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Posts posted by HeleneL

  1. 8 hours ago, WOC said:

    I wish he had won!

    Me too.  As soon as Ross convinced him to throw the HOH with his phony I want my Mommy's letter story the end was very predictable.  I don't know why these people let their emotions rule the game.  Ross had already won an HOH and if Mom had been in such dire medical  state, BB would have let him know.

  2. OMG this is so painful to watch.  I detest Omarosa about as much as I detested Paul and now she's HOH.  I hope the Veto twist with America screws up her nominations.  I'm still undecided who I want to see win but for sure it's not Omarosa.  I'm glad some of them got to taste the slop lol although I would have liked to see some concrete beds added to the game and the wine allocation going dry.

  3. Well I certainly hope this is the first and last Celebrity BB.  Today's episode was total BS.  Where's the slop and the concrete beds?  They seem to have wine flowing all the time (or at least Brandi does).  And begging to leave because of breast milk depletion???  Why is she even there if her kid is starving!  I thought she'd say her baby was 3 or 4 months old but a year old?  Really?  This last comment will likely get me criticized but go ahead, I have thick skin.  And then the exit interview with Keshia/Rudy gushing about the BB experience...  She has no idea what the BB experience is and if she did she would never have signed up for 3 weeks, never mind 3 months.  Will be glad to see the real BB this summer and in the meantime BB Canada starts March 7 and I'm looking forward to that one.

  4. 19 hours ago, HeleneL said:


    Anyway, like I said earlier, I hope these people get the real BB experience.  I want to see slop and the worst accommodation for the have-nots.  They can't expect to hype the very first celebrity BB and not dish out what ordinary folk get for 3 months. 


    Wow I couldn't have been more wrong when I quoted the above if I go by yesterday's veto and eviction.  When in the world of BB have they ever served champagne during the Veto competition?  I guess we'll know soon enough if they keep the white gloves on for these so-called "celebrities".  Omarosa is showing her true colors early but got caught.  I thought the girl alliance would last maybe a week but already it's melting.

  5. Omarosa is an attention getter.  So far her only claim to fame was getting fired 3 times on Apprentice and now her short-lived stay at the White House and being escorted out had to make her giddy with pleasure since it was another attention grabber.  She signed up for BB as soon as she was out.   She is spilling little tidbits from the white house and will milk that to the fullest to keep the others interested and the target off her back.  Her tears were as fake as they come lol.  She is hard as nails and tears are not her style except to suit her needs.


    Anyway, like I said earlier, I hope these people get the real BB experience.  I want to see slop and the worst accommodation for the have-nots.  They can't expect to hype the very first celebrity BB and not dish out what ordinary folk get for 3 months. 

  6. 12 hours ago, WOC said:

    I'm calling bullshit already. What are the chances that Rudy would get the recast. I bet all of the bags had recast in them.

    lol I agree.  Well at least that's out of the way now.  I can't believe that already a big strong guy is crying about missing his family and wants to go home.  Why'd he sign up for it in the first place.  It's only 3 weeks, not 3 months.  I hope they're not treated with kid gloves either and that they have "real" have-not slop.  Can't wait to see Brandi chuck that down lol seeing as she seems to thrive on champagne.    I didn't see the tour and don't know if they have a have-not room.  Anyway should be an interesting 3 weeks.

  7. On ‎2018‎-‎02‎-‎07 at 10:26 PM, WOC said:

    I'm so happy it's back. I like the ppl so far, except that Beverly Hills Housewife woman. I've never watched any of those shows that she is in, she seems like a bitch. And I could have did without seeing Paul again, but maybe they got it out of the way and that was it for this season. I was a fan of Sugar Ray back in the day and Metta was a beast (can't stand the Lakers though). I like Liddell too. Those are my favs at the moment. I hope Omarosa spills on the White House. The rest of them I can't say I know much about but I'm looking forward to the next three weeks!


    Why didn't anyone carry their bag of clothes into the house? 

    Hey WOC, nice to see a familiar face here.  Don't know any of these people except Omarosa and "Rudy" aka Keshia lol.  Familiar faces are Ross and Marissa but I don't know them either; not sure where I saw Ross and never saw the movie Hairspray.  Ditto on the housewife Brandi; OMG she's going to be trouble I think.  Those shows have never been on my watch list.  I cringed when I saw Paul too and thought OH NO!! Please not again.  Omarosa is already spilling on the white house and CNN is watching closely lol.  They're already commenting on last night's show.  I think the house will keep her in long enough to see what she spills.  I can't believe she's already gunning for an all girl alliance.  She of all people should know from her stints on Apprentice that girls just do not get along long enough for it to last;  at least not on BB, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and just wait and see. 

