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Everything posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. 10:10PM BBT all over house, people choosing beds, taking pillows HNR Sam, Nicole Sam says he is worried about food, he already has issues. He says, maybe I will go on a diet with a 2 Protein shakes a day with slop, Sam says if he gets HG choice, he wants to pick Cliff. He says Nick may pick her. Nicole says it's already going around that if HG picks you then you aren't obligated to pick them. Sam says then if that's the case he would pick Jess because she wouldn't likely win. Nicole says I'd feel better playing and not doing well. Sam say then tell Nick that. Jess had brought it up to Sis and Sis was like, huh, I wouldn't use it, you would be stupid to use it. Sis asked Sam if he was gonna ask her to play and Sam asked if she would use it on him and she was like (some sarcastic gibberish). Sam then says if Cliff wins veto and Sam is feeling comfortable. He and cliff would pretend having a huge fight and then he would be blind sided when Cliff uses it on Nick. Sam believes he can pull off a made face and blow up. Then they put Jess up against him and maybe Jess would go home and nick and sam would buy a week. Sam is gonna approach Cliff. Nicole says talk to Cliff. He said because you took him down. Cliff will say he has to talk to Holly. Sam says she will say leave noms the same so no blood on your hands. Sam says she is worried about getting blood on her hands putting up Jess but why wasn't she putting Nick and Sam up. Is Jess gonna win something and come after you? 10:19PM BBT HNR Nicole, Sam Sam says, IF She (Jess) said, Sam, honestly i heard you were gonna put me up, Sam said he would reply to her, Since when, when was that a thing, you and I joke all the time. Nicole had interrupted, saying she would say even if it was a week 2 thing, it bothers me. Sam doesn't want to go up to her and say you know i love you right because she would think he heard something. He wants to act like he doesn't know because If you hadn't told me, I would have thought Jess and I were fine. [PoPTV code: COUNSELOR - rms] Sam is excited about their protein shakes. Nicole lists of having had cookies, cookie dough, chocolate. She needs it. Sam says we have to go all the way downstairs to p, damn. Nicole says it's good exercise. This is ou hangout room. Nicole says you guys know i love you both. He says I wouldn't burn you. You'd be the last person I'd burn. Sam says he laid off the milk last week because he knew the Hn needed it and hopes they don't down all the milk. 10:21PM BBT HoHR Holly, Kat Kat says I love her to death but I don't trust. If I was HoH i would probably have to put her up. Holly says I honestly struggled with that a lot today, I almost put her up instead of Sam. [I think they mean Nicole, maybe someone can check feeds. - rms] Sam says he almost feels stingy because he wants to give Jess the best bed but because of his back surgery. At least we don't f*rt and you aren't snorers. Not like me and Jack. Did you hear Jack, he mimics a loud snore. 10:23PM BBT TBR Christie, Jack, Tommy, SIs Christie says Jackson is someone that takes things very personally and I wouldn't want him to say something I didn't say. Christie says, "Like this game is so Sketchy, it's horny as f' to me" [wow, pot, kettle you 6 hate if anyone else talks game with anyone - rms] Then she discusses some conversation with 'him' where he thought Kat told her but Holly had and she had found out from Jackson. 10:25PM BBT HoHR Jess, Holly,.. nuf said 10:30PM BBT TBR Christie, Jack, Tommy, Sis Christie thinks Holly/Jackson may have been considering flipping the votes. Tommy and Christie brought up that they had said Bella made a compelling point that they were at the bottom of the 6's totem pole. Tommy says it may have been entertained but they didn't go through with it. Christie said Holly was sketched out when Kat was up there and said that [apparently, some reference to Bella's comments - rms] Christie says on top of all of that, Jackson may think now he talked shit about him. Apparently, Nick may have said stuff.
  2. 9:00PM BBT wherever ... summary of next 40 mins: Jess and Nicole talking game... ok, next Kat complaining about what her BB wikia page probably looks like Kat, Nick, tommy talking about what upcoming comps may be and which ones they would like to play Jack telling Jackson that whoever wins better pony up money for their trip to Vegas with the 6 after the show, Like you owe us at least 10gs for winning Jackson said, like RACKs, RACKs,... and then discuss how much 2nd place gets. Tom will make it to 6 but hasn't won anything but hasn't made enemies,... Jackson says Tommy will be a superstar coming out of this. Can't have an hour go by that Michie isn't IN THE FRIDGE WITH IT OPEN EATING! In SR with Jack talking about throwing away the cookie dough, needing to put all the veggies and stuff into the fridge. No chocolate milk, which Nick asks about later and is also disappointed. SR is SLAMMED with food. and, of course, it wouldn't be a food area in the BB house without Jackson letting gas fly. Oh, and opening their less than name brand Peanut Butter with his MOUTH and likely eating right out of it! Cliff asks Tommy where he went to school, Tommy replies, what do you mean? Cliff says, "was it an IVY LEAGUE!" laughs and Holly says he is a dad. glad to hear most of their foods are NOT name brand! Cliff has a pack of Fig Nortons (in case i get in trouble for saying the brand name). Christie challenging if Jack would really spend $35 grand in Vegas in one trip. He thinks he will just have to pay for one night and then be comp'd the rest. Then he brings up Amsterdam. Christie says Michie wants to go to Vegas for 2 weeks. She says, only 2 days is enough. If you go for more than 2 weeks you die. Christie and Tommy can't shower. They have to do just minimal parts,... 9:51PM BBT WA Jack, Christie, Sam, Sis going over the days and comps 9:56PM BBT KT Nick asks Cliff if he picks him for PoV comp, will he pick Nick. Cliff is gonna check with everyone to make sure everyone will accept if Cliff does take Nick down. Cliff says he won't screw him over. [guess it means he will get back to him and if he says he will after checking, he will - rms] 10:00PM BBT LR Have Not meeting. see Fuskie's post above. Then the old have-nots help the new ones pick their sleeping spots. The HN ask when it starts. Holly thinks maybe they can binge before midnight, but she will check. Then others say you don't want to eat then get a 'penalty nom' [pretty sure that is just code for some accumulative penalties and then they get a punishment we don't hear about - rms] Now to Michie talking about his s*t'n blood. Then they talk about the best options for eating slop. [Cafe Slop Menu: -rms] Slopnola, slop burgers, slop nuggets, slop pudding, slop ice cream
  3. Sam said, the people looked so excited to see us, isn't that cool? so much fun Nick says when the picture went black, i was gone. Sam said he had tears going. Sam and Nick want to pitch Jess out this week so they can make it to jury. Now they are just trying to plan how to stay one more week. 11:34PM BBT TBR Jack, SIs, Christie Christie thinks Holly is thinking putting up Nick and a pawn. That's not safe, Sam has been picked for every veto and if he won, they would be safe. Try to talk to Michie because I feel Michie has the most control over Holly. It concerns me with this thing with Bella that you 2 would be the first out of the 6 with the Jack's showmance and how close he is with Christie and Tommy and I don't want him to let that fester in his head. Did that weird you out a little? it did me. She is worried Michie and Holly may think they could need Nick or Sam later for numbers later. It's too risky to leave Sam off the block. Jack, they both need to be up. 11:36PM BBT CBR Nick, Sam Both plan to try to sell that they would be better for people on the Jury that Jess. people moving rooms, general who's gonna sleep where with whom talk. 11:59:59PM BBT [saved by orwell, gn - rms]
  4. 11:03PM BBT CBR Kat, Sis Kat says she never realized how painfully physical they were (comps). Sis says this one was extremely,... Kat, there was another one we did that i got bruised, I don't know, I can't remember what it was actually, maybe not. F*" We're gonna sleep well tonight, that's for sure. (cameras move), she looks up. "The cameras are right on me, my pimps out and everything. (cameras move again), I didn't give them anything interesting. (cameras move back). "Oh, wait, and now they're back (laugh), sorry i'm not interesting" 11:09PM BBT KT Holly, Michie, Nick Nick said she was saying you need 6 out of 10 votes this week, why is she saying it? She didn't say that last week and was same number of people. Cliff came back so we didn't lose anyone. I already knew that she didn't have them. I figured it would be me, Sam and maybe one other. Michie says I had to tell y'all beforehand. Nick, I'm so happy you did. Michie, it wouldn't have been fair to Nicole, I had too much respect for y'all. Nick, I was a pessimist, I was like Bell, don't even do it. She said she was gonna do it. When she told him what she did he thought that was pretty brilliant. Michie and Holly both said she did a damn good job. She made good point. Michi, dude, you should've heard her campaign, it was very strong, very accurate. Holly, she handled the entire situation with strength and grace. 11:12PM BBT KT nick asks to talk to her for 5 minutes. He says, he didn't really want to talk to people before noms, it's up to you, but will only be 5 mins. Holly said she would let him know. 11:19PM BBT More of Sis eating with her mouth open chewing grapes, smacking, talking with mouth full,... [PoPTV code: gr8ful -rms] 11:25PM BBT CBR Kat, Sam, Nick talking about the eviction, he thinks he deserves another week, to make it to jury. Whatever happens happens, "I created the best alliance in the game and i f'n got myself out of it. (laugh) I'm an idiot!" If he does go up he will shoot for the veto. If it's anything like that he's f'd. He repeats he's happy, says he's at peace. The thing Bella said today that he hadn't thought of is the thing that sucks the most is she will never get a chance to experience this again. They say you never know, they brought some back before. Nick realizes he never got his chain back, turns to the camera, "Isabella, if you are watching this, you f'n never gave me my chain back you little sh*t" He knew they would forget. They say Julie was being weird. She said she needed 6 votes to stay.
