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Posts posted by HeleneL

  1. On 8/18/2020 at 1:48 AM, CrazyBBFan said:

    Every year in the big brother house someone talks themselves into being evicted.  Congratulations David, you win the award this year. It was an unspoken alliance that Day, Bay, and David would stick together.  After telling this information to Nicole A, she used it to campaign against him to Day.  All he had to do was keep his mouth shut because Nicole A did not play the safety suite this week.  Day and Bay have to vote him out to save their game.  

    There's always someone in every season that can't help him/herself and has to go divulge some other group's secrets to someone else.  The conversation always starts: "Don't tell anyone or this is just between you and me and blah blah blah..."  They think it helps them but it always comes back to bite them.

  2. On 8/13/2020 at 11:09 PM, WOC said:

    This statement really means nothing. I wish someone would break out of the herd mentality and be honest. Maybe, I'm glad to vote to evict _____ because it means I'm still here! At least Enzo (sp?) just gave it to 'em straight.. I vote to evict Keesha!


    Lol, I agree, they're happy to be evicting and they get to stay one more week and they're not sad at all.

  3. On 7/30/2020 at 2:02 PM, WOC said:

    In particular Paul and that big gay meatball Josh! I was so excited one minute only to feel sick to my stomach the next. 


    Hey WOC, nice to see you here again safe and healthy.  Like you I cringed when I thought these two were coming back.  I was prepared not to watch.  Seems like a fairly good group this year.  I hope that Sunday's glitch doesn't repeat itself too often.  I record the episodes, I don't watch in real time but Sunday CBS started 8 minutes late and of course I missed the nomination ceremony.  Guess I'll have to read on to see the results.

  4. Well I guess now Jackson aka Snackson can buy his very own watermelon patch.  I said before and still think this was one of the worst and most boring seasons I've ever watched.  Here's hoping they do a better job choosing players next year.

    Wishing everyone has a great end of year, Happy Holidays and hope to see you again next summer with a better crop of players.  Even though I was disappointed with this season it was fun to participate here and read all of your comments. 

    Now I'm looking forward to the Canada BB which will start next March.  Comps are much different, there are no luxuries or games or gym equipment.  Players have to entertain themselves.  Have nots are very real and there is no cheating.  Hope you find a route to tune in.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Keepittogether said:

    Hey WOC, nice to see you.  Every year there is something annoying going on with a particular season.  But this has been in my opinion by FAR the worst season in BB.  Just uninteresting, lame people.  For several weeks I couldn’t watch BB, due to the CBS strike.  Once it was resolved, I tried to watch and just found the show boring.  I have several unwatched episodes sitting in my DVR and just have no interest.  I’ve come back to Mortys to check on the progression of the game, but that’s about it.  I’m sure I’ll come back next year to see if they improved the casting.  But that’s about it.  What a disappointment.  I hope the producers make some changes.  This show used to be so entertaining.  Now it’s just lame.


    Exactly how I feel.  I just DVR and fast forward through the week's episodes on last day or Fridays.  As much as I detested Paul at least it was entertaining enough to come back and see what happened next when he was in there.  This year has been "oh hum" to say the least.  Not very savvy people playing in this one.  I go to Morty's too and since I know the outcome I can just fast forward parts that are boring when I watch lol.  I do hope next year improves or I'm ditching it.

  6. This guy was delusional if he thought he'd sway watermelon man into picking him over the girl who's been servicing melon guy's needs for all these weeks.  And Holly is just as stupid to agree to throw the next to last HOH comp.  OMG they are there to win 1/2 a million bucks and you throw a comp?  Whatever, at this point I don't care who wins as long as it's not Michie aka Snackson.  I really did not like that he was betraying Nicole with the deals he made.

  7. 6 hours ago, WOC said:

    I stopped watching a couple of weeks ago. Checked in here a few times to see what was happening, but really lost interest. Expect the expected. I think Jackson should win, he's the only one left that actually has been playing to win. He's no worse than other winners of the past and everyone left in the house has broken the rules this season. It's just hard to watch these boring people make the same predictable moves, over and over. There is talk every season about how BB could make the show better by changing how they select players. Different age groups or cultural diversity is usually singled out, but now I think they should stop picking "superfans". Go with an entire cast of people who have never watched the show. The mega alliances have ruined the show as well as people who think they have it figured out and already know how it needs to be done. Get some greenhorns in there. At least this is my opinion. It doesn't mean crap though because BB will continue to beat his dead horse for all she's worth.


