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Everything posted by Fuskie

  1. 3:50pm BBT - SotH. Before that, general milling about. Jillian is planning dinner in the SR, Emmett and Andrew were talking, Peter was cleaning, Talla was talking. Feeds return and BB has apparently asked Emmett and Andrew to retrieve something from the BR. Emmett returns with two empty plastic storage containers. Is that it, asks Peter? Apparently, Emmett says. Emmett & Talla playing puck hockey, Jillian munching on something in the KT.
  2. 3:35pm BBT - Emmett verifies that they have fixed the AC in the SR and the HoH. He teases Andrew they won't fix the air in the HN room. He joins Peter, Andrew and Talla at the KT table. Jillian comes into the KT for salted chips. Talla still going on about how her hair smells. Peter called to the DR again. Emmett and Jillian head to SR to hug and look for Tostitos. Emmett picks her up by her feet and dangles her. She gets even by trying to tickle him. He tells her he may have called her an idiot once or twice in DR.
  3. 3:30pm BBT - The towel is off and Talla's hair looks - exactly the same. She tries to show it off to BB but can't get into the DR. She goes to Jillian for affirmation, who says it will feel smoother after it's dry. Andrew pulls slop cookies out of the oven. Peter still at KT Table with his nuggets and ketchup but his peace is interrupted with Talla and Andrew who continues to explore the wealth of things Talla doesn't know, like how to spell Brute. Emmett enters the KT for a snack and they wonder what BB is doing in the BY. Andrew says cutting the grass.
  4. 3:05pm BBT Jillian is scared Talla is talking with Andrew about getting out Emmett. He's more scared that Jillian accidentally makes Talla think the two of them are working with Andrew. Emmett asks what they are going to do when they get out here? She starts describing what he'll do on their first date. She wants to ride his motorcycle. Talla has rinsed off her hair. Emmett says he has wondered if he could be guaranteed winning BB but knew that in exchange he would be in a motorcycle accident next year, would he do it? Jillian tells a story about a guy who was a paraplegic after a motorcycle accident, can only move his mouth and eyes. 3:10pm BBT - More disaster stories from Emmett. There are accidents like that all the time he says, you can't sit in a bubble all the time. Yeah, she says but it's so tragic. When I think of all the stupid things I did. Emmett tells a story of someone who hit his head while diving off a rock. You have a choice between depressing stories between Jillian and Emmett or watching Talla do makeup in the WA. It's a lose - lose.
  5. 3:00pm BBT - Talla says BB told her she could eat her own vomit from eating slop. Not sure if she meant she had permission or it was edible. Talla moves to BR to talk intensely with Jillian, talking about Talla's chances. Neither have won a PoV. Talla has to bust her a$$ in HoH now. She's worried about it being an endurance comp. Watching the video of he and Emmett has lit the fire to her fuel (fuel to her fire, Jillian corrects) or there's a big chance I'm going home. Jillian says she doesn't think either of them are going home. Talla says Andrew is really physical. And good at mental too, Jillian says. It's hard to wrap their heads around, they are Final 4. They think F3 is next week. Talla says Andrew has already done serious thinking about F4, thinks Andrew and Emmett have a deal. She's scared for Thursday. Jillian says she can't even compete. Talla wants to get drunk today, pack her things Thursday, say GB to Peter, then get down to business. Jillian wishes there was a task or something. Talla will eat so much food when she's not a HN. Emmett enters the BR and rescues Talla. Jillian fills in Emmett on everything Talla said about Andrew. Emmett asks why did she say to Talla that Emmett's scary in comps? He says she has to push the message with Talla that Andrew is alone and without anyone and it's them girls, if Jillian's safe then Talla's safe, she's protecting her. Peter eating alone at KT table. Emmett hopes Thurs is not endurance, they've already had 2 and no physical ones. She teases that he's going crazy too. As crazy as they come, he says. He feels like crap and needs to work out. She does too. You get down sometimes, Emmett says, working out releases endorphins. A win win for me.