  5. Sam, Kat Sam says bella is supposed to call Nick's mom to see what's going on. Nick invited Bella to come live with them. Kat said it would suck to go out from the house straight into the real world. Sam says, especially if you don't have any place to go to. Kat wonders if they would put you up in a hotel for a couple of days.. Sam said she may have some things to do (for production). Kat agrees, some press tour or whatever. 10:44PM BBT DT Cliff, Nick, Tommy. Cliff talks about when the whole thing is over, they will meet all the people we've been talking to (DR, etc). BoB interrupts, "You are not allowed to talk about production" Cliff says she had a great speech. She had it down. Nick says yeah, for sure. A little too late. She shot her shot. She did better than I would've. Nick always thought the 2nd door was open, but she had to open it so he wondered how long he could leave it open. He let it go once he saw her walk out. Cliff says he guesses the gap between the doors was always there but he never noticed it because of how they flip the angles. [WOW, Cliff, a SUPERFAN? I noticed that right away and haven't watched many seasons, plain as day! you saw the houseguests in the 2nd door well behind them! - rms] 10:50PM BBT WA Christie, Jack, Sis, Holly, Tommy Christie says she knew she would pick a poison ivy one. Even before she fell as soon as they announced that she knew she was getting a punishment, she was manifesting a punishment so she's getting it. When Tommy fell he said, you got the poison ivy, right? As soon as he said it, she said, you're gonna get it too. She says they are both geeky when it comes to stuff like that, He volunteered to be a have not, I volunteered to be a HN. We both like to make the best of a sh*t situation. So why not, I feel like it will be funny, whatever it is will be funny and fun and we will get to be DRs together. I knew it would be you or him. Jack says, "I would have loved to have done it with you. I could have used a little mortality (with air quotes)" Sis says, "more what?" Jack says everyone is like jagger you're gonna win this game (as he does air quotes and growls it out). Christie says "humble you a little" Jack is like walk around in a costume. Christie, like a big idiot,... [guessing he means for others to see him more down to earth, he thinks he's a god, last time i checked you've only won 1 HoH and a 5 person whactivity - rms] Holly hopes she gets a letter from her parents. At the upper ranch, no e-mail or phone. They only have communication when they come down to the city a occasionally, during the summer.
  6. 10:00PM BBT KT Michie is cutting up the watermelon giving his expert opinions on them. When he finishes he pounds down a lot of them, then over to scooping peanut butter out of the jar with a knife straight into his mouth couple of slices of pb. They all discuss the comp and some didn't know they could grab the ropes but most said that might not of given them much extra time. Michie into the fridge to get his open fridge time and later yelled he didn't know how old the onion rings were but he ate one anyway. WA Kat in shower talking to Jess standing outside of it about comp. It was insane that he stayed up there for over an hour. Kat felt better when it was Holly and Sis because they won't come after them. Jess woke up today with sore fingers after her massage. She (Holly or Sis) realizing this was gonna be a rough week. KT Jack prepping steak Christie chopping something up and the rest picking goo out of places. Tommy pulled pizza out of oven. Michie finishing off the watermelon and gonna cut another. WA Kat and Sis. Sis talks about the comp and wanting Holly to drop and Holly was saying she wanted to but Michie was saying No, don't drop. Sis emphasizes they are not he same team and Sis says she kept talking about how much she wanted the HoH, ... [Sis, why shouldn't Holly get to see her family, you and Jack already had a week in HoH - rms] Kat things next week will be the double elimination. Christie said that earlier according to updates. CBR Jess, Nicole they discussed someone saying sh*ty and Nicole says it was her. Jess claims she didn't know it was a bad word. Then both left and were glad thee wasn't a rogue vote. 10:20PM BBT KT people are eating, we get multiple shots showing Sis does not know how to close her mouth when she chews. Christie compliments Jack on the steak as she moves in and out of open mouth chewing and talking while eating. She even says, "Oh, I'm on a tear, as i spit across the table" Back to chewing with mouth open. Michie cutting up another watermelon. WA Holly in bathroom, Christie comes in, Michie comes in and feeds her some melon over the shower door, feeds christie couple of pieces and she leaves. Michie says something about red hair and Holly says she wanted pink hair once. Michie says "you look hot" [think that's what he believes is a cure all for his bad treatment of her - rms] 10:28PM BBT LR Kat, Sam Kat says, "you know what they say about 3rd place, 2nd place loser" "Literally though, i just made that up" Sam says, "that's pretty good though, that's pretty good" Sam sits thinking. Kat says "sorry about Bella" Sam hopes they both make it to Jury (he and nick). Sam says he doesn't really have a campaign so he doesn't get nom'd except wanting to go to jury. Kat says she thinks everyone is afraid of the double eviction. Sam says if they (he and nick) made it to jury, they would be together and it wouldn't be boring. Kat thinks they are due for some twist. Sam wonders what Bella is doing now. Kat laughs and says BoB had her say, "Look who's conspiring now, b*tch" and she's afraid of when they will use it. She said it wasn't for any one specific person. WA Sis, Holly talking about comps 10:35 PM BBT LR Kat, Sam Kat still trying to say things move so fast in the house that it may be other people that become targets. Her goggles gave her a headache because she didn't want them blown off her face.
