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Everything posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. Nicole points out that they got them up early and last time this happened was America's field trip. She is worried. Michie wondered if they are getting videos from home. Nicole says she asked BB if they loved her. Later, Christie and her were in the "RV" room crying and BB said, "Big Brother loves you." 11:26AM BBT Christie thinks people see her as a free agent and doesn’t want people to see that they are working together. She asks where their vote lies if Jess wins Veto and comes down and Cliff goes up. She also wants to know how they, her and Tommy are or how they and her are. Michie avoids answering in his responses.
  2. 10:36AM BBT HG doing ADLs In HoH, Michie talking to Holly WITHOUT HIS MIC ON! Bob already told him to and he is taking his time. Cliff came in to do early campaign. Michie: I am trying to figure out how to play this with Jess. I don't want to tell her she is a pawn. Jess has voiced to me in the past that me, you and Holly have different strengths. He thinks Jess thinks that they are all good. Jess plays with so much emotion that he is nervous with her on the block for a week. He is planning to put up Jess and Christie. He wants Jess to go but is fine if either go to Jury. Cliff says be careful, Jess is very observant. She is smart on these things She already came in and wondered why we have DRs already and we are up early. There is no nominations today on the wall. She is usually up campaigning early. I have never been able to figure out her game. Holly echos the same thoughts. She wonders if they should bring up the men thing. Michie and Cliff both say no because a whole scene would ensue. She is the only one who has voiced a male/female thing. Michie again says he is planning Christie/Jess. 10:49AM BBT Cliff says he has to trust them and that they would break the tie. With both of them not up there to start, it would be risky with so few people left. Michie practices his speech to Jess. He plans to emphasize that upcoming comps may be memory and other mental comps and she is good at them. He is afraid of that and expects the next comp to be mental. He says with BB Comics coming and she is good with photographs based on the HoH comp she won. Holly suggests that a mental comp could be the PoV and she could fight her way off. Cliff warns them that she may ask that Christie is up there again and was as a pawn before, is she there now as a pawn. Michie plans to keep it focused on her and him, not the other player on the block. Michie says this is second time he may have to break a tie. Cliff says with Holly, Nicole and me voting one way, that would be enough. Cliff says to keep using the two of you and both of you to group them. Both of you are good at mental comps so are equals, etc. Cliff says Tommy is pretty down. Cliff doesn't think Tommy realizes they were together (Cliff, Nicole, Holly, Michie). Michie agrees. He says if he wasn't loyal to them, he would have thrown the comp and let Tommy take his shot at you. [Michie still thinks Tommy and Christie would have put up Cliff, but we hear more that they are targeting Michie and Holly. - rms ] Michie thinks he will talk to Christie first. Holly is afraid of her (Jess?) spiraling. She went after me with personal things. Stuff having nothing to do with the game. Nicole isn't nearly as close to Jess as she was before the whole Kat thing. (Jess went after Nicole about the deal Cliff made that didn't include Jess.) Nicole came up. Apparently, Tommy had a dream where Nicole had a head injury. Michie says they are trying to figure out how to play this with Jess. (Holly starts to interrupt him and stops.) [Typically, she tends to do that a bunch and they usually ignore her when it happens. - rms]
  3. 2:37PM BBT Nick and Christie at DT playing backgammon. Michie and Holly in WA doing baby talk. [Gag - rms] Tommy and Cliff in LR. Cliff with unzipped hoodie sharing his chest with the world. They talk about watching the next season and going live on instagram together. Watch BB with Cloff and Tommy.
  4. Nick is practicing his campaign on Nicole. He’s basically going for similar pitch to what Christie did but pointing out she isn’t winning comps. Nicole tells Nick that Jess isn’t putting up girls. Nick plans to use it. Nick says Christie is Jess’ puppetmaster. Nicole says she knows. Nicole tells Nick about Christie and others pretending it was finals week and they were answering questions.
  5. 2:25PM BBT Close up of Orwell watching Cloff watching water boil. Such excitement today! (He’s boiling eggs.) Close up of water dripping off the wooden spoon he’s using. Watching the deer watching Orwell watching Cliff watching water boil and droplets of water falling from the wooden spoon. Getting really exciting now with the added complexity of the Observer effect. How will the animals observing the boiling of the water and the resulting boiled eggs impact the results.
