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Everything posted by smassadi

  1. I know I won't. Adam is not cute like Jordan. Adam is annoying. There will always be a small spot in my heart for him though....since he got Voldemort out! Thanks for that Adam, serously!
  2. Nothing the HG said on the show has outraged me more as this stupid line by dani. Voldemort is ridiculous, and her new friend the smoking leather has made her own bed-now she must lie in it.
  3. yes, because it hides her face a bit! Poor Jordan can't stay mad at her. We all know someone with a kind heart like that. I hope she is careful. I'm not saying Jordangel is dumb though, I'm just saying Shelly is really, really tricky, and they are stuck in the house together 24/7. I get you Cecimom! I'll try not to start any chit!
  4. Jordan won her first time without hurting anybody. So you are right.
  5. You go Cecimom!!! I will say my feeling about HG like we are supposed to. I guess I am confident in myself and am fine without having to convince others to feel the exact way as me!
  6. If Jungle writes something against the rules I am sure Cecimom will take care of it. The person with the edited post must be the one in the wrong! As for people coming here and saying we have to feel guilty about not liking Shelley because --OUTSIDE this forum--there is a psycho stalker--well it's not my problem and I don't care. I'd never put my family on TV for money. Of course there are nuts out there. if there is only one psycho out of a millions BB has millions of viewers-what do you expect?
  7. In this forum i'm talking about my opinions on the characters I see on TV. As far as reactions outside the house--I have nothing to do with it--I've never met any of them and I doubt I will.
  8. That's so true--exactly--and I've been sick of the lectures against our honest opinions for quite some time now!
  9. Shelly does have an Adam's apple--there is a couple of pictures of it on Sucks! Shelly's game stinks--she's another Russel Hanz and she will leave a sobbing loser like he did. Jeff does have a chance to win---when Jordan wins they will spend the money together!
  10. This news just in: GRODANGEL POWNS BITTER DANIELE FANS!!! Sorry that was the "summary" at Sucks!
  11. I think it's going to affect her life outside the house negatively---whether this is fair or not Good idea! I'm on board with this!
  12. There was someone who said---"if you say something bad about an HG I will critisize YOU" (the poster) It wasn't you fatcat!
  13. When people think you are worse than Gnatalie and Maggot--bad news!--you are screwed!!!!
  14. That's what I hate about commercials too! They do the commercial and then repeat the part they already showed before the commercial --again! Waste of time! LOL You know if I didn't see Dick(less) and Shelly in the same room at the same time I would have sworn they were the same person!



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