  8. On ‎2017‎-‎09‎-‎27 at 12:38 PM, WOC said:


    Actually this should have read "mature enough NOT to continue..." but I posted without rereading. I was hoping to find a Survivor board (didn't see it) and I got the notice that I was quoted. Glad to see people can move on. LOL! Let me sum it all up... Goodbye!

    If you happen to come back, just to let you know Jessica and Cody are doing the next Amazing Race.  And this is the link to the Survivor board:  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/topic/114052-survivor-35-episode-recaps/&tab=comments#comment-885923


  9. 2 hours ago, Aldrich said:

    HeleneL,  Have had great discussions with you this season.  You are one of those many whose quick wit and lively informative posts contributed greatly to Morty's.  Hope to find you here next year and hope we all never see Spawn of Satan again, but fear that we will.


    Signing off now,  waiting anxiously for Survivor.  :) 

    Thank you and ditto.  Have had good fun on this board as well.  Especially liked the 3 W's humor (WOC, Watchers and Wicked).  Will consider watching King Paul again only if he is cast with high ranking BB vets.  He's an egomaniac but also a sucker for punishment and will definitely come back if invited.

    Looking forward to Survivor too.  I believe they have a similar forum for Survivor fans as well.  Might see you there.

  10. 16 hours ago, Aldrich said:



     I imagine Jason's comments will hurt Kevin very deeply.  I doubt very much that Kevin's wife will ever allow Jason into their home.  Nor should she.  

    True Pals! Kevin Schlehuber and Jason Dent from CBS Big Brother 19 with their wives! #family #truefriends #pals #bigbrother #bb19 #bb19jason #teamkevin #teamjason @hollylynnbeaversdent

    Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and hat
  11. 2 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Why is it that some HGs could be analyzed by posters, yet it is considered an attack if anything negative is posted about other hg?  So we can judge Josh for banging pans, but we can't judge Cody for saying riots are fun or for Jessica finger butt poking other hg?  

    Actually I don't judge anybody.  I'm just stating what I think of them. Far as I'm concerned these people will be forgotten by next week.  You can judge Cody and his riot trips all you want, I don't care.  As for Jessica, I don't hate her, she was more likable after Cody left, I didn't like the zebra striped braid she was wearing and if you noticed the daggers sticking out from the ends of her fingers I doubt she'll be doing any butt-poking any time soon.  But I don't care.  Just stating what I saw, what I experienced, what I thought and that's it.  

  12. 9 minutes ago, Roli said:


    I'm not buying your premise that he's immature.  You don't know that.  You only know what you saw him portray on a reality television show.  





    Edit:  I just want to add, an Ebay business can be very lucrative.  I don't think it's necessarily something to scoff at.  JMO


    Well if he isn't,  he sure acted the part of an immature brat very well.  I seriously doubt people can keep up pretenses for 90 days.  At some point true colors come out.

    As for Ebay I know it can be lucrative and I'm not scoffing at it.  I know people who make a good living at it.  I'm just saying it doesn't take a "Bill Gates" to do it. 

  13. 25 minutes ago, Roli said:


    Wow.  Lots of assumptions.  Did you watch the backyard interviews?  Or anything since then?  


    There's nothing wrong with taking a bit of his winnings and celebrating.  From the way he spoke, he is very receptive to good business advice from his father.  That says a lot.  I'm quite confident that Josh will do just fine.  I think some of you here would really love to see him fail, based on your comments here.  That's kinda sad.  

    Yes and yes.  I didn't say there was anything wrong with a celebration.  That's what he told Dr. Will he would do.  As for the rest it's what happens when a lot of people win large sums.  People come out of the woodwork for handouts.  Long lost cousins, friend of a friend etc.  I guess you didn't read my earlier post where I said his parents got him a financial advisor.  And that's a good thing because at his age he will be tempted to blow the money on stuff, his friends and not invest in his future.

    He's only 23 and also very immature.  So this is just MHO.  If I had won $500K at that age the last thing on my mind would be setting it aside to invest for the future.  You can't honestly think he's a wise independent thinker and business savvy when his "enterprise" consists of selling hair products on EBay.  

  14. 4 hours ago, WOC said:


    His parents know he's an idiot, they live with him. At least they're looking out for him. They also know America has seen his bullying ways so they're trying to show he's a really a good guy by helping hurricane victims.

    Oh I agree.  His parents know exactly what would happen if they didn't take charge.  He's extremely immature.  His first order of business after the show was taking everybody out on a drinking binge.  Of course he'll foot the bill. Then it might be dinner for all his friends and family when he gets home.  Then a cousin needs money to pay the rent and another needs a car and poof the money is gone in no time.  His winning was pure dumb luck occasioned by his immaturity.  Instead of making big moves inside the house he decided to tattle tale to evicted HGs about the goings on in the house which turned out to be a major advantage.  HGs were already furious and that last bit just fueled their intention not to let Paul win. 