    I agree with everything you said.  Hey WOC I noticed and  knew exactly why you were absent from this board.  This is the first year I don't even want to comment on the happenings, no incentive to participate really. I really hope they fix this or I'm through watching.  I'm certain they'll lose a lot more viewers and ratings will plummet.  Wakeup call!!

  8. On 9/14/2019 at 10:59 PM, Kspen said:

    Mean girl gets a coattail ride to the final 3.  I can't watch her and Jackson play off their plan.  They said Nicole and Cliff played dirty so they will too.  Another example of how UNextraordinary she is and mean.


    I think there's a chance she might get eliminated in the final 3 comps.  She's not brightest bulb in the pack and not sure if Jackson can stay focused enough to win the days comp.  We'll just have to see.

  9. I've come to detest this guy about as much as I detested Paul.  His robotic monotone in the DR drives me nuts.  I fast forward so I don't have to listen lol.  And of course the watermelon binges are over the top.   In fact the whole season this year has been a real disappointment.  I used to look forward to watching the episodes.  Now I record them from Sunday to Thursday and watch all 3 episodes on Friday.  Can't wait to see the end of this one and hope production come to their senses next season with the acceptance of the new HGs.  Otherwise I think they will lose a lot of viewers.

  10. 6 hours ago, BBLurkerPlus said:


    Yeah, it was even worse on the live feeds. It felt like a domestic abuse situation where he was emotionally abusing her over and over but she kept coming back, like an abused woman often does. Went on for 6 hours or so. Very painful and maddening to watch, and CBS BB production should be SERIOUSLY REVIEWED after this season for keeping a mentally ill (in this case abusive) houseguest in the house for the second season in a row, when Sam last year and Snackson this year obviously needed treatment outside the house.

    This can't be compared to what abused women suffer.  They keep coming back because they fear harm to themselves and their children if they try to leave (which is usually the case and the most dangerous time and they end up dead).  She is on camera and free to disassociate herself from him any time she wants.  I also blame production for not taking action on this.

    I stated how disgusting I felt watching them eat but OMG I so sympathize with you all having to watch it all go down lol.  I only have to see it on regular programming.  But you all do an excellent job.  I can get a feel for the live feeds without having to watch.  Thanks to all of you.

  11. On 9/1/2019 at 3:21 PM, BBLurkerPlus said:

    You're saying this after he mercilessly dragged Beth literally just last night for HOURS (from about 10-11 onward) over one small thing she said in the heat of frustration (that was true)?  He made her cry over and over, and then went out and held court with the others at the hammock, cracking jokes and being entertaining while eating watermelon, then when he was done went back upstairs and picked right back up making her cry even more. At points she was crying so loud in the HoH that Christie said she heard it doing dishes in the kitchen. It didn't end until almost 3am (with a blueberry powerbar in bed). He's a total POS and after last night, likely sociopath -last night demonstrated it clearly.  I was shocked BB showed almost all of it. It was PAINFUL and he just kept at it.


    I don't have live feeds so can't judge for myself but from what you say, I don't have an ounce of sympathy for this woman.  I don't recall seeing that she is chained to that bed, yet she sticks around when he comes back for another round of abuse?  She does have another bed elsewhere in the house doesn't she?  Is she so needy that she lets this guy abuse her so often.  Doesn't she realize he's using her for only one purpose and that's his self gratification.  Until a few weeks ago she didn't even know he existed; he was a total stranger; yet she lets him treat her like sh!t according to what you witnessed.  She must know this show is filmed 24/7 and millions can watch everything that goes on.


    I generally dislike watching people eat but in this case I'm totally disgusted at having to watch this jerk shovel food in his mouth non-stop (Snackson is an excellent name for him) along with having to watch Christie chew her food and talk at the same time.  Mealtimes are parts I could do without watching with most houseguests who strolled through BB house.  My dogs have better manners.

  12. 18 hours ago, WOC said:

    I used to like her, but she's so flaky and unreliable. I don't know if there is anybody left for me to like in the house.


    I agree, and for some reason these people can't keep their mouths shut.  She gets a deal for another six group with Cliff and she goes off to tell Jessica because "poor" Jessica had been left out.  Jessica promptly goes off to tell Kat and then Kat confronts Cliff about it.  Is she for real?  She's flakier then Nicole has become.  What is Cliff supposed to say when he's on the block:  "Oh no!!  you should offer this deal to Kat and I'll go to the jury house".  Really?  SMH 



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