  6. 2:40pm BBT - The HG were jon indoor LD in the BR for about 40m. When they are released, the BY is closed again. Emmett & Jillian are in bed (again) and whispering sweet nothings to each other (again). Peter was in the DR and is now eating nuggets. Talla is dieing her hair and gets called to the DR, making her less happy than usual. Emmett is called to the DR, forcing Jillian to get up and put some Vaseline on her lips and hands. Talla prattles on non-stop, this time about cream in coffee.
  7. 1:00pm BBT - There is a high pitched sound then the garage door opens and the LD is over. Talla wakes up and is first into the house. Jillian heads straight to the KT and food. The clock says 6:53pm. Talla says they mess with the clock. Talla complains about not feeling good (again). Emmett's mind is on lunch. Andrew heads straight for the WC. Peter is in the KT preparing his own lunch - looks like nuggets. Talla is making slop shake in the blender which is very loud. Emmett & Andrew on the KT couch conversing with the girls.
  8. 12:50pm - Emmett & Jillian have left Andrew alone by the HT as they toss the football around in the BY. Peter and Talla still asleep by the pool.
  9. 3:09pm BBT - We've been at SotH for about 10 minutes now, so possibly the PoV Meeting SotH started early. We won't know for sure, but I expect he will remove himself from the block and Talla will be nominated. Then the games will really begin.
  10. 2:22pm BBT - Emmett asks Andrew for some grapefruit. BB calls Jillian into the DR but her toes aren't dry, creating a temporary crisis. Peter cutting up chicken nuggets with knife and fork on paper plate on the LR couch. Andrew says last grapefruit, serves Emmett with is fav spoon. BB announces all HG except Andrew will be locked out of the BB House in 1hr. That means 1hr until SotH for the Veto meeting. 2:30pm BBT - Andrew at KT eating slop cookies, joined by Peter and Emmett. Talla still passed out by the pool. Emmett & Andrew carrying on a convo. Peter might as well be invisible in the middle. The topic is going fast on a Vespa.
  11. 2:10pm BBT - After a period of SotH. feeds back with BB calling Peter to DR. Emmett & Jillian sitting on LR couch, Andrew in KT, Talla passed out on lounge next to pool.
  12. 7:51pm BBT - Feeds back. Andrew and Talla in the KT washing dishes. Peter at the KT counter, Jillian in Emmett's lap on the KT couch. Talla got some kind of video from home, including her mayor and sister.
  13. 3:25PM BBT: The feeds are back! There was some kind of event in the house. Talla is saying how much fun it was. It involved dancing, music and apparently they had pom-pom girls leading cheers. Andrew says hoe strange it is to see other people. There was a Sumo wrestler and a cheerleading team from a Canadian football team. Talla is all full of energy, dancing around the house. Talla asks Jillian if she wants to play putball, and Jillian says, "No, not right now." 3:45PM BBT: Talla is talking a mile a minute and Andrew is saying he doesn't care about any of it, he just wants to concentrate on the game, get if over with so he can see his family, in the middle of Talls's rebuttal, BB calls out, "Houseguests, freeze!" Everyone freezes in place for about thirty seconds until BB says, "Houseguests, unfreeze!" They return to their conversation. Andrew is called the the DR. 3:55pm BBT - Big Brother has been playing a freeze/unfreeze game. But this time after freezing, there are some voices that can be heard from somewhere. And then Andrew's twin brother Pete enters the house through the front door. But no one is allowed to unfreeze. He shows Andrew a cell video of his nieces/nephews forcing a smile but no motion. He walks through the house, into the BY, out to the HT, back to the house where he hugs Andrew who can't respond. Tells him it's OK to cry - it makes good TV. He then leaves through the FD. 4:00pm BBT: HG, Unfreeze. O M G, says Talla. Andrew says that's got to be for everybody, they have to have someone for everyone. Talla says she would feel cheated if Andrew was the only one. Andrew is overwhelmed. Jillian is pacing in circles around the LR. Emmett and Peter walk it off. The HG are all talking non-stop, rehashing the 5 minute experience.
