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Posts posted by AirGumby

  1. Ian should never have been allowed into the game. He definately has social adaptation problems and his insecurity makes him look for acceptance and is therefore easily manipulated.

    He may be an expert on BB history, but a villian he's not. He doesn't have the capacity or talent to be the memoriable player he want to be viewed as and his ego is way too fragile to handle confrontations.

    He may need serious help to overcome this experience and deal with the outside reactions to his appearance.

    I feel sorry for him and blame production for casting him in the first place.

    The best thing for the kid might be to be evicted quickly and go to the jury house where he may be able to relax a bit and get started on some professional help.

    Just an old mans opinion and I hope for the best for the kid.

  2. I still can't cheer for any rerun, but you have to give it up to Dan. He is the best ( #1 or #2 depending how you feel about Dr Will ) when it come to strategy and out thinking the opposition.

    Unlike some who bullied their way through the game, and others who needed to continually lie and deceive others, Dan uses is witts to convince others that he may have a different and better option that they haven't considered.

    And yes, Dan has lied and deceived. He's no angel, but he's far more ethical than most who make it past the midway point each year. This is a game and he is playing well.

    Like I said, don't want ANY rerun to win but I love watching ( reading about ) Dan play.

  3. Britney is a whiney, two-faced, cry baby. I wish they would put her on the block and send her packing. But first, I wish the entire house would confront her lazy a$$.


    Bratney is all out for Bratney.. She IS playing the game, but has NO loyality to anyony else or her alliance(s). She sucks up to whoever is in power and if she thinks it will advance her game, she'll backstabs anyone.

    I do believe her motherly concerns for Ian's well being are real, but I think she'd throw him under a bus in a second if she she thought she needed to.

    I don't feel sorry for her if she get put up today. She signed up for the game and pushed the reset button, so welcome to the game. ( and pick up and wash a dirty dish occasionally )

  4. I'm with the majority in that I can't stand this guy. Everything about him drives me nuts. It's going to be hard for me to watch the feeds this week with him being HOH AGAIN. I wholeheartedly disagree with those who say "he's been targeted since day one and yet he's still here, he totally deserves it!" Let's not forget that the only reason he's still here is because the producers came to his rescue in the most blatant rigging of the game to date on the reset night. There's no reason in the world why they couldn't have done the reset AFTER they sent him home.

    Where does he get off acting like he's morally superior to Dan? Wasn't he going to back stab him just a week and a half ago if booger didn't talk him out of it? Even if Dan WERE the one who ratted him out to Shane and Britney, wouldn't he have every reason to do so? It makes me laugh to watch him talk about how much he thinks America loves him and hates Dan. It will be a rude awakening when he sees what a fool he's made of himself.

    ITA too... I just wonder if after seeing the tapes, Frank will be man enough to to admit he was wrong and apologize to Dan for all the nasties attributed to him.

    I doubt it and we'll probably never know, but Funk just doesn't seem to be the type that admits he's wrong very often.

  5. I heard Boogie say he was going to go to a website that types everything the house guests do which brings me to think maybe its here because after all this is the best site..... So Boogie if you happen to come across this board and are curious to read your comments here you go.

    Boogie the word class and you do not belong together they never ever will. You are 42 years old and have a baby it is now time to grow up and act like a grown up. Your Chilltown T-shirts should be thrown away or put up so you can reflect upon your troubled youth but ebay is probably not where they should go.

    You took money instead of trying to be a team player knowing full well that Frank's rear end and yours was on the line, oh yeah I forgot you only think you are the one's that should have turned on your alliance. How dare Shane and Britany and Dan think about that before you? Yes Boogie other people have a brain and that brain in this year's big brother's game was Ian. How can you be so clueless to not know that? He knows your game better than you??? He is the one that turned on you, in the words of Jeff YOU GOT GOT!

    Can't say that I am sorry to see you go, I never was a Chilltown fan and was never a fan of yours. I think you are disgusting and say vile things. I hope that when you get home you realize that your 15 mins of fame has come and gone and hopefully we will never never have to see you on big brother again......


    The problem is if Booger does read any of the (majority negative) comments that don't praise him as the greatest and smartest of all BB players, he'll just ignore all the jealous little people who can't see how great he is...

    Truth is he is vile and disgusting. Needs to grow up and realize the world is not his to manipulate. It's appears things may be catching up with him and his recent legal troubles may be the reality slap in the face that he needs, but I doubt it.

  6. The man is a pig, so I expect nothing more from him than what he's displaying. I would however, would love to hear just ONE person remind him of the hell he put Janelle through 2 weeks ago, and why he now needs to shut UP and take it like a good lil piggy.

    Yes very true, but in Booger world it's ok to screw someone else over and over but don't dare even think of screwing the Booger king....

    He's scum. Has always been and probably will be for a long time.. I feel sorry for his child...

  7. I agree with many here in asking why is this bird-brain back?

    Sure she got played by the guys in her season, but she had NO game of her own. She got carried through most of the season as a pawn and I don't remember if she actually managed to win anything on her own.

    Bratney definately is not coach material and probably provoked the situation with Willie. I've said it before and here again, I hate retreads. Never liked Booger or Jiggly Jani. I have no respect for Brat's game ( or lack there of). Dan already won and IMO he doesn't seen that invested in the whole thing. He just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being the first coach knocked out.

    And back to the Willie situation, I'm glad he managed to show his true colors early and that I didnt have to read or watch weeks of his better-than- all attitude and disrespectful actions. Just like the retreads of former house guests, recruits have no business on this show, IMO. There are enough real fans and want-to-be actors to populate a season without production going out of way to recruit someone because of a family relationship or prior reality show fame.

    ( OK, I feel better now... )

  8. If by some chance the coaches enter the game as players for the 500k, I for one will be done with this show. I already hate the coach/mentor idea. All it did was insure the newbies would be instantly divided into competing teams and tnat the teams would likey split two against two.

    Whatever happened to the social game and individual play with players developing their own alliances and partnerships. Since they started all these twists with teams and partners, they killed alot of the individual play aspects of the original game..

  9. Don't know about others here, but I'm BORED with this already. HATE the 'coachs' twist. Hate whenever the rerun any old players in any capacity.They had their 15 minute of fame now go home and get arrested or get married or stay home with your baby. Never liked Booger or Jiggly Jani in their own seasons and dont like them any more now. I do respect some of their abilities, but don't respect liars or manipulators.

    Anyone could have predicted the blonds would team up and the Booger would try to work any and ever one he could.

    I agree with others here that they need to show more of the newbies, and less on the coaches, although most of the newbies are star struck being led around by their ( insert any appendage here ).

    Have the show set to record tonight, but it's not high on my must watch list.



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