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Everything posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. 10:10AM BBT Tommy says the prankster should tell the HoH. [LoL, why don’T you play the game the way BB designed it? - rms ]
  2. 9:03AM BBT Kitties and puppies. Voting is done. Wonder if it is some announcement in house about power? Maybe some wake up prank?
  3. They keep repeating that they don't get why Christie thinks she wouldn't be up on the block. Holly says she doesn't want to shoot blanks again at Nick. She wants to be sure he goes home. They talk about possibly backdooring Nick. Putting Jess and Christie up and then backdoor Nick. Holly doesn't want to tell Jess but has too, because she runs her mouth just to show she got info whenever she does. Michie: If they both stay up and one goes home, no loss. 2:43AM BBT Holly tells Michie in the HoHr she really hopes Christie isn't running her mouth. She gave me her word. Her word, urrgghhh, man I tell you. I like how her whole spiel is like, all I have in this game is my word and my authentic self. And I was like, Christie, you've proven to people in this house time and time again that your word means SH*T! Why is that your campaign speech. You've betrayed most of the people sitting in this room, aarrghhhh. Michie says, Holly, I am not gonna lie. I was hearing what was coming out of Christie's mouth and I was shocked. Are we in the Twilight Zone? Is this part of prank week? Is Ashton Kucher gonna pop out of the closet and say we are being Punked? Holly says she was also shocked. [They always say to be careful when you make a deal with the devil! - rms] Michie says he is sick of the words grateful and deal. schmoozing and cuddling... everyone is in bed.
  4. Holly talking to Christie Tommy said someone told him that Cliff said that Cliff is in an alliance with Christie, Holly, Michie and Jess. [Talk about Christie fishing! - rms] Holly says that when Sis was dressed, she asked what Christie said/did to make you do this. Well, I already know you guys made a 5 person alliance. Christie said Sis asked what she told Michie, too. (To get him to keep her). More rehashing of Sis talks. They did get into some game talk but nothing definitive. Holly is worried about what the prank is. None of them think they will take too much of her power. [Yee, of little FAITH! Have they forgotten who RUNS the game? NOT HGs, BoB RUNS IT! - rms] 2:04AM BBT Cliff brought up hearing Christie mention pawn. Michie says, if I recall correctly, she sat here and told us "Use me, I will be a pawn. I will go after Nick. I will take shots,..." Cliff points out that sitting there they have 3 voting as a block so they decide who is a pawn or not. They are all wondering how it came to this where 3 people can decide the vote. [DUH, That's why last week was so critical to eliminate a THREAT! - rms] 2:12AM BBTCliff says with Tommy and Nick both down there, I will try to keep an eye on things and keep it honest. Holly put the mock up of Michie's male part in Christie's bed, under the sheets. Nick asked if Cliff may go up or where he may lie in all this. Cliff was surprised Nick could thought he could go up. They also point out that in the HoH is half the house. 2:24AM BBT Holly talking to Michie. Holly said Christie was shocked with the idea of them putting her up as a pawn. Holly claims now she had such a nervous feeling keeping her. Christie apparently said I didn't expect to go up so soon. Michie says she asked for just one more week and we got her one more week. Holly says that she needs a reality check. Holly: "Uhng, I was afraid of this." [I didn't hear this but was not on feeds for a bit after BBAD. It may be worth checking back in their talk. - rms] Holly is telling Michie that she wants to appear stressed and weak minded, but JUST SO YOU KNOW, I am handling it better than I show and am not weak minded. [Wow, trying to impress your showmance or keeping him from thinking less of you? - rms]
  5. 1:30AM BBT Holly talks about her dog. Christie claims she had a premonition that Holly was gonna win this comp.
  6. 1:03AM BBT Another pie in the face punishment. Just before this almost all guests were in room outside CBR/TBR talking about the hide and go veto comp. They are having to pie their own faces in slow-mo. Christie rigged up an area with plastic bags/sheets on the floor where they are now doing the pie smashing.
