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Posts posted by HeleneL

  1. 1 hour ago, Lamasquerade said:

    That's right! Anyway her choices clearly show she is playing Paul's game and not her own. What happened to breaking up the couples? She should be reeling in the singles not evicting them. Another big talk, no action player. 


    She made deals with Elena on the wall which means keeping her and Mark safe and possibly also Raven and Matt so her hands are tied to break up couples.  It's too bad Paul is safe another week because she's probably the only one who would dare put him on the block.  So will be interesting to see what happens if Cody comes back in.  I hope his newfound respect for Paul doesn't extend to putting his butt on the block.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    All she said was they will be given a chance to stop the hg from entering the bb house. I barely caught it because I was trying to see if someone was peeing or not


    Lol.  I saw that too and the arch of the "stream" seemed more male than female since she was wearing pants.  I think it was excess water from sprinklers.

  3. 9 minutes ago, music19773 said:


    You could be right. Either way, I really liked the guy in the exit interview whereas I disliked the guy I watched on the feeds the first few days immensely. I hope if he manages to win his way back he will continue to be that 2nd guy. I'm not confident he'll get back after Julie said the HG could stop them from coming back. Ugh...


    I agree but I must have missed what Julie said about HG stopping them from coming back?  How's that work?

  4. Aside from Josh, Elena has to be the neediest, most insecure person in that house.  She constantly seeks reassurance from Mark about her looks, her clothes, her boobs and the lovesick puppy dog obliges her, stroking her all the time staring her in the eyes like he wants to eat her up.  Lol this is almost as bad as seeing Jessica and Cody groping and sucking face every hour of the day.  Hopefully that will end tonight if Cody leaves.  Wish more of them would get on with gameplay rather than foreplay.

  5. 14 hours ago, Slowpoke said:

    I'm just tired of PAUL..... period ! ! !


    Aren't most of us!  And BTW, I have to give you LFU's kudos for the work you do.  I can't imagine having to sit there transcribing Paul's friendship chats or his screaming rants.  Started reading one a couple days ago and noticed it went on and on and on... Couldn't stomach it.  The guy can't talk in a normal voice.  Thinks we're all deaf.  So, much applause going your way!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ziggy49 said:

    She fell down the stairs and hit her head and cut her toe, they had a doctor come in and she got 5 stiches, think she's milking it a bit, she should be walking around fine today 

    Not surprised since she's always walking around like a drama queen.  I saw the toe bandage and thought why does she have to be carried?  I walked around with stress fractures in my foot and didn't need to be carried lol.  I was retired, lived alone and had 2 Great Danes to walk every day so I pulled out the duct tape, wrapped my foot and went about my business.

  7. So far this one has left me lukewarm.  Have no idea what she's doing there other than trying to be the next great talk show host and reading her bible.  Haven't yet gotten to last night's talk show but I hope it's more interesting than the others I've seen and fast forwarded a lot of.  I doubt she will last long unless she manages to float under the radar and ends up in the finals.  So far I don't notice anyone seeing her as a threat.

  8. 1 minute ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Yep, never saw man or child do that. If your reaction was anything like mine I kept thinking this will be the last time he does it and boom, he did it again and again and again. He disgusts me.  I hope he and his little leech get kicked out soon. 

    Lol yes.  I thought WTH, is he ever going to stop?  Why didn't he just get more if it was that delicious.  Just watching last night's BBAD now trying to find out what happened to Raven's toe.  Matt carried her to the bathroom.  So another one out of commission?  Why not give her crutches too.  Is he going to have to carry her everywhere?

  9. 32 minutes ago, Ziggy49 said:

    Not a chance, and their relationship won't last outside the house. She's too material, and he can't afford to get his truck fixed. 


    If you listen to him tell her about himself you can tell they didnt know each other. 

    I agree.  The other night on BBAD she told him that once the show is over: "you know that this is over".  Which I took to mean their relationship inside the house.  Way too high maintenance for him.

  10. 15 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    No Matt thread?  Anyway having to watch some of these people eat is the worst part of this show. On BBAD the other night he was sticking his finger in the bowl, scraping it and then eating off his fingers. Did it 8 times at least. Something seriously wrong with him for the way he eats and the amount of time he puts up with the leech attached to him

    Saw that!  Absolutely disgusting... What is he, 5?  I wonder if they forget they're on display 24/7.  Smacking while chewing also grates my nerves.  Mark is almost, if not just, as bad with the noisy chewing.

  11. I've always had the greatest contempt for Paul beginning last season for the way he treated Victor who trusted him implicitly.  He managed to screw him over time and time again - so much for his so-called "friendship" garbage.  Having said that I'm not surprised that he is sicking his followers on Ramses who is only trying to protect himself.  He's too much of a coward to do his own dirty work.  BTW have you seen the Candy Crush game show that premiered this evening.  Paul was a contestant paired with Da'Vonne lol.  The other pair was Caleb and Frankie Grande.  Neither of them won lol.  Anyway seeing Paul's behind hit the door will be my greatest pleasure.  Can't come soon enough.

  12. Aldrich, This was by no means a reflection on Americans.  OMG if you have ever watched BBCan some are much worse than what I see here lol.  I believe they think it makes them sound more important if they drop the f-bomb.


    Just a correction where I said Matt is lovesick.  I meant Mark.

  13. Every year I find some stuff that really irks me as I'm sure you do too, so here are some of mine this year.


    Paul:  Loud motor-mouth; can't stand him petting and grooming his beard; looks like he has a live pet monkey hanging from his ears.  Walks around like "King Leer" (sp. and pun intended) over his kingdom, dispelling his big brother knowledge and wisdom because he is a "Veteran" of the game.  Yeah right!!!

    X-Mas:  Liked her at first but if she's aligning with Paul she's in my "S" list

    Kevin:  What is wrong with this guy's pants?  can't he keep them on.  And what's with this wanting to pay for stuff for everybody?  Won't get him the prize lol.

    Josh:  Pillsbury dough boy or Baby Huey as someone else called him.  Thinks he's making big moves by telling people they can't discuss what he is planning lol.

    Raven:  Like her but her bubbliness and sweetness won't get her anywhere.  Hope she's not relying on that.

    Dominique:  How can she sit there reading her bible with all the MF's and F bombs going on all around her lol.

    Jason:  Only has 2 of those Whistle sweaters!  wears them all the time.  Does he ever wash them?  

    Ramses:  Evesdropper extraordinaire!!

    Matt:  Can you be anymore lovesick with the touchy-feely  on Elena?

    Feeding:  Can't stand to watch them at the trough!!  Nor can I stand them brushing their teeth lol 

    In general:  Can these people string more than 3 words without the F-bomb or the "Likes" and even double "Likes" in their sentences?  When watching BBAD it gets to the point you can't even concentrate on what they're saying because F and MF and "likes" are too frequent and distract from the conversation lol.


    OK I'm in Canada and people joke that we're overly polite, BUT I can deal with all the crap and BS going on but the word "like" at every 2-3 words accompanied with F and MF bombs just distracts me. ROFL  Actually it drives me up the wall.

  14. Hello, I just registered.  Been watching BB for years and reading this forum just as long.  I love reading your comments but just now I felt compelled to join in all because I almost tossed my cookies when I saw Paul was back in the game.  And now he's HOH??  OMG, my screen got splattered with soda when I read that.  Just a few notes about me.  I'm a retired Grandma, and love to watch BB and Survivor, the only 2 reality shows that interest me.  I'm also addicted to Hay Day.  Look forward to continue reading your comments but now I know I can put my 2 cents in when I feel an itch to do so.



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