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Posts posted by HeleneL

  1. 7 hours ago, WOC said:

    I lied, I have more to say after watching last night's episode, I think Bay overreacted. JC wasn't calling anybody anything.This is much ado about nothing. 




    ITA.  Why I didn't comment until after I'd seen last night's episode.

  2. I don't get into race issues much because they are not as prevalent here in Canada. However,  I can understand JC's point about explaining how the N word Is just as offensive to her as the M word is to him.  Imagine he's got more strikes against him than she has.  He's just a small statured person, he's also gay and his accent is difficult to understand what he says at times.  She is Black, period.  So she goes off all offended about it while he's still trying to explain to her what he was trying to convey.  She should get off her high horse and LISTEN. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Starsinnight said:

    :glare:Tyler is now on the Total Knock Out TKO Kevin Hart game show airing right after Big Brother - it’s weird, how’s he on both? Everything online says it was aired before BB, it just makes me like him less. Like he’s just after the fame, and he used to be my favorite. Seems like they all are this season. 

    So what!  Paul was on the Candy Crush show just before his second crack at BB.  Some people just like to try to earn some $$ with game shows.  Who cares.  Not my gig but it's entertainment.  Jess and Cody didn't win BB but won TAR.


  4. 9 minutes ago, WOC said:


    Can you image how Swagless would have acted with the HOH power! 

    I can see Swagless donning the HOH bathrobe and wearing it 24/7.  Something a bit like Paul did parading around with the bathrobe so nobody forgets he's HOH.  I almost can see him asking people to wash his feet like he's a famous Caesar or something.  :wacko: 

  5. Was wondering too why she would be trending when she's no more interesting than anyone else.  If production had anything to do with her getting the power I sure wish they'd keep their fickle fingers out of the house.  There was so much obvious intrusion from them when Paul was in the house, especially when Cody and Jess were in there, it would be nice if they just let things progress as it was in the past.

  6. 9 hours ago, pfeifchris77 said:

    You must have her confused with someone else because she isn’t a constant crier. You mean whiny Kaitlyn. 

    You're right about the crying part.  It was one particular time when in robot mode talking to Tyler.  Heck she even made him cry lol.  But I stand by the voice comment.

  7. So far he's creeping up the top of my list.  Nobody else up there right now lol.  OMG this group is making it very difficult to choose a favorite. They are all so incredibly ignorant.  Is it just me or am I just getting old.  Hell I am old but really, this bunch leaves me speechless.  How old am I?  Well I'll be 70 in about 3 months!!  Now that's old lol.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Kspen said:

    Now trending- So like Swagless was like evicted with a vote of like 8-4.  Scottie like surprised everyone by like flipping his vote to evict Swagless instead of like Winston.  Swagless, in true like Swaglessness didn't like hug Haleigh goodbye because he like thought she was the one who like flipped her vote. Swagless like tossed a few like Swagless C t-shirts to audience members. How like narcissistic is this kid? So glad he's like gone!!  It will be like interesting to see like what Scottie does as the new like HOH.

    :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::clap:OMG this was so hilarious.  Thanks for the laugh.  Off to bed now it's almost 1 a.m. here and was just checking in.  Can't agree more with this post.  Glad to see this one out the door and NOT in jury.  Throwing out the shirts to the audience like a rock star.... really?  He probably spent all his hard earned dollars getting these shirts in anticipation of winning the whole show.  What was he thinking???

  9. 18 hours ago, LSUFAN said:

    ... and for God’s sake quit letting that wench pop his pimples (yuck, yuck, yuck). 

    • Is this a mandatory past-time for the houseguests?  Is it on some kind of to-do list given out by producers?  OMG they all seem to gravitate to that in almost every BB I've seen.  Brings to mind animals picking lice off each other in the jungle.  I understand they're bored but couldn't they find something else to do (like braiding hair)?  So disgusting, especially if you happen to see it when you're eating!   :disgust:
  10. On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 2:45 AM, Tammy49 said:

    I am so tired of hearing that everyones issue with him is racism! It has NOTHING to do with his skin color!!!! It has everything to do with him feeling entitled, as well as his arrogance, his cockyness, and his ego!! On top of all those wonderful (NOT) traits, he then wants to curse America by saying "F You America" cause he didn't win the power app!! He needs to come down off that pedistal he is on and stop acting like everyone is beneath him, but to realize that they are his equals!! 

    Totally agree.  Nothing to do with his color at all.  Plenty of white guys had the same kind of "I am king" kind of attitude.  He needs to be brought down a notch. Oh and don't let the door hit your backside when you leave!!

  11. On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 5:23 PM, graceomalley said:

    oh my gosh!!! - you are right!!!!!  shhhhh!!!! - but could you imagine if P and S were houseguests in the house - at the same time- nightmares I tell you!!!!!

    :bash:  don't even think that.  Double - triple heave

  12. 18 hours ago, graceomalley said:

    I'm not on facebook so I'm here - love this place!!  I'm happy with this group so far - mostly because Paul is nowhere to be seen -

    Shhh!  Don't jinx it.  We don't need a Paul when we have a "Swagless".  Even a cameo appearance would make me heave.

  13. 4 hours ago, MadMarty said:

    A week into BB20 and only a handful of posts?  What happened to everyone?  Life has been busy for the past couple years, but this place is like a ghost town!!


    BTW, not really getting into BB this year.  The usual bunch of losers!!

    Absolutely!  Not really impressed with this bunch either and already have too many on the dislike list to form any opinion, much less have a favorite or two.  Hope it livens up!  Pretty ho hum so far.


  14. 21 hours ago, snancypants said:

    he needs to clean up his mind. Last night running around with the ice cream scoop telling the girls to open their vagina's and it will feel good is totally inappropriate.  CBS needs to chat with him  about the ME TOO MOVEMENT and what he is doing. jmo

    I agree.  I think his stature pushes him to be outrageous and an exhibitionist.  He thinks it will make him famous and/or memorable.  I won't miss him when he's gone.

  15. 17 hours ago, Tammy49 said:

    This dude and his ego needs to be booted out!!! It was enough listening to him blab about how he's running the game, oh and how he blew Angela out of that comp when she clearly lasted as long as him (not like she fell off as soon as the comp started) but now to hear him tonight so sure of hisself that he was the most trending house guest and only to find out he wasn't :clap:, then to say, "America, you got it wrong, what were you thinking? It's alright though, your BOY :furious3:ain't mad, just get it right next week"!!!   OMG, what an arrogant swagless A$$!!! Him and his arrogant ego needs to be evicted now, before his ego gets to big and can't fit through the door (probably to late for that and they will have to remove him through the backyard)!!! Sorry for such a long post but, just haven't seen such arrogance before. 

    ROFL!!!  :clap: Great post.  Now  tell us what you really think...

  16. AMEN to this Celebrity BB.   They were all gaga about the experience but they have no idea what the real BB experience is lol.  They had it really mild.

    I followed results of TAR halfway and then didn't really notice when my PVR wasn't taping episodes. Last I'd seen was Cody and Jessica were lagging behind.  

    I'm surprised they won but glad they did.  Just looking forward to watching BB Canada starting March 7th.



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