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Posts posted by mayzee

  1. I'm understanding why Liz voted against the people that are "protecting" her and Julia?

    Since Julia confided in Vanessa about the twin twist, I kinda get the feeling that Liz wasn't totally on board, but she had no choice but to go along with the plan. Julia seems to be easier to manipulate than Liz.

    Austin & Vanessa only seem interested in helping the twins because it strengthens their alliance. To me, it seems they only want to use the twins for votes because that's mostly what they talk about. They don't seem to value the twins as 2 separate people. I think that Liz picked up on this vibe and doesn't like it, but Julia feels safe with the so-called "protection".

    It can't be easy for 2people to pretend to be one person.

  2. I really doubted they would do that either but last night I heard Austin saying that he thinks James really threw the HOH. Wow that is a first.

    Austin is so full of himself from last week's HOH, and now that Liz has won HOH he is only going to get worse. He's starting to believe that all of his speculations about the other HGs are true and all of his theories are correct because he is sooooo smart.

    Clay & Austin are safe from eviction this week because their "showmance women" won the 2 HOH's. I can't wait for the power shift to happen because I'm sick of Clay & Austin. I hope the BB Takeover dilutes some of the power of their alliance.

    I must say that I was mildly entertained by all the wild speculation going on in the HOH room last night.

  3. Clay is perfectly comfortable with Shelli in control because he is a mama's boy and apparently likes a take-charge woman. He cannot coast forever, and eventually he's gonna have to get in the game and play. He's lucky that the other HGs don't see Shay as a power couple, and that's mainly because he hasn't won any comps.

  4. I just wonder who told Austin that it was a good idea to appropriate one of Rachel's catch phrases in his Goodbye message to Jeff?

    "Nobody comes between me & my twins" accompanied by a lame finger snap.

    Is this how he's gonna grow his wrestling fan base???? Really Austin????

  5. Gameplay wise it's not smart to assert her independence right now when she is so close to having her twin entering the game. She better hope her group don't find out she voted to keep Jeff (which they are questioning who voted for Jeff) because that could be seen as betrayal after they are working hard to protect the twins so Julia can enter the game.and if that happens the whole house could target Liz before Julia can play the game.

    The Six Sense Alliance (Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Clay, Shelli & Audrey?) is too busy speculating about Becky & Meg to suspect Liz of betrayal.

    The Freaks & Geeks Alliance (Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Julia & Steve) will won't figure it out because Steve & Liz will point the finger at others because they are too intimidated by Vanessa to fess up.

  6. Every time Vanessa asks Liz if she likes Austin she says I doooooooooooooooo I don't know. I love to hang out with him I like him.... I don't knooooooooooooooow. I guess I could be attracted to him but I don't usually like guys with long hair and beards. But I do like him. 


    She is just so confused.

    I don't know about Liz because she is definitely sending mixed signals. She said she likes nerdy guys with glasses and has been flirting with Steve & John a little bit. At this point I think that she just wants to have some fun in the BB house. Liz & Austin have talked about their personal lives and she's aware that he has a GF back home. How can she reject his showmance and still be friends? Or even in an alliance together? Liz is concerned about her image & how she's being portrayed. She's talked about the Christine/Cody situation from last year.

    Last year, Caleb's infatuation with Amber caused her early eviction. I feel sad for the female HGs in these situations because it can't be easy to live n the BB house with a man who can't handle being rejected.

  7. I think that Liz voted to evict James as a way to assert her independence from Austin & Vanessa. I just think that she was tired of them telling her what to do, say and think.

    If I have my twin facts correct, Julia is the more passive one and she doesn't really like James. Julia didn't really like Jeff and said she was not attracted to him because of his "Dad Body". Julia was creeped out by Austin's affections. Julia was so scared & stressed that she confided in Vanessa and fessed up about the twin twist.

    Liz is the outgoing twin who flirted with Jace, Jeff, Steve & John. Liz is friendly with Austin but doesn't want a showmance with him. Austin is quite smitten with Liz and does not appear to have gotten the message that Liz is not interested in him. Liz told Vanessa the reasons why she didn't want a showmance with Austin. ( Liz may have been hoping that Vanessa would convey this to Austin and he would back off. But it seems like Vanessa is encouraging Austin instead of letting him down easy.)

  8. Steve has a video on You Tube where he talks to the camera about how he's playing the game and what's on his mind. I'd like to see more of that since the other HGs don't interact with him much.

    I really hope that his vote to evict James doesn't have any negative blowback to his game. I wonder why he did it? I hope he talks to John about it.

    Initially, I thought that Steve pairing up with Vanessa was gonna be good for his game. But now I'm not so sure because Vanessa is all over the place and she has too many people within her alliance who throw Steve's name around.

  9. Vanessa needs to stop obsessing over the 2 extra votes, but she is like a pit bull and won't let it go. She wants to blame someone outside her alliance for lying to her, But the truth is that the 2 extra votes for Jeff to stay came from within her own alliance. Steve & Liz will never admit to Vanessa that it was them because they are afraid of her. It really doesn't matter because Jeff was still evicted.

  10. good call


    :animated_bouncy:austin and this judas character that he is so trying to make happen


    needs to go away :animated_bouncy:

    Thanks. That's why I like James as a HG this season. He has an upbeat attitude and keeps it moving.

    Austin is just totally ridic at this point, he's turning into another "Caleb" from last year. I like the twins, and I just hope that Austin, the lovesick puppy doesn't mess up their game.

  11. I think that casting the HGs for Big Brother is one of the problems the producers are having with the show. In the past seasons, the cast was generally diverse enough that most of the fans had a HG to root for or against. This season, not so much diversity, but at least most of the HGs are fans of the show and are familiar with how to play the game.

    Longtime fans of the show keep coming year after year because they are entertained by the drama, fights, plots, plans, schemes,etc. of the HGs. For me, personally, I enjoy the concept of the game. Being cut off from the outside world and confined in a house with total strangers competing to win the $500K. I don't need all the extra whistles & bells to be entertained, I love the human interaction.

    The "last Laugh" takeover by Kathy G. would have worked much better if it had occurred later in the season when the cancellation of 3 votes would have had an impact on the game. The way it was carried out was a big FAIL because the timing was off.

    Fake drama is not entertaining - it just looks desperate. However, I'll continue watching and just hope it gets better.

  12. I just hope her conversation with Audrey and hoping to maybe work later on with Audrey and Jason is nothing more then her making Audrey feel comfortable ... That would be terrible

    Vanessa wanting to form some kinda "queer alliance" doesn't make any sense. But it got me wondering if there is a bi-sexual in the BB house??

    BB producers would try to capitalize on the LGBT full house.

    Jason will never trust Audrey or work with her because Audrey went "rogue" during the first week in the house and destroyed their alliance. Vanessa is so busy supporting Audrey that she can't (or won't) see Audrey's manipulations for what they are. However, if Vanessa found herself on the block sitting next to Audrey I think she will see things differently.

  13. 1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....

    2.Who do you feel is a lock for F6 at this point ?

    3.Who do you want to be hoh this week?


    Prediction: James will make a joke during his last word plea.

    F6 lock: John, Steve, Liz, Audrey, Jason & Meg.

    Next HOH's: Anybody who would nominate Audrey, Shelli, Clay and Austin.



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