  7. Nicole is telling Jess that it has been said they already have Nicole. She is trying to figure out who is saying Bella already has Nicole. She thinks Bella said, I already have Nicole, I only need you 2. They are trying to figure out where i fall. Because everyone is so f'n interested in what she is doing. Michie spoke to Nicole so late last night asking her how she felt (about the vote). (In background, Cliff is leaving dressed to go to the DR) 11:23PM BBT HN Christie, Bella, Kat Bella campaigning. 11:28PM BBT TBR Jack, Michie, Tommy, Sis Michie telling Jack what Bella campaigned with Tommy listening. She wants to give everyone a fair shot. She doesn't even care about winning. Michie says i'd rather lose to Jack than anyone else. Michie says he sure doesn't have Holly's vote. He says Nicole has to go. She knows her time is limited so she may as well make some moves. Tommy asked how he knows this. Michie says this stays here. Bella said that she has talked to Nicole that if they want to go through with it, give a code word to Nicole to let her know it's on. He even tells the code word, Blueberry pancakes. She says she can get 5 if she gets Michie and Holly. Michie says if Nicole works with us, she goes before cliff and cat, if she works against us she will go after nick and sam. Michie thinks it was a huge slap in their face after they saved her. He continues and ays out more of her pitch. He says he isn't budging until they get to 6. He wasn't budging on the 8 until he saw nick and bella doing stuff. Cliff and Kat and then our 6. Tommy thinks she is trying to create paranoia like she may have the votes. [well, she took her shot, good for her. doubt Kat/Jess/Nicole/cliff will come through - rms] 11:40PM BBT Bella, Nicole THL Bella trying to explain what she said about the codeword. Nicole is wondering what if they tell me and they don't vote so it comes back 3. Bella describes possible HoH comps like wall comp that should be coming and you have a good chance at that and you still have Jess. Sam and Nick will be here gunning to win HoH. Bella thinks at this point its a good point to take the leap. She said you told Sam you were gonna take big moves. Tommy came up and Bella left. Nicole said she wants to be on the same page. 11:43PM BBT HN Jess, Kat, Christie Christie says her campaign isn't flipping her vote. Jess says morally she can't do it. Christie says Jack knows she made a deal and its 2 weeks. He doesn't realize she plans to work with Cliff further. Jack was trying to bring him in but she pushed back. Christie says she wasn't gonna work with Jack to sell that plan. She knows Cliff will work to get rid of Jack and Michie and she plans to work with him on that. [someone really sold some morality push against Bells, likely Christie - rms] Christie claims Sam said he would put Jess up. [thanks for saving me Orwell! gn - rms]
  8. 11:00PM BBT back to Bella campaigning to to Nicole/Jess. Lines exist, there are people who work together. 11:04PM BBT HoH Jack, Cliff says they just wanted assurance that Cliff would vote Jack if he was gone(?) Cliff says even though we've had our you know, obviously i went after you, i'm ready to just go ahead and jump and be done with them and get in with y'all. Jack says, and move forward with us and i'm excited to work with you moving forward. Cliff says, i'm happy, you know, it was never because of any love for them, it was just the way the numbers were going trying to find a spot to land. We talked, Jess, Kat, Nicole and I and we all basically said look, no-one wants to hang anyone out to dry voting different ways. We all decided we feel much more comfortable going with y'all and doing some of that. I don't know what they are doing. I will also say and I mentioned it before they are worried there will be some rogue vote cast and it's gonna catch them. Keep that in mind don't become too cocky like y'all know it's gonna happen that way. Jack says he is gonna wait to campaign tomorrow. He's been in the HoH seat. Jack says he isn't gonna do any crazy game and he hasn't lied to anyone. He wants to play an honest game, continue to do well in PoVs when anyone needs me and I show up. That's the game i play. Cliff says here's the latest. Nick's gonna play nice and cool so he doesn't blow Bella's chances but if she goes out, he's gonna blow the game up. Cliff says he has made his decision to jump on board with y'all. He isn't going back and forth on this. He doesn't know what wacky plans they have but he doesn't see it happening. Cliff says he's basically telling everyone it's out of his hands. He's not gonna be changing anything. [come'on Cliff, #8 of 8, really? hope you want more than that - rms] 11:09PM BBT THL Jess and Nicole (Hear Michie in background talking loud) Jess asks if he (Cliff) wanted to talk. Nicole says i think so, should we go in or wait. Nicole says he looked at me and went. So she doesn't know if he wants us in there or in here. So this is my argument that you talked me out of last night and we all got talked out of this morning, back I see where they are coming from. Jess says, of course, of course, . Nicole says even if you and I are on the same page, I don't know if Kat will be. 11:15PM BBT KT Tommy and Bella on couch. Bella campaigning with Tommy. When Bella says, I respect your decision, I love you, it's short and sweet. I kind of chopped it off but, Tommy says, that's great. She repeats, I love You, Tommy says I love you so much [in an almost monotone voice as he doesn't smile and looks away as he starts to say it. As I said before, they have no idea what the word means - rms] She recaps again she wants to listen to people who trusts here, let things happen organically, ... Tommy says i am not gonna say either way what i am gonna do but if i do have to vote to evict you , i am sure this goes without being said but me and you are close like i am obsessed with you. Bella says you don't owe me any explanation either way. Tommy says no, i know, but i just want to say that like i'm obsessed with you and you are my friend for life no matter what. 11:20PM BBT THL Jess and Nicole talking to Cliff Nicole, That's how we will put it, right, we are currently looking at both options. Jess, Bella makes an insanely good point, I hate to say it. Cliff says, what is she talking about doing? Jess, She isn't even campaigning against him she's making valid points on why she's. Cliff says we will talk about it later, I have to go to the DR.
  9. 10:33PM BBT TBR Tommy, Jack, Christie Jack says, I f'n hate you, then says i'm practicing. christie starts to say i'm not gonna fake fight with anyone Sis comes in. Tommy says maybe we make splits in the 6. Tommy says maybe split up so instead of making us stronger (8) make us weaker. Christie says, he's not dumb. She recaps for Sis their discussion about Cliff. She says he really wants to work with us. They agree, but we don't need to solidify an 8 with him.They go back to the faking splits, drift. They discuss if nick or sam are up and Jess was HoH would she backdoor one of us, yes. Tommy said he told Cliff he took Orwell. They laugh. 10:42PM BBT THL Nick, Sam Nicole in the background while Bella talking to Jess still sounds like some of the end of the conversation she had with Holly and Michie. 10:44PM BBT TBR Tommy, Holly, Sis, Michie, Christie Tommy recapping with Michie what they discussed. Christie leaves to go to bed. 10:45PM BBT THL Nick, Sam in the background while Bella talking to Jess still. Nicole is listening in. Bella was apologizing about the Black Widow thing with Jess. She says she is owning up to how she was and the mistakes just like before. Nick comes over. Christie shows up and says goodnight, then leaves. Nicole's question to Bella is, what is your plan going forward. If you win HoH are you gonna f' us over. She starts to try to do her campaign speech again with Nicole. More of the earlier discussion about listening more,... 10:54PM BBT TBR Tommy, Holly, Sis, Sam Sam says he's so nervous. Tommy says he loves this humor so much (holly's) she is glad someone gets it. Tommy says, sam that's stupid. Sam says i consider you to be separate (from nickella) and like with the house. Sam says I think nick and bella buried me. He says Jess, Nicole don't have a target, nick's may be bigger than mine. Sam says, sorry if i become an annoying fly at the BBQ. They laugh. Sam says it's gonna suck so bad. Holly says, not gonna suck for us, ... Sam says well good, as long as people aren't Kemi'ng me. Doesn't want to walk into a room and see a great migration. Holly says, yeah but you win comps. Sam said not this one he was next to worst, Jack was worse. He says he inst gonna start s*t either. He doesn't want to feel like he's the annoying guy. He said Nick said next week he is gonna hang out with Sam all the time, Sam said no you aren't. Sam says he doesn't want to ostracize all you guys and when he's gone, Ok, i'm ready to be friends now!