  7. [ PoPTV code: ANTS - rms] 11:41PM BBT Pie punishment. They all fill pie crust with whipped cream and they ask the other HG who should hit who. Jess hits Cliff. Nicole then hits Jess. Cliff hits Nicole. [Should be some good screen grabs opportunities. - rms] Tommy claims Cliff was so savage and rubbed it in her face. 11:45PM BBT They get called to do it AGAIN. Nicole smashes it into Cliff's face. Seemed a bit hard to get revenge. Cliff has to get Jess then Jess will get Nicole. They are already out of 4 or 5 cans of whipped cream.
  8. 10:30PM BBT Holly gets her HoH and they all go in and ooo and aaaa over a friends new baby pic. Her friend had a boy June 15th. She didn't know if it was a boy or girl. She claims her phone was ringing and showed this friend as it was taken by BB when she went into sequestration. 10:51PM BBT Holly says, "The second throw I did that, I was like uuuhhh, I f'd up because I thought I did it too hard." [She either MEANT to say the second that I threw OR they practiced and that means they knew the rolling comp was there so faked surprise. - rms] They all thought the final big end part would have been 0 and the final lane would have been 50. 11:01PM BBT Story about her friend, 6 months after they got married, their house burned down. They bought a fixer upper and fixed it all up. Then after they got married, they had one last thing to finish, the deck. The person staining it left out his rags and those caught fire and burned the house up. They were able to gut the house, fix it up, then they got black mold. They just moved back in and had the baby.
  9. [Make sure you vote for America's Prankster at https://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/americas-prankster-vote/ - rms] 9:55PM BBT The punishees have already had to get sashed in the face. They came back in with pie on their face.
  10. 11:54AM BBT. Kitty and puppy cams but no one gave them the schedule because its nap time at the shelter. 12:01PM BBT Kitties have woken up and all hell is breaking lose! They must have heard about the flip! 12:18PM BBT BUNNY!
  11. 10:37PM BBT Michie talking to Nick in TBR. Nick says he is trying to watch his words because they are getting him in trouble. Nick says, for me personally, I have a better relationship with you so if I had to put up one of you it would most likely would be her. Michie: That's fine. Nick: I am gonna shoot it straight with you. If I won, it would probably be one of them 3. If she goes out, I have you coming after me when I am not paying the next week. 10:52PM BBT Michie, Holly, Cliff and Nicole all meet in HoHr to discuss a lot of the latest discussions. They end up agreeing to go forward together. Bunch of the same things are discussed as have been the past week. Michie brings up that Christie wants to beat Nick. She is willing to go out 5th. Cliff poi's out he expects the people above her may be picked off some to move her up. [Cliff doesn't bring up Nick's offer to them to be put up all the time, basically, if Cliff and Nicole are HoH. - rms] 11:11PM BBT Cliff comes back up and says he neglected to ask about your conversation with Nick. Michie didn't bring much of the convo in and misquoted it. Cliff asks some about Jess again but she is kind of brushed aside. 11:21PM BBT Michie asks Holly which do we go with Cliff and Nicole or Tommy. Holly is paranoid as to if it is still a WE. 11:23PM BBT Cliff down in RV talking with Jess. Usual pros and cons. BoB playing bird calls and people repeating what is said and trying to remember them. More Jess, Nicole. [As of now, about my guess is a 90% chance of flip to keep Christie. - rms]