  14. 1:15pm Andrew continues to paint Alec and Peter as Dan wannabees, says they sat on the KT couch all the time and stared at the memory wall. Jillian out of DR. Andrew emphasizes how they can't let Peter win PoV. Peter shouldn't keep so much to himself. Andrew is getting more familiar with both Talla and Jillian, tells Jillian that she was supposed to be his showmance. Talk turns to trashing Talla for being irrational and self-centered. Emmett thinks it was a friend of his in the audience that shouted, "Way To Go, Emmett!" 1:30pm BBT - Emmett & Jillian are at it again, snogging & competing over how many comp wins they have. Emmett says he almost thinks Peter is a stronger player than Andrew. Jill disagrees, competing against Peter is like competing against a girl. Emmett tells her to nom Andrew then. Jillian's father called her dough-head in his letter to her - she thinks it's a signal to not take either Peter or Andrew (you can only get one this week). She suggests putting Peter and Talla up then backdooring Andrew Andrew might not fight hard for the Veto if he thinks he's safe. Emmett says Talla in F3 against the two of them can't win the jury.
  15. 2:15am Emmett and Jillian in HoH bed going through the different possibilities and how they would impact their game. They are pretty confident they will make F3. I am pretty confident that between snogging sessions, they will continue to hash out the same possibilities. They will either nom Andrew and Peter, Andrew and Talla or Peter and Talla. What they have not contemplated is the possibility that the other three could gang up on them and force Jillian to nominate Emmett. They are sure that all three HG are loyal to them. 2:20am In any case, we're going to let the two love birds kiss and scheme and sign off for the night. If they have an epiphany, we'll let you know in the morning.
  16. 7:55pm BBT - Emmett stepped out for a bit but now all seven HG are still in the KT enjoying some post-dinner chit chat.
  17. 7:20pm BBT - Andrew got his red wine and beer. Dinner continues.
  18. 7:05pm BBT - All HG eating dinner, sans the red wine. Topaz is the only one sitting next to Alec.
  19. 6:30pm BBT - Emmett is kicking a ball against the BY wall. Alec gives way to Topaz playing Talla in puck hockey. Peter watching Andrew in the KT. Emmett squeezing ice cubes out of the tray in the freezer, then refilling the tray. Andrew says we need a couple bottles of red wine tonight. Emmett & Andrew now watching Topaz and Talla. Now Alec out in BY dribbling the soccer ball. He comes inside to get one of Jillian's banana muffin. Andrew playing Emmett in puck hockey. 6:45pm BBT - Andrew now dishing on Alec to Talla while Alec and Emmett are playing puck hockey. Andrew describes how he will go off on Alec if he approaches him one more time and Talla starts laughing. Andrew is telling Talla everything. It's been 2 and a half days since Talla had a cig. Andrew says it's amazing. Talla says she doesn't even know where her gum is. They return to the KT where Andrew stirs the sauce. [side note: It always amazes me when a HG thinks a nominee should just roll over and give up just because it's more convenient to them]. Alec called to DR and Andrew promises to keep an eye out on the food prep. 6:55pm BBT - Jillian making garlic bread. Casual talk as dinner comes together. Emmett/Andrew playing puck hockey. Alec out of DR, joins Peter on KT couch.
  20. 6:10pm BBT - Emmett and Topaz are up and Andrew takes Emmett into the tunnel to the HT and fills him in on Alec's latest pitch. Emmett tells Andrew about Peter's convo with Jillian and him. Alec watching Peter and Talla playing puck hockey. Emmett calls Alec ridiculous. Andrew says Alec has said all this stuff already. Andrew repeats Alec's statement he could win F2. Andrew says Alec said he thought Peter would be better at this stuff and Andrew says has thinking just shut up. Emmett says Alec didn't throw anything, he lost. 6:15pm BBT - Alec now playing Talla as Peter watches. Andrew wants to just tell Alec to shut up, he's voting him out. Back in the KT, Andrew predicts it's 6:34pm. He's off by about 20m. Andrew checks his sauce then runs up to HoH to tell Jillian on what Alec said and what Emmett said. If you wonder what either said, just read the past updates because despite their constantly rehashing conversations, none of it bears repeating.
