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Everything posted by sparklet

  1. This America's choice is a bust! I tell you what would have been perfect: America you get to choose, which 2 coaches would you like to be put on slop! Text: A Boogie B Britney C Dan D Janelle My vote would be Britney and Janelle!
  2. Well i havent voted and im not! Becuz how do we know its our vote! Raise your hands last year if u voted for brandon to be voted back in the house! Im saving my money and time! Fool me once shame on you..... i have to admit, im not at all involve with bb like years before! By now i would have gave yall a speech saying i was done with BB either im sick or im not that too invested!
  3. Jani is not stupid and the players are not stupid! They all know, including her is to get rid of jani they are going to have to back door her!
  4. Ps he already knows that jani's team is after him! And he has an secret alliance with mike boogie and frank! This week he has to honor it to keep him safe next week! And he cant trust jani to keep her word on who to vote out! Her field needs to be weakend. She knows the coaches are going in next week so she needs her 3 still in the game for support!
  5. No he doing right, becuz he already has alot of targets on his back, he needs to mend fences! And he cant trust jani crew! He has to stick with boogie right now! No need to have both coaches going after him!
  6. Ewwwww! Mental note if i do ever play in BB, prepare my own food! Ewwwww! Mental note if i do ever play in BB, prepare my own food!
  7. exactly! Im real disappointed in her game play! She shouldnt went crawling back to brit like they are really going to listen to her now? Really smh! Her ego must be huge!
  8. yes! The DR or allison doesnt play fair! U know that they read the feeds and let Jani know what about public opinion! It use to be subtle but this year it is blatantly obvious!
  9. Whatever he does, he does not need to listen to his coach! Play his own game!
  10. See this is what happens when you burn bridges Jani! That why u dont play with emotions! Now gets going to bite u in the butt! Cant believe she is trying to kiss up to brit! The way she is playing, both sides would have bound to catch up to her! Dr.Will might be right! If she doesnt win, she will be a 3goner time loser! She has to stop playing with emotions! Who turns on their alliance on the first week! As soon as the two sides stop going after each other, they will both come after you and that is what is happening!
  11. Whatever shane does, all he has to do is NOT LISTEN TO BRITANY!
  12. Hey Willie tried to warn them, let the newbies learn the hardway! Serve them right!
  13. !dont do it! I quit every year, you can ask everyone on this board! I get mad and quit and vow never to watch it year after year! But this time i said no matter what im going to stick with it! Grodner has been maniplating this game for the longest! And yes she tries to insult our intelligence but where are you going to find a bunch of great guys to talk and vent too!
  14. Sadly this would not be! It will be like last year all over again! Coaches would be loyal but they will have their minions! But i will vote yes to stick it to the newbies for not listening to Willie! Instead their coaches lol!
  15. i like your 3rd vote! I vote for #3 send the cockroaches home!
  16. Personally, im going to vote no! 1 becuz this was not a twist and they should have done this in the beginning! Like yeah they were really going to play as coaches! 2 these players are not playing their own game! Like last year! 3 becuz well still mad about Willie! He told these dummies that the coaches were coming back into the game and they didnt believe him! Serves these dummies right! I change my vote to yes and hope they wipe the floor with these newbies for being so dumb and not listening! So my vote is YES!
  17. Russell was his designated driver! But nobody told him! Lol! So I still like him and hopes he does well in the future!
  18. MARTY, LENRAY AND SMASSADI! Yall have made my day! THANK YOU!
  19. Im being too harsh on jani! She is going to get some good edits tnough! Glad to see her back! I dont see her like boston rob on survivor (MY FAV) and winning it all! She is not that good!
  20. yeah but it wouldnt show her going off on Willie! And u know she was all cocky about it in the DR! But her image is tarnash now show they are going to be showing her in a good light! U r going to see a lot of positive edits lol!
  21. Did anyone notice they didnt show her in the DR tonight! Allison is really trying to clean her image now! She reads the feeds and u know the queen of mean was on her royal thrown spittng out sarcastism left and right, but we didnt see it! Why becus her image is in trouble now!



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