  12. 10:16PM BBT Cliff comes into the HoHR with Michie. He makes brief smalltalk about the bird calls. I have an issue I need to talk to you about. Michie: What happened. Cliff: Nicole. Nichole has heard that Christie's first target, if Christie were to win HoH would be Nick and her going up together. I gotta tell you,... Michie: I haven't heard that from Christie so that is kinda new to me. Cliff: Christie confirmed it. I talked to her a little while ago. She said, yeah, because she,.. Michie: I haven't even asked Christie about what she was gonna do. Cliff: I hadn't asked her before intentionally. Nicole had heard that. Let me find out. Because I don't want her going home early. Christie said she would probably go up as a pawn next to Nick who would be a target. And I told Christie Nicole and I have been working together closer than that. I know that there is some concern about her and that she makes for an easy pawn. I can't have her go up like that, I just, I feel closer to Nicole and I wouldn't want that to happen to her. It got me to thinking when we are talking about final 4s or 5s or whatever. Are y'all cool with Nicole. Michie: Me and Holly and Nicole are talking about that and that is kind of what I was hoping for. Cliff: I don't know what your discussion with Jessica was like and where that goes. Michie: I kept that vague. She wants to respect my HoH and vote in which ever direction I would like for her to. I kept it vague because I know she can run back and forth and I really don't want to blow. Shit to hit the fan tonight or tomorrow on a game level or personal level. I don't want people's last hours to be drama. She said she would vote however. She also is a proponent of keeping Christie. Holly is leaning that direction. I just talked with Tommy. Cliff: What are you thinking on that. I know Holly is. We talked before so,... And I am ok with that. Michie: Nicole will not go anywhere. Cliff: I think Nicole is ok with that even though Nick is gonna be the sacrificial. She gets that and she doesn't want him up, but we understand it's the game. I told Nick it is nothing personal. He said if it comes down to Nicole and I, I want you to vote me out. I said, I would, to be honest with you I would. It is what it is. Christie came back and said I didn't know it was that important to you. I just thought because she was tight with Nick, she would make for an easy pawn. If you didn't, she feels a lot closer to Jessica perhaps, but if that is what it took get the votes to continue to stay in then she is willing to make that promise. I said ok, but I wanted to take to y'all so you can say accordingly to Nicole and give her some comfort. Michie: Yep, me and Holly are watching our words because of how wishy washy she is. ... Cliff: ... and says I swear and I promise and she did that. I'm ok and I trust you. I just want to make sure Nicole feels welcome. Michie: I got your back. Especially hearing last night that he doesn't to an extent. Cliff: I respect the guy, We're friends but there is limit to it. That's all there is. As there is with you. I don't expect you to take me to number to. You have someone picked out. Michie: I don't have a final 2 with anybody. I kept it that way. I know what you mean. Who knows what will happen. I don't have to go against a final 2 if it's best for my game. Cliff: I have never asked anyone for a final 2 because it is too far away and it's crazy to expect anything. Michie: Only person I had a final 2 with was Jack the first day and see how that turned out. Cliff: If you give Nicole a handshake promise we are a group of 4. Michie: Yep, ready to roll. Cliff: Then you will have her loyalty. I told you before, I spent sometime looking for a place to land. She is a lot the same way. She thought she had a little bit with those guys over there just because she thought that may be her only spot for a while. I think she would jump over here. Michie: I will go talk to Holly. I know where I stand and am fairly confident where Holly stands and that is with y'all. Cliff: I just need Nicole to hear that. If I do that, I don't have to worry about her crying,... I get it. I get it. 10:26PM BBT Michie: I agree. It's a tough decision. Cliff: She feels like she is abandoning Nick. She is ready to come on board over here. I don't expect Nick to be around very long.Especially when he's gone, then it makes it real obvious how that's gonna be set up. Michie: Because this, if he can memorize logics versus word for word, he can memorize a bird call. If he has a fire under his ass, he can do it.
