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Posts posted by mayzee

  1. My biggest issues isn't with the format, but it could be a side effect of the BoB.

    I am tired of all the back dooring. It's nuts. Be up front. You want someone out? put them up, give them a chance. I get the strategy, but it's weak

    The last BOB was an actual battle where both teams were trying to win. finally!

    I can understand the backdoor strategy when the HOH is dealing with a HG who is an actual threat in the game. Or if a specific HG is winning all the comps. I feel that all the HGs should be given a chance to save themselves from eviction by either winning BOB, Veto or votes.

  2. The unaligned HGs, (Becky, John, Jason, James Jackie, Meg and to some extent Steve) think that if they are not "officially" in an alliance with each other that they are safe. However, the trios (Clay, Shelli, Audrey & Vanessa, Austin & Liz/Julia) are playing the game as if the others are in fact, aligned against them.

    The unaligned seem to be content to make it to the jury, and hang out and party. I am so disappointed in them because I wanted them to play a better game, especially James, John & Becky. I want them to play the game as competitors on BB, not a bunch of friends hanging out for the summer.

  3. I think that Vanessa let the power go to her head when she was HOH. Since she won the veto it's only gotten worse.

    Vanessa's relationship with Audrey has been very complicated to say the least. She thought that by saving Audrey, she would have a loyal ally. She made excuses for Audrey's bad behavior and envisioned herself as the BB Human Rights Activist and an LGBT champion.

    Then Audrey threw Vanessa under the bus by planting seeds of doubt with Shelli. I honestly believe that Vanessa was truly hurt by Audrey's betrayal because it was only a few days ago that Vanessa wanted to help Audrey repair her image with the other HGs. Vanessa didn't like the so-called "mob mentality" that was coming after Audrey for no reason with no evidence.

    Now it appears that Vanessa is leading the mob that's coming for Audrey by using the veto as her pitchfork.

  4. I'm hoping that the other HGs were not really buying what Vanessa, Clay & Shelli were selling regarding the 6 person alliance. I think that nobody wants to be put up as the replacement nominee, so it's best to go along to get along for now.

    My fear for James is that he's listening to Meg too much and not focusing on his game. When Meg said that she would rather go along with the 6 person alliance than work with Audrey, that's when I realized how naive Meg was about the BB game. I understand the logic of "if you can't beat em, join em" However in this situation you may last another week or two, but you'd be the lowest man on that totem pole, and the first to be sacrificed.

    It's pretty clear that James has a crush on Meg, but that girl is not good for his game. I wish that James would try to align with Steve instead of targeting him, I think they make an unlikely pairing and could go far into the game.

  5. I really hope that BB production doesn't create some twist that allows Audrey to stay in the BB house. If Vanessa does use the VETO, and Shelli does put up Audrey as the replacement nominee, just allow the HGs to vote with no interference from production.

    Audrey came into the game thinking she was some sort of BB mastermind. She thought that she could persuade the other HGs to do her dirty work and eliminate the HGs who were targeting her.

    Being a liar was not her downfall. Dr Will was one of the biggest liars in BB history, but Will was charming and he did form a true alliance with Mike Boogie. Derrick was another big lair, but he somehow managed to win the game without ever being nominated.

    Audrey never really formed an honest relationship with any of the HGs. She started throwing people under the bus in the first week. And after she survived the first week situation, she laid low for a while and somehow managed to gain Shelli & Vanessa as allies. Then she started trying to manipulate her allies into taking out her targets.

    I truly don't understand why Audrey is or was so paranoid. She had never been nominated and she had some powerful allies protecting her. If Audrey truly wanted to be the villain this season, I'd have some respect for her and her game, but she never owned it, and instead chose to cry, blame her medication and play innocent victim. Audrey was given a second chance to reset her game and she had powerful allies in Vanessa & Shelli, and she still blew it.

  6. I really wish that James would put on his thinking cap and figure out where he is in this game. I understand that some of the HGs don't want to believe anything that Audrey says, but this time she is telling the truth about the big alliance.

    I wish that James, John, Becky & Jackie would stop speculating and look at the big fact that Audrey, Clay, Shellie, Vanessa, Austin &Liz have never been nominated while other HGs have all been nominated.

  7. I really really really want John to think about how he is playing the game. Clay & Shelli are not his friends - they are his competitors. John was in a "secret" alliance with Jeff, Jackie, and who knows who else was in that group. But surely he now knows that Jeff was in many alliances and was not loyal to John.

    From John's DR statements, he seems to be aware that he's been playing Clay & Shelli's game. He's been nominated every week. (Twice by Shelli). He's been able to save himself by winning 2 POV's. But this week he did not win the Veto. I hope that by sitting in that nominee chair on Thursday helps John to focus on HIS game and try another strategy.

  8. Since Audrey has outted the Sleeper Cell Alliance ( Clay, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, Liz & Audrey) to the "other" side of the house, I think it's funny as hell that she now wants to mount a counter alliance to go after them, Did Audrey forget that she destroyed that 8 man alliance way back in week one??????

    I don't think that Audrey can smooth talk her way out of this one. Audrey played a messy game and it looks like she is getting set up for an eviction on Thursday.

  9. I hate to say this, but I don't think that Audrey is representing the transgender community very well. And if it's true that BB production cast her this season for the ratings, they could have picked someone more emotionally stable than her. Using Audrey as a role model is a big fail.

