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Everything posted by SometimesITeach

  1. 8:04 am BBT: all hgs still sleeping. Fessy and haleigh sleeping in hoh room.
  2. 4:20am bbt: Sam in kitchen cleaning coffe pot and setting it up for the morning. She gets out a large pot and a strainer. Puts them together on the counter. Goes into the bathroom brushes her teeth and washes her hands.
  3. (Not sure where to put this update! Sorry!!!) 3:22am BBT: Haleigh and Fessy in hoh bed, both under covers. Haleigh says she doesn’t want rockstar to go. Talking stops. They both breathe heavily. She says, “everything you do, I want you to think, “ what if Haleigh’s dad were here. Because hypothetically that could be happening right now. “ She asks for a back rub and he complains he can’t with her “contraption” on. She tells him it’s bayleighs sports bra and it’s comfortable. He asks if she has a more comfortable shirt to change into. All feeds switch to BY on Sam doing an arts and crafts project. 3:37 am BBT: Cams go back to hoh room. Fessy tells Haleigh it makes him uncomfortable when Haleigh and rockstar tell Scottie everything because he’s not technically in their alliance. Haleigh tells Fessy he’s the worst snuggler ever. He says his favorite time to snuggle is... she says, “it’s really cold?” He agrees and says and... they kiss. She says they’re r going to snuggle and go to sleep. She turns away and says she’s going to sleep unless they snuggle even though she’s not tired. 3:44 BBT: he rubs her back with one hand he tells her he can do a lot with one hand. Haleigh asks if Fessy makes sexual jokes outside of the house. He says he doesn’t even do it in the house. Haleigh says he does it all the time and she’s going to start pointing it out to him.
  4. 8:17 BBT Haleigh reveals she had her boobs done when she was 16(????? Did I hear that right?!) and that she’s still paying them off. Her head is on Scottie’s chest as he plays with her hair. Fessy sits on the couch in the hoh room listening to music mouthing along.
  5. 8:12 BBT: fessy to rockstar - are you 100% sure on Sam? rockstar responds she is but she wants jc as well. Rockstar and Haleigh complain the show will suck without them and “they” [production/audience?] need to give them some powers. [hacker last week wasn’t enough, hales?]
  6. 7:37 BBT: rockstar shares how she met Chris McAllister. Says they’ve been good friends for many years since they met. Has a picture from this past winter while she’s pregnant hugging him at a party. It’s the picture she sent in to Big Brother. All feeds go to BY.
  7. 7:27 BBT: hoh room with hayleigh Scottie and rockstar in bed. Rockstar imagines a scenario that the hacker does not have it out for her but actually “thinks I’m kinda cute.” rockstar wonders aloud what it would be like for Kaycee to be evicted instead of her. Hayleigh grunts and Scottie ignores her. Rockstar talks about tyler freaking out about being on the block and saying him being on the block only lasted for three minutes.
  8. 7:19 BBT: rockstar, hayleigh, and Scottie laying in the hoh bed under the comforter. Hayleigh has painted his nails light pink and is alternating blowing on them and fanning them dry. Hayleigh says she she stopped watching bb19. Rockstar complains they campaign and win things but still can’t win things. [assuming she means winning hacker/hoh but still sending alliance members home each week]
  9. BBT 2:45 pm: Tyler in KT dipping Chex into peanut butter. Camera zooms in from above & he says, “this is a tough angle isn’t it?” Takes cereal box and peanut butter to BY



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