  13. 9:54PM BBT Sis crying in the HN talking to Michie. Sis says there is literally one reason why you are keeping her, because you know she is going after Nick when you literally could have gone after Nick yourself. Michie: I have never said I want to go after Nick. Sis: Then what would be the point of keeping your target. Michie: I don't have to answer that. I'm not answering anything. I am not telling anyone who I want to keep or don't want to keep. I am not being a dick but honestly, like, I don't have anybody in this game. I have heard people say it. It's been made clear through actions. The has been a deal made to get me out of this house. [Back to this same discussion from after the noms. Not gonna type it all again. - rms] 9:59PM BT Sis and Michie finish. She goes downstairs. Christie gives her a hug. She goes into the CBR but then leaves and heads to BRL to cry. Holy comes in. Sis tells Holly that she hates being in this situation when she didn't do anything to get in this position. She feels like she is in Kat's position. Holly says she still doesn't know what's happening or what will happen, so don't... Sis wants to go off on people but she knows there isn't a point. 10:03PM BBT Michie and Tommy in HoHR talking about Sis. Michie says she doesn't know what Sis is gonna do. She knows she isn't gonna put up Nick. Tommy is saying when he came up after Veto that he didn't mention including Nick as people to work with. He is saying he isn't working with Nick. 10:11PM BBT Cliff talking to Christie trying to separate Nicole from Nick. He says he will bet his game n her loyalty to me and vice versa. Christie says if she votes, she won't put her up with Nick. 10:11PM BBT Michie says, I said it in the nomination speech. She will be the biggest obstacle between me and winning, straight up. Tommy: Now that makes a lot of sense, F'''''''. (very drawn out f word). I get it. No, I get it. Michie: I want to work with you. I want to work with you. Tommy: Jackson, I have never given you a reason. Of course, yes, I am on the same page still, yes. Christie joins Holly and Sis in BRL.
  14. I don't want you and f'n,... I would literally offer myself up for anyone next week that wins. I just don't want you to f'n go. I don't want people to think we had a 4 person reliance. That was not true. Nicole and Cliff both say I know, I know. Nick: I just had individual relationships. I had it great. I had a great relationship with you. Nicole: I went up there and told them that. There's this depiction that the 4 of us are together and that isn't the case. Nick: I just don't want her to get in the crosshairs. She told me that me and Nicole were going up, I assume others would too, because they see us as a pair for whatever reason. Honestly, I feel like I am closer to Tommy than Nicole. You have to do what is best for your game. I know I am a target next week regardless. I just don't want her to f'n take the fall for me. Cliff and Nicole both, I don't either at same time. Nick: I literally, I don't care, I will go up every week either as a pawn or as a target. I don't care. I feel like I already put Sis in danger. (Cliff looks down, pushes his glasses up with his fingers as he grabs and rubs bridge of his nose like he has a headache now and sighs deeply.) Nicole: That's what I tried to tell them upstairs. There's this illusion that me and Nick are together or the 4 of us are together. They are saying to me that you have to see it for what it is and how everyone else perceives it. Obviously, everybody else is gonna see you guys as together. Cliff: Aw, geez. Nick continues that you guys do whatever, ... Cliff says you shouldn't give up your game either. 9:48PM BBT Holly in HoH struggling to say what she wants to Tommy and Jess. On a personal basis, like how the f' do you choose, you don't. So you think of it purely, ... (She starts to look like she's gonna cry, looks like she may have been. You hear Tommy speak up and he is crying). Tommy: I know, that's why it,... Aw man it sucks. (First part sounds like he's crying but then at the Aw his voice is different like he almost isn't. He may have taken a breath and that changed it.) Jess is sitting there with no expression on her face through it all. Michie talking to Sis in HN room: ... 1) have made a decision and 2) have heard everyone out. Sis: So now you are like rethinking it. Michie: I am not rethinking it. I am just telling you that Christie could ask me the same question and I am not telling her yes or no. I am keeping it internalized util I hear from people what they want to do. Then, I will make a decision. Christie can come in here 5 minutes from now and ask if there is a tie, how are you gonna break it. He will tell her the same thing: 1) I don't know and 2) even if I did, I wouldn't say anything because I don't know. I haven't heard everyone out. Everyone else in the house doesn't know, they are torn. This is a tough decision for everyone to make. They love you both the same. I'm not saying it to be mean. I have been told I am on my own and have to play my own game and wants everyone to play their own game and do what's best for their game. Holly and Tommy crying still in HohR. They hate that this is even a situation at all. I don't still know. Tommy: None of us know. Things may still change.
