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Posts posted by AirGumby

  1. Don't think he's schizo or PTS.. He's just a big, pretty boy who is used to getting his way and not being questioned or confronted by anyone who values their own face. So he doesn't feel he needs to listen to anyone else or consider their opinions..

    But socially he is dumb, dumb and dumb and after tonights show edit, he is one big D-bag....

  2. His ego probably shot thru the roof when he won HOH (and then kept it after the Comp)

    I'll be curious to see how he acts in the house when he's no longer HOH (especially if someone wins it that's not in the Bomb Squad)

    In any case... I'm sure Caleb's thread will be getting a LOT of posts.

    Exactly what I've been thinking.. He appears to be barely holding himself together ( meds maybe) Want to see how he does next week when he'snot the one calling the shots..

  3. Rachel jr may win AFP. but not with my vote.

    She'll have her couple minutes of fame and then return to her 'perfect life and family' . Then when her hubby finds another plastic bimbo, she'll walk with a hefty divorce settlement. Wealthy? yes, happy? I seriously doubt it. She and her big sister are both camera ho's who arent happy unless they are the center of attention and praise.

    She lacks the class, education and temperment to be successful on her own and her plastic augmentations will only hold up so long..

    I just hope that her son doesn't suffer any taunting at school or online over her behavior...

  4. McCrea isn't an evil person IMO, he just seems like a meek individual who got caught up in a whirlwind romance and never gave us the opportunity to see his personality. Amanad has such a strong personality that she kinda drowned out McCreas game.

    I wouldn't mind if McCrea won it all he's the least offensive of all the people left in the house and not as successful as many of the others so I'm rooting for him by default.

    I know he ratted out the MC and helped ruin this season by he and his lover targeting all the strong males but I think he's suffered at the hands of Amanda enough to be given a slight pass.

    Thing is, Mccrappy chose to be in deMANduh's hands... so any suffering was self inflicted...

    As for him winning, again he's chosen his life as a pizza boy and has no ambition beyond that,, so no pity party here. If he would happen to win, I'm sure deMANduh would have her claws all over the winning, he'd be broke in 18 months and she would dump him faster than Davids eviction.....

    Until now, he hasn't had a chance to play HIS game, but I think it's too late and his die is cast...



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