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Everything posted by SometimesITeach

  1. 3:15 AM BBT Ameerah, Nicole, and Daniel are in the Space Age Bedroom talking about how much Joseph eats (4 protein shakes a day) Ameerah says she thinks he's on steroids because he's so solid (all muscle) Nicole says she knows he's not because she asked him and because his back doesn't have acne and his face looks good. They agree she's probably correct. Daniel says he really wants to play in the veto. Ameerah says she's probably getting a lot of airtime because she plays in all the comps and because shes coming in 2nd so frequently. 3:21 AM BBT in the HOH room Turner, Joseph, Monte, and Kyle discuss how the house may have found out about the Oasis. "After the show we're going to find out so much we didn't know about everyone. Learn about a lot of conversations." They are trying to figure out what the house flipped. Kyle notes a conversation shift with Ameerah who went from sharing a lot to suddenly saying she doesn't know or hadn't heard. Joseph says Indy tried telling them a boy told her but they knew it had to be Ameerah because she was the only one who knew. Prior to that comment, the guys had no idea the girls were so close. Monte says a lesson to be learned is to not throw names out, you can't talk game or trust people outside their alliance. Joseph (laying shirtless on the HOH bed alone with a blanket wrapped around his waist) says if a female is going to win, Nicole and Ameerah are the front runners. Monte responds they (the guys) need to start making big moves Joseph is sharing the conversation (saying to not repeat this) that after Turner won HOH Ameerah ran to the bathroom, cried and threw up. He says its because she turns the house and once Turner won HOH she'd be found out. They believe Ameerah is ruthless and would lie to their faces without a problem. Joseph says he tested a theory - everytime he spoke to Brittany prior to Pooch's eviction, Ameerah would run to talk to her. Joseph says Pooch had only confided in Ameerah. He quotes her and says, "and I quote I swear to God, 'I'm going home'" Turner says he may have to back door her and all the guys crack up. 3:31 BBT Joseph belives Ameerah took the opprotunity to flip the house against Pooch. The guys agree she was the one to flip the house. She gets nervous whenever anyone bring up Pooch going home and she says, "yeah it's just a game." Joseph says when Pooch tried to make an alliance with Ameerah, Indy came up to him and Monte and threatned them if they tried to go after her. They guys decide that was a crack in her armor and now she's back "calm, cool, and collected." Joseph says he knew from day one Ameerah was a smart girl. He says he only trusts the three guys he's sitting with right now (Monte, Kyle, and Turner) 3:36 AM BBT Joseph believes Jasmine took a shot at the guys so early in the game but Ameerah was holding that gun, not Jasmine (the guys agree) 3:39 AM BBT Josephs tells Kyle anything he says to Alyssa is being repeated back. Monte says they need to make sure they win HOH's. The guys agree this is the best conversation they'd had in the game. Alyssa isn't to be trusted, she'll run back Kyle says Alyssa was always super transparent until he asked about the girls alliance earlier in the week (he called her over while he was in the shower) and she said, "oh no, that was set up by Paloma the first week" Kyle says, they'd been drinking, Jasmine said, "Kyle I need to ask you something..." and Ameerah shut it down by sayind it wasn't a good idea or a good time. Joseph tells the guys to watch Ameerah's face when Joseph gives her a signal that she's being too obvious about who she's targeting. He laughs because she says Josephs always watching her. 3:44 AM BBT Monte says the only difference between them and the girls is that last week the girls had an army, they had every girl. 4:35 AM BBT Daniel, Nicole, and Ameerah are asleep (or trying to fall asleep) in the Space Age Room Joseph, Kyle, Monte, and Turner are still in the HOH room Monte says Michael and Brittany is a whole different conversation. Joseph says MIchael trusts "us three" (joseph, Kyle, and Monte) Brittany is trying to get in with the girls but Ameerah made Brittany cry. Ameerah said she made Brittany cry but didn't mean to and started laughing. Joseph says the only thing Ameerah could have made Brittany cry about was swinging the Pooch vote. He compares Ameerah to a dragon. Kyle warns Joseph that Ameerah is smart enough to notice Joseph always paying attention to her and who she is talking to.
  2. 6:44 BBT Turner, Michael, and Brittney in the HOH room. Brittney asks Turner who he would like them to choose for houseguest choice in the veto comp. Turner says Monte and Joseph. Turner says he'd prefer they win the veto. Brittney feels very comfortable that they are the pawns and will be removed from the block.
  3. Has anyone heard anything about her since she left? I haven't seen her do any interviews or SM updates. Leads me to believe she might have checked into a mental health facility. (Am I allowed to speculate on that on this board? If not, I apologize and please feel free to delete this.)
  4. i select cody as my HG Token for the Morty's TV Big Brother USA Season 22 All-Stars Monopoly Game. he's going to win as a part of a power couple...i just know it.
  5. 10:37 am BBT: sam in kt cutting cantaloupe melons. Haleigh getting coffee. Fessy in bed in pbr then walks through kitchen. Sam tells Fessy whatever is on his neck looks like a massive Hickey. Fessy heads to br to wash it off.
  6. 9:19am BBT: hoh room has lights on. Fessy alone in bed. Looks like he fell asleep staring at his family picture.
  7. 10:52 am BBT: Kaycee and Fessy in hoh room. Fessy in tub. Talking about loyalty in the game. Fessy wants the house unified in their vote so next week the vote is easy as well. Kaycee says she understands he must be upset because people were lying to his face. Sam and Brett in the joined bedroom. Sam is cleaning around jc who is still sleeping. Talking about music.
  8. 10:17 am BBT: WBRB 10:27 BBT 2 cameras on Kaycee in bathroom. ADLs Other cameras in hoh room - no movement.
  9. 8:43 am BBT: Lights off, all hgs still in bed. Scottie and haleigh in hoh bed.
  10. 7:17 pm BBT: Rockstar in pbr and Kaycee in bbr with the wall open. Rockstar giving Kaycee advice for packing. Rockstar packs early so she can walk around house to look for her items she didn't know were missing. She also packs something comfortable (flip flops) because she isn't sure where they go after they leave the house. Kaycee keeps saying "okay, thanks. Oh, yeah?" All other hgs in kitchen - some eating the sauce with meatballs and beef hotdogs that JC made. 7:23 pm BBT: fessy in (narrow room with the weird yellow wall that they write things on with the couches along every wall... whatever that room is called) alone doing ab exercises on the floor and squats. JC in kitchen, just put away leftovers. Angela sweeping the kt floor. Rockstar and sam in hoh room. Sam in the shower as Rockstar paces complaining that Tyler was busy all day and when she confronted him he said he was doing one-on-ones all day. Sam asks why that's a big deal and Rockstar lists the people he talked to (Kaycee, Angela...) Says Tyler is campaigning for "her" (Kaycee) to stay. Sam says she didn't know that.
  11. 6:31 pm BBT: Rockstar packing her clothes in the pbr while haleigh and Sam watch/chat/pick out clothing of hers to borrow to wear tomorrow night. Fessy laying on bed behind haleigh.
  12. 9:15 am BBT: lights still off. No cameras in hoh, all hgs asleep. Fessy sleeping alone.
  13. 11:55 BBT: Haleigh and Scottie in hoh laying in bed discussing next week. “Let’s win hoh then...”
  14. 9:03 bbt: feeds are back B.B. alerts houseguests to fresh batteries in SR. Looks like Fessy has moved to a bed in the pbr



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