  15. 9:42PM BBT Christie crying in the BRL talking with Tommy. [Looks fake to me but they won't see it. - rms] Because he was the only person that I don't know what to do(?). All I said to him was. It almost felt like he was baiting me to see if I was like oh, Tommy's keeping me. So I said to be really honest if you asked me 3 weeks ago, I would have said Tommy is keeping me but I know he's really, really close to Sis, so he hasn't told me. Just to hopefully debunk anything that was said outside. If you want to go to talk to him. Tommy: Nicole has said to me I want to talk to you. Christie: Tommy, I can't believe this. I want this so bad. I want this so bad. I am not happy I blew up somebody else's game. I deserve to be here. Tommy: You do. You're a genius. Christie: She laughs. I am not a genius. I mean Michie is like. I have been gunning for you for weeks. Everybody in America knows it. Looks like we are gonna make lemonade out of lemons. I don't want to work with him. I don't have a choice. I am not taking 9th place in this game. We are taking 1st and 2nd. Tommy: I really am here for you. I don't want you to ever question it. Christie: I was. I definitely was. Tommy: You never have to ever. I really mean that. I just have to put myself first. 9:45PM BBT Nick telling Cliff and Nicole in CBR that Christie told him if she stays she will put Nicole up next to me. Then I know if I win the Veto, she will put up you next to her. She's not gonna put up Tommy and she is next to Jess. (Cliff clicks his tongue just a little, small sigh and barely shakes his head in a no motion.) Nick: I don't care if I go home next week, Cliff, honest to god, I literally don't. I just don't want her to go. I don't want her to f'n be in the crosshairs like Sis is already taking it. Cliff: No, I know that. That's not gonna work (really stressed like on his face, thinking HARD! He chews some on his lip. hacking his head slightly and sighs.) [I assume he realizes this will put him and Nicole DIRECTLY in the crosshairs. Nic is right and has opened his eyes to how noms will likely fall if ANY of the others win. - rms]) Nick: What do you mean. Cliff: I don't want Nicole in the crosshairs either. (He shakes his head yes, deep in thought.) Nick: That's what I am saying, like I don't even care. (Cliff leans over on one arm, turned a bit more towards Nick. Opens his body up more towards Nick in the process, glances up at him as he has mostly been staring over at Nicole.) If Sis stays, and like you guys win, you can f'n all put me up next week. I don't care.
  16. 9:28PM BBT Christie explains how she has had to campaign to SIs with Tommy in the BRL. I couldn't campaign against you but with not campaigning against you that means not campaigning. She says she loves this game even more than she could love anyone in this game. [WOW! People who spend all their days telling each other they love everyone should key off on that, but WHOOOSH, right over their heads. - rms] She loves THE game, being here, the opportunity more than the idea that I was gonna get voted out unanimously. I had to make it more of an even playing grounds. [field?!!! or are we playing CRICKET? - rms] It wasn't to make everyone flip against you. It was to bring to light why I could be valuable, rather than just this f'n target who is volatile. Yes, I am still that. I am still the volatile target, but at least I am a target. You know what I mean, I am a target. [If I hear target ONE MORE TIME! Oh, and Sis, she is saying you are nothing. Not a target, just nothing in this game. She IS you AREN'T! You SHOULD be OFFENDED! - rms] 9:32PM BBT Tommy says he told her off in her campaign speech. Christie says it's ok, I can take it. I am tough as nails. [Then why are you crying all the time? - rms] Now, Christie claims the aim of her campaign against Nick was to have him tell people to just vote how they want and not how Michie told them to (vote). She says Nick pulled her into that room and was trying to get me to tell him that I wasn't gonna target him and I would still go after Michie. He said I just want you to know that if I win HoH I still am not putting you up. I want to work with you. I want to work with you. You are really gonna make a deal with Michie, your mortal enemy? He was baiting me so bad for the words to leave my mouth to say I am not gonna be loyal to Michie so he could go up and tell Michie I said that. He is smart. He is very smart. She says, I literally just said to him (in a condescending voice), "Oh, Nick, I love you, but I'm a Psychologist Major. I study Psych." [Do you mean a PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR? Or do you really study Psychologists? - rms] 9:36PM BBT Nick talking to Nicole in CBR. You know if Christie wins tomorrow, she will put the two of us on the block next to each other. She told me that. You will have the votes to stay, so it will be fine. I don't want you to think like that but I have ruined too many people's games. Nicole: You haven't ruined anybodies' games. We are all intertwined and responsible for ourselves. Nick: I know but me trying to protect you put dark and sunny glasses (?) out there. She does not deserve to go tomorrow. She does not deserver to lose her spot. [PoPTv code: DAVID - rms] Nick thinks Cliff will flip. He doesn't see how that is beneficial to him, though. Nicole said what she doesn't understand is what Tommy said that Christie said about the group of people. She said it was Christie, Tommy, Michie, Holly, Jess. Nick, didn't he say his (Cliff) name, too? Nicole says then it would be 6. How did me and you become enemies 1 and 2? Nick: I became enemy 1, I don't know how you got associated with me because I spent more time with Tommy than you.