  10. 10:22PM BBT THL Cliff, Bella, Jess, Nick (Nicole, Sam?) others playing games while nick and bella talk on couch. Bella feels like she was at an interview and is waiting. You don't know but you feel like you got it. She took her chance and has no regrets. She feels like she took her chance and at the right time. She wonders if she would've waited til tomorrow. She now is just gonna campaign to other people but she isn't using the same campaign to the other people. She is gonna rely on hoping Michie and Holly come through. She recaps her wrap up with them. [PoPTV Code Word: OVI - rms] 10:28PM BBT THL Bella talking to Jess she is trying to sell Jess she would vote for a girl. She claims she is trying to give all the girls a chance because it fells like Jack is so strong,... 10:29PM BBT TBR Tommy, Jack, Christie Jack says he isn't gonna put up someone he worked with going forward. It shows no honesty or integrity. Christie says She agrees but if I was a smart player which he (Cliff) is because he told her he has been watching since 3 and told everyone else he has been watching since 16, he will say great, sure but he will not take it seriously. He will continue to make..., i'm telling you I know, it's because its what i would do. If someone invites me into an 8 person alliance, as number 8, half way through a game. I would say amazing, great, perfect, but in the back of may head i would say, ok, lets get me through the next 2 weeks, they will keep me safe and then i will take shots at the strongest people of the 8. Jack asks what's your convincing play then? Christie, i don't think you need one, I think we have his back for the next 2 weeks, like we said and then we continue with our solo plan. Jack, so you don't want to bring him into the 8, Christie, he's gonna say yes. If you want to tell him that, that's fine. You can't expect him to sty loyal to it. Tommy, no, no, no, we are talking it out. Jack says, no i never did. the way you are approaching it is like you have a better idea. Christie, no, i don't have a better idea. (Jack says Ok and waves his arm in a grand gesture 2 times then both arms like he won or something?) I just don't think there needs to be an idea. I say leave it at two weeks. Jack says, yes but at least we have him work with us for those 2 weeks. She says he wouldn't touch any of us for the 2 weeks at all. [seems like jack wants Cliff to work aka vote with them, Christie just wants cliff to not touch them but they can't communicate - rms] Christie feels everyone is on the same page that Sam and Nick are next to go. So that's 2 weeks right there, so to treat him like an idiot would insult him. Jack, The only way we prove it to ourselves is by weeks of showing it and how we to grow together. Jack says he isn't gonna put my someone from somewhere up to gain trust from you, I am not gonna do that, but i am definitely gonna show you trust by if you are up on the block in the next couple of weeks or if someone else takes a shot at you i will sacrifice myself to take you down. She says then go for it, whatever you think. [self serving comment, cliff not gaining trust by putting Bella up, instead someone should sacrifice their-self to take jack down aka christie using power - rms] Christie, i support that, if you want to get us all in a room and pitch that to him, i 100% will be there and 100% back it. I am not gonna do that because I would just see that as someone smooth talking me who I know already is the biggest threat in this game, meaning you (Jack). I would immediately ask, ok, so there're six people in this room are you gonna put any of each other up. Now this is me asking, we are down to 8, are you not putting Cliff up first. Jack, f*, i'm putting him up. Christie, that's what i'm saying, he's not an idiot, he doesn't need to you to promise him an 8 person alliance. If i was him and i was approached by you, strong player, I would take that information to the other side of the house, here's a solid 8, now we're gonna take him down. Jack says, so how do we outsmart him. Christie, we get him out without making a promise, we send him out on a double. Tommy asks what if we have fake fights, we start to part ways.
  11. 10:02PM BBT THL Cliff, Nicole, Bella, Jess, Sam playing games. Bella went to talk to cliff but it sounds like Sis is taking shower in HoH. Jack went in to HoH and Cliff said make sure she knows you aren't me! Cliff i splaying backgammon with Jess and Jess did a good move and got really excited. Sam is beating Nicole at Checkers. 10:09PM BBT Kat, Christie, Holly Holly is describing the discussion with Bella but she lies saying Bella believes she can get Nicole and Jess. She also says Cliff will be a tie breaker for her but he will be for us so it doesn't matter. Kat says Her, Cliff and Nicole talked already about it and they are voting Bella. Kat says there can't be any swing votes because Jess and Nicole are afraid it will be blamed on her. They said that's why they aren't giving a definitive answer to try to keep people from throwing a vote in case it swings the vote. Christie asked what her reasons were, she said just that she isn't a threat and hasn't won anything [FINALLY, leaving the important stuff out talking to Christie, maybe a 1% chance they will think this through - rms]
  12. 9:50PM BBT BRL Holly, Michie and Jack Michie says but we got Kat. Kat hates Bella. Michie says he didn't know this was a potential tie breaking week. Jack says if it's a tie, Cliff has our back and will pick Bella. Michie said 'Too evict Bella?" they say yes he says Cool. Michie says she would have to get Nick, Sam, Kat, Jess, and Nicole. Holly says Nicole says she is so overwhelmed, stressed out Michie talks over her and says I can't believe Nicole literally was given an olive branch like this. That is the most unappreciative,disrespectful, are you kidding me. Jack says so we put Nick and Sam up and if one comes down, nicole goes up and you vote the guy out. [They make it sound like they aren't considering it, but wait,... - rms] 9:52Pm BBT CBR Bella is telling Nick the blueberry pancakes code word. 9:53PM BBT BRL Holly, Michie, Jack She's been a savage for ... days so why stop now when you are almost half way out the door. Holly was also talking, Both guys just talk over her all the time. She said, she's not surprised she's trying. Jack says you heard my speech. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Michie says either eat the halibut or save it for me, just don't throw it out. Jack says i appreciate you guys. Michi, "get the f out of here" Holly, "shacking hands and kissing babes" Jack leaves as he and Michie try to quote George Bush 'Fool me once, shame on me, Fool me twice" Michie says "Can't get fooled again" Jack says "Shame on me again" and laughs 9:54PM BBT BRL Michie, Holly Holly says, i feel like we should talk about this later, we shouldn't stay in here mulling it over. Michie says he feels like jack was a bit sketched out, low key but he isn't gonna show it. And Bella made some valid points. Holly says, every single thing that came out of her mouth is a thought that has already been in my head because i know that both of us are in the bottom of the pecking order in that group and i know you and Jack are boys but so are he and Tommy. and we are not even gonna start with Christie. Michie says we're talking about this later i can't do this right now. Holly crawls out of the bed and he says you look hot. 9:55PM BBT CBR Bella, Nick. Nick asked if christie was listening at the door. how do they know you were campaigning? Christie came in there. Bella says she is gonna campaign with the other people, too. Nick says it will become personal if she leaves. He will blow up Christie's game to Nicole before he leaves. She describes the conversation with Holly and Michie. She thinks her arguments are so logical. Nick asks if he she has talked to Cliff. She said she is going to. he also wants Nick to talk to him to make sure Cliff will vote for her to break the tie.
  13. 9:17Pm BBT KT Nicole was called to the DRD. As soon as Bob said, "Nicole" she replied, "Yeah" and she went to the DRD. Jack says that is the his favorite "bug-a-roo" of Nicole's. Before Bob even finishes sayinG Nicole, she says, "Yeah" and they joke about he response being like, Yeah, that's me or Yeah, I'm here. Cliff is having a hot dog. Jess says made her realize that hot dogs are under utilized. Cliff says if he really wants to get fancy, he has 2 cans of Chili, Hot no beans. He will make chili dogs when they get the yard back. Christie says she will toast the buns. He will break one out and some beers and they will have a party. 9:18PM BBT WA Nick, Sam, Bella Bella asks if she should go talk to Holly and Michie now or wait til tomorrow. Sam says now. Make sure you bring'em in last minute no one will know(? brushing his teeth) Sam says i wish I'd go before y'all talk to both the girls(?). But then i could win the next HoH. Nick says we need to in. I talked to Kat and i was sorry about yesterday. She said she understood. He said you gotta do what's best for your situation and win HoH and so do I. [if i understood toothpaste talk - rms] 9:19PM BBT BRL Bella, Holly, Michie Bella said she will make it short and sweet, not really, because i don't know how to o that. Holly says, i will make it long and asshole-ish. Bella said you are the first people she is doin this to so we will work it out. She is gonna explain more about herself and how she played this game. She played more on emotion and reactively than trying to trust in people. She didn't trust anyone and gamed so hard. She was recruited so she didn't start watching until the week before. Michie said before you know it you had 7 or 8 lose ends and tried to eep separate and ... before you know it blew up in your face. Bella agrees it was chaos. Bella says she's jittery and nervous. Michie says, you're all good the your time, these are 2 people you can experiment with , what works what doesn't, what sticks what to change. verbal kisses all around, bunch of affirmations between all of them... Bella said she gamed to hard because she didn't trust anyone and she was trying to be the one creating things and never let the things come to her. If she stays in she is gonna let things come to her. Michie says if you get trigger happy you miss shots and sometimes they ricochet and hit you back. Bella believes the first 3 days really screwed her and since then she has been trying to recover but hasn't been able to. She also never approached people and admitted she was wrong. She is acknowledging it and apologizing. Her 2 main campaign points are Jack is a much bigger target than her. He won first HoH, won the power, 2nd in last HoH. Michie says he is a contender, Bella repeats he is a huge contender. even though he is on your side she knows part of her problem was thinking too far in advance She does think this is something people need to consider. If he is in this house..... .... and a majority. That's all they have wanted this whole time. She is only asking for a tie. She says I do have 2 and she needs to get 5. Since Cliff originally put Jack up it's easy for him to say you were one of my original nominees. She tries the couples approach that the other person in the couple will save each other. Bella shows that Christie almost used her power to save Jack and they are like a showmance. They have a final 2. If you are up against Jack or christie, that will be really really hard. She says Nick (and Sam, then backed off and not Sam) says if Jack makes it to the final 2, then Nick is voting for Jack because he has scammed every one. This is your chance to take a stab at Jack, get him out and you still have the rest of (the alliance). Not pretending it doesn't exist, we can be honest with each other. You guys ( the alliance) or really close. 