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Everything posted by cktb2793

  1. The only problem with having 12 people on the jury is that you could end up with a tie........then how would they break it?????? Unless, this year one of the secrets is that they will have a Final 3 and 11 people on the jury.
  2. Marcellas aslo stopped himself in the middle of a question and said "never mind, I don't want to give anything away". Why would that matter if Michael was going home?
  3. Jannelle already knows that Kayser voted to evict her instead of Michael. The 3 of them discussed that BEFORE Kayser voted and she didn't want Michael to get voted out unanimously and neither did Kayser. It was on the live feeds when they discussed it. We see who votes for who later in the season when they do the live voting, but that's the only time we know for sure how every person's vote was cast. BB never tells us everybody's vote on the pre-taped voting.
  4. Only problem is that Kayser does NOT think Maggie is with Eric...... so he wouldn't think of that as a way to get at Eric.
  5. EWWWWW....I hope not....Howie said he has genital herpes the other night. YUCK!!!!!!!
  6. The guy from BB4 didn't touch or threaten anybody personally either..... he just threw a chair at the wall when he was ALONE and he got thrown out for it with NO WARNING. The rules either apply to everyone equally or they don't apply at all.
  7. In BB4 that guy from Chicago was kicked out and he didn't touch anybody either.
  8. <span style='font-size:25pt;line-height:100%'>Who thinks the people in charge at CBS are hypocrites and are CHEATERS for NOT following their own game rules. Their rules state that anyone threatening violence like ERIC did will be sent home. They did NOT send Eric home. This show is a GAME SHOW with MONEY involved. According to FCC rules, by not sending ERIC home as their rules state he should have been....... CBS has CHEATED and irreversibly tainted the outcome of who will win the money. This can only be rectified by them doing what THEIR OWN RULES require immediately. Let's all write them letters telling them we are reporting them to the FCC and also call and complain or email the FCC.</span> How to Contact the FCC To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail Chairman Kevin J. Martin: KJMWEB@fcc.gov Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy: Kathleen.Abernathy@fcc.gov Commissioner Michael J. Copps: Michael.Copps@fcc.gov Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein: Jonathan.Adelstein@fcc.gov
  9. Eric........ as much as I LOVE BB and wait all year for it to come back on...... I may quit watching if he isn't GONE SOON. He's really making me lose interest in this season. Last 2 summers I watched the live feeds almost 24/7 when I was home. This season, I've watched maybe 4 hours....... I just can't stand seeing and hearing him. PLEASE CBS, if you read these threads..........find a way to get Eric out ASAP!!!!!!! I really want to start liking the show again, but little Napolean is really making me not even want to watch!!!!!!!
  10. I doubt CBS would be that sloppy.......besides.....like the other person said......CBS will most likely put it on their website with all their other BB stuff not just some random site. Also, isn't the first HOH comp usually live on the first TV night?
  11. A man who's had a sex change STILL has an adam's apple and she doesn't have one in her pics.......so unless you just can't see it in the pics (which I think is unlikely).......then there's no way she's anything but a real girl. How did the whole trannssexual rumor get started anyway??????
  12. You CAN go to Mexico without a passport. I've been there many times without taking mine. Same thing goes with most places in the Caribbean.



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