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Posts posted by gerberadaisy7

  1. I agree and it was done for ratings and the audience booing and laughing. I have been in the audience and that is NOT allowed. They also talk to you before you go in the audiance about your feelings and who you are rooting for and like and dislike. I think the audience was stacked.

    Thank you very much for the insight. I wouldn't know any of this, so it helps me to understand WTH just happened.

  2. No respect for Julie Chen. When you have a whole house of people that say disgusting things I don't think it was quite fair to Aaryn. And for Julie to reprimand Aaryn and say well Amanda tried to talk to you about your remarks.... WTH?

    It wasn't fair. She just endeared a large part of the US (and the world) towards Aaryn by pulling that stunt.


  3. That goes for a lot of young women now days. I think it is scary how pretty young women will do things like that to their faces and bodies. Do they plan on doing that stuff to their faces for the rest of their lives and what are the consequences of it over the years?

    OMG I know... It freaks me out. I guess we will see.

  4. Happy to participate in any conspiracy theory, but that competition which required alot of stamina was NOT geared to Amanda, you would have figured McCrae to do better, but he just talks about it. She seemed to have a pretty good game plan, just slow and steady, took breaks and kept on eye on the others scores. I thought GinaMarie really kicked some butt, but just didn't make it all the way back.

    I have certainly seen competitions that seem to favor some contestants, but not that one. It usually takes a pretty good athlete to win that one, especially with a number like 250....certainly not the unathletic, never worked out, smoking chimney that is Amanda.

    If anything it was fixed toward the Yogi, the only real athlete left in the house. And this is why I can't get behind the rigged conspiracy theories, although I do agree production has favourites. Still. What happens happens, biased or not, and keeps it fun at the end of the day.

  5. I don't like Elissa and I'm not defending her in any way but I thought the Zingbot zing was totally off. I don't think Elissa tries to imitate Rachel. Personality wise they are nothing alike (IMO) and the only thing she has done like Rachel is get into the BB house.

    Don't forget the duck lips and fake boobs. Zing!

  6. Agree. After watching, I don't think anyone can really say that comp was tailored for her. I'm kind of shocked that's the type of comp she won.

    Yep she was smart about it. Wonder if everyone on FB will keep saying it was rigged? :lol2:

    OK she looks like a raging loon in that bathrobe and party hat, but then that is not news.

  7. Or, an eminently more likely explanation would be that she puts mean-spirited jerks on her 'bad' list and the civilized mature adults on her 'good' list.

    Logically speaking, it would then follow that Elissa looks to draw closer to herself those that are civil, rational and mature... and distance herself from toxic folks. It's just human nature... we even do it on message forums throughout the web, by way of 'ignore' buttons. Ever wonder who might be at the top of the 'ignore button' heap on the various forums across the web?


    With all the injections in her face I would say she is likely the most toxic in the house. :nuke:

  8. I don't know what makes people transfer what people do and say on a "game show" to real life. I really wish people would stop it. I don't really care how disgusting, rude or shady people are on tv, I am not going to sign petitions or make phone calls to try and ruin their lives. Whether a person makes jokes about pedophilia, is a racist, bully's other HG or treats their pets badly, I view it as entertainment only . I don't get bent out of shape and call the person job, police or humane society. It is stupid. I don't consider people who do stuff like that to be very bright or sane. But, every year we get people who call peoples jobs, start letter writing campaigns to CBS, threaten boycotts of sponsor's products, it's crazy. A couple years ago it was reported that there were threats to Shelly's family for evicting Jeff. Whether it was true or not, I do not know, I do know that it was pages and pages of discussion of it here on Morty's. If anyone did threaten her family, they are crazy and needs to stop watching BB. People also called the Humane Society because of comments made by Kalia about the treatment of her dog.

    This is a game show. Most of the contestants are doing their best to get notice by a talent agent. I am quite sure they embellish things and at times flat out lies. Either way, as far as I am concerned, what they do in the house is between them, CBS, their family and friends and their employer. I don't have anything to do with it other than as entertainment. If I go to the business where they work after they get out of the house, and they treat me badly, then I will take action. Until then, they are just actors and no different than the WWF and Vince McMahon. If you are so emotionally caught up in this game that you have trouble distinguishing it from real life, you really need to step away and stop watching.

    This post! :notworthy:

  9. She wanted to be on TV like her sister. Everything she says and does is like a bad acting job and her sister was the same way. I know posters have said Amanda is self-absorbed and I will agree with that but so are the others and Elissa. How much more self-absorbed can you get then leaving your family for 3 months for a slight chance of winning some money that you say you don't need in the first place? You cry about leaving your son, blah blah blah, but you did it anyway by your own choice. It doesn't get more self-absorbed than that!

    This is the perfect summation of everything I can't stand about her. :notworthy:




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