  6. Somehow, Holly never remembers people telling her feeds are 24x7 11:18PM BBT Nicole runs out of the CBR and Tommy says they turned off the lights and a clown was in there with us. Holly tells Michie in HoH that she is worried Nicole may flip the vote. Then she wonders if Tommy should go up next. Says he isn’t as strong of a player as Christie.
  7. 10:44PM BBT Holly is asking a bunch of questions about the feeds again and how much they show the non-game talk stuff. [Yes, Holly, we see it all! - rms] Michie also told an inaccurate account of Steve Mcnair’s death. McNair was determined to have been killed by his girlfriend but the Bobbit like extra he described is not consistent with the coroner’s report.
  8. 8:50PM BBT Clowns in WA scares Tommy. Bb asks them to move towels from in front of WA mirrors. Later, BoB asks for mirror to be cleaned
  9. Cliff, Michie, Christie try to move the KT couch. BoB yells, STOP THAT. They complain, we are just trying to clean to avoid ants. BoB tells them to not move the furniture. They all complain Cliff is gonna go into the DR and talk to them. They were trying to get part of the carpet up to clean it. Christie says if they could at least get a vacuum. Cliff is pushing a mop and bucket around to SR. 11:10PM BBT Watermelon break for Michie and Christie. Michie says, "Watermelon is the best food ever MADE!" [MADE? Do you mean GROWN? - rms] HoHR, dance practice continues. 11:16PM BBT Nicole is asking Jess if Tommy is really mad. Nicole is worried. Christie pokes her head in to check on what product is being used to mop. They ask her. They all say Nicole is fine. People are ok. She is mad they can't take carpet outside, ... Cliff said as soon as PopTV is over, they will put a vacuum in there. Nick called everyone into LR. Then said Holly wants them there. They all start working their way in. Nicole makes a statement to offer up a pie truce. They will also do it over a trash can softly. Jackson says, this is fun. Cliff says, OK, Michie is open target. He says, they only get to do this once, let's have fun with it. Christie says she wants control over it. Tommy want's Christie's option. They don't want it over the carpet. Tommy asks for no mayo. 11:22PM BBT Cliff says, not that we care so much about you guys' feelings. We are tired of cleaning up. Dance/song performance. 11:33PM BBT Nick and Tommy slamming watermelon pieces down. 11:34PM BBT They all line up for a snapchat pic. 11:35PM BBT Nick and Tommy again hammering down watermelon. 11:41PM BBT Nick is taking frozen cookie dough, tearing it apart with his teeth and dropping it from his mouth into the ice cream in his cup. Tommy says that is disgusting. Bob calls Nick to DR. They wrap up the hour with Tommy, Christie, Michie, Cliff in BY talking about past comps and powers. [gn Orwell - rms]
  10. BoB says, Cliff, Nicole, and Jessica, PIE TIME! (Clown Laughs!). He said he didn't care how many pies you make. He just wants to see pies in faces. Nicole says she is gonna make one for everyone! Jackson grabs a can and asks Cliff to grab him a crust. 10:30PM BBT Cliff makes a pie. He warns Nicole. Jess has a pie now. They are all calling out people to come down. Nicole calls them all cowards. Cliff calls out to Tommy, "Come on, attention whore, it's time for your performance." Christie is downstairs asking if she is the only one who isn't a pussy. Cliff calls out to BB telling them they are locking the door. A pie is on the floor. I think Michie threw one down. Nicole gets Christie. She had wrapped up in a towel. Nick is heading down. Holly asks if they will get her after he Vlog. 10:34PM BBT Holly is giving Nick the snapchat glasses. He is heading to SR get Nicole. She gets the back of his head as Cliff gets him directly in the face and finally Nicole blocks Tommy's but it got on the back of her head. [This was pretty good. - rms] Tommy calls them out. Why are 2 of the 3 people with punishments not pied right now. Cliff calls him out, you and me, right now. [Tommy gets cornered and gang attacked. - rms] Tommy runs from Nick. Nick traps him in the KT and jams the pie up on his chest and lower face. He fights with Cliff who then gets him and finally, Nicole gets his back. Nick Says, Tommy, there's Mayo in that. He says, I know I tase it. He starts WRENCHING! He's gonna throw up. Michie is standing there now. Nicole is MAKING MORE! People scatter. Michie is reusing a pie. Nick and Nicole are running out from the SR and they are heading into the WA to get Tommy in the shower. (in the background you hear Michie say ... shower, bro, it's a f'n joke.) Cliff laughs. Holly has Cliff, Nicole and Jess pose for snapchat in the KT by a mess. Now the HG are trying to figure out how they are gonna clean all of this up. They trashed from the SR to DT, KT and WA. 10:50PM BBT They talk about removing the carpet to outside to clean it. BoB says stop that, Cliff and Christie keep going. Cliff says they have to give use some latitude. They say that's much better. They haven't considered that they are just spraying that into the artificial turf. Ant parade, incoming! Michie made one and is adding chocolate sauce on top. He said he is saving this one for Christie. [Bob, tip, you could've just given them cheap paper plates instead of wasting graham cracker crusts and aluminum pie plates. Just sayin' - rms] Michie is waiting outside of the SR door for Nicole or Cliff. Jessica is being called to the DR downstairs. 11:00PM BBT Holly, Tommy, Nick in HOHR practicing dancing for her song.