  15. 1 hour ago, WhatADay said:

    Josh is the idiot that won 500K, and here is my prediction for the 500K:   probably 50K will go to his and mom/family bills right away.  At least another 25K will be splurged/wasted in the euphoria of the high from winning.   Josh will probably buy a 50 to 80K vehicle right away. (ego purchase- but long term waste of money).  Florida doesn't charge state income tax, so Josh won't have to pay state income tax, but he will have to pay federal income tax, and that will probably be around $115, 000 (on the 500K) unless he is smart enough to get some professional advice, which I am not sure he will be.  He may also buy a house,  and with that kind of money figure floating around in his head, he will probably buy more house than he can afford to keep up, and FL is high on insurance due to hurricanes.  He may or may not be aware of this and may or may not plan accordingly.   The most he should spend of the 385 (after taxes), should have a lot more to do with what he can count on for future income because taxes and insurance  on real estate are big and will continue to go up.  If he is smart, he will put at least 200K  (300K would be brilliant) of the money into long term investments like annuities, bonds,  and  blue chip stocks with good dividends and do that with someone with a solid gold reputation and a track record, who can give honest guidance about what companies to buy NOW.  I would advise him to start reading up on this type of stuff, and if he wants to have some fun, take about 10 or 15 K to 'play' with in the investing arena.  DO NOT TRUST people he doesn't know and now come at him with 'help'.  He is now a target.  I am rambling....   this money can  secure him for life, IF HE IS SMART, invests wisely, and keeps working.   He can't stop working, blow it on expensive vehicles, a big house, partying, and walk away a rich man.  500K just isn't that much money.  BTW, at his age, YEARS of collecting  dividends on blue chip stocks will make him very rich at age 50, 60.   Listening Josh?  PS, by the end of the show, I had decided Josh did have a heart, and I think he will get hit up for loans, etc.  He is going to have to manage that, and  it will be hard for him.  Another idea, get a money manager, once again..  a well known manager,  who charges a low percentage fee for managing and has a stellar solid gold reputation, so he can just tell people he can't make loans, and maybe  he will have money left in a year.

    I earlier thought along the same lines although not at the level of detail outlined here and stated in an earlier post I thought he would blow through the money in 6 months.  However, today in an interview with Julie Chen on The Talk he was asked what his plans were.  He said his parents had already obtained a financial advisor for him and some of the money will go to help those in need after the hurricane.  I assume the parents know their son and will ensure he doesn't waste the money on stuff.

  16. 2 hours ago, Tiger87 said:

    It was rigged to get Paul to the finals. They couldn't really control the votes. That would get out. Paul had to win the votes on his own.

    I don't think CBS cared one bit whether Paul won or not. They just wanted him to go far in the game. Their whole marketing and editing of the show depended upon it.

    Last night Dr. Will told Josh he was in the media room during the vote and the place erupted in cheers when the final vote was read.

  17. 1 hour ago, Kas67 said:

    I'm hoping so. This is one season I would like to see a reunion show in a month or so just to get these answers and to see if any of these HG's have stayed friends/couples. But they don't need anymore airtime. Especially Elena who's only reason to go on BB was to get "discovered".

    I would love to see a reunion too.  I just finished watching the 2-hour video of Dr. Will's backyard interviews when they're still all in the dark about what really happened behind the scenes, i.e. what was said and done.  Josh can't wait to watch a playback of the whole season and I'm sure the others will too.  They can't help themselves.

    BTW, Jessica scored a couple of episodes on the Bold and the Beautiful starting Oct 2.  Elena wants to travel Cali probably on her mom's dime since Mom is arriving today to meet her.  I think she may be planning on staying in the area.  Anyway those interviews were insightful but would love to see how they really feel in a month or so.

  18. 11 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:


    I just can't see Paul playing again.  What could he do differently?  He's lost 2 years in a row!  There is NO WAY another season would let him get so deep into the season now after making final 2 twice in 2 years.  No - he's done with BB...there's no way he can return now.

    Oh he will play again.  I guarantee it lol.  He will not sit still for this defeat to Josh the immature clown which is even worse than his defeat to Nicole.  He will absolutely want to come back and prove himself the best.  He can't help himself.  That's what egomaniacs do.

  19. 11 minutes ago, Roli said:




    I know I said he should spend it on his daughter, but Jessica seriously does need help with her hair.  I wonder how much good extensions cost.  

    She seemed to have switched to skunk-like or Cruella de Ville like extensions for tonight with the black/white stripes in her braid.



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