1) jack would now be out you can literally put me up on the block, if not, Nick won't put you up. You would have a free pass to get your 5 in the jury (into the jury weeks) and still figure it out. If you get Jack out you would get 2 strong men, Sam is a comp beast and Nick is really smart. You get out Jack and you get 3 people, Nick, me and Sam on your side. If for some reason there is a shift, I doubt Sis will turn on you. If you lose Chritise and Tommy, you still have Bella, Sam and nick. You worked so hard to get on this show. Play smarter not harder. Why have to wait until each competition to see. Right here for the Veto, had it been a different comp, it could've been Jack who won. And maybe if you were up someone who wasn't her, you might not have stayed. You're playing an odds card and it's admirable for you to be there for your friend. You go outside of the house and people are like he was loyal but jack wins $500,000. He wins BB. She's not saying she doesn't want to win, she wants to win, but how much Nick and Sam have done for me and are there for me. I just want to make it so that this game for anyone seems fair. Because if Jack is still here, the six of you are still here, you'll take out Sam, Nick, Cliff, Nicole and then what, you 2 are on the bottom of the 6 totem pole. You are good with Sis, Tommy and Christie but are you as tight with them as Jack is. He has a relationship with each of the 4. Looking at the numbers, Me, Nick, Sam wouldn't have the numbers to do anything crazy. I have told you guys from day 1 I trust you guys more than Jack, they agree, she says she is volunteering for them to put her up if they win and don't want to make cry moves or waves. As long is Jack is gone, at least the gas is fair for nick and sam. They will be so grateful for them letting her stay 1 more week and for Jack to be gone. Jack being gone this early is still great for your game. You can work with Nick and Sam. To me (Bella), it sounds like you get a better deal. Not saying you would hide behind Jack as he is a bigger target but you gain more targets (for the others; Nick, Sam, Bella) If she can get just one more person. You can blame 2 people for having voted that way. If it did come out they can't be mad because they still need the numbers. You would be in Sam's good graces. I hate to bring Sam into it but he has my back because they know they are going up on the block. Or, it will be you with Jack. Has he really been that loyal to you that if it was you and Christie on the block, would he vote out Christie? If jack had won that veto, would Christie even bring up using that power? .... ... I know you don't want to be dis-loyal but where are his loyalties. He can't take you all to the end. Christie has said she won't go to the end with showmances. Bella reiterates the wins Jack had. Chances he will win more stuff is extremely high. Once you have the bottom feeders out, you don't have the numbers any more. Nick and Sam know they will be up next week if they don't win HoH. If they do, and Jack is still here, they will be taking shots, so it may be Jack and Jackson up again next week and what is the chances of you winning PoV 2 weeks in a row. Christie pokes her head in to offer Michie some slop pancakes . [hope someone was watching the door for Bella - rms] She wraps up. They say they want to chew it and digest on it some but she makes good points. and says she will be talking to everyone so it won't be obvious who. She's gonna do doubles. If they want to talk some more, you don't even have to tell her. If you do, let Nicole know, she could be her third. If she hears it from you she can know it's real. You can proceed however you want. Bella feels bad for dropping her name. Holly says she knows nicole was on the fence. Bella says, she knew her time is limited so she will make big moves anyway. Even if you just have Nicole they may think Kat and Jess were the other two. 9:46Pm BBT Bella will tell Nicole side that she is campaigning. Bella says she will volunteer to go up if she is here. She doesn't care to make it to Jury. She doesn't care if she goes out next week if she can also take out Jack. If he makes it to Jury, and you are up against Christie. They joke about having a code word. If someone comes up to Nicole and says blueberry pancakes, then know they are for real and listen to them. Michie says it's his safe word. Holly says, it is and it's gross.
  14. Cliff says he said it before he loves the BB experience that he gets to interact with so many different people like y'all. So many different parts of this country and everything that i would never of ever had exposure to in a million years if i had stayed in Texas doing my stuff. Jack adds, And an exposure like this unadulterated, uninterrupted, not a single cell phone, not a single television. Jess jokes She might not be able to remember how to turn the phone on. Cliff says he will be hesitant. he will turn on his phone to call his family and kids but he will be hesitant to check emails and go online until he has gone home and hug his wife and kids and gotten his life on some kind of level and then gradually start checking. Jack says he will hire someone. He said he has needed to hire an assistant for a while to organize everything. He has needed it for his job. Sam says he can't wait to turn on his phone and watch when all the messages etc go crazy coming in. Jack says he didn't get a chance to turn off his phone service so he's paying $230 a month still. Jack did move all his stuff into a storage facility and out of his apt. He put a security deposit on a home to rent in downtown Tampa with 2 roommates who move in Aug 10th and he will pay $600 a month while he's not in there. Sam asked if Jack goes to a CrossFit gym. Jack says he does his own program. He became a coach for a while... KT Holly, Tommy Holly is talking about trying to apologize to Michie. She said to Michie can talk later after you've had a steak. Tommy, Christie Christie says if you are concerned at all, you could,.. Tommy asks, do you feel like you have answers now or now? She says no, Tommy, asked, but you will? Christie says her friend (Bob) sent an e-mail. Bob says you are not to talk about your DR with other houseguests. Christie says, "You Like f' that, honestly, like f' that because this is much more serious than what i don't give a shit about." Tommy, "Great, no but that clears up, thanks" Bob says "Sorry" They both say that's-alright, Me too,... I'm sorry i am trying to be like a good person... [obviously about something likely personal outside of the house - rms] {PopTV code word - Backdoor - rms - don't try backdooring me , that's just the damn word! gn orwell! - rms]
  15. 11:18PM BBT BY Cliff, Christie, Tommy, Jess They talked about sleeping in the HN room and a spat between Kat and Jackson. They talk about being have nots. They don't mind the cold showers and sleeping arrangement but miss food. Cliff is glad they were on it because they were having fun with it and experimented so the next people will be able to get advice. Cliff says when he was in Angola he found out that when settlers were being forced to leave they poured cement down all the plumbing fixtures and drainpipes in all the houses in the 70s. 30 years later most of the people don't have indoor plumbing still. He is worried that as they keep using the restroom and pouring slop down the drains, it may clog up the plumbing. They said it looked like Holly's burgers were better. Jackson at 6 of the 7 cookies that were left today. He will eat it all but won't make anything. Christie chewed him out so he made slop nuggets today. 11:26PM BBT BY Jess, Jack, Cliff. Jess says. "Twists turns" Jack says he was surprised they gave out powers so early. Cliff says Jack's power was sucky. Jack pointed out it would've been good if he could've saved it until much later in the game. Cliff says, i guess we will never know the first power. Jack says, yep i guess not. Cliff thought when he was up there he figured something else was gonna happen, can i not have one ceremony without something happening. Jess still has no idea who had the power, she thought maybe Bella had it. Jack says its incredible how your picks and your decisions can affect your future. Jess says that is how you know that whatever Bella did was so bad that everyone wants her out. Jess kept talking about no one wanting her around and finally Cliff said on her behalf, she was a recruit and probably didn't know this game nearly as much as other people do. She probably saw enough episodes when people where sneaky and devious enough to think that was the way to go forward. Jack agrees, when you crunch the game and you watch the game, you can almost think it works in that kind of fluidity but then you spend 2 weeks in the house you realize it's a longer game. Jack says he gamed too hard the first few days and some people told him to chill, you are gaming too hard. He says it's where Sam kind of is now. Jess says she likes her as a person but she's too bored so she felt like she needed to make it more exciting. Maybe she overplayed and got people upset. Jack says she ruffled a whole lot of feathers. Cliff says when he's out he will follow up with her as soon as he gets a chance. Whatever happens in the house is different than real life.
