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Posts posted by AirGumby

  1. Win or not, he'll go back home and the good ol' boys club will great him like a hero.. and the wimmin will flock to him,  Not the kind you take home to momma, just the kind you knock up and leave in a trailer after a few months....


    Who knows with the 100's of cable channels out there, and the crap shows that have been produced, someone might just pick up the option on his huntin show.. I won't be watching but that's just me..

  2. I guess we'll know in about 9-10 hours!


    If Vic won a step before/after (or any mental comp) someone in DR had to be giving her the answers in advance.  Nobody could be on 24/7 cameras for this many days and fake stupid to that level!

    totally agree.. there's no way Sicktoria could ever have won a memory comp on her own...I'm not ever sure the girl even knows what time zone she's in...

  3. She was there the last time BB was afraid Frankie MIGHT get the boot and he didn't.  He's in real trouble this time so I have no doubt she will be whisked there on whatever moonbeam it takes to be in the audience!  I'm sure her brainless fans will totally understand if she has to be late for a concert of something to be there for her bro!


    I was under the impression that anyone going to sequester was not allowed ANY contact with the outside world, or influences.. so why would the Diva be in the audience?  ( other than to try to increase CBS's ratings ) 

  4. So do any of you think Frankie threw the HOH comp last night? I can see why he would - all last week he was complaining about how he couldn't play in the next (very important HOH). Well now he can. 


    On the other hand, he knows Caleb thought about back-dooring him last time he was HOH, so he knew last's night's rewind HOH comp was important for him to win.


    I'm not sure what I think. I didn't see the end of the competition, but from what I did see, he seemed to be trying to win. 

    Don't believe freakie's ego would let him throw a comp at this late point in the game.. He's needs to feel in control andhave all the 'power' which is what he voiced several times last week..

  5. Bless her heart, she is just useless. At least she will have made more money than Nicole or Christine. She can be proud of that.

    Yes she is useless but I thought they all got the same weekly stipend whether they're in the BB House or the Jury House..


    So unless she finishes in the F2, don't think she'll have made more than the other girls..  


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong..

  6. I can't believe that 'Sick'toria actually thinks she has 'played'  a wonderful game to this point...


    If her strategy was to be used as a pawn and lose every comp, then she has maybe suceeded..


    Totally agree with above re: her wardrobe.. dont think she's SouthBeach chic, but more like desperate to find a (rich) husband trashy.. she may need therapy to get over her Derrick obsessios/crush cause I believe she actually thinks he's into her..

  7. I knew all the speculation last night about back dooring Frankie was too much to believe ( don't like using back door and Frankie in the same sentence.. sounds too real )


    Caleb just showed his true colors, and this time I for one cannot be angry with him, even if I don't like the outcome.


    Caleb is a soldier and a truly loyal one at that.. He could not put up his 'friend' and be responsible for his exit.. Though he'd probably have no problem voting him out if someone else put him up ...  Also he's not a leader, he's a follower (good soldier), very careful to follow orders and not to cross the group. 


    Unfortunately, I do believe that Freakie or the DR got to him prior to the veto and helped to change his mind.. and with that the 'pink peacock' may just ride to the end..

  8. Sounds like the 'Pink Peacock' is starting to show his true colours..


    I said it before and I'll say it again.  Frankie cares about no oone but Frankie.. From his reaction to Americas's rejection of his masterful production, then not understanding the crowd reaction to Donny's departure..  and now, according to the feeds, his crude assault on Nicole's being upset that she's a have not again..


    Someone needs to knock him down a few pegs.. if not in this game then in live in general.. Karma's a bitch at times.....

  9. I really dislike the whole house vote. Once they decide who is out, they start to treat that person differently. They (not all of them but most) get cold to their faces and the bashing gets mean. Victoria would never have had the guts to pull her childish stunt with the hat if most of the others weren't being so mean to Zack.

    Agreed, they're all hiding behind the 'group', but soon they will have to start thinking for themselves..


    Then they be in real trouble, 'cause the majority of them can't put a single thought together..

  10. I loved Zankie but Zach is so irrational you just can't trust him. I think Frankie really cares about him.

    Sorry to disagree, but Frankie care about nobody else but Frankie.. He's a user and probably won't change..


    His 'charity' work is just another beard for his public persona.. and to probably get expense pain travel for his 'missions' 


    Don't believe a thing about him other than the fact that he is gay and a very poor steriotype

  11. I would like to see people who aren't there to become famous. No singers, actors, wanna be somethings. And no models. The HGs don't need to look good in tiny swimwear. They should just love the game and want to play hard.


    Definately agree..


    No rerun of prior years players, No prior reality show contestants, No one blood related to, married to,  or fluffing any prior reality show contestant,  and no one who's applied for, submitted tapes to or auditioned for any other reality show..


    I want regular people, example, Christine and / or Derrick, not model wanna-bes looking to use this as a steping stone..

  12. Idiot


    Whining and worried about what Frankie's so called famous sister will think of her. 


    Star struck needing smacked by a Mack truck. pfft

    Yep, but what more can you expect from someone from a little cowflop town that probable think the state fairs'  pie eating contest winner is a celeb and should have a street named after them..


    Neither Nic or Vic have had an original thought during this entire season...



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