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Posts posted by AirGumby

  1. Are you kidding?


    I'm at the point where I really don't like anyone in the house and I don't want anyone to win... Can someone arrange that, please..

    I hate reruns, returns, and retreads, and even though she has a different body, Rachel jr is essentially all three...

    even BBAD is boring, I FF through most of it if I watch at all....

  2. My observation appear to be tha Rachel jr. need to put down and obcess about anyone ( woman ) that is getting more positive attention than she is...

    As long as she's the center of everyones positive attention she's happy , smiley and bubbly... but channel that attention somewhere else and she's snarling her lip, whiney and moping around... This girl has no game, she was fed a bunch of promises to get her on the show and she hasn't or can't step up.

    Sorry to all who like her, but she needs to go.... Before jury ( probably will be after )

  3. I can't imagine that anyone would make that up so Kait must have told Elissa when they weren't on feeds or it was simply not reported. Either way, Kait outed herself.

    Sorry, but I can imagine Rachel jr making it up..

    She is so phoney and paranoid I think she could make up somethng like that to get others against Kait.. Just MHO

  4. Me either..I'll be more than happy to do something else that Summer!

    Agreed, never liked Rachel and her jr. is as phoney as they come.. I'm almost to the point of not caring at all about this season, just want to see this production plant gone... The sooner the better, but I think I'll be waiting a while for that..

  5. Hope this brings her down a few pegs.. after she's done blaming everyone in the house, she'll be forced to realize that not everyone is in love with her fake self.

    She won't accept it and will find all kind of ways to rationalize around it, but she'll know enough poeple thought she didn't belong there to put her up.

    I'm certain the fix is in and she won't leave, but I'm glad to see her scramble a bit..

  6. I put all my votes on Rachel jr... Don't think she'll go if nominated, but would love her to get the message that not all of america loves her...I still feel she never should have been cast and MVP was instituted to give her an advantage...

    I haven't seen one genuine moment from this character, everything about her seems fake especially her 'spontanious' diary room sessions...

    Just my 2 cents worth....

  7. As much as I dislike Aaryn and Jeremy getting what they want, Elissa just needs to go. The whole Rachel fan base thing and whatever it is that has handed her the MVP for two weeks, needs to end. She is not a good player. I doubt she will do anything entertaining. Send her home.

    I agree 100%.. She never should have been cast and it's time to level the field.

  8. David was sent back home (or beach).

    When Julie talked to him on the nite he was evicted... she said he'd be able to watch the re-runs and Live Feeds

    to see what went on before his Eviction.

    Thanks yea I heard Julie the other nite, but I don't believe anything unless it's verified. Wouldn't put anything past Grodner....

    Thanks again

  9. Raise your hand if you really and truly believe what just came out of Elissa's mouth...that she tried out for the show...!!

    I have a horse pasture full of that!!

    I'd like to find anyone who believes that.

    I don't have the feeds, but watch bbad and read way to much on these sites ( Morty's my fav of course) and from what I've seen and read Rachel Jr. needs to go.

    She never should have been cast and yes she's been targetted, but that's exactly what Grodner wanted. She's the focus of drama and the other cast members are not able to be viewed for who they are, but as rivals to the 'sister'.

    I cringe whenever someone refers to her 'fanbase'. She has no more fanbase than any other hampster.. she has her sister's and her idiot husband's fans by proxy. if she wasn't rachel's sister she never would have won last week or this.

    The advantages are not balanced by the target on her back.

    I have alway believed that reruns have no place in these game ( shows). They always have an unfair advantage and built in fanbase. Even though Elissa isn't technically a rerun, she may as well be, she appears to be the slower clone of rachel and that's enouhg for me to say 'She needs to go' IMHO....

  10. I hated the coaches twist and never believed they wouldn't somehow enter the game.

    IMO, the only way reruns show be allowed is if everyone is a rerun, allstars, good vs evil, and the like.

    Otherwise, I feel, the reruns have an unfair advantage over the newbies and in many cases they have pre-existing relationships.

    And we don't need any more Jesse appearances.....

  11. For some strange and unknown reason I kinda like Ian too. He's likable in a dorky - nerdy kinda way.

    I don't like his trying to be evil, something he can't pull off and something that could be his downfall.

    I'd rather he win over Dani or Jenn or Shane and definately over Joe, but he's been outplayed by Frank and Dan.

  12. Joe is the ultimate floater. Shifting to wherever the power is at any time.

    He's like your comical uncle. You invite him to family gatherings, but no one would miss him if he doesn't show up....

    And his hand washing habits are unforgivable for anyone who works with food.. I, for one, would eat in any place where he was a cook and I don't know if the other houseguests are aware of his habits...

  13. None of the newbies should be voting for a rerun... The reruns had their season, came in as 'coaches' (yeah right) and for the first three weeks everyone was told they ( the coaches ) were NOT able to play for the $500K.

    Then if course we know what happened.. The Newbies were stupid for not banding together and working to get the reruns out so they could play their game and season. Problem was none of these players had the capacity to put two thoughts together and they all were way too dependant on their coaches.

    I, for one, will be glad when ( if) Bratney walks out tonight and while I like Dan, I wouldn't mind if he was out next. Then let the newbies figure it out. It's already too late for some of them that have already gone, but not too late for them all....

  14. Sounds like the trash needs to be taken out on Thursday.

    I posted earlier that I hoped Brat would rise above the gutter level and campaign for herself in a mature manner. I also said I doubted she would. Well it didn't take long.

    She is just proving that she has no game, has never had a game and probably never will realize it.. She can't wiggle out of this or get someone else to save her, so she's baring her claws and swiping at everyone else.

    Hope the poor girl grows up a little more before she starts thinking of starting her own family.

  15. Don't feel at all sorry for Brat. Every week she was one of the first to trash anyone who looked like they were on the way out. She saddled up to Frank and couldn't trash Dan enough when he was nominated. As she said many times " as long as it's not me I don't care " .

    IMO her only game was to get others to do her dirty work and she sat back and played innocent. Some may thing that's a good strategy, I don't.

    I hope she realizes her mistakes and acts like a mature person the next few days. She should campaign and try to stay, but I hope she keeps it above the gutter level. Unfortunately for her I don't think she will keep it clean and I don't think she'll stay.



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