  16. 10:53PM BBT BY Jess, Christie Jess says with Kat you need to be careful because she will, i just realized this from her, she will go right over there and say it. Chrisitie says it sucks, sometimes she will bite the hand that feeds her. Christie says i respect that you want to be like that but she has a little childlike like type of thing. Jess says Kat's like if someone is talking about me i want to tell them, i want to clear my name Christie says, tell he that you should hold some things in your pocket, don't react to everything. You can use that in you speech when you are putting someone up. Jess yells to Holly if she has a lot. Jess is waiting to wash. Bob tells Holly to reattach your microphone. They say she's been smelling good all day, Holly says thanks mom. 10:58PM BBT CBR bed Bella, Nick Nick says he wouldn't talk to me so I probably would've put him up, They start joking about making up powers or having Ovi's power. Bella couldn't believe Ovi didn't tell anyone his power. Nick says he told Jack and Jackson at some point. Nick figures out that Ovi couldn't use it because it was only good on initial noms. 11:01PM BBT BY Jess, Christie, Tommy Christie thinks because she has a power that Nick wouldn't put her up. Tommy says Nick put up 3 people and they all are still in the house. Being put up doesn't mean you would go home. Jess says he would probably put up Cliff because he put up Bella. Christie says if Nick pulled a power move and put up Jackson or Jack against Cliff she says she owes cliff her loyalty she doesn't think she could vote against him. It would be tricky. 10:08PM BBT CBR bed Nick, Bella they are realizing group think led to the blowup with Nicole. They think had just one or 2 people been talking with them they may have realized Nicole wasn't lying but the group fed the situation. They also wonder why no one else received any backlash from that situation. They also realize they needed another person to talk to that they both fed each other's bad decisions and hyped each up. They needed the third person to call out the bad play. She is kind of honored they want her out. They through out what it would be like being final 2.
  17. 9:04PM BY Cliff tells Bella she can use his HoH room anytime she needs to have talks with people. 9:05PM BBT Funny moment - KT Jack, Cliff, Nick, Sam, Holly, Sis, Christine Jack has a beetle on his hand and they are looking at it. Sam says some other beetle hears that and it's the sound of love. Nick tries touching it and they say it doesn't like that. They claim it hisses. It flew and they panic, people scurry, Sam shoves Cliff towards it to get past out of its way. Beetle got outside but Christie is freaking out and some others as well are questioning if it is. Holly scares christie and Christie, laughs and says i thought you were my friend. 9:08PM BBT BY Nick, Sam, Bella Sam says she should keep the necklace, that way they have a reason to see each other after this. Nick tells about an his ex before they started dating, he forgot a chain his grandfather had given him this made them stay in touch and then they started dating. Nick says she will be at his house anyway so it won't matter. Sam looks at Bella and says, "are you though" Bella says "I want to if nick doesn't f' me over" sam replies 'what if he moves in with his mom and he gets in a showmance' Nick says, "i am already in a showmance with bella" sam says, "But what if it's a new showmance,.." Bella, that's what i'm worried about, ...sam, no he's f'd now. Sam yells over to apologize to Cliff for shoving him. Says, when other people freak out, ... 9:09PM BBT Girls are saying what they want to do if they win HoH (put 'him' up, not sure who). Christie says she wants a girl to win. It's been girl, guy, guy, guy, ... Jess is running in place punching and Holly does a kick 9:11PM BBT Christie tells Sam, you're cool, I respect your house meeting, Dad. (Sam heads to DR< was called to downstairs one a little bit ago) Michie standing with fridge open, pours milk in his shaker, shakes, tries drink, .. not closing that thing soon,... 9:16PM BBT Wa, Have nots all in there, Christie says Kat is slop chef pro, Kat says Slop Queen. Michie wants more of the stove top meal. Stuff in tupperware in fridge with brown sugar. Kat says she would do some later. Tommy is upset the ice cream won't be ready tonight. All the ice was used for dinner. Christie says she made 2 ice trays in back freezer and she says they will freeze colder because of the salt. Christie asks how everyone feels about the house meeting. Michie says BS. Kat says it just shows he was trying to use her as his nicole or kemi. (can't hear christie because no mic on, thanks BB). Kat didn't care if people heard but I believe christie was saying she should. Tommy says a bit too late, even if you weren't involved in this, you were in all the stuff before. Christie says everyone had their motived for having me to not use it. She said in a round about way that he wanted Jack out and she says he didn't deny it. Michie says he said his piece in full today and they all loudly say yeah you did. Christie says once she heard the plan, you know, i have a brain and anyone with a brain would realize it's BS. Because I have just a basic brain, i would need more than just a hey yeah sure, i would need either a handshake ,swear or bible. Tommy said he died when Christie said that n the meeting (Holly says she was too). Kat says (in her starting to laugh voice), "Wait, did y'all hear me when you were like, when you said the thing about bella going upstairs, (...) I thought she went up there for her medication." Tommy, "that' too funny" Christie said, "Someone literally said Pepto Bismol and i lost it (she snorts and laughs)" [back to their talking garbage about people, the same people they always say the love, so classy - rms] Christie says bunch of stuff whispering/mouthing with no mic on - BoB finally says to put on a mic. 9:36PM BBT THL Jess, Nicole playing backgammon one end. Bella, Nick playing checkers and discussing how they may have messed up their game rehashing the past mistakes. 9:46PM BBT BY Kat, Tommy, Holly, Christie. Christie recaps a plan Nick told to Sis. Nick said he was ready to cut ties with Bella and wanted Christie to save her power. He said he wanted to go with Christie to Cliff to get him to put up Bella. Then he wanted Sis go up to Christie and tell her this plan.. This is similar plan Christie had made with Cliff. SIs was all excited and Christie listened. She waited for him to approach her and wondered if she should go up to him. He ran frantic throughout the day when she hadn't come up to her. Finally, he came to talk to her and Bella talked to her. Christie didn't care because she already had the deal. Apparently, he also told Kat and brought that up in the house meeting and that upset Christie. Tommy said Nick later told him it was 75% fake and 25% real. Tommy says that makes no sense, it's one or the other. He also said the only person he told it to was Kat but Tommy said he didn't think Kat was the one who said it. Tommy says as soon as Sis came up to her int he room Christie knew it was fake. Cliff told Christie the night of HoH that he wouldn't put Christie or Tommy up. Tommy had a convo with Nick, the flame five, he told him that he told everyone about it because his and Christie's name were brought up as votes. They had told jack before. Nick says he didn't tell Sam about it. Christie says, well then maybe Jack told him. Was fake alliance with Nick, Bella, Christie, Tom, Jack. Tommy says he told people about it because Nick was already running his mouth and a sinking ship. Michie and SIs show up. They say it was great when Sis spoke up. She pointed out that Nick told her to go because he it would be sketchy if she did. They whine about how the hammock is lopsided. Michie says it's cattywhampus and Christie jokes with him about it. Sam is there now too. Jack is now as well. They talked about how sam's wife may react to his interactions with the girls in the house. Everyone things he was respectful. They talk some about the other HG's families. They notice Cliff was playing with his rings as he mulled things over before the ceremonies. 10:06PM BBT BY still with more of same convo. Sam wonders why they vacuum and vacuum and still chunks of lint pop out of no where. Michie points out all the sheets, etc where new and cheap and never washed before so that causes a lot. Others point out the product, makeup, other stuff,.. 