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Posts posted by gerberadaisy7

  1. Good point! I'm not a fan of Amanda OR Elissa but when I commented that Elissa isnt completely innocent & on a personal level, she actually annoys me more than Amanda, another poster was appalled by my obvious lack of good sense & didnt mind pointing it out...more than once. Lol. I was told to "hate who I want" but I got the distinct impression that this person was truly bothered by my opinion. THEN another poster wrote an essay explaining (to the first poster) why anyone who shares my opinion is basically a scourge on society. Really???

    First & foremost, I don't HATE any BB hg - that's just ridiculous to me. I enjoy a snarky comment as much as the next guy & I enjoy this website but wow! Some people get pretty intense if you don't share their opinion! Peace Peace

    Yeah I saw that. Just wow.

  2. Well I for one will make comments based on my very own opinion in whoevers thread without answering baiting questions from ppl who have different opinions, to which they are entitled to, but are not entitled to egg others on or bait them, just sayin

    That is what you should do and I will do the same.

    If I want to comment on Elissa's ducklips, I should be free to do so without judgment or baiting comments. Just saying.

  3. OK - I am just going to say all the bad behavior should have been handled by production. Production wanted the bad behavior to happen or they would have rounded them up and talked to all of them and explained like Julie did that everything they say is heard by the Internet and they are being seen as racist. They should have done that off camera in the very beginning. CBS chose not to do that. Their ratings went up when the news started writing about the racists in the house. It is all about RATINGS. The fact that Julie blindsided Aaryn when she exited was for ratings. They let the audience laugh and boo. (never done in the history of Big Brother) I thought that was disgusting.

    If they had to bring it up like someone said they should have had a broad talk with them at the Finale as they were all guilty or complicit.

    I think CBS handled it very badly and made certain people the scapegoats for ratings.


    OK thank you! You said this so much better than I ever could. :notworthy:

  4. I'm sorry, but I find it hard to swallow that Julie Chen is willing to chalk Aaryn's bad behaviour up to youth, immaturity and ignorance. The girl is 22 years old. I know five year olds that have more common decency and know how to behave whether in public or in private. Making excuses of any kind for Aaryn's type of behaviour is unacceptable and allows Aaryn to continue to believe she has done nothing wrong.

    Well, since Aaryn's was the second worst behaviour behind Amanda's, let's hope that Julie also takes Amanda to task for it. I highly doubt that the terms youth, ignorance and immaturity will be applied there. Not that it should have applied to anyone displaying such vile behaviour. I know that Amanda's racial and homophobic rants were barely, if at all aired, but America and live-feeders, youtubers are all aware of it and it should no more go unanswered than Aaryn's was discussed.

    I don't see where I made excuses for Aaryn or anyone else. I was only questioning if the situation was handled appropriately and IMO it wasn't.

  5. Thank you Angie & Roli. It's just as bad to attack Elissa on her appearance on the boards as it is for Amanda to continually make crude comments about her. Elissa has never attacked Amanda on her appearance and hardly on anything other than her disgusting behaviour. The attacks on Elissa's family are totally out of line as well, but you can't tell anyone on these boards that since they have such a distaste for Elissa. I would never attack anyone's family on these boards. I comment only on the behaviours which I find totally out of line.

    Are you going to make the same type of post in Amanda (and other's) threads(s) where they are continually attacked on their appearance?

  6. CBS really decided to make a scape-goat out of Aaryn. I felt sorry for her. Julie Chen shouldn't be berating the house guests like that, considering she has never done it before and there have been far worse guests.

    If I was Aaryn, I wouldn't have put up with that crap. She should have asked Julie if she's berated all the previous guests, most of which were making similar jokes. I hope Aaryn doesn't give CBS any more ratings, and just shuts up and not bother saying anything in the finale. Just cast her vote silently, and leave. She can't compete with CBS's smear campaign, so there's no point in her saying anything from now on. They'd only use it against her, anyway.

    I bet if someone followed Julie Chen around with a microphone for 3 months, she's say some nasty stuff too, especially about people not in her social category.

    P.S. And yes, Jeff is a homophobe, but that's fine with CBS because he's liked by the ladies.

    This is an excellent summation of why it made me uncomfortable. It should have been addressed at the finale, with everyone being called to the mat for their ish, as CBS clearly felt the need to go there this time.

    And yes, very convenient how the BB stars junk is completely overlooked.

    I was thinking photoshopped on that ginamarie photo. Glad somebody else thought so. Not that they all aren't but that one was terminally photoshopped. Sokay.

    I honestly had no idea that was even her LMAO.