  21. 5:40pm BBT Peter makes the pitch that Andrew is going to have to go out 5th if they don't want his smarts and physical competition in the end. Alec is better able to take Andrew out in a Veto comp than Topaz. Peter says he will try one more time to convince Talla & Andrew he is going after Emmett & Jillian because he has no other options. Emmett says you do what you gotta do, Topaz is like a sleeping dragon down there. Peter says the one thing he doesn't want to see next week fro them is Topaz winning HoH. Emmett says we just have to win everything. 5:45pm BBT - Peter leaves and Jillian says why would he do that? Emmett says because he doesn't trust that he has my vote. Peter, Talla, Alec and Andrew in the KT where Alec and Andrew are cooking. Jillian whines how hot it is in HoH and BB says stop that. Emmett lays down on top of her on the HoH couch and the late afternoon snogging begins. Peter asks how far away they are from eating? Not long, Andrew says. Emmett says they should tell Peter, he's not Alec, needs to start thinking for himself and stop trying to save Alec. Jillian says it's like when you had to decide that Tom was hurting your game more than he helped him. 5:55pm BBT - Alec & Andrew now talking on BY patio. Emmett & Jillian still hashing our strategy in HoH. Andrew laying it out that Alec has been in multiple alliances and not with him. Alec says he will throw the final 3 HoH's but Peter won't. He isn't playing for the money, he's just playing to win. Alec says he thinks Peter has thrown some comps. Alec says you can trust me to throw a big comp. Andrew says I can't understand anyone throwing a comp. Andrew says he doesn't trust anyone who is afraid of getting blood on his hands. What blood does Emmett have, Alec asks? 6:00pm BBT - Peter and Talla now playing puck hockey on the KT table. Alec tells Andrew that if he is saved and does anything sketchy, he can throw him on the block immediately. Alec says he has never said put up Andrew. They put him up against his best friend after he's done nothing. If they go to F4, then Alec will let the other 3 decide who goes to F3. Alec says he's given up on Emmett's vote. Talk to Talla, Alec says, see what you can do if you want to. Andrew just wants it over, tired of talking about it. Andrew says he is trying to play hard on his own. Alec says one thing you believe is that whatever happens, we'll be friends after it's over. 6:05pm BBT - It's true, if I could lose the prize money and win the title, I would do it. Been a fan since I was a teenager. Emmett and Topaz napping in BR. Takes 3 feeds to show us that. Alec says to Andrew that he could beat anyone in the F2 and Andrew asks him if that's what he said. Andrew says you got your game, I got mine. Alec said he made one stupid emotional decision (during his HoH) and he can do it again. They head inside to check on the pasta.
  22. 5:15pm BBT - Alec has been cutting up onions under Talla's direction. She and Jillian sit down for some KT table ring sliding. Alec and Emmett continue in the KT. Talla yells at Andrew to wash his hands. He tells her to pi$$ off. Something is beeping in the KT and Andrew calls Jillian who says whatever she cooked is way overdone. Talla questions using salsa for meat sauce since they have no tomato paste. Jillian calls Andrew over to judge the slider location. He says they are getting on his nerves. 5:30pm BBT - Andrew walking Alec through how to cut up the tangerine for the spaghetti salsa sauce. Peter is up and joins the guys in the KT. Jillian reveals to Emmett in HoH Peter's plan that Alec is going to fake go after Jillian & Emmett. She doesn't understand. Emmett wonders if it's to find out if she is being fake with her F4 promises. Jillian thinks Peter is just positioning himself for after Alec is gone. She thinks Peter will team up with Andrew and Talla against them. Peter comes up and says the play is canceled because Alec is afraid they won't think it's an act. Peter asks if they want to bring the fan downstairs. Peter explains the skit Alec was planning that Peter talked him out of, kind of an Alec's last supper. Peter says Alec was wondering how to convince Talla and Andrew to keep him when they would be the targets next week. Peter says he talked Alec out of it but Alec doesn't know that he told Jillian. Peter said it would also tick Topaz off and Emmett says she would just go on and on and that's one person you don't want after you. Jillian says Alec is trying to burn bridges. Peter says no, he's trying to create them by burning them.
