tom has forgotten he was going to separate from Liza today. Instead he complains the only way to play the game is to sleep through the entire day. Liza doesn't think Jillian tried to win Veto. (I don't think she did either) 2:45pm BBT - Emmett complains that slop makes him sleepy and there's nothing entertaining about that. Canada didn't vote a HN supplement this week so all they have is slop and protein drinks. But he signed a contract and has to do what he's told. Jillian thinks there is a party tonight and the HG can hear construction noises. Tom tells Liza he thinks she was gaming him like she was everyone else, but if he's evicted, he'll still say goodbye to her. He tells her he still wants her input. She says angrily that she has no input and that he's lecturing her. Trust nobody. She leaves for the BR. 3:00pm BBT - Peter tries to comfort Liza but she rejects him. He takes her in his arms as she starts crying. She says Tom is the only one telling her the truth and Peter protests. She says he's running info from her back to Alec and keeping what Alec says to himself. He denies this and she says she just wants it to be Thursday and over with. She says she hopes he wins the game. Peter assures her that Tom is going home but she doesn't believe him. Meanwhile, Tom tells AJ that they he told Liza they had to keep their distance and she got ticked off. Tom repeats his defense of last night's incident (exposing Alec in the shower), saying Alec wasn't offended enough according the the BB Rules. It was horrible to see a grown man cry, but we shook hands on it and are OK now. (Sometimes I wonder if Tom is in the same BB House as the other HG) 4:00pm BBT - In HoH, Gary tells Emmett he told Talla that they never talk game. Then they proceed to talk game. Gary is sure that Tom will be gone Thursday after The Incident. Emmett isn't so sure and wants to give Tom a sympathy vote. Gary says F*ck that, tell him you're sorry in your GB speech. Liza sings an original song about boredom and barfing. She thought she would be in the DR more today after her confrontation with Topaz last night, but instead has nothing to do but wait until Thursday. 5:00pm BBT - Gary is eating in the KT. What a surprise. Peter, Emmett and Alec are having a Bro-Swim in the pool. Andrew and Jillian are on the lounges. Talla is talking about nothing with Gary. I can't see them but I am assuming that Liza and Tom are sitting off to the side feeling sorry for themselves and sure that they didn't do anything to deserve being in the situation they are in. Talla says we've learned a valuable lesson the last couple nights - Be careful what you say and how you say it. (Very wise words) 5:15pm BBT - Suzette is cleaning up in the KT. Gary is dressed fashionably fab. Gary telling truth to power - BB UK is very strict about rules, while BB USA is very lenient. The challenges are also so different too.
  25. 6:10pm BBT - Feeds back. 6:12pm BBT - The LR video screen says nominations today. There was a murmur when the HG saw it. Aneal and Tom in SR, talking protein shakes. Topaz comes in and BB has to remind her (again) to put on her mic. She leaves and they talk about Tom saying nominating Suzette is a personal vendetta for him. It's like Grand Central Station in the SR, so why they picked there to talk game, I don't know. Then it's Tom and Emmett, and he continues saying he'll tell her to fight for PoV to stay in the house. 6:16pm BBT - Emmett helping Tom with his nom speech, their families back home don't know what it's like to be here and when you trash us behind our backs, they hear that. Tom will say that for Gary it's a strategic move. Emmett says to say this is a house decision (about Suzette). The meeting breaks up. Most everyone in the KT having not eaten in six hours. Topaz and Aneal appear to be the only ones on slop. Topaz and Gary retreat to the HN room. She's coaching him on what to say to Tom about a potential secret alliance. He carries her out of the HN room on his back. 6:22pm BBT - Topaz jokes that now that Peter is off slop, he'll have to pick up his BF duties and give her back rides. Gary goes into SR and changes shirt. AJ has blue paint below his eyes, from the HN comp I would guess. Gary makes his way to HoH to make his pitch to Tom. Basically, he just wants to work something out. Tom says let me start. It's not about you, it's about Suzette 100%, but I'm going to put you on the block to make sure you win Veto so she doesn't. I want her gone, she's said horrible S*t about me and she's gone. I wanted you to know what's going on before. 6:25pm BBT - Gary worries that's what they said to Danielle. Tom says if by some miracle Suzette wins Veto, then AJ's going up and will go out. Gary also has blue paint below his eyes. Not the makeup look he would have preferred, I would guess. Tom says he's talked to Andrew and Emmett and his word is gold. Gary says Suzette wasn't for him at all when he was on the block, so he won't save her if he wins Veto. He doesn't want her to be miserable for her last few days in the house but she has to go. Especially after she went after Tom's character. 