  7. Oh yes, they've lived their ENTIRE lives without on slur, never smirking at an off color joke, one angry thought.

    Pure Pure Pure.

    Oh gosh NEVER.

    Not a bad moment.

    Aaryn et. al. should be summarily destroyed. Total first on BB to see/hear inappropriate behaviour, expressions, slurs, etc. Good thing CBS is taking action!!

    Is this going to end up being another Candace thread that went on and on ... repeating the same stuff over and over.

    Some of us agree on how Aaryn's eviction talk went... and some of us don't.

    The girl said and did some hurtful things and will have to deal with the aftermath.

    Another couple of pages is OK... but, more would be overkill

    We've been there, done that (IMHO)

    I think it would be fair, racially, to leave this open as long as Candice's.

  8. Uncomfortable to watch, in my opinion. I also do not condone Aaryn's comments she made, but let us not forget she's only 22. If you follow most any 22 year old around with a microphone and cameras for two months, you're bound to get some unflattering commentary. Hopefully she learns her lesson after this is all said and done.

    That being said, it's over. CBS demonized her weeks ago, and the "bad" person is finally out. Everyone pop their bubbly. No matter that she won four HoHs or anything. Her gameplay isn't important -- she may have hurt someone's feelings!

    Can't wait for the next Hantz family member to pop up on my television screen. CBS CARES!


  9. Lol. They are both making idiots of themselves.

    I don't hate either one of them but honestly, if I was in that house with Elissa, I would have to self evict. Ha ha! She actually annoys me more than her freak sister.

    After watching a few seasons of BB, I finally came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely that I would ever be able to actually like any hg enough to want them to win. Last year though, I was pleasantly surprised and actually rooted for Ian! This year, I'm back to a state of apathy concerning the winner...as long as it isnt Aaryn (check) or the phony, annoying, superficial, self-righteous fembot who can't imagine why anyone would dislike her. I don't know that I really would want Amanda to win either but I wouldn't mind it for the sole purpose of (yet again) "confusing" her highness. Lol

    She annoys me more than Rachel too, which is pretty incredible. I think it is because Rachel didn't think her ish didn't stink. She was just a sore loser and bad winner. Elissa is all that with a snotty too good tude, while being a dirty hypocrite. Not that I want Rachel back, but I would rather watch the real deal than this thing.

  10. This is the first time I'm excited and actually regretting not getting the feeds. I cannot wait to see Amanda flip out when she realizes the entire house is against HER. They might all have to hide int he HoH room together... or maybe the producers can slip Amanda some Valium instead of her other meds.

    It definitely will be interesting to see her reaction when she realizes she has no power.

  11. NYROSE when I flashbacked to last night at 8:59, Amanda had been going on and on about getting rid of El to GM because she said that Elissa was getting stronger. Amanda was very demanding and annoying, as she always is. Then GM told her that she needed to go to bathroom and get something to drink. After Amanda left, GM looked at the camera to let us know that she was on to her. She made hand signals describing Amanda as crazy, and telling America that she was going on the block. I hope that GM doesn't let Amanda get in her head. I'm not crazy about GM, and I want forget what she said or how she treated Candace, but right now she is probably only 1 of 2 allies in the house that will not put El on the block.

    These HG misfits this year disgust me with how little they have played the game and treated other players. And it bothers me even more that Aaryn blames her actions on being from the south and the way she was raised. Well I'm from the south, and I am not racist or do I take pleasure in hurting others with verbal insults. If I was raised to be prejudice that does not give me an excuse to continue being that way. Sorry if I got off topic. I have just about had it with the way some of these HG treat other players. I was very disturbed when GM said hurtful things to Candice. But as I said, GM will hopefully get out one of the McCrands. Amanda, and her crew have taken this game way past a competition but more to a personal level.

    I think at this point Elissa is the biggest threat to win. Everyone in the jury house hates Amanda. GM would be wise to consider that.

  12. uhhh Julie Chen is Asian. Arynn is lucky she didn't say more. And Julie Chen is also a journalist/news reporter so she will ask the others if she gets a chance. Arynn and Amanda were doing on BBAD last night even and laughing about it. Arynn got everything she deserved.

    What does Julie deserve beyond a cheesy talk show and covering BB? Really, I want to know, what hard core war story has Julie Chen uncovered lately???

  13. I was pleasantly surprised that Julie called Aaryn out in the interview. She basically let her know how she is perceived outside the house. The audience was just laughing at her.

    Pre-jury, where you can go home to your family and friends, see what you did wrong etc... No problem. Telling someone you are a racist bitoch, everyone hates you, but we need your vote, not so much.



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