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Posts posted by mayzee

  1. OK, now that all of the HGs allegedly know or have talked about Liz being a twin how are they gonna handle the elephant in the room????

    . It seems to me that Liz/Julia are getting a lot of advice from Vanessa, Shelli, Clay & Austin on what to do and how to behave. With half the HGs knowing the twist and helping the twins, and the other half not wanting to believe it, or trying to prove it, the next few weeks should be entertaining.

    Good Luck to Liz & Julia, I hope they make it to week 5.

  2. I'm glad that Jason & Meg won the BOB comp. He now has a 2-0 record for BOB comps. He's managed to save himself twice and didn't have to depend on a veto win. Since Jason is such a fan of the show I'm glad that he's getting the opportunity to experience all aspects of the game. I've been enjoying his participation in BB17. Some don't like his personality, and I get that, but at least he has one. I'm glad that he's safe for another week.

  3. The BOB  is such a stupid waste of time.  Rather than actually competing, the two HOH's just collude and you have people volunteering to go up, because the stakes aren't as high.  It is something that looks good on paper, but just doesn't work.  At best you have one person who actually cares about winning.  Just get rid of it.


    And I really miss the days when they sat at the round table and pulled out the keys.  I loved watching the looks on people's faces as keys were drawn and the slow realization that you are going to be nominated or the snark face knowing it is going to be you. 




    Fail fail fail

    Agree 100% and I also miss the days of the round table too.

  4. I hope that Vanessa's plan to backdoor Jeff is successful because there are so many moving parts and everything has to fall into place correctly. I generally don't like the backdoor option because when the replacement nominee is the HOH's target, they don't have a fair chance to save themselves by playing for veto. However, in Jeff's situation I'm OK with it.

    I like Vanessa and I want to see her go far into the game but I'm a bit concerned for her because she's in so many alliances and has promised safety to so many HGs. I don't want her to damage her game by trying to carry Austin, Steve & the twins.

  5. I realize that the HOH pong game didn't really require a specific skill set, and is largely a crapshhoot, but I really enjoyed the fact that the only score that Clay beat was Meg, who only scored a 1. I don't count the HGs who couldn't even land one ball in the cups and ended up with a score of 0. I wonder what was going through Shelli's head when Clay scored a 6. LOL!

  6. Austin will listen to Vanessa. He knows she is a lot better at the game and reading people then he is.

    I want Austin to nominate Jeff straight up because Jeff has been making little digs about not trusting Austin to a lot of the HGs behind his back. I wanna see some drama from the big dogs in the BB house. James, Jason, John & Steve have all won some comps.

  7. Clay is a stereotypical "Dumb Jock" I mean come on dude asking John to not use the Veto on himself will likely send off a huge red flag to John who should now understand how important he is to their alliance ... they are willing to risk losing him.

    I was really impressed that John was able to keep a straight face during that conversation.

  8. I'm rooting for her - good game play and I love that she teamed up with Steve - just wish that she would stay clear of Shelli-Clay -

    I just hope that she is 'playing' Shelli & Clay and not really trusting them 100%. I wonder what Vanessa would do if and/or when Austin wins HOH and puts up Steve?

  9. I get the impression that Clay doesn''t really want to win an HOH but would rather try to manipulate the HOH into doing what he wants. I still can't believe that after talking John into throwing the BOB comp that he had the nerve to ask John not to use the veto that John had just won.

  10. I am fully Team Vanessa now.  Her talk last night with Julia was AMAZING!!  Brilliant!!  Inspired!!!  If she can pull this off, I see her going to the end.  I really do.  A little luck with HOH wins and she will be good to go!!!

    OK, I don't have the feeds, but I did get an update from Joker's about the one-on-one that Julia/Liz had with Vanessa. And their plan to align with the twins seems viable. I just wish that Vanessa hadn't imediately shared with Clay & Shelli. I don't trust Shelli or Clay to remain loyal for 3 weeks.

    For the plan to work, Austin, Liz, Clay or Vanessa have to win the next 3 HOH comps and successfully target 3 HGs for eviction.

  11. John's goofy laugh bugs me, but only a little bit. I really enjoyed how he was able to keep a 'straight face' when Clay & Shelli asked him not to use the veto that he just won for himself. That was priceless for me + his DR session about it.

    I just wanna see how he handles an HOH win. Will he work his own plan, or will he allow the other men in the house take control of his HOH????



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