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Everything posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. 8:00PM BBT Giant hand came in and stole the camera from tiny kitten's lair at the RCHS.
  2. 1:45AM BBT WA - Michael - spoke to the live feeders to correct 2 mistakes he made, forgot to give a shoot out to someone as an underrated player and gave name he thought was best alliance name Ballsmashers(?). [He needs to be careful with his bathroom whispering, remember Cliff Hogg's mistake being overheard talking to the cameras-rm] He seemed to be the only one up but then hears Taylor in the KT and jumps up and runs in there. WA - Taylor was gonna head to bed but now is here preparing for bed. She headed to bed in the golf bedroom. 1:53AM BBT DR - Pooch(?) headed from the Have-not room to the DR. Nicole to WC/WA then back to have-not room. Everyone else is laying down. Golf Bedroom - Camera above Taylor moves to show her sleeping and she wakes up saying, "That's so creepy, ok, I'll give you the shot you want" Nicole, Daniel and Terrance all wake up and wonder why. Terrance says he has been trying to get into the DR all day to talk about his floatie. He can't sleep on it and doesn't want to share the butterfly one with Pooch. Golf Room - Taylor again talks to the cameras.
  3. 1:24AM BBT SBR - (They are all whispering in all the rooms and it is hard to follow). Alyssa tells Ameerah that Indy said she likes Monty and saw herself sitting up against him at the end. Indy comes in saying she is so angry that someone said her name and she was going to spit in his food. Earlier one of the girls in this room, I think Alyssa, said she was not going to cook for Joseph(I believe) any more. 1:30AM BBT SBR - Indy continue's ... she rubs her hands - Amareeh says it sounds like she was putting a spell on him. Indy says she doesn't need to do Sh*t, her angels are already working. She is gonna vote all of them out, she doesn't give a f*.. if she blows it all up. [hmm, not sure the angels appreciate the language. - rm]. 1:38AM BBT WA - Michael is going over the order of who won which round in one of the competitions. He continues discussing days, the comps, who won which round, etc.
  4. 12:45AM BBT HOHR - Jasmine, Indy, Ameerah, Daniel, Michael, and Alyssa A lot of important discussion over who they would vote out going forward occurred prior to this time. Consensus in this group is to get Taylor out next week or week after. They discuss letting Taylor win the next HoH and expect her to put up guys they want out. Daniel and Michael pointed out that they can backdoor anyone and vote out anyone they want right now. The girls hadn't thought about this before. Backdooring Joseph became more of an option. If they backdoor him, either Joseph or Pooch would go home. Jasmine looked at a camera and asked America to help her. Apparently, the camera shook back and forth as a NO. They all called it out and laughed. They said they would sleep on it but then kept discussing. Some feel like keeping Joseph would be better for their game even mentioning preferring him in the jury house. They all finally agree to wait and get Nicole's input in the morning, too. 12:55AM BBT HOHR - The group adjourns to sleep on it leaving Jasmine alone talking to herself. 1:00AM BBT SBR Michael, Indy, Alyssa, and Ameerah (she comes and goes) continue the debate over putting up Joseph. Indy(?) kept saying that Joseph(?) kept bringing up 2 of their names (the people in the room, I believe talking about Ameerah and Michael?). Amerah came back in and Indy catches her up on their thinking, If they keep things as is, the guys may not go for HoH but if they backdoor Joseph, they may go for HoH suspecting the girls are gunning for them. 1:20AM BBT WA - Michael is talking to himself about what they should do and how it impacts him. He thinks backdooring Joseph would make Monty mad and he would then possibly end up putting Michael up. He says he wants to work with Ameerah going forward but it means he needs to cut some people she is with out.
  5. 11:42 PM BBT Cody talking to Christmas in HN room. Christmas mentioned, "and that's why my zing was..."
  6. 10:40 PM BBT Cody talking to Dani in PBR. Cody mentioned DR took so long because of Zingbot... STARS!
  7. 4:51 PM BBT The PoV comp was apparently a maze where they had to find some stuffed animals. One was a Unicorn. Day said she used the awning to help her find her way.
  8. 6:32 PM BBT Tyler won, Tyler and Memphis in Love lounge. Memphis is not happy Dani didn’t throw the comp
  9. 3:32 PM BBT Puppies sleeping. 3:34 PM BBT Switched to kitties as the black one with white paws nearly escaped.
  10. 7:51 PM BBT live feed 1 David talking to Cody in PBR said “she literally referenced Uncle Tom”. I followed the game plan. Feeds cut away. Feeds jumped to Memphis and Day in KT talking about chicken that was made for a competition and then back to David. They started talking about fried chicken. Had they ever made it. It doesn’t look to hard.
  11. 7:38 PM BBT Memphis, Cody, Tyler, Enzo, Christmas in LR talking about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and a lot of football players from other teams. Baker Mayfield and other QBs. Tom Brady moving to TB. Jameis Winston throwing a lot of TDs and interceptions. Hot takes on other players.
  12. 8:26 PM BBT still animals and even they are tired of the lack of feeds and are going to sleep.
  13. 0:46 AM BBT Kevin and Day are in the WA. Doing their daily activities. 0:54 AM BBT Ian and Dani are in the backyard discussing strategy. [I have to go to sleep but this would be good for someone to review. - rms]
  14. 12:08 AM BBT KITTY ESCAPE?! Yes, one climbed up to the top out of the camera view. Unfortunately, I looked away and it was back in. I am not sure if it was placed back in or hit the cloth cover or a grated top and fell back in or if someone put it back. The live feed changed. Hmmm, seems familiar.
  15. 11:50 PM BBT Kitties still working on the escape plan. Well, I guess now, it's grooming time.
  16. 1:25 AM BBT aka kennel time. There has been a report of a near escape. One of the cats has now figured out how to climb the fence. They also know they can use the cloth draped over the area to help climb as well. One is posted as a lookout for when the camera light turns on. Known accomplices: 1) Cone of Shame dog. He is acting as a distraction using pity. 2) standing and barking dog. He employs noise and elevation as his means of distraction and disorientation. 2:00AM BBT FEEDS Are back
  17. 1:00 AM BBT -- still animals. 1:12 AM BBT one cat has managed to get under the cat bed and the others are trying to get him out.



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