  23. 4:40pm BBT - OLD is over. Talla up in HoH. Emmett joins her. She's freaking out about Alec's puppet show. Jillian up in HoH too but not in on convo. Feeds very choppy this afternoon, hard to follow Talla's rapid fire. Emmett is just listening but not defending Alec. Andrew in shower, Alec in WC. Emmett tells Talla Alec's pitch is that Alec will go after Talla and Andrew if they save him. Jillian on the couch next to Emmett, putting Vaseline on her lips. Jillian says Alec knows it's his last resort. Talla says Alec is trying to be Dan Gheesling. 4:50pm BBT - Jillian and Talla are trashing Alec, Jillian says she's been HoH twice and made no enemies, Alec was HoH once and didn't get anything done but evict the weakest guy. Jillian says she can't even look the guy in the face, disgusted he works out all day, disgusted he knows nothing about health, he lied to my face, he's just disgusting. Why wait another 24 hours? She is worried there will be a twist and she will have gone through it all for nothing. Talla says this is what BB wants, all this drama. Jillian wants to have everyone up to HoH and have it all out. Andrew comes into HoH and it all starts over again. 5:00pm BBT - Topaz in BR sleeping. Emmett heads downstairs. Alec in the KT. Andrew doesn't want to have to make spaghetti with the guy. Jillian heads downstairs, leaving Talla and Andrew to continue their hate fest. Andrew switches to coming up with names for their F4 alliance. Emmett & Jillian in the KT and hug. Talla and Andrew come downstairs, join Jillian & Emmett in the KT. Looks like the guys are cooking, the girls are just going to chill. Alec enters the KT to help Andrew and Andrew jokes that spaghetti is a pasta. They look for peppers in the SR fridge for the sauce. Andrew wants to add stuff like bacon. He grabs a tangerine and Alec grabs an onion.
  24. 2:50pm BBT - The guys get into the HT where it is pouring down rain but BB makes them get out. Perhaps some lightening too? 4:00pm BBT - Alec is planning a puppet show to convince Andrew and Talla to give him their vote. He's going to say he's going after Jillian and Emmett. Alec tells Jillian in advance that it's all a fake-out so he and Peter can be F4 with her and Emmett. Alec says Topaz doesn't know about the play. Jillian says she's going to tell Emmett and Andrew and Alec says maybe he shouldn't do this, it might help Topaz get Talla on her side. 4:15pm BBT - Andrew and Emmett working out. Peter tries explaining Inception to Talla (the girl who thought Groundhog Day was a documentary earlier today). Peter, Talla, Topaz and Alec are lounging on the patio.
  25. 00:20am BBT - Alec, Peter and Topaz hanging out in WA while Jillian, Emmett, Andrew and Talla are out by the pool. Just general chit chat. Andrew and Talla come inside. Jillian and Emmet too. Talla says goodnight. She and Andrew head to the BR, Jillian to HoH, Emmett to the KT. Andrew & Talla stop in WA . Emmett joins Jillian in HoH. Andrew now in shower. Peter talking about some of the productions he's worked in and some of the people he's worked with. This is the most I've seen Peter talk all season. 00:30am BBT - Peter and Topaz tell Andrew he's naturally funny, just like AJ. Tom is naturally aggressive. Emmett and Jillian taking a shower duet. The light is dim but since this is Jillian and Emmett, I am sure they are making sure they are clean inside their mouths as well as outside. Talla still preparing for the HT in the WA - She doesn't care if it's raining. But she's not going to put her head in. A girl has to have standards. Peter is swinging on a stool, Alec and Topaz snuggling on the WC couch. Talla flossing. 00:40am BBT - There is shampoo being applied in the HoH shower. Alec talking about suggestive T-shirts he wore as a kid and how they got him in trouble at school. He says he and Peter are going to go to Open Casting for BBCA Season 2. Peter visited the WC but is out now. Alec decides Peter is the funny one and he's the straight man. Peter wonders what they are going to do in the real world when generically labeled products aren't given to them weekly and the refrigerator restocked overnight? Andrew heads to bed. 00:45am - Peter and Topaz head to the KT, talking about re assimilating to the real world. The cleaning has stopped in HoH and the snogging begun. How much hot water do they have up there? Topaz tells Alec he will be in the HT for just 15m. I think Talla went to bed -- had that wrong. Alec says he has so much writing to do, so much work to make up. His professors are not watching, he is sure, but they may get updated from other students. Talla and Andrew in BR, exchange goodnight pleasantries. Giggles ensure. 