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Everything posted by sparklet

  1. No Jani needs to play! This witch dani thinks she is the greatest bb players ever by doing this cowardly thing! The girl never watch her seasons! I wouldnt be upset if it was a fair fight and jani got got! But she did the coward thing and back door her! AND TALKING SH^T! Right now she thinks she is america's little darling! Jennifer thought she was the same thing ih her season bb6! Now her and maggie cant come out the house! WELL MAGGIE AND JENNIFER, YALL CAN COME OUT! Dani has taken the new scumbag crown!
  2. no he is the plus and he is totally fine with that! He knows he is not in the alliance but is fine to be a plus 1. What is wrong with this kid! Last night on the show, you can tell and he could tell that ashley wasnt interested in him! She totally dissed him last night! She didnt want him to sit by her and when shane came by to do weights she just stated how can u flirt with someone like shane shirtless standing by! And ashley looking at shane like eye candy and not caring about ian's feelings!
  3. Delusional witch! I hope ashley takes shane away from her!
  4. He is playing a great game! Personally he sucks to me! Cant believe i felt sorry for him but never for smelly frank!
  5. I hope she is safe this week! She needs to go talk to boogie make f2 3and whatever to save herself this week! WAKE UP JANI! Ugg! How can she sleep!
  6. That is why she needs to go and talk to boogie b4 its too late! She needs to wakeup and strategize!
  7. What her home life is sick! Her dad is abusive! Wow where can i find that info! Going to google now! Ps her family must be proud of her!
  8. Ok i admit im in tears! Om shock about that! I didnt cry when my bb fav of all time dani from bb3! I think i wouldnt be upset if it wasnt backdoored! She didnt have a chance! She didnt even play in veto! And just for her to go out like that! I feel sorry for her! They dont have the decency to tell her she is going on thet block and lying to her face! She doesnt deserve that! Brits lies started all this her and jealousy. Now brit is fake bawling. Because she wants america to still like her! And dani is delusional thinking she is the best bb player ever and thinking her and shane are a threat! She trust boogie way to much! Now wasnt dan the one saying u cant trust boogie and boogie is dangerous! Now he has faith in boogie? I wouldnt be suprise if dan is out next wk! He doesnt have a chance! Boogie is laughing at him now! Saying he is going to get rid od dan and use dani because she is easily manipulated! And wil and ash! What is up with all the hate! Jani has done nothing but protect them! If it wasnt for jani wil would have been on the block! She saved his ass twice! I hope she doesnt go home! Her chances are slim to none! And i hope she finds out all the things brit and dani has been spreading about her! That is why brit doesnt want shane to call jani out because its all a pack of lies by brit and she know who to go after!
  9. This girl is so delusional! She thinks she is the bomb when it comes to comps because she won 2hoh comps! And 1the there were no coaches! She thinks Janelle is threaten by her...she needs to go back to the bb playbook and check janelle's stats! Just saying!
  10. i dont know, he use the veto on her and all she had to do was to bat her eyes! I hope next week she is able to squash that nomance with dani and shane! Dani's ego is getting a little bit to big and it needs to be deflated!
  11. I think she is smart and being very observance! She is on to boogie and knows he only care about frank! Ian hanging on for dear life and where is boogie? Dont sleep on her yet i think she is biting her time! I got a feeling she is going to pounce when jury time comes watch! I was very impress with that! I didnt think she had a clue! I just dont think she trust anyone to talk game with! Can u blame her? Lol
  12. its gonna get out that they were once thinking about backdooring her and i cant wait! Boogie might tell her himself when frank leaves! Bb6 jani will return! Dani, shane and brit dont know, but they are about too! I think brit is the only one out that group who saw that season!
  13. They just dont need to tell boogie until right before veto ceremony! Let him loose it during veto ceremony! I tell u what he doesnt want to be backdoored so he better keep his mouth shut!
  14. Please some one from the DR go get Dr. Will to knock some sense into Boogie to let him know that Frank is not dr will and let him go and find another panzy! Geesh give it arrest!
  15. Yes i had to get away from bb it was driving me crazy! Im glad when i came back, all was right with the world! Whoosh a close one! Yeah i didnt like when dani from bb3 got screwed! I was like Dani hold on to that key! Who cares if ur teeth are chattering and u are vibrating hold on to that key!
  16. Yes! That is right! I forgot about marcellous and amy! That was a good season! That is the season i got/hooked on bb! I didnt see season 2 because season 1 was so boring and i thought season 2i was going to be like that!
  17. YEAH!!! Cant celebrate too soon that ditz dani might change her mind! I wish i their was a smiley button on the mobile app! The only one i know by heart is I or else i would do the party one! Wooohoo! Thanks smassadi!
  18. What??? Where did u find out about this? DONT MAKE ME FEEL SORRY FOR HER!
  19. Werent they awesome! Love BB3! Who was Dani's enemy she kept calling him the devil! I would love to see a rematch! They should have brought him instead of Brittany to be a coach! He was also a schemer and would have challenge Boogie! Whatever happen to him?
  20. Thank you! I needed to hear that!!! I wanted to at least see her play! I mean this is Janelle the veto and HOH Queen! I wanted to see her magic! Yeah she is a cocky witch and the queen of mean, but that is just her! Man if she knew she was on the block, maybe will will see the BB6 Jani back! Unlike Maggie and Jennifer, she will make Dani cry! She is still my second fav! Dani from BB3 is my first! Im sorry yall, I am just mad at Dani now! I dont want to see her cry!
  21. Does Ian want Frank gone or Janelle?
  22. Nope because she lied to him twice! She is going down!
  23. This is the advice I would give Dan: Dan should wash his hands of Danielle! He should tell her yeah I guess you know everything! You have played this game before! You know about people coming back! You know about Boogie keeping his word and he is just not scaming you! I told you to separate from Shane! Now the house sees you as one and will put both of you up! See this is what playing personal gets you! But you will be fine because you know everything!



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