  17. 9:15PM BBT Christie campaigning more with Cliff. Cliff says he would prefer her (Nicole) over Jess at the end of it. Christie: Jess is "really smart." With me and you equally as mental, that's challenging to get past because she is smart, too. Cliff: I guess what I am asking is if it comes down to a vote between those two, do you have a hard time going one way versus the other. Christie: So far, Jess has had my back but she has also been middle man between Holly and me many times. From this point on, that could completely change. [Take that as her picking Jess. - rms] Cliff: I am not asking for a commitment. Christie: I am just being honest with you because I'm not just saying Jess 100%. If Nicole kept me, to believe in me more than Nick, that would speak volumes to me. When you choose someone else, when you have someone so strong backing you it means a lot to choose someone when you have no-one. So for her to have my back, that would prove a lot to me. Tommy calls out for Holly and Christie. Cliff: I got it. She leaves and is sniffling a lot. People ask if she is crying. She says, no I am just so emotional. 9:18PM BBT Jess, I could not honestly tell you. Some how Nick has a big strong hold on that girl (Nicole). Tommy wanted to circle back to me to talk. Jess says she wants to disarm Nick. BoB says, "No sudden movements, a blackbird just landed. Now's your chance to hear the call. (bird squawk twice)." Goes on to the Crow. Jess had big eyes and open mouth like she was surprised. [It's ok, Jess, you can move. No birds are in the house. - rms] Bob repeats the same 2 birds. Holly says, "The crow is one of the smartest birds in the jungle." Then she asked what they said about the blackbird. They say, a blackbird just landed. She says they could ask us what is one of the smartest birds in the jungle. "Which doesn't make sense because crows don't live in jungles, but hey, whatever." [Ok, MISS Ornithologist, what about the Jungle Crow(Corvus macrorhynchos) is a very widespread Asian species of crow. Also, the Indian jungle crow (Corvus culminatus) is a species of crow found across the Indian Subcontinent south of the Himalayas. And what about Ko, in the Jungle Book, you gonna inform him he isn't a crow? His parents lied to him! - rms] Jess says two conflicting things which seems to be a theme for her. In this case, they are even in consecutive sentences: "I don't think he (Tommy) wants to vote IN the minority." "Tommy, out of everybody, would not want to vote AGAINST the minority." These are two girls he loves dearly. Michie: His loyalty to Nick is what scares me. Yet again, Jess brings up she was not a part of the deal (of the 5 at end of last week). She again replays that she has tried to respect people's HoH's. She recaps them.