00:50am BBT - Topaz, Alec and Peter talking about what they told their bosses/teachers and wonder if they will be expected to be back at work/school the day after the show ends. Topaz steps away and Peter whispers to Alec that Jillian told him all he needs to do is convince Emmett, get that one vote, and she'll save Alec and they will have a F4 with Andrew as the 5th wheel. Peter said he used everything he had in that convo with her. Peter is sure they can beat Jillian/Emmett in a F4. But for one week, they have to show solidarity first. And if she screws him over, there will be hell in vengeance. He says Jillian said she trusts Peter more than Alec. Peter reports that Andrew only has an informal deal with them. They will go through with the plan to get rid of Talla first, not Andrew. Topaz returns and game talk stops. Topaz is heading to the HT and Alec joins her. Peter retires to the BR. In HoH, Emmett is digging through Jillian's underwear at Jillian's request. Topaz doesn't want Alec to get wet. You can hear the wind and the deck looks wet. They decide not to HT and return to the BY. She is determined to get wet since she put the bikini on at 6pm. 00:55pm BBT - Jillian gets dressed with the clothes Emmett gave her. Topaz now in the pool, Alec lounging by the side. They enjoyed not talking game for a while. Can't hear Topaz because she's in the pool without a mic. Alec goes over and dangles his feet in the water, says lets' not stay up too late. He says if Canada voted, he would stay in the house because she naps all the time. Alec says you are a really good looking girl and I'm a somewhat good looking guy so Canada would vote for you. 01:00am BBT - Alec says you did stick up for me that one time to Tom & Liza when I was a baby. Emmett & Jillian come down from HoH to the KT. [sIDE NOTE: How in the world did Easter slip by and BB didn't make Peter dress up like a rabbit?] Emmett eating an orange from the inside out (with a spoon). Alec says nobody knows the real Aneal from the house. Jillian in the SR. Alec says most people would be on his side on the iPod thing. She agrees. Jillian in the KT. Alec says their romance story will be like a Greek tragedy. They talk about whose side Canada will take as to how the showmance failed. 1:05am Alec says no relationship is perfect, just because you're on a TV show you still have problems. Emmett says you never drink your tea. Jillian says it's too hot. Topaz has moved away from Alec in the water so can't hear her anymore. Emmett tells BB they need more milk. The orange is just a shell of its former self. Emmett is eating some yogurt. Jillian wants fresh blueberries. Alec and Topaz having a quiet convo in the pool. Emmett & Jillian clean after themselves and sit at the KT table. Alec and Topaz come in and Alec jokes that she never got in the HT. They head to the WA to prepare for bed. 1:10am BBT - Alec brushing his teeth. Jillian and Emmett having casual talk. Topaz gets in the shower and says oh no, I need Q-Tips. Alec finishes up in WA and heads back to KT. He asks if Jillian & Emmett are sleeping downstairs? They say no. Alec says to Emmett that Peter told him what he told Jillian and Alec confirms his role in Peter's promise. He says if you decide to keep me, I will not betray his trust or yours. Emmett says yep. Alec says let me reiterate - I never lied to you. If you can think of one, tell me. 1:15am BBT - Alec heads off to the WC Jillian is in the WA brushing her teeth. Emmett heads to the BY then returns inside and runs up the steps to HoH. Alec laying on the WC couch as Topaz showers and Jillian gargles. Jillian is going to check the time on the microwave to see how much sleep they get tonight. Emmett back down to the KT with a towel that I think he put in the freezer. Jillian now flossing. She says GN and joins Emmett in the LR. He jokes I've been kissing you for 40+ days and all I taste of you is that horrible Vaseline (she puts on her lips as moisturizer). He thinks she should call herself the Vaseline Queen. 