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Posts posted by mayzee

  1. Well it looks like Jeff is going home this week because he can't muster enough votes to stay in the house. I think that Jackie & John are the only HGs that are voting to evict James. Audrey will probably throw in a vote to cause some trouble and try to blame another HG (yawn).

    I hope that Meg wins one of the HOH's so she could nominate Shelli & Audrey. I want either James, Jason, or Becky to win the other HOH and nominate Clay & Austin.

    No pawns this next week because I wanna see a legit Battle of the Block with the nominated HGs actually competing with each other to stay in the game. I don't really care which team wins the BOB.

    If the veto is used on one of the nominees, I'd like to see either Liz or Vanessa as the replacement nominee. I really wanna see the strength of all of the numerous alliances tested. I wanna see some real BB game drama.

  2. Just to keep it interesting, I'd like to see Audrey win the HOH, with either John, or Steve. Shellie & Vanessa will go into overdrive attempting to manipulate and/or influence Audrey's nominations. I can see some drama between these women over who saved Audrey, and who she owes her loyalty to.

    I can also see some drama with Clay & Austin over control of Steve or John's HOH nominations.

  3. I long for the epic competitions (HOH or Veto) that go on for hours and hours. The endurance comps really test the HGs mental strength & toughness. I don't recall the specific season, but I do remember a comp with the HGs in side a large glass box that went on for several hours.

    I would also like to see the HGs come up with some different tactics and or strategies to play the game. Copying a previous BB winner's strategy does not always workout because the dynamics of each season is different.

    IMO what makes Big Brother entertaining are the diverse and unique personalities of the HG's. Some of my favorite HG are players who did not win the game. Janelle, Kaysar, Danielle R., Howie, Renny, Jessie, and Jerry, and last Ronnie the rat.

    Dr. Will, Dan G, Evil Dick, and Derrick each won the game using their own unique strategy, and for the most part it was entertaining to watch them play.

  4. I like him and I find him entertaining.  I also like the fact that he's willing to take the heat for his decisions!

    ITA 100%. He told Jace to his face that it's not personal, it's the game. But Jace didn't get it and took it personally. In the game of Big Brother most times it's the HGs that you are not aligned with who nominate and/or target you. When it gets down to the wire, you then must turn on your own alliance in order to stay in the game.

    As the saying goes..."Don't hate the player - hate the game". I don't think that Jace fully understood the game of BB.

  5. The "showmance" with Shelli is boring and I probably would have liked him more if he had paired up with Meg or Becky. Shelli refers to her relationship with Clay as a "flirtmance" whatever that means. I think they are both just using each other to advance their game. Shelli is using clay as a protector and Clay is using Shelli for her brains in the game. I just don't see any real feelings between them.

  6. I like them and hope they make it to play together.

    I hope they get to play together. and I'm looking forward to the drama that's coming. I don't really think that Vanessa & Shelli have thought about the twins impact on the game if they succeed and make it past week 5.

    Will the twins stay loyal to them because they saved them? Or will they break away and align with other HGs? I see a big fight between Shelli & Vanessa over the twins. Right now Shelli & Vanessa are only looking at another vote in their alliance. I see the twins being unshakeable in their total trust in each other. They could be viewed as a powerful duo. Liz & Julia trust each other 100%, but the same cannot be said about any of the other HGs.

  7. I go back and forth wondering why Austin is there.  At first I figured he had to be a recruit and just there to fill a spot (I think I remember one of the producers being a former wrestler or wrestling fan) or promote his wresting career or just pick up some easy change working out for the summer.


    He seems to really like and (sort of) understand the BB game because he can relate incidents from lots of random past BB seasons but he still confuses me as to why he came to play!  One minute his head is 100% in the game and the next he acts clueless as to what is going on and as if he does not really care.

    I know what you mean about Austin and I have kinda mixed emotions about him too. In one of his pre-show interviews he said no showmance for him because he has a GF at home. However, his behavior with Liz clearly shows he has some feelings invested in that relationship.

    Or, maybe he's still hurt by Jace's eviction in week 1, and doesn't know where he fits into this group. Austin & Jace hit it off instantly and maybe he thought they were gonna have fun & party like frat boys for the summer. Now his "bromance" is over and he seems kinds lost. Austin needs to get it together or he's not even gonna make it to the jury.