  11. Followed by putting food up and cleanup. 9:27PM BBT Michie telling Jess he doesn't want the stuff he is doing in there, his decisions, etc to negatively affect Holly's life. Nicole feeds fish. 9:45PM BBT Nick talking to Nicole in KT about if he is just unlucky. Why is he people's targets? 9:50 Christie, Michie, Jess, Cliff talking in BY with Michie about traveling to LA. Whether or not Jess would move to LA. She said No, Chicago is more central. She works in NY, LA and Dallas. Christie talks some about her business. 10:00PM BBT Tommy talking game strategies with Nick and Nicole. Tommy thinks people in the house, through all the seasons, tend to want to be with the strong people instead of targeting them. They talk about a few seasons. 10:08PM BBT Holly asks Nick if he would be a backup dancer with Tommy for a song she made up about people in the house. She has to do the DR first. She is gonna get her snapchat glasses for it. Nick and Tommy play backgammon while they wait. [BoB should get companies like Hasbro to donate games especially Risk! We NEVER completed a game and they have forever! - rms] [PoPTV code: OTEV - rms] 10:16PM BBT More watermelon talk. [Have they ever catered to one person's food request as much as Michie? - rms] 10:22PM BBT BoB tells HG to check the SR. They have a note from PoPTV saying, "If you thought you were getting desert, this is nacho night. No, seriously, this is Nacho night. What can we say, chip happens. Dig in." Chips, guac, beans, cheese, sour cream, salsa, peppers, onions are in the basket. Christie says AND MARGARITAS! Nick yells, NO WAY! They all laugh. They say thank you to pop. Then Jess says, I feel like Pops doesn't even know us. [Ingrate! - rms] Holly, Tommy and Nick are upstairs getting ready for her song.
  12. Holly, Michie and Nicole went to sleep. Tommy pretends to be Zingbot and says, Tommy, Nick's not gay, get over it. Then, Tommy, you're not a top. Then Christie, Tommy, you may have won an HoH and a Veto but you will never win Nick's heart. Jess holds the pan with her 2 eggs in it and says, the captive snow owl. PoPTV offers this up: Sis says, "I'm super athletic so I honestly think I am gonna kill it in competitions." Orwell responds, "Oh, Really? Let's see how fast you can run home, you're booted!" The HG talk she about Glee and the downfall of some of the actors from it. Puck and Finn apparently died. One from a drug overdoes, another from suicide. Glee talk winds down my time here. [Thank you Orwell! - rms]
  13. 10:41PM BBT (As Cliff snores in the TBR, occasional Tommy knuckle cracks) Nick tells Tommy about the fight earlier when Jackson grabbed Tommy and Christie. He claims he never said Christie would throw the comp to him. He said like 4 times she wouldn't throw it but she did say if it came down to me and her, she wouldn't be made if I (? am guessing was something about him winning). This continues a while. More Tommy grooming Nick. [Hey, I figured it out, it's like a band of Gorillas in this house because they groom each other just like that. From a-z-animals.com: "The gorilla is a very sociable animal inhabiting the African wilderness if groups from around 5 to 30 gorillas. The gorilla spends most of its time eating, sleeping and grooming the other gorillas." - rms] 11:22PM BBT HG asleep, except for some continued Fun and games in HoH. In the area outside of the CBR and TBR, Orwell is looking a bit ominous in night vision as he stands guard over the sleeping HG. 11:30PM BBT Tommy bathroom run. [Exciting next 30 minutes I bet - rms] 11:31PM BBT Nicole is called by BoB to make a foul pie and smash it in her own face. Jess gets up, Nick, Cliff, Tommy all head to SR. Wow, giant stacks of pie crusts! Probably 70. Stacks of 20, 13,12(?), 5, 2 and another stack barely visible in back of about 8-10. Likely 1-2 more stacks in the back behind the 5 and 12(?) stacks. There is a Swiffer wet jet box in there as well. Christy shows up. Nick says that you guys should just leave it all night and clean it up in the morning. 11:34PM BBT Nicole slowly leans into it and gets some on her face. She asks if that is good enough. Cliff gets called in. As he come out you see Nicole smash her face into it harder. Michie is talking down from the balcony and they show Holly as well. So they are all there. 