1:20am BBT - Emmett now telling Jillian about Alec's comments. Jillian says maybe we should tell him (I think Andrew) so he'll be in the loop. I think Emmett was freezing the towel to help cool down HoH. Jillian grabs her tea and they head up to HoH. Jillian recaps her convo to Peter, how she trusts him but not Alec. She knows Emmett trusts him but not Alec. We know just because Alec lies doesn't mean you (Peter) do. Emmett tells her to not give them (Peter/Alec) bullets to shoot him with. Emmett says he was never associated with them, only with you. 1:30am BBT - Emmett says she talks too much, she should listen and not volunteer info because if she tells him something about Topaz and Topaz comes back and repeats what was said... Topaz is out of the shower and checking for zits. Alec is out of the WA. Emmett is on top of Jillian. Emmett jokes that Jillian didn't know after 7 weeks if the HN comp comes before or after the PoV comp. He says she's much better in trivia and stuff. Let the snogging begin! They have laid the cold towel on top of the bedspread to cool it down. He sprinkles water on the bed too so the room fan will cool the sheets. 1:35am BBT - Jillian wonders if she can wear no shorts under her shirt. Don't bend over, Emmett says. Interesting considering Emmett admitted that last night (or the night before) he slept in the nude. Alec is down for the count in the BR. Jillian is waiting for Emmett. Topaz is now down in the main BR. The HoH room fan is on and Emmett crawls into bed next to the missus, I mean the HoH, I mean Jillian. He tells BB to turn the lights off. Emmett says you can trust Peter and Alec, just don't trust them together. 1:40am BBT - Emmett now rehearsing what he'll say to Peter in saying the house won't support keeping Alec, they don't want to stir things up with Talla and Andrew, that Alec was throwing Peter under the bus. Since everyone plays for Veto, if you don't get someone out, they're coming after you next week. So it sounded like they were considering again keeping Alec but now in the spate of 5m, they have reversed course again and think Alec won't honor his promise. They hope Topaz and Talla go up next week. Emmett wonders if it will be trivia or physical (the HoH comp). Jillian is talking so softly even Emmett can't hear her. 1:45am BBT - Thought Topaz was in bed but still in WA. Emmett going downstairs. Jillian asks him to get her shorts, a pair of his boxers. She decides to get her shorts herself. Topaz in the SR medicine cabinet. Jillian returns to HoH and asks if he wants to go downstairs? It's still hot up there, and noisy with the fan. Topaz back in the WA. If they're gonna do it, Jillian says, let's do it. BB tells Jillian and Emmett to put on their mic's. Jillian whines the AC is broken. She's half asleep and slurring her words. But she has her mic on. Alec to the WC, doesn't wash but does use the towel. Topaz & Alec in the BR in their bed together. 1:50am BBT - Emmett tells Jillian she can tell Peter she doesn't know how far she can take him in the game. Emmett says the only comp Peter has up on him is mental, he beat Peter in both physical comps. It's dark in the HoH but thanks to BB having them put their mic's back on, the snogging comes through loud and clear. Emmett says he would rather get a better night's sleep with her in the HoH but she wants to head downstairs if there's a bed open. Everyone in the BR is asleep. Jillian wonders what their families are thinking. 1:55am BBT Jillian is muffled as she's sleep talking. She's 90% sure Topaz won't put her up. I think she's dreaming. Emmett is mostly only grunting acknowledgment at this point. Emmett wants to make a decision - stay or go. No audible answer from Jillian. OK, he says to himself. 7 weeks and three left, Jillian says. She is using a pillow as a bed sheet as the covers are off the bed. 60 seconds no sound from either Emmett or Jillian. 2 minutes. 3 minutes. I hereby declare the HG asleep.



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