  8. For sure Jeff is the most threat to Vanessa, Liz, Clay, Shelli and Austin's game. He has got to go.

    Audrey is not threat to any of their games.

    I believe that Jeff is more of a threat to Austin's game than Vanessa's game. And since Vanessa teamed up with Austin early on in the game, I understand why Jeff is the target. Vanessa is using Austin as her meat shield". Jeff was the one who was dropping little digs among the HGs about not trusting Austin.

    I kinda feel sorry for Jeff, but he did it to himself trying to play all factions in the house.

    I think that Vanessa needs to get off her high horse about lying because the game she's playing is Big Brother, and everybody lies to stay in the game.

  9. Becky seems to be waiting for another HG to approach her with an alliance instead of actively seeking one herself. She was complaining that nobody will talk "game" with her. Becky needs to wake up and realize that if nobody will talk game with you - their plotting against you. This is BB after all.

    Becky is working real hard in keeping the BB house clean, but she's gonna have to do more than being a maid.

    She has the eyes of Hillary Swank and the smile of Julia Roberts - very pretty.

  10. I'm not so sure about Vanessa.  I don't understand the love for Audrey.  I don't understand why she thinks there is a separate side. I think the HOH has gone to her head.

    (In the BB updates) Vanessa said that as a gay woman she would be embarrassed to nominate a transgender without evidence. Apparently she has either forgotten or forgiven Audrey for throwing her under the bus re: the girls alliance that Audrey claimed Vanessa started back in week one.

  11. Johnny Mac is growing on me. But he really needs to start aligning with people and not be the pawn de jour for the HOH. He has saved himself twice now, but one of these days his luck is going to run out. While I understand he has no choice if the HOH nominates him, so I get him acting cool about it for his game play, he has to see that the other houseguests see him as disposable. If he gets off the block great, but if he doesn't no harm or foul if he gets voted out. I wish he would be more aggressive in finding an alliance so he doesn't end up the disposable hg.

    So far, John has managed to save himself, but I also fear that he has set himself to be an 'easy pawn'. If he does it again I think he's gonna be toast because I don't believe that the other HGs would want to align with him knowing his record of throwing BOB comps.

  12. If Vanessa sticks with the plan to name Jeff as the replacement nominee Jeff is in a tough situation. And it's largely due to him running his mouth and trying to play all the factions in the house. It was bound to catch up with him because in the BB house everybody talks to each other about each other,

    I seriously doubt that Jeff is really that tight with James because last week he was BBFs with Clay & Shelli. Now that Vanessa, the current HOH has blown up on Jeff, I don't know if nybody left in the house who would vote out James in order to keep Jeff in the game.

  13. There's something about Austin that really sets off red flags for me. Before the season started, when we first saw the interviews, he was my favorite. But listening to him laying in bed with Liz/Julia and talk about being jealous/hurt when the oter twin slept with James last night, and complaining about how he thinks Jeff doesn't treat her right.. something about him gives me this really slimy feeling.

    He did kinda freak out and get extremely possessive about Liz for what he perceived as her "sleeping with the enemy". But now that Julia is in the house now he seems OK. I just hope he doesn't lose his cool and have an ugly confrontation with Liz when the twins make another switch. Austin's reaction to Liz's behavior was over the top.

  14. I stand slightly corrected. According to Vanessa, Liz is concerned about her image since Austin has a girlfriend back home. It seems that Austin may be a little hurt & pissy this morning because last night Liz partied with the other HGs and did not sleep with him in the HOH bedroom. He's concerned that he may be doing too much trying to protect her game at his expense.

  15. Now that Vanessa has pulled Steve into their alliance (Vanessa, Austin & the twins and possibly Clay & Shelli) I don't think that Steve is going to be comfortable and I hope that he realizes that he is the low man on the totem pole. Austin doesn't really like him and is only going along now because of Vanessa.

    I can sorta understand why Steve is trying to lay low now because at first he as giving off an "Ian vibe" and that's threatening to some of the HGs, I think he just needs to be more social with the others and not act so scared and nervous all the time.



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