11:36PM BBT Cliff just presses it up into his face and smashes it around. Michie then imitates BoB's pie punishment voice really well pretending to call Jessica. Jess says that is why Michie was in the DR for so long the other day. He is doing voice over work for BoB. Jess hasn't been called, yet. Holly and Michie get called out to go put on their microphones. Christie says they will troll her until she is back in bed before they call her. 11:37PM BBT Jess sees Tommy eating some Boar's head (brand) meat and her and Christie head over to eat some. As Jess pulls the bag of meat over towards her, Tommy asks them if they would wash their hand before putting it the bag! He offers to just give them one if they want it, too. [WHAT?!!! Sanitary! Wow, what has happened to this house?! Next they will CLOSE THE FRIDGE! Call me an ambulance when that happens!- rms] Jess is now gonna make an egg. Cliff and Christie are eating Froot Loops.
  14. 10:37PM BBT Michie and Holly in bed in HoHR. Michie says Tommy said a few things that made me think a few things. He was very presumptuous with the veto. Saying that he was gonna use it to take her off. Holly: Yeah. (pause, then whisper.) I'd rather he didn't. Michie: Yeah, which was kind of like. Didn't he say he was gonna consult you first. Also, that kind of tells me that it is us four working together (Michie, Holly, Tommy, Christie). Also, he has no idea about us and Cliff and Nicole. Which is great. Holly: at same time, Yeah, which is great, fantastic. Which also sucks, though. I love Tommy. Michie: You know what you have to remind yourself Holly: $500,000.00 Michie: Yeah, and we were on our own. We have had to scrap. Holly: I know. I know he didn't want that. Michie: I don't ever but regardless, it still happened. Holly: I just looovveeee Tommy soooo much. I want to be loyal to him. We have to be careful of our words. If he is under the assumption that us four are working together, we can't say anything to further that. Michie: And we can't say anything about us knowing where Cliff and Nicole stand. Holly: NO, NOOOOO, Heck No! Michie: We have to be left in the dark. (Holly saying yep, yeah, and yeah fer sure, intermittently through all this. She does that a lot but I have been ignoring it.) And that's why I was saying I'm a likely target to go up even though I think Nicole has it and I don't think I will go up. Holly: (winds down her yeah, yeah fer sures) I am also not gonna pressure or ask Nicole because this might be a power that they have all week and keeping the anonymity is important, I think. Yeah, I feel bad lying to Tommy. Michie: I said Anon-o-minity earlier. It's definitely anonymity but I completely misspoke. 10:40PM BBT Holly: That's ok, at least you're not ugly. [WOW, Way to violate current social norms and feminist positions everywhere by making it about sex and beauty! - rms] Michie: Gee, thanks.
  15. 10:18PM BBT Nick talking with Tommy in TBR. You scared me earlier today. You said it would be dumb if someone put Jackson up. Are you working with Jackson? Tommy said he feels like there is a group forming. Nick: With or without you? Tommy: I feel like I am on the outskirts but that's ok. Nick: Who do you think I have a chance against if she comes down? Tommy: (I believe he points to Cliff) Nick: I don't think Nicole would vote him out. Tommy: It's a toss up. Nick: or Jackson? I think I can beat him. I don't want to go up against you. Tommy: America's prankster, it's not me and it's not Jess. Nick: Wait, why not you? Tommy: Because I wouldn't have put up Christie. Nick: I probably would have put up her or Jess. 10:22PM BBT Cliff comes in and says Christie put the Michie replica man parts in his bed. He hid under her blanket and put a condom on it and put it under her pillow. He hid under the blanket because he wanted to keep it family friendly. He didn't think his wife would appreciate him putting a condom on a replica of another man's c*ck. Cliff says good night to his family, Sharron, Kelly, Daniel and SKD143. [Their initials and I love you. - rms] 10:31PM BBT Holly comes into the HoHR and Michie scares her. She repeats several times, You're SO MEAN!