    I would imagine that most people don't know a lot of transgender people and they form their impressions from who & what they see in the media. Caitlyn Jenner and Lavern Cox seem like normal people, but Audrey is nuts on BB.

  10. I want Jackie to have a private conversation with Liz about why she was nominated.

    Since rumors abound in the BB house there are currently 2 versions of why Jackie was nominated. Allegedly, Austin told Jackie that she was the pawn, and James was the target. James was told by Shelli that he was the pawn, and Jackie was the target. Since neither Shelli nor Austin were the HOH I think that Jackie & James need to get the truth from Liz.

    Now that Jackie & James are safe for the week, they probably won't pursue it. But I long for some real drama. Julia is in the house now and she needs to know what her so-called "protectors" are doing for her game.

  11. A couple of times Audrey has used her "medication" as an excuse to explain some of her irrational and or erratic behavior. She said that it makes her "emotional", whatever that means. (That statement could potentially cause harm to Audrey' career outside the B house.)

    Personally, I think that Audrey is just not good at the game. She formed an alliance in the first week, then immediately proceeded to blow it up. She's told so many lies that she can't keep them straight and she, and she alone is responsible for the fact that nobody in the BB house can trust her. There is no "mob mentality" in the BB house coming after Audrey for no reason. Audrey has thrown all of her HGs under the bus and they all have valid & legit reasons to target her for eviction.

  12. For me it's basically who I can actually tolerate right now to even justify $5.99 a month to listen to this people who are 90% a note short of looney tunes!


    The conversations are bizarre:  "I told X, who told Y, that Z said to A that B was coming after me and therefore I don't know if I can trust M, so I told X to find out from Q what H said to him/her/them, but don't let anyone know because then R,S.T, L, N and E will be coming after me!!" 


    I really don't know how anyone can watch this season without the aid of alcohol!

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Your post gave me a much needed belly laugh, and I really needed it.

  13. I was laughing so hard because he was lying right to Vanessa's face and she has no clue. She and her thoughts have figured out it was Becky of course that voted for Jeff. These people Vanessa, Clay, Austin, and Audrey are all legends in their own minds and they have alot of help from these houseguests whom I wish would wake up and try to win something. That seems to be alot to ask. I am hoping Steve decides to play this game now and I hope that he and John can play together I think they would be fun to watch.

    I think that a few a these HGs think that they can play the game like Dan G or Derrick who won their seasons by playing low key. Both Dan & Derrick stressed that you don't have to win every comp initially. But you must win comps when your back is against the wall. They believe that winning comps early puts a target on your back and the other HGs will want you out because they cant win with you in the game.

    Dan & Derrick were also aligned with one other HG and they remained loyal throughout the game. In this season there are a few aligned pairs,but to me, they do not appear to be loyal.

    Steve aligned with Vanessa (SOS: Students of Sound) as a strong (and unlikely) pair. However, Vanessa is also a part of a larger alliance but the other HGs she's aligned with aren't 100% loyal to the group. Vanessa is trying to protect too many different HGs and that big alliance is gonna break up soon.

  14. I keep going back and forth with John and I really hate that he's comfortable with being Clay & Shelli's pawn. It seems to have worked out for him, so far because Clay & Shelli think that they can trust him.

    I do like that he was straight with Vanessa about not voting to evict Jeff. But then John told Shelli that Steve and Audrey approached him about an F2 deal. I thought that John & Steve were cool with each other. I don't understand why he outted Steve to Shelli???

    I want Jason to either win the POV, or get saved by another HG winning it and saving Jason. I want John to sitting in that nomination chair on Thursday night questioning his decisions t o be a willing pawn for somebody else's alliance.

  15. If either James, Jason, or John get evicted next week, there's a good chance that a strong girls' alliance has a chance to survive this season after all. It seems like the guys wanna hang back and let the women fight it out, but pretty soon they're going to be in the minority (males to females) and if the twins survive and Julia comes into the house that's one more woman.

    I am looking forward to some epic fights among the surviving women in the house. I can see Shelli & Vanessa having it out over control of the twins.

  16. Last night Liz mentioned that her target was Jackie, because Liz fears that Jackie would target her if she had won the HOH comp. This makes no sense to me because it makes more sense that IF Jackie had won the HOH comp. she would be coming after Vanessa first because she backdoored Jeff. The second HGs that Jackie would come after would be Shelli and/or Clay because they could have saved Jeff, but chose to evict him instead.

    I kinda think that Liz is trying to play Austin because she doesn't want him to showmance Jackie. I think that Liz is a bit jealous of Jackie and wants her out of the house so that Austin will continue to provide protection to the twins..

  17. I think that Vanessa is putting a huge target on her back with her obsession over what she perceives as "betrayal votes". Some of the HGs had already discussed her treatment of James this past week for something that happened in the first week and they didn't seem to think it was fair. If Vanessa continues to rant & rave about the "2 betrayal votes" it's not gonna end well for her. In a way, I kinda want Vanessa to know that it was Steve & Liz - just to see how she reacts. Will every fiber of her being just shrivel up & die, or will it explode in a rage??? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I think that it's kinda funny that Audrey tried to cause drama with her 2 votes against the house for the first 2 weeks , but no one bit. The one week she didn't cast a stray vote, but 2 other HGs did, is the week that the stray votes are causing trouble. I think that's a bit poetic for Audrey. LOL!



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