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Everything posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. 3:30 PM BBT Same reruns we have already seen. [Thanks a lot BB. 19 prior seasons of BB and can’t even change up the reruns]
  2. 3:58 PM BBT Fessy and Haleigh in another quarrel. This time over if Fessy is aggressive or not. Apparently he told a story sometime about beating up a friend. Fessy says they have enough fights between us for content. Then he says if anything she is more aggressive than he is. [boy has no clue about women I guess, this convo won’t help him]
  3. 3:42 PM BBT Fessie telling Hayleigh in PBR about his conversation with Angela [rm-amazing that all of the sudden he thinks he went from never knowing anything to knowing what is a good or bad move. Seems like a child playing first game of chess, only the child knows they don’t know what they are doing. ]
  4. 2:55 PM BBT Hayleigh and Fessie discussing their conversations with Angela. Hayleigh is thinking she will be put up.
  5. 1:34 PM BBT Angela repeated pretty much the same speech to Kaycee that she told JC earlier before Hayleigh’s visit. [i expect Hayleigh and Fessie will be on block]. Reruns of reruns now.
  6. 9:40 PM BBT Hayleigh and Fessy still talking about Scottie and Fessy still believes he is some great game player. [Clueless]
  7. 8:00 PM BBT Fessy was last seen short while ago in HOH [using more hairspray than should be allowed.] 8:05 PM BBT [roachie and I get rich when we establish monopoly on hairspray to BB House] 8:10 PM BBT Angela still playing with Tyler’s hair. Sounds like they keep throwing out jr high sexual innuendos, asking what different things mean including wet dream. Someone brought up Arby’s, Scottie likes their curly fries, Tyler mentioned the roast beef and giggling ensued, must be another innuendo [i’m not Gonna check urban dict for it]
  8. 7:30 PM BBT Tyler is quizzing Angela about days and events. Feasy seems to be trying to get Haleigh to make out. She says no, but he keeps pushing. [#NOmeansNO #metoo get it together Fessy!] 7:63 PM BBT Kaycee and JC are in the KT talking about food and being stuffed up [KAYCEE, CLOSE THE FRIDGE DOOR ALREADY!!!] Hayleigh, Brett, Tyler, Scottie, Angela are all in the BBR (I think) just chatting now. 7:56 PM BBT WBRB [but my hearing won’t!!!! Thanks BB! Tip, VOLIME CONTROL!]
  9. 12:07 AM BBT Two pairs talking game. BY is Brett talking to Hayleigh. JC is talking to Tyler in Have not room.
  10. 3:38 PM BBT Hayleigh is in one of the bedrooms with Tyler and some others crying. She mentioned Kaitlyn 2.0 so I can only assume someone told her what Scottie said. [Sorry I don’t know more, feeds freeze constantly on me at the important times] Kaycee is there as well and I think Angela. [tried to follow Kaycee as she left HOH room but feeds didn’t cooperate so missed all this, grrr]
  11. 2:00 AM BBT the trio is still in BY and just talked and laughed a lot about the Veto comp. Brett said he piled up all the mattresses blocking the have not room where he hid his folder. He said BB stopped him when he started to move the bed frames too.
  12. Moved these from Saturday 1:03 AM BBT Sam, Scottie and Brett in BY and Sam is laying a lot of truth on Scottie about his allies. 1:12 AM BBT Sam says Haleigh hates her and Scottie confirms it. They discuss with Brett even why Haleigh pulled him off when she was hacker. [I suspect this is jury management at this point. Exposing all the wrongs the other side did to Scottie] 1:25 AM BBT Well, still Sam, Scottie and Brett in BY. They are talking Scottie through everything for his speech and now Brett is trying to get Sam to talk to Fessie trying to get him to put Hayleigh up as replacement. Also, Brett and Scottie are talking to Sam about the game trying to get her to play it more. And help her understand it more. Pretty good discussion
  13. 1:25 AM BBT Well, still Sam, Scottie and Brett in BY. They are talking Scottie through everything for his speech and now Brett is trying to get Sam to talk to Fessie trying to get him to put Hayleigh up as replacement. Also, Brett and Scottie are talking to Sam about the game trying to get her to play it more. And help her understand it more. Pretty good discussion
  14. 1:12 AM BBT Sam says Haleigh hates her and Scottie confirms it. They discuss with Brett even why Haleigh pulled him off when she was hacker. [I suspect this is jury management at this point. Exposing all the wrongs the other side did to Scottie]
  15. 1:03 AM BBT Sam, Scottie and Brett in BY and Sam is laying a lot of truth on Scottie about his allies.
  16. 6:45 PM BBT Scottie poured 2 bottles of cleaner all over the WA floor and is now scrubbing it all. They have Zing written on some clothes so guessing Zingbot also made an appearance.
  17. 6:28 PM BBT They are back! Said something about rebuilding the house so maybe they guessed right and was contest hiding things in house



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