  16. 9:00PM BBT Holly, Michie, Tommy, Christie in the WA talking about the pie smell. Michie says Holly has an alter ego Keylie. When she gets her key, he turns into a diva. She says the sass is only directed towards him. He said something about she is borrowing his bed. She told him, do you mean the bed I was leaning you in between times I had it. They discuss BB20. What Foutte stood for. They said it was initials of a slogan. Christie said an abbreviation of a saying. Something something til the end. [It is an acronym for “five of us ‘til the end.” - rms] 9:08PM BBT Christie makes a strange noise in the shower and they all laugh. Michie asks if she is ok? She says it is the shower bottle. Then she worries they might clip that and not the context. They speculate about playing the Veto comp. Michie jokes that a prank may be to make them repick. 9:15PM BBT They all try to figure out who is the Prankster. Naming off who people would have put up whom. Tommy said Cliff had him convinced it isn't him. Michie agrees that he doesn't lie. Michie says it could be Nick for entertainment value. Christie thinks it could be Nicole because she came out of the DR crying the second time. She said she can't believe she got emotional about our little table. BoB calls them out for talking about production. Christie says no one else was asked about the table. Holly says she noticed that, too. Christie then claims that if it was an emotional moment then,... (implying she would have been too, and she wasn't.) Eventually, Michie says, Wait, I was asked about the table. Bob repeats, you are not allowed to talk about Production. [BoB should've immediately sent the pie punishment after them! - rms] Prankster talks continue. They start talking about going to bed early at one point. [PoPTV code: JACK - rms] 9:30PM BBT Christie is hoping they all just honor Holly's target. More accusations about what Nick said etc,... 9:36PM BBT Did Holly really sing "Push from the Vag?!" Then they leave singing that and Michie even states the words as a BB Original. Bob says please stop singing. [BoB, please select more mature HGs next time! At least ones who matured past junior high puberty obsessions! - rms] 9:42PM BBT Nick seems to be asking Cliff about who he should choose to play Veto if he gets a HG choice. Cliff says he probably wouldn't take him down unless the house was OK with it. Nick is possessed by the spirit of MicFridgie as he is filling up his water bottle form jug in fridge and it runs out. He leaves the fridge open as he goes and fills the jug up. UGH! 9:47PM BBT Michie says, Nothing, it was just really snug. I had to stretch it out. Sounded like Holly may have tried to relate that comment to pants. 9:48PM BBT More Christie (fake?) crying to Jess in WA. Sniffling etc... More So sick of Nick lying. Publicly calling him out. More accusations. 10:00PM BBT A zit popping festival begins in the TBR. Over the next 15 mins or more Michie begins popping Nick's sits, then Tommy gets involved and Christie comes into play. [These people are SICK! What in the world do they find so fascinating in this? Why do they do this any where and every where? GROSS! - rms]
  17. Some speculation this could just be to move in smaller KT More speculation out there on the audio that may have been played outside the house: from hamsterwatch: ”only Tommy, Cliff, Nicole heard it - Tommy freaked tf out but isn't going to discuss it with anyone except Christie obviously - Cliff said he'll ignore it (a fib imo) and he probably told Nicole to do the same” 1:32PM BBT Flying kitty attack, choke hold and smackdown.
  18. 12:39PM BBT Kitties and Puppies! 1:00PM BBT Kitties and Puppies still. 1:03PM BBT Couple of good kitty chasing his own tail episodes in a row.
  19. 10:55AM BBT Holly talking to Christie in HoHR about noms. Holly claims if the Prankster came up to her, that would be awesome and she would keep it completely under wraps. [Has anything except Tommy/Christie relationship been kept quiet in this blabbing house? - rms] 10:57AM BBT Holly says that they are still a target for being a showmance. Christie says, are people still saying that? I guess my mind is too analytical. [She is the one who said she wouldn’t go to end with a showmance! - rms] Now Christie is trying to justify how going to the end with a showmance can be a positive.
  20. 10:22AM BBT Nick asked how it feels. Cliff came out making goofy clown like sounds. They talked about how different evicted HG would’ve handled a pie in the face. Cliff said Kat licking cream from her face. [Keep it clean, Cliff! - rms] Now they are speculating as to how they can figure out who it is. Everyone is being rotated through the DR. Presumably to tell the prankster they won. Gotta wonder how long they have to figure out their nom.



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