10:10PM BBT THL Bella, Nick, Nicole They are rehashing things with Nicole. Bella was describing a plan that she says was too big for Nick to have come up on his own and that failed. Nick says you should thank me for not letting you in that room. They were fuming and out for blood. Bella says she was so angry because the Kemi fight had just happened. Nick thought he had Christie at one point when Kemi was up. He apologized for interrogating Nicole as to who she was gonna put up. They were trying to flip the vote. They ask why Nicole wanted to keep Kemi, she said because Kemi would make big moves. Nick approached Tommy and he was iffy and that's when he he wasn't sure he'd do it but was interested. He thought because they were in his alliance he thought he could trust them to not say anything but then Tommy got confronted somehow Jess had found out. 10:35PM BBT BY Christie, Tommy, Sam, Jess talk about getting to do the slip and slide, Jess doesn't understand why they didn't let her dump the boiling water into the hot tub. Tommy says he chipped his tooth doing the slide. 10:38PM BBT WA Jack, Sis, Holly Jack asked if anyone brought up to Holly about Cliff joining the 8 yet? Jack says to Holly, I didn't know if Jackson told her but Cliff brought up the idea of his working with them going forward. Sam comes in and Jack asks what they were talking about outside. general chat about towels,... 10:40PM BBT BY Christie, Jess Christie says everyone knows Jack is a big threat... (missed...) Jess says you have to go with your gut but Nicole was campaigning for Kemi and not Jess. She said she would stay neutral. Then she said nick and bella were why she campaigned for Kemi. Jess gets along with her on a personal level. It's hard for her to believe Nicole. Jess says she tells me she's part of your 7 or whatever group you have. Christie says she told her if Jack stayed on the block against Bella she would not keep Jack. She said my morals tell me, everything in my power to not keep Bella because she's a bully but I don't want to keep Jack because i know i would never stand a chance with like you. Christie says she kept talking about the 6, the 6 and it's literally not like the 6 just because we voted together to get rid of cliff. But it's not, Me and Tommy are free agents, for her to say she's part of us is complete BS. [umm, yes it is and they should all know it. David, Cliff and others spelled it out to them. - rms] Jess says she says it's the 6 and then it's me and Kat. Christie claims she's way closer with Kat and Jess than she is with Nicole and Tommy and her hardly speak. Christie claims at least 3 of the people she is considering don't trust her. Jess asks if Holly said something to her like you can't trust Jess. Christie asks if it's 3 days ago. She may have said be careful how game you talk with Jessica because she can misconstrue things. Nicole tells me things but she leaves things out. Christie says Holly is the type that gets a little threatened when Christie talks to people that aren't like her and sis. She says Holly should know she can't just stay loyal to the 4 of them so Holly is probably threatened by how close she is to you and Kat. 10:49PM BBT BY Christie, Jess If and when I become Hoh, maybe not this week but probably maybe the next week or the week after that. I out of the 4 or out of the 6 I wouldn't have any problem putting her or jackson up. [Jess, did you catch her saying THE 6? - rms] Christie says Jackson and Holly are apparently done. She found out today. Holly was supposedly bugging about it today. Jess says its no secret he treats her like s. Jess says it got me mad because it was in the beginning it was Kat and Michie then Holly came into the picture. Then holly was also treating Kat as toxic and when she was on the block they both told Kat you are bad for our game. Kat was very paranoid.
  18. 11:33PM BBT KT Cliff sighting. He has been in the DR forever! 11:35PM BBT CBR Bella, Nick Bella wants to stay til next week so she can win HoH and do something crazy. Nick says after next week everyone goes to jury. 11:41PM BBT KT Kat is trying to make ice cream putting the liquid concoction in a bag and that in a bag of ice with salt on it and Tommy brings over a coffee can to let them roll it in the can as it freezes. He was going to put the can in a bag so it doesn't leak, but he's decided to wait to see if it leaks first. He sits on the ground and rolls it. Kat pulls ice cream out of the freezer saying we could be eating this but why, when we can do this (roll the can). He says, we just do this for 1 hour. They open it and say it's frozen so they are gonna add more of everything. Cliff watches and giggles. Kat says, "Mensa didn't teach me much but it did teach me how to make ice cream." Cliff says, "WoMensa" and Kat replies, "Wamensa" Cliff says, "Hear me roar" Kat, "We're really good at putting together puzzles and ALMOST really good at changing on a jetski (giggle)" Kat and Tommy sit rolling the can between them. Tommy thinks it will take another 15 mins and it may be like really melted ice cream. Tommy asks if he should just put it in the freezer. What else does he have to do. [Orwell saves me from this, told me to go to bed! Thank you Orwell! -rms]
  19. 11:08PM BBT Christie, Tommy She says he has villain in him. I'm not working with him. I don't like the way he was yelling at me in the HN room. You burned your bridge homeboy. and if i have to i will put holly next to him I will. (thinking Michie) [She eats an olive and smacks and talks with her mouth full. ugh, gross - rms] Kat walks in and says Holly and Michie are F'n. Kat says the couples will pick the other,... Christie fills her in about the conversation with Cliff. Christie says, I'd be lying if I said that i wasn't looking to get to (muffled burp) a final 8 or 7 or 6 with (muffled burp) but (muffled burp) I know that I would be agreeing to take 6th place and I am not. She says she told cliff that she can't speak past the next 2 weeks because that's all her power's good for, but that if he he puts up Bella and gets their blessing to vote her out. She would love to make sure that we have each other's back like 1(Tommy), 2(Christie), 3(Kat), Jess, Cliff, don't know how you guys feel about Nicole, ... She says Kat and Jess she really cares about, Tommy obviously and Cliff if he lets her keep his power,... She repeats all she told the others. Tommy says they were talking about bringing her into the 6 as the 7th but that when it gets down to 7, they won't be working with the couples. He and Christie distance working with the couples. Christie brings up not liking how Michie treats her and you (Kat) too. [note that Kat had mentioned couples when she came in and now it is used by C&T as is "how X treats people" is one of their go to items for anyone with the other always confirming - rms] 11:18PM BBT Bella, Nick Nicole says she will play her best game going forward but she knows she won't beat Jack. So we need to turn her and would be 5-5 and cliff would break the tie. Nick needs to win HoH next week and put up Michie and Holly since Nick would be in Jury anyway. They keep discussing who they would need to put up and if Christie would use her power. Nick hopes he can use that Jack's a beast and Christie wouldn't beat him but he thinks they may have a final 2. Bella thinks they could say if she keeps them, they wouldn't vote her out, ... Nick says if she uses it and Bella goes home, Nick will win HoH and put her up next week. Bella says Sam said that too. 11:27PM BBT TBR Christie, Kat, Tommy still talking about Michie They hope Holly doesn't let Michie drag her down. Christie, "She needs to check him" he's a schemer. Kat doesn't true him. Christie says really nice guys don't treat women the way he does. and he gets heated fast when someone interrupts his story. She has no intention to go to the end with 2 couples. Christie says i would love if you'd be in on it. They hug. It breaks up. Christie hickups couple of times. 11:30PM BBT CBR Bella, Nick. If Bella was Jackson, she would't care how close she is with Jack, she would get him out. Bella says she could say something since she's going up anyway. Nick says that isn't necessarily true. Bella continues that Jackson said he knows Jack is a threat. She recalls the couple of times when he told her that. He supposedly said, Bella, you're good. She wants to point out he would still have the numbers as he's in good with Jess. Nick doesn't want her to bring Nick up. Nick says they said they trust him but not her.
  20. 10:47PM BBT TBR Jack, Tommy, Sis Tommy is still trying to get them to add someone else to their 6. Christie comes in and says Bella is scrambling knowing something is going on. Jack asks if Christie want to bring Kat in as a 7th. She says yes. [ PoPTV code word is Jury] 10:55PM BBT CBR Sis, Nick Nick talks to Sis about how he shouldn't have played so hard. He thinks it was bad he moved into the room where Kemi was as he listened and started to entertain things. He is afraid Michie will put him up if they use the power. 11:03PM BBT CBR Nick and Nicole talking about nick's mistakes and hers in the game. They laugh about poor Sam saying Ho Ho Ho, Nicole's gotta go. Nick says he was made they didn't tell him to vote for Cliff. He didn't care.