  18. 2:30PM BBT Bunch of discussiom in house about flipping or not. Cliff and Nicole talked about how if they votes Sis out, that would leave Tommy/Nick, Michie/Holly, Christie/Jess, Cliff/Nicole. Breaking up a group of 3. If Christie goes, then you have Tommy/Nick/Sis, Michie/Holly, Cliff/Nicole, and Jess by herself. This preserves the group of 3. They were then trying to figure out who would then drift together. Tommy is sketched out a bit about Cliff having gone to them to clarify they had agreement for just upcoming week. Bunch of them upset at Michie and Holly for orchestrating/egging on the blowup. Nicole is worried because Cliff apparently said cliff and Nicole should distance from each other. She wonders if that means Cliff has deal. 3:12PM BBT Tommy says he can’t play with someone who is an emotional roller coaster. He said she (Christie) is not well. She is not emotionally well. He told her she should make this about her original targets not about Nick. She is blowing up someone who is just playing a good game. He doesn’t respect that.
  19. 1:28PM BBT Holly telling Sis in HOHR that she only sees a flip happening if everyone is afraid to put Nick up. [??? Bet that’s only your view and not Michie’s. -rms]
  20. 11:51PM BBT Jess interrogating Tommy and Sis in the CBR. Tommy told her that he had said to her before he had a close relationship with him (Nick) and he couldn't put him up that point. But he sees what everyone sees, too. Sis agrees, Me too. I don't know if he necessarily has any final deals. I don't have ay final deal with him. Tommy: I don't have anything with anybody. Sis: Me either (as she yawns). I don't even know when you start making those. Like what are you supposed to make those. Jess: (Laughs) I don't know. Tommy: Wait, what? What did you say? Sis: I said when(laughs) do you even make (laughs) those. [Do you think Jess is that gullible? - rms] Jess: I assume early in the game. Sis: pfflltttt, I don't f'n know. (throwing her arms back on the bed) Zero Tommy: I have zero, I promise. Sis: I also, Zero Tommy: I had one with Jack that's it but he had, ... (implied a lot of them) Sis: No but he told me. He said my final 2 deal was... you (Tommy). Tommy: What? Sis: Did you say you had a final 2 with Jack? Tommy: Yeah. Sis He told me his final 2 deal was you. I think he would have honored it. Who did he have a final 2 with. Tommy: I just assumed you, Christie. I know he had one with Jackson, too. Sis: I never had one with him, which made me so sad. (She is grinning and giggling so much through this convo and yawning as if to cover up a grin.) Tommy and Sis say they miss him a lot but Jess says she can't say the same. Jess is back on the nobody is giving me anything whine. [Save me, Orwell,... between Jess, Christie, Michie, Holly, Sis, ugh, ... FFWD gn - rms]
  21. Christie she knows he was lying. She claims he is throwing comps and that's how he is lying. Nick talking to Tommy in the TBR while Tommy lays on his mic and we hear the heartbeat. [Bill Cosby's Chicken Heart routine anyone? - rms] BoB must have gotten freaked out, too. Called him out. Tommy, Please do not obstruct your mic. [They should play back really loud some of what they do to the mics and maybe they would stop - rms] 11:20PM BBT Cliff comes back in to TBR and says he was talking to Sis. She is still worried about a flip. He believes once Michie decides, he sticks with it. Nick: Even still, we have 4 votes. 11:21PM BBT Michie, Holly and Christie still talking about Nick. She says over and over how much she loves him in this whole convo and yet hates on him. They all hope others wise up to Nick. Christie wants to tell Tommy that Holly and Michie love him and he would be better off with her there. She is bigger target, same spiel. Christie has referred to people as someone's "person" many times in this conversation. Michie says that Nick is running this house. They spend a bunch of time saying what they each heard Nick say he would do with the veto. Christie says that she was the one wh wanted to have it out in front of everyone now instead of up n the HoH room. Michie described how Nick came up to HoH while she was in there. She supposedly took it downstairs where everyone can hear it. Holly claims she has been warning everyone from the beginning that Nick's job is to get people to trust him. He was using his training to manipulate everyone. Christie says if I stay I will just put up Nick and Nicole, there, there's my second nom. I didn't even have to think about it. I won't get her vote anyway. Back to everyone bragging about the slip and slide and how hard it was, ...



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