6:28pm BBT - Tom promises it will be a 10-0 vote, says no one has said they want Gary gone, only Suzette. Gary says he wants to compete against people who want to play the game, describes Suzette as a joke. Tom apologizes for nominating him and says he'll understand if Tom returns the favor. Gary pitches working together and Tom says if you do this, I'll listen to whatever you say. Tom didn't want to come off as a strong player but was nom right away and had to work on his social game. Gary would rather work with him than have him against. 6:30pm BBT - Gary says he's neutral and could do Tom's dirty work (what Topaz coached him to say). Tom says Topaz spoke up for him. Gary says Tom has earned his respect today as a human being. I'm not OK being up on the block but I understand I'm not the target. Tom assures him that this week is different, he needs people in that Veto, and if he or Emmett win, they're taking him off the block and going after the floaters, Aneal, Andrew or AJ. Gary says just don't expect me to not talk to Suzette 'cause she has no one. They Bro hug as Tom covers his bases. 6:35pm BBT - Gary wonders if Suzette has trashed him behind his back. Tom goes back to Suzette lying about him when he was nice to her and carried her into her room when her ankle was injured, offered to get her son into a fitness program, she ruined his HoH night with an incident in the pantry, as long as we're good, I'm happy, didn't want to blindside you. Gary says we're good. Gary leaves HoH and joins the eating party in the KT. Tom sits on the HoH couch and listens to his MP3 player. 6:40pm BBT - Peter's ankle is taped and iced. Liza says she can't ever win anything or she'll upset the applecart. Gary shouts that he gained 10 F*cking pounds! This is crazy, OMG, this is NO! The noise drags Tom out the HoH door as he listens below. Gary goes out side and complains all the cameras are zooming. Emmett tells him it's all the soda he drinks (switch to Coke Zero). Emmett and (guess who) Jillian are in the hammock in the BY. Gary decides to take a nap, which is not the way to burn off excess fat. 18:45PM BBT - Tom announces to the KT Crew that since BB didn't give him protein bars, he was given rice crispy treats dipped in chocolate. Because that's so much healthier. Gary talking to Suzette in the WA while Tom entertains Andrew and Liza in HoH. Suzanne asking Gary how she could have played the game differently? Gary says she's one of the strongest players in the game. BB tells him to put his mic on, so I may not have heard that right. Andrew and Liza are snarfing the rice crispy treats. Tom repeats his convo with Gary for them. 6:50pm BBT - Suzette whines that Tom has so much power already. Tom says his only goal is to get to jury house. Suzanne wonders why this F*ckin' red neck had to win? Tom says it's time for Suzette to prove if and why she deserves to be there. Actually, Liza just came in, so I am guessing that was Talla in the last update. Alec walks in and says he just wants to pee. Tom says I saw what you ate and that's not all you'll do. Tom restarts his story for the larger audience. Suzette wonders how you can have an alliance with all the showmances? 6:55pm BBT - Gary has to start getting ready (made up) for noms. Suzette won't go into the pool or HT. Tom tells the HoH group to use the Veto on Gary if they play and win. Andrew says Aneal would go up? Tom says everyone in this room is accounted for in the 9. Liza's going to be the pawn (everyone laughs, Liza a bit nervously). Tom says he doesn't care what happens next week, all that matters is that Suzette goes this week. Apparently, he thinks she has been saying he physically threatened her or frightened her. 7:00pm BBT - Alec finally goes to pee, and Tally expresses a concern, she would like to see Gary gone first (which I thought was the plan last night). Liza says Suzette is a hypocrit for calling others a bully when she's the biggest bully in the house. In BR, Topaz and Suzette are laying down. In HoH, Tom tells Tally that Gary is a target but Suzette is a cancer and there's a difference. Liza is laying in Tom's arms, Tally on the sofa. Gary is in the shower, Peter in the WA with a blue Karate Kid head band on. Suzette back in. Peter ate too much too quick after the HN comp when he came off slop. 7:05pm BBT - Suzette says it is socially unacceptable to be obese in HS. Peter has left so she's only talking to Gary and Alec, who's laying on the bench in the WA. Tom says he was first nom, first PoV winner, first male HoH. Gary is sudsing his hair. Liza says he was also first on Slop.



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