  21. 10:14PM BBT TBR Christie, Michie, Jack, Sis Christie is downloading her conversation with Cliff. Cliff had admitted Jack was his target because he is "terrified" of you. She claims he said Jack is the strongest person socially, mentally and physically in this game. Christie says to tone it down and then says she is the same as him but in a girl version. She said Cliff considered putting jack up against Tommy or Christie but he would've felt bad if they went home like happens to pawns sometimes. He thought about backdooring Jack but wanted them the chance to fight. Now he feels it may have been a mistake because Bella keeps digger her a bigger hole. Everyone's fear on that side of the house is how united they voted and they are "the six." She says, that he thinks morals and wanting the bigger evil out is taking a backseat to fear of having no numbers. She claims he regrets doing both of them and is afraid of both coming off the block. Then he supposedly started asking if is there anything he can do to keep her from using her power. She told him she was leaning towards using the power but she didn't want to put the girls in a hard place of feeling like they betrayed him if they didnt vote with him. Then she claims he offered up if he put Bella up, then he wants to be safe for 2 weeks AND she gets to KEEP HER POWER. She also claims he held up his family's picture and said he will hold this to my heart, hand on the bible, look you in the eye, swear on my family and Texas and give you a handshake on it and i won't break my word that i will put up Bella if you talk to Nick with me about it first. [wow, someone needs to go review her and cliff's convo. Why would he have offered up to let her keep her power without prodding? - rms] She repeats a lot of this in bunch of ways. She even supposedly said if you support me, i will use my power to send her out and you can pretend to not know and stay clean. He said no, i do things with integrity and believe in doing things fair. That's why i wouldn't backdoor Jack. She claims that since she earned the power you shouldn't have to use it. [WHAT? isn't that the point of a power, to be USED? - rms] She says he wants to work with strong people, he said, i put them up because i was scared of them and i need numbers it was my only shot but as i lay here with my bum leg and i realize i lost the veto and one of them won and it was a mistake. She says he knows she would use the power and both Michie and Jack would stay. She claims he knows he doesn't have much options. 10:29PM BBT TBR Christie, Tommy, Michie, SIs She continues to sell it. Jack comes in interrupting everyone with a pineapple top on his head acting like the Madagascar character. They ignore him. Christie says we can't put him up the next two weeks and he won't put them up either. He also said he feels more comfortable because he will tell Jess, Nicole, Kat he supports it and they can vote her out. She says he doesn't want her in Jury because she's reckless and mean. She claims Bella came to him week 1 when gr8teful was first formed and told him about an 8 person alliance. If you agree to be a pawn for 5-6 weeks you won't go home because i have pull. He said at that moment he knew he didn't want to work with her. Sis says, "He's really sweet" then she admits to having been really mad at him earlier and saying she wanted to cut his d*ck off [wow, classy, these people are so toxic - rms] He said if one of them hadn't won the veto he would've kept the noms the same. She says he worked me and i worked him. Tommy points out he wasn't the target anyway, nick, bella would've been anyway so he would've been safe anyway. We just save him til last. We still have the numbers. She says come to me Monday and then repeats this family, bibelot, texas pledge. She was up there 1-1/2 hours. She says he's really smart, she respects his game. She claims he want time in the game. Tommy says, he isn't trying to protect anyone else with him? She says, no, he didnt ask for anything. Michie says, "No one else is gonna win 500 grand with hi." Christie says, that's what he said, ... [no way Michie guessed what he said -rms] 10:35PM BBT Christie leaves to take shower. They continue to discuss it. 10:44PM BBT HoH Nick, Sam, Bella Sam says Jack has to go it would be stupid anyone kept him here. Nick says if he couldn't get a fifth vote, sam would have to vote me out. Sam says he would still vote the other way since he is at the bottom doesn't matter. Sam says he feels like he's be judged talking to Cliff. Holly told Sam that you were up there 4 times we've only talked to him once. Nick tells Bella to not stay up here. Because it looks too obvious with them together up there. Sam says if Christie values that power, and she doesn't save it for herself, Sam would put them up together to get rid of it. Sam says if she doesn't use her power and sticks to her guns then she is working with our side. If she uses it, then the line is drawn. Sam's concerned Christie will claim people bullied her into using the power if people keep going to her.
  22. 9:39PM BBT CBR Nicole, Tommy, Jess Jess is putting green makeup on Tommy and Nicole and everyone is waiting just outside. 9:41PM BBT The aliens are coming out to the Space Odyssey 2001 music sung by the HGs. Cliff starts his show with commentary, puts on his Helmet and flag. Carrying Orville with his own helmet. Places the flag and then does the famous quote. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" Then congrats to the astronauts and houston,... They all clap, compliment Orville's helmet. Nick brings up some of what they are doing reminds him of the part in Toy Story (he said 2 but was in first) when the claw comes down and they all say "The Claw, The Claw" Tommy and Nicole are trying to get into the DR together. after a bit, Bob calls them both in.
  23. 9:21PM BBT KT/DT gaggle of all HG and just bunch of chatter 9:29PM BBT CBR Nicole, Tommy Nicole is fashioning some alien antenna for both of them. Tommy is in on it and brought in some aluminum foil. He lets it unroll a LOT. OOPS. They wrap it with foil.
  24. 10:40PM BBT HN Kat joins them and tells Michie if he wants her to sleep with him, he has to go get her. They talk about cuddling, sleeping. Michie gets night terrors but with Holly he looks forward to sleeping. 10:43PM BBT CBR? Sam and Holly Sam says he will be equally hanging out with everyone so if he ever gets super annoying, why is sam walking in, that's why. She says he isn't annoying. He's gonna try to separate his time better and he's playing his own game. He thought talking was gonna help before this happened but i guess not. Holly, that whole thing was played really stupidly on our part, we look like idiots. Sam thinks he looked like an idiot going in there with a santa outfit and saying... Holly says no you look like a nice guy, we looked like assholes. 10:51PM BBT HN Kat is talking with the six shooters less Holly. They talk about their meetings with Cliff. (Sis, Jack and maybe Michie left) Kat says she is confused that Cliff said he wasn't targeting Jackson and Holly but then Jackson is up. They try to say Cliff owes Sam because he took Cliff off the block (long time ago) Tommy tries to sell Sam's a bad guy again to Kat. His meetings, his hanging out with them acting like it's all fine. Kat says she had two meetings, well they excuse that. Christie asks her opinion if she should use her power on other people or save it for herself. Kat thinks you should only use it on yourself, unless it was a final 2 and later on in game. Christie says Jackson keeps saying that he made all these sacrifices like he is the hero for putting himself up as a pawn. Kat says Bella would be after her, maybe Nick. Kat doesn't think anyone would vote Christie out. She says you have your group, Kat, Jess, Nicole. Kat thinks you shouldn't use it because it also exposes your loyalty. [apparently, everyone but you knows her loyalties-rms]
  25. 11:00PM BBT HN Michie, Tommy, Jack, Christie, Sis They start conspiring on how to try to get Sam tied to a bunch of stuff so people would vote him out if they can get him up. Michie asks all of them if any of them has the power, finally Jack admits it. His power last until about final 6. 11:04PM BBT WA Sam, Nick Sam thinks Jack has the other power. Sam thinks something is gonna happen and Jack may stay. Sam thinks they have everybody, who would keep Jack. Sam doesn't think Christie will activate her power. Sam thinks he is ok with the six shooters. He says he had a wake up call with the whole vote thing and it made him look like he was with them so he's gonna start hanging out with everyone. 11:06PM BBT HN room same people, Jack was making excuses for why he didn't tell everyone since it lasted so long. Then they all start speculating about what to do if different people win Veto. Michie throws out what ifs but Jack, Christie shut him down. Tommy explains that he was likely going up whether he volunteered as a pawn or not. Tommy doesn't think if you propose things to Cliff, that he will listen. Tommy again tries to throw Sam under the bus. Says he had 2 over 1 hour long meetings with Cliff. Christie chimes in. [amazing these people don't recognize their tag teaming all the time - rms] 11:16PM BBT Hn Michie claims he saw Cliff come to the end of a walkway and wait for 5 minutes, ... then go back to HoH room. He was gonna go out and try to see if he could hear anything about there. He comes back in and claims he saw Cliff scurry away. Then he goes back out to hear but couldn't hear any words just voices. 11:18PM BBT WA Kat, Holly is trying to make Kat believe she would be well down the list of people before she would be considered for evicting if she works with her side. 11:21PM BBT HN Michie says days of throwing comps are out the window. Michie claims he threw the puzzle comp. Then that he threw the cookie dough away. Christie didn't like that at all. She still laughed. Tommy asked about the rogue vote and Jack pointed at